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  • The April 2024 Total Solar Eclipse: Rituals, Magick, & Manifestation During This Once-In-A-Lifetime Event.

    By Audra English On April 8th, North America will experience a total solar eclipse. Since we are in Austin, Texas, our coven is right in the path of 100% totality. To say that we are excited is quite an understatement. Us witches are known for using lunar cycles, astrology, and magick to manifest our goals and wishes. For anyone, being in the path of a total solar eclipse is a HUGE once-in-a-lifetime event. For witches however, this is the kind of stuff we dream and fantasize about. We know how absolutely powerful and rare this event is, so you better believe, we intend to use it to manifest everything on our wish list. Hopefully you’ll take note, because I’m going to give you some of the tools so you can do the same for yourself! To use an eclipse in your magick will help you grow personally and spiritually by harnessing the power and magick of the cosmos. This solar eclipse is also extra exciting because it happens to be in the sign of Aries which is ruled by Mars and points to rapid and intense manifestation. So take heed… this also means you can manifest the things you don’t want in a big way if you catch yourself thinking and dwelling on them at the present moment. For the love of all things holy, please make sure you are focusing on your dreams, desires, and goals right now!! Happy thoughts only for the next week! This energy is THAT serious. Right now, you have a powerful opportunity to manifest your deepest dreams. You can create life long changes and shifts to give yourself and your loved ones the life you’ve always hoped to live. Anything and everything is on the table when we harness the powerful energy of a total solar eclipse. This is why so many are both amazed and fear the power of such an event. Use the energy of the solar eclipse to help increase your vibration and increase your power of manifestation: Set Clear Intentions: Before the eclipse, spend time reflecting on what you truly desire. Write down your intentions or goals in a journal. Be as specific as possible, focusing on what you want to bring into your life. Eclipse Meditation: Meditate during the eclipse, focusing on your breath and the sensations within your body. Visualize your intentions as already fulfilled, feeling the emotions associated with achieving your dreams. Create a Vision Board: A vision board can be a powerful tool to visualize your goals. During the eclipse, assemble images, words, and items that represent your aspirations. Place it somewhere you will see daily. Ritual and Ceremony: Perform a simple ritual or ceremony by lighting a candle, perhaps in a color that corresponds to your intention (e.g., green for growth, red for passion). Recite your intentions aloud, and visualize them being carried into the universe. Nature Connection: Spend time in nature during the eclipse, grounding yourself. Feel your connection to the earth and the cosmos, acknowledging that you are part of a larger, interconnected universe. Release and Let Go: Write down habits, beliefs, or fears that no longer serve you on a piece of paper. Safely burn the paper during the eclipse as a symbolic release, making space for new growth. Eclipse Water: Place a container of water outside during the eclipse to charge it with the eclipse's energy. Use this water for rituals, watering plants, or as a symbolic drink to imbibe the eclipse's power. Crystal Charging: Place crystals or stones outside during the eclipse to charge them with its energy. Choose crystals that align with your intentions, such as citrine for abundance or amethyst for spiritual growth. Affirmations: Write or recite positive affirmations that align with your dreams and desires. Do this during the eclipse, focusing on the feelings of already having achieved your goals. Community Gathering: Join or organize a gathering with like-minded individuals to share intentions and perform group meditations or rituals. The collective energy can amplify your individual intentions. If you want to try your hand at some magick, here are a few spells you can try for yourself during the solar eclipse: Eclipse of Abundance Invocation Ingredients: A green candle (for prosperity) Gold coins or symbols of wealth Bay leaves (for success) Pen and paper Spell: On the eve of the eclipse, set your space with the green candle at the center, surrounded by the gold coins and bay leaves. Write your financial desires on the paper, focusing on abundance and prosperity. Light the candle, envisioning its flame igniting the flow of wealth into your life. Recite: "As the shadow passes, wealth flows in, abundant and free, prosperity begins." Leave the candle to burn safely down, carrying your intentions into the universe. Shadow to Light Self-Love Awakening Ingredients: A pink candle (for love) Rose quartz crystal (for self-compassion) Rose petals (for kindness) Spell: Arrange the rose petals in a circle, placing the pink candle and rose quartz at the center. Light the candle, reflecting on qualities you love about yourself and areas where you seek growth and forgiveness. Recite: "With this light, I see myself clear, I embrace my strengths, my love, my fear." Hold the rose quartz, feeling its energy of unconditional love filling you. Let the candle burn down, symbolizing the strengthening of self-love. Eclipse of Harmonious Restoration Health Spell Ingredients: A blue candle (for healing) Eucalyptus leaves (for purification) Clear quartz (for overall well-being) Spell: Surround the blue candle with eucalyptus leaves, placing the clear quartz in front. Light the candle, focusing on vitality, strength, and healing energies. Recite: "Health of body, mind, soul, unite, eclipse brings healing with its light." Visualize the candle's flame as a beacon of healing, radiating through you. Allow the candle to fully burn, anchoring health and well-being into your life. Solar Pathway to Fortune Luck Spell Ingredients: A gold or yellow candle (for luck) Clover leaves or horseshoe symbol (for traditional luck) Citrine crystal (for positive energy) Spell: Place the clover or horseshoe symbol next to the candle, with the citrine crystal close by. As you light the candle, focus on channels of luck opening in your life. Recite: "Fortune's wheel turns in my favor, blessings flow, my luck does not waver." Visualize each flame flicker as a spark of good luck and opportunity. Let the candle burn down, casting your spell for luck into the universe. Solar Beam of Euphoria Happiness Spell Ingredients: A white or silver candle (for happiness and joy) Sunflower petals (for positivity and light) Amethyst crystal (for inner peace and happiness) Spell: Arrange the sunflower petals around the candle, placing the amethyst crystal at its base. Light the candle, envisioning happiness and joy filling your life, amplified by the solar eclipse's energy. Recite: "As the eclipse transforms day to night, my heart opens to joy and light." Feel the warmth of the candle and the solar eclipse bringing waves of happiness and peace. Leave the candle to burn down completely, sealing the spell for happiness. Engage with these spells in a space of calm and focus, allowing the unique energies of the solar eclipse to amplify your intentions. Remember, the key to effective spellwork is belief, intention, and a deep connection with the energies you're invoking. No matter what you plan to do for yourself and others during this powerful solar eclipse, make sure you make lasting memories, have fun, and celebrate all the amazing celestial events that we are lucky enough to behold and cherish during this lifetime. Blessed Be, Audra

  • Wings of Destiny Butterfly Oracle Tablet Guide

    Owned, copyrighted, and created by Audra English. To get your own copy of these Oracle Tablets, just visit our Etsy store HERE and you can download, print, and start using your tablets immediately. Please do not copy or publish without Audra's permission. Feel free to share by link to this page only. These go with the Wings of Destiny Butterfly Oracle Tablets which can be purchased directly as a digital download which includes the full booklet, information guide and printable tablets. This key was created to help those who got a free tablet in their order or those who got a free oracle tablet reading from Audra in our Facebook group or social media pages. Please refer to the alphabetically ordered symbol key below to assist you in understanding your reading. However, feel free to trust your instincts and intuition in interpreting what your tabs reveal about your specific situation. Accept Love- In the delicate flutter of the butterfly's wings lies a profound message: open your heart to receive the love that surrounds you, including the boundless reservoir of self-love that awaits within. Embrace this moment as an invitation to allow love to permeate every fiber of your being. Understand that love, in its myriad forms, is a force that nurtures, heals, and transforms. Begin by extending compassion and kindness to yourself. Embrace self-love, honoring your worthiness and acknowledging the beauty within you. Embrace your flaws as facets of a beautiful mosaic that makes you uniquely you. Forgive yourself for past mistakes and embrace self-compassion. Nurture your spirit with self-care, acknowledging that you deserve love and tenderness from yourself. Beyond self-love, be open to receiving love from others. Release any barriers or fears that prevent love from entering your life. Allow yourself to trust, to connect, and to let others in. Embrace the support and care that surrounds you from friends, family, and the universe. Open your heart fully, like the wings of the butterfly unfolding to the warmth of the sun. Allow love to flow in and through you, radiating its gentle warmth in every aspect of your life. Remember, accepting love is not a sign of vulnerability but an expression of strength and authenticity. Embrace the transformative power of love, for it has the ability to uplift, heal, and illuminate your path. Embrace this journey towards deeper self-love and connection, for in love's embrace, you'll discover the true essence of your being. Allow It To Flow- As the butterfly graces your path, it brings forth a gentle reminder to release control and trust in the natural flow of the universe. Embrace the wisdom found in allowing life to unfold without resistance. Just as the butterfly surrenders to the currents of the wind, allow yourself to surrender to the divine flow of existence. Have faith, for the universe orchestrates a grand symphony of events and opportunities. Trust in the unseen forces guiding you towards your highest good. Surrender your worries and fears, knowing that the universe holds a greater plan, one that aligns perfectly with your soul's journey. Let go of the need to micromanage every aspect of your life. Instead, cultivate a sense of trust and openness. Allow circumstances to manifest naturally, free from the constraints of doubt or excessive control. Know that in surrendering, you create space for miracles to unfold. Embrace a mindset of abundance and acceptance. Be receptive to the signs and nudges from the universe. Flow with the currents of life, adapting to changes with grace and resilience. Trust that the universe has your back and is conspiring in your favor. As the butterfly effortlessly glides through the air, entrust yourself to the flow of life's journey. Embrace the unknown with curiosity and openness. Have faith that the universe's plans for you are more magnificent than you can imagine. Allow it to flow, and watch as the universe unfolds its wonders in perfect harmony. Anger Isn't The Answer- The butterfly arrives with a gentle yet powerful reminder: anger, though a fiery emotion, does not hold the solution. Instead, it serves as a tempest, clouding judgment and creating further discord. Embrace the wisdom found in maintaining a calm demeanor and a compassionate heart in the face of adversity. Recognize that while anger may momentarily seem justified, its flames can scorch the very ground on which resolutions may grow. Step back from the intensity of your emotions. Take a pause to let the storm within you settle. Allow yourself the gift of time—time to reflect, time to breathe, and time to regain perspective. Understand that a mind clouded by anger cannot discern clearly. Soften your heart, for it is in this softness that understanding and empathy bloom. When emotions simmer down and the heart finds peace, revisit the situation with a clear mind. Approach it not with the heat of anger but with the wisdom of a serene spirit. Seek understanding, not retaliation; seek resolution, not conflict. Remember, dear seeker, that forgiveness and compassion pave the path towards healing and resolution. Embrace a peaceful approach, understanding that serenity doesn't denote weakness but reflects strength and resilience. Let the butterfly's graceful flight remind you of the beauty found in tranquility. Choose the path of calmness and compassion, for therein lies the key to resolving conflicts and fostering harmony. Ask For Guidance- In moments of uncertainty or when seeking solutions, turn to the vast reservoir of wisdom that surrounds you. Embrace the power of seeking guidance from the universe, God, your guardian angels, spirit guides, or your own inner wisdom. Understand that you are not alone on this journey. The universe is a wellspring of wisdom, offering guidance and support to those who seek it. Take a moment to connect with the higher realms, whether through prayer, meditation, or quiet contemplation. Invite the guidance of the divine forces that surround you. Trust in the intuitive nudges, the synchronicities, and the signs that are presented to you. Be open and receptive, allowing the wisdom of the universe to illuminate your path. Acknowledge the presence of your spiritual guides, be they celestial beings or your inner voice. Consult them for clarity, comfort, and direction. Trust in the answers that arise, knowing that they are guiding you towards your highest good. Remember, dear seeker, that the universe speaks in whispers. Be attuned to the subtle messages that are conveyed through your inner knowing and through the signs that manifest in your life. Have faith that the guidance you seek is already within you, waiting to be recognized and embraced. Embrace the transformative power of seeking guidance. Allow the wisdom of the universe to gently steer you towards the answers and solutions you seek. Trust in this process, for in seeking guidance, you open yourself to a world of infinite possibilities and insights. Attracting Abundance- In the delicate flutter of the butterfly's wings lies a powerful message: you are a magnet for abundance—money, luck, and material blessings are drawn to your energy. Embrace this time with unwavering faith and focused intent, for the universe conspires to shower you with blessings. Understand the potency of your thoughts, emotions, and vibrations in shaping your reality. Your energy field resonates with abundance, attracting a wealth of blessings toward you. Maintain this alignment by nurturing positive thoughts and unwavering belief in your deservingness. Just as the butterfly gracefully flits from flower to flower, you too must remain focused on your energy. Refrain from wavering in your faith or allowing doubt to cloud your manifestations. Stay steadfast in your conviction that abundance flows effortlessly into your life. Open your heart wide to receive these blessings. Embrace gratitude for the abundance already present in your life, welcoming more with joyous anticipation. Trust that the universe is aligning circumstances and opportunities in perfect harmony with your desires. Remain centered in your belief, knowing that your intentions are being swiftly manifested. Be mindful of the opportunities that present themselves and be ready to seize them. Keep your thoughts positive, your heart open, and your actions aligned with the abundance you seek. Embrace the essence of the butterfly as a symbol of transformation and expansion. As it gracefully navigates through life, so too can you attract and manifest an abundance of blessings. Keep your energy focused, your faith unwavering, and watch as the universe magnificently responds to your vibrations, showering you with abundance beyond measure. Blessings Are Yours- The appearance of this butterfly tablet serves as a gentle affirmation: the blessings you've sought and the prayers you've whispered are being heard and answered by the universe. Embrace this moment with assurance, knowing that the blessings you seek are already making their way toward you. Understand that the universe operates in divine timing. Your heartfelt prayers have not gone unnoticed. Each intention and longing of your heart has been acknowledged, and the universe is aligning circumstances to fulfill them. Embrace a sense of gratitude and readiness to receive these blessings. Stay open to the signs and opportunities that manifest in your life, for they are the carriers of the blessings you seek. Trust that the universe responds to your earnest desires with grace and benevolence. This tablet is a reassurance that the gifts you've yearned for are either on their way or already present in your life. Stay attuned to the subtle whispers of the universe, guiding you toward the fulfillment of your dreams. Take solace in the certainty that the universe answers all sincere prayers. Your blessings are unfolding in their own perfect time. Embrace a mindset of gratitude and prepare your heart to receive the abundance that is rightfully yours. Creativity Brings Answers- This butterfly tablet emerges as a guiding beacon, urging you to harness the power of your creativity as a key to unlocking solutions for the questions or challenges that weigh upon your mind. Embrace the profound potential within your creative energy to illuminate paths and offer innovative solutions. Understand that creativity isn't limited to artistic endeavors alone; it's a force that resides within each one of us, waiting to be tapped into for problem-solving and innovation. Engage in activities that inspire you, whether it's painting, writing, music, or even brainstorming new ideas. Allow yourself the freedom to explore unconventional approaches and think outside the boundaries of routine. Your creativity holds the seeds of unexplored answers and novel perspectives. Trust in your imaginative powers to bring forth innovative solutions to your concerns. The butterfly's dance symbolizes the fluidity of creative thought, embracing change and adaptation. Let your creativity flow unhindered, free from self-imposed limitations or preconceived notions. Embrace experimentation and playfulness in your pursuit of solutions. Connect with your inner artist, letting intuition and imagination guide you. Engage in activities that nurture your creative spirit, as they hold the keys to unlocking the answers you seek. Trust that within your creative endeavors lie the solutions you've been searching for. Embrace this tablet as an invitation to tap into your innate creative energy. Let it be a reminder that by nurturing your creativity, you not only unlock answers but also open doors to a world of limitless possibilities. Daydreaming For Answers- This butterfly tablet arrives as a serene guide, suggesting that finding solutions to your queries or concerns lies within the realm of tranquil contemplation and daydreaming. Embrace the power of quiet reflection and gentle meditation as avenues to unlock the answers you seek. Understand that in the tranquil sanctuary of your mind, amidst daydreams and meditative states, clarity and insight often emerge. Allow yourself moments of peaceful reflection, free from the distractions of the outside world, to invite the answers to gently manifest. Quiet the bustling thoughts and invite stillness within. As the butterfly flutters gracefully, find a similar sense of graceful calmness within your mind. Let your thoughts drift and wander freely, allowing them to connect and form patterns that reveal hidden solutions. Engage in meditation practices or simply moments of undisturbed quietude. Create space for your mind to wander and explore. In these moments, the universe often whispers answers, nudging you toward the resolutions you seek. Embrace daydreaming not as an idle pursuit but as a conduit for inspiration and intuition. Trust in the wisdom that emerges when the mind is at ease. As you quiet your thoughts and allow the gentle flow of daydreams, be open to the subtle revelations and insights that gently surface. Allow this tablet to remind you of the potency of daydreaming and meditation in finding answers. Embrace these moments of peaceful contemplation, for within them lie the keys to unlocking the solutions that reside within your own depths. De-Clutter- This butterfly tablet alights upon your path as a gentle yet powerful reminder to embark on a journey of decluttering—both within yourself and in your external surroundings. Embrace the transformative power of clearing away what no longer serves your highest good. Start within—cleanse your thoughts and emotions. Release any lingering doubts, fears, or negative beliefs that hinder your growth. Embrace a mindset that fosters positivity and encourages your well-being. Let go of self-limiting thoughts and make space for self-love and empowerment. Look around your physical space—identify objects or possessions that no longer resonate with your present self. Simplify your surroundings by removing clutter, allowing energy to flow freely in your environment. Create a space that nurtures peace and harmony. Evaluate your relationships—let go of connections that drain your energy or no longer align with your growth and aspirations. Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you on your journey. Understand that decluttering is not just a physical act but an emotional and mental liberation. As the butterfly gracefully sheds its cocoon, embrace this transformative process. Embrace the lightness that comes with letting go and making space for new blessings to enter your life. Allow this tablet to serve as a catalyst for renewal and transformation. Embrace the cleansing process with an open heart and mind, for within the decluttering journey lies the opportunity to create a more harmonious and fulfilling existence. Demand Respect- This butterfly tablet arrives as a powerful reminder that your inherent dignity and self-respect are fundamental rights. Embrace the strength within you to stand up for yourself and demand the respect you deserve. Recognize that your needs and boundaries are crucial elements in achieving fulfillment. Understand that demanding respect isn't a sign of aggression but an assertion of your worthiness. Your dignity is non-negotiable and forms the cornerstone of healthy relationships and interactions. Uphold your boundaries firmly, for they safeguard your well-being. Advocate for yourself with confidence and assertiveness. Communicate your needs clearly and firmly, knowing that your voice carries value. Do not shy away from setting boundaries that honor your mental, emotional, and physical space. Remember that respecting yourself paves the way for others to respect you as well. Embrace a sense of empowerment and self-worth, for they are essential in ensuring your needs are met and your aspirations are pursued. Stand tall and firm in your convictions. Demand respect in all aspects of your life, for it is your birthright. As the butterfly elegantly asserts its presence, claim your space with grace and dignity. Let this tablet be a guiding light, reminding you to honor yourself and assert your worth. In doing so, you pave the way for a life where your needs are acknowledged, your boundaries respected, and your dignity upheld. Feed Your Soul- This butterfly tablet serves as a poignant reminder of the nourishment your soul receives daily. Just as a balanced diet supports a healthy body, a wholesome "soul diet" is imperative for your spiritual well-being. Take a moment to reevaluate what you feed your soul through information intake, social interactions, and the words you speak. Consider the information you consume—be mindful of the books, media, and news you expose yourself to. Nurture your soul with uplifting material that inspires hope, faith, and positivity. Embrace content that nourishes your spirit and encourages personal growth. Evaluate your interactions—surround yourself with individuals who radiate positivity, support, and encouragement. Engage in conversations that uplift and inspire, fostering an environment where your soul thrives in positivity and kindness. Be conscious of the words you speak—to yourself and others. Choose language that fosters optimism, compassion, and empowerment. Your words have the power to shape your reality and the energy that surrounds you. Take the time to curate a soul-nourishing environment. Choose a soul diet that fosters hope, faith, and positivity. Carefully select the ingredients that uplift and energize your spirit, ensuring that your soul remains healthy, happy, and vibrant. Allow this tablet to be a gentle nudge to assess your soul diet. Embrace habits that foster optimism and well-being, for a nourished soul is the foundation for a fulfilling and joyous existence. Find Your Happiness- This butterfly tablet emerges as a gentle guide, reminding you of the profound truth that happiness resides within your own choices and perceptions. Your happiness is a product of the thoughts you nurture and the perspectives you adopt. Embrace the responsibility of cultivating your own joy. Understand that happiness is an inner state, not contingent on external circumstances or the actions of others. Take ownership of your happiness, knowing that you hold the power to shape your reality. Seek out positivity and light in your thoughts, actions, and environment. Choose to focus on the bright side of life, seeking moments of joy and gratitude amidst challenges. Surround yourself with positivity—engage in activities that uplift your spirit, spend time with supportive people, and immerse yourself in things that bring you joy. Realize that you have the ability to feed your soul with the happiness it craves. Cultivate a mindset of optimism and resilience. Embrace gratitude for the blessings present in your life, no matter how small, and let them fuel your happiness. Remember, happiness is a journey, not a destination. Embrace the power within you to choose happiness each day. Seek out positivity, radiate light, and watch as your happiness blossoms from within. You hold the key to your own joy—feed your happiness and let it illuminate your life. Let this tablet be a constant reminder that your happiness is yours to nourish. Embrace the choice to seek joy, positivity, and light, for in doing so, you create a life that resonates with happiness and contentment. Find Your Purpose- This butterfly tablet emerges as a profound guide, urging you to embark on a journey within, seeking the deeper calling of your soul. Embrace the quest to uncover your purpose, exploring what fills your heart with fulfillment and brings meaning to your existence in this realm. Look inward and reflect upon what ignites a sense of passion within you. Explore activities, causes, or pursuits that resonate deeply with your soul. Consider what brings you joy, what stirs your curiosity, and what makes you feel most alive. Reflect on the contributions you wish to make to the world. Consider how you can leverage your unique strengths, talents, and experiences to create a positive impact. Identify ways in which you can align your aspirations with a higher purpose. Seek clarity by examining your values, beliefs, and aspirations. Contemplate what legacy you wish to leave behind and what accomplishments would make you feel proud and content while traversing this earthly existence. Remember that your purpose may evolve and unfold over time. Embrace the journey of self-discovery with patience and an open heart. Allow yourself the freedom to explore, learn, and grow as you unveil the path that resonates most deeply with your being. Let this tablet serve as a guiding light on your quest to find your purpose. Listen to the whispers of your soul and follow the call that resonates within you. Embrace the journey toward aligning your actions with your soul's deepest yearnings, for therein lies the fulfillment and happiness you seek. Free Your Anxiety- This butterfly tablet arrives as a guiding beacon, urging you to liberate yourself from the clutches of anxiety. Embrace the assurance that the worst-case scenarios your mind conjures will never come to fruition. Instead of fretting about tomorrow, anchor yourself in the present moment and live fully today. Understand that anxiety often thrives on the uncertainties of the future, painting vivid yet improbable scenarios. Release the grip of these worries by focusing on the here and now. Redirect your energy toward the present, savoring each moment as it unfolds. Challenge the validity of your anxious thoughts. Recognize that the exaggerated narratives created by anxiety seldom align with reality. Reframe your perspectives and embrace a more rational and grounded approach to uncertainties. Practice mindfulness and grounding techniques to anchor yourself in the present. Engage in activities that bring you joy, peace, and a sense of fulfillment. Cultivate gratitude for the blessings of today, allowing them to overshadow worries about tomorrow. Release the burdens of anxiety by acknowledging that living in constant fear of hypothetical futures robs you of the joy of the present. Embrace the wisdom of letting go—of worries, fears, and anxieties—allowing yourself to breathe freely and experience the beauty of the now. Let this tablet serve as a reminder that the best way to ease anxiety is to relinquish its hold. Embrace the gift of the present moment, for by living fully today, you empower yourself to face the future with resilience and serenity. Healing Energies- This butterfly tablet arrives as a bearer of tranquil energies, guiding you on a journey of inner and outer healing. Embrace the gentle whispers of peace and wellness that emanate from nature and the boundless Universe, inviting their soothing embrace. Turn to nature as a sanctuary for healing. Immerse yourself in its serene landscapes, whether it's the calming presence of trees, the rhythmic flow of water, or the gentle caress of the breeze. Allow nature's energies to rejuvenate your spirit, filling you with a sense of calm and balance. Connect with the vast expanse of the Universe, tapping into its healing energies. Embrace meditation, stargazing, or simply basking in the vastness of the cosmos. Allow the Universe's profound energy to permeate your being, nurturing your inner wellness. Revel in the restorative power of the elements—earth, water, air, and fire. Engage with them consciously, whether it's grounding yourself in the earth, cleansing in water, breathing deeply in fresh air, or embracing the warmth of the sun. Let these elements revitalize your body, mind, and soul. Embrace the subtle yet profound healing energies that surround you. Trust in the natural rhythm and flow of life, allowing these energies to dissolve stress, worries, and discomfort. Surrender to the peaceful vibrations that nature and the Universe offer, allowing them to heal you from the inside out. Let this tablet be a gentle reminder that within nature and the expansive Universe lies a sanctuary of healing and wellness. Embrace these healing energies, allowing their soothing touch to bring peace, harmony, and restoration to every aspect of your being. Incredible Work- This butterfly tablet arrives as a tribute to the significance of your efforts and contributions. Embrace the assurance that the time and dedication you invest in your work—be it providing for yourself or your family—is never in vain. Your endeavors are valuable, and your positive impact on the world through good deeds and positive energy is deeply appreciated. Recognize the worth of your contributions, no matter how big or small. Every effort, every task completed, every act of kindness woven into your work is a testament to your dedication and commitment. Understand that your work extends beyond mere productivity—it embodies the essence of your energy and intention. Your positive impact on the world, whether through your profession or daily deeds, resonates far and wide, enriching the lives of those around you. Embrace a sense of pride and satisfaction in the work you do. Your efforts, fueled by passion and positive energy, ripple out into the world, creating a brighter and more compassionate environment. Let this tablet serve as a reminder of the value and importance of your contributions. Embrace the incredible work you do, knowing that your efforts, fueled by positivity and goodwill, leave an indelible mark on the world. Your dedication is appreciated, and your positive influence is a gift to all. It's Yours- This butterfly tablet brings forth a powerful affirmation: the manifestations you've been diligently seeking already exist within the expansive tapestry of the universe and are rightfully yours at this very moment. Shift your perspective from a future event to experiencing your manifestations in the present for tangible results. Understand that the universe operates in abundance, and what you seek is already in existence, awaiting your alignment to manifest it into your reality. Embrace the belief that your desires are not distant dreams but tangible realities just waiting for you to claim them. Release the notion of these manifestations as far-off goals and start perceiving them as your present reality. Visualize, feel, and embody the abundance you seek. Align your thoughts, emotions, and actions with the certainty that what you desire is within your grasp. Adopt an attitude of gratitude and anticipation for what is already yours. Trust in the divine timing and the universe's ability to orchestrate events in your favor. Embrace the manifestations unfolding in real-time, witnessing the transformation of your desires into tangible outcomes. Embrace this tablet as a powerful reminder that the universe holds the treasures you seek, and they are not distant but within your reach. Shift your focus to the present, affirming that your manifestations are here and now. Embrace this mindset shift and witness the magic as your desires materialize before your eyes. Light At The End- This butterfly tablet emerges as a soothing embrace amidst the shadows, a gentle assurance that the trials and tribulations you've endured are nearing their end. Embrace the metamorphosis and growth you've undergone, for they pave the path toward your highest good. Understand that the pain and suffering you've weathered have not been in vain. They have shaped you, fostering a profound transformation within. Trust in the wisdom of this metamorphosis, for it prepares you for the brighter future that awaits. Know that the answers to the questions that linger in the depths of your soul are within reach. The clarity you seek, the why's and how's, are just around the corner, ready to illuminate your path forward. Embrace this impending revelation with an open heart. Embrace hope, for the journey you've traversed has imparted invaluable lessons. Your resilience and strength have guided you through the darkest of times, leading you toward the dawning light. The future ahead shines with promise and possibility. Let this tablet be a beacon of hope, guiding you toward the light at the end of the tunnel. Embrace the transformation and growth you've undergone, for they have prepared you for the brilliance that awaits. Keep faith in the brighter tomorrow that is just around the corner. Luck Is On Your Side- This butterfly tablet arrives as a harbinger of auspicious tidings, signifying that a stroke of good fortune is set to grace your life. Embrace the assurance that luck is on your side, ready to guide you toward a promising turn of events. Recognize that the cosmic forces are aligning in your favor, orchestrating serendipitous moments and favorable circumstances that will uplift and enrich your journey. Embrace this fortuitous phase as a time of blessings and positive transformations. Trust in the unseen energies that are working in harmony with your intentions and actions. Stay open to new opportunities that present themselves, for they are often the manifestations of the fortunate path laid out before you. This is a time to move forward with confidence and optimism. Embrace your intuition and follow its guidance, for it will lead you toward the avenues of success and fulfillment. Trust in the benevolence of the universe, knowing that your life is poised to take a remarkable and favorable turn. Let this tablet serve as a reminder to embrace the forthcoming blessings with gratitude and readiness. Prepare yourself to welcome the positive changes that are set to enrich your life. Luck is indeed on your side, guiding you toward a future brimming with promise and prosperity. Manifesting Quickly- As the delicate wings of the butterfly carry the essence of transformation and rapid manifestation, so too does this tablet foretell the swift arrival of your desires into reality. Your intentions are gaining momentum, aligning swiftly with the universal energies. Be mindful, for the speed of manifestation requires your focus and unwavering intention. Just as the butterfly flits from flower to flower with grace and precision, your thoughts and energy must maintain a similar steadfastness. Embrace this time with clarity and heightened awareness. Ensure your intentions are pure, aligned with your soul's purpose. Allow no room for doubt or conflicting vibrations to disrupt this swift flow. Your thoughts and emotions hold immense power—channel them wisely. Cultivate an unwavering belief in the abundance that is making its way towards you. The butterfly's dance reminds you of the ephemeral nature of life; seize this moment to manifest your dreams. Trust in the universe's timing and remain open to receiving these blessings. Stay centered, stay aligned, and witness as your desires materialize before your eyes in a beautiful flurry of manifestation. Manifesting Wealth- Fluttering into your life with the promise of abundance, the butterfly brings the message of imminent wealth heading your way. Be prepared, for the universe is aligning the energies of prosperity in your favor. But remember, the act of receiving requires an open heart and a willingness to embrace the gifts bestowed upon you. As the butterfly gracefully spreads its wings to explore the world, so too must you expand your capacity to receive. Release any limiting beliefs or fears that may hinder the flow of abundance into your life. Your heart is the gateway through which wealth enters—open it wide. Welcome these blessings with gratitude and joy. Prepare yourself not just to acquire, but to share the wealth that flows into your life. Generosity is a magnet for further abundance. Trust in the divine timing of this gift; it comes to you because you are deserving. Embrace the opportunities that come your way and allow yourself to bask in the richness of the universe's blessings. Remember, wealth extends beyond material possessions; it encompasses joy, love, health, and opportunities. Keep your heart receptive, your hands open, and your spirit grateful. The universe conspires to enrich your life—be ready to accept the abundance that awaits. Needing Balance- The butterfly gently lands in your life bearing the gentle yet compelling message of finding equilibrium within. It whispers of the necessity to restore harmony and balance to your being. Take heed, for your energies may be scattered, pulling you away from your center. Just as the butterfly effortlessly glides through the air, finding its balance amidst the currents, so too must you realign your energies. Take a moment to pause, breathe, and reconnect with your inner self. Assess where your focus has drifted and where your energy has become dispersed. Embrace practices that nurture your mind, body, and spirit—meditation, grounding exercises, or moments of solitude. Harmonize your thoughts, emotions, and actions. Reclaim your center, allowing yourself to flow gracefully through life's changes and challenges. Recognize that balance is not stagnant but a constant adjustment, like the delicate dance of the butterfly in flight. Embrace the beauty of this ongoing process. Let go of what disturbs your equilibrium and welcome what brings you closer to a sense of inner peace and stability. With mindful awareness and conscious effort, realign your energies. Embrace the ebb and flow of life's rhythms, finding serenity within. As you restore balance, watch how the world around you mirrors this new found harmony. Needs Are Fully Met- As the butterfly graces your path, it brings forth the reassuring message that the universe is weaving a tapestry of abundance and fulfillment for you. Your needs, dear seeker, are acknowledged and embraced by the vast cosmic forces. Trust in the divine flow, for all that you require is swiftly making its way towards you. The universe, like the nurturing garden that sustains the butterfly, holds everything you need for your journey. Surrender your worries and fears, knowing that you are supported and cared for. Have faith in the benevolence of the universe, as it orchestrates circumstances and synchronicities to meet your needs. Your resilience and strength are recognized. Embrace this time with gratitude, knowing that you are held in the gentle embrace of cosmic provision. Trust in the unfolding of events and remain open to receiving the blessings that are already on their way. Embrace a mindset of abundance and sufficiency. Focus on gratitude for what you have and anticipate with joy the fulfillment of your needs. Allow the universe's benevolence to envelop you, reassuring you that you will not only survive but thrive. Rest easy, dear soul, for the universe has heard your call, and in due time, your needs will be fully met. New Beginnings- In the tender embrace of change, the butterfly arrives as a reminder that within every ending lies the seed of a new beginning. Just as the butterfly undergoes the transformative journey of metamorphosis, so too are you experiencing a profound shift in your life. Embrace the wisdom found in the butterfly's metamorphosis—an end to the caterpillar’s journey signifies the emergence of something extraordinary. Similarly, your life is in a state of beautiful transition. The closure of one chapter heralds the dawn of a new and promising era. Like the butterfly shedding its cocoon, you're shedding the layers that no longer serve your highest good. Embrace this process of transformation, for it allows you to spread your wings and soar into the vast expanse of new possibilities. Trust in the divine timing of life's cycles. Embrace the uncertainty that comes with new beginnings, for it is within this uncertainty that growth and evolution reside. Have faith that this period of transition is steering you towards a brighter and more fulfilling path. With grace and courage, step forward into this new phase of your life. Embrace the freedom, the renewal, and the limitless potential that new beginnings offer. Just as the butterfly unfurls its wings to embark on a new journey, allow yourself to embrace the unfolding adventure that awaits. Only Accept Peace- As the butterfly gracefully alights upon your path, it carries a gentle yet compelling message: peace is not merely a distant aspiration, but an essential state of being that you must embrace. Amid life's whirlwinds and chaos, the flutter of the butterfly's wings reminds you that peace is within your grasp. Understand that peace isn't just a fleeting moment of tranquility; it's a profound state of harmony within yourself and with the world around you. Embrace the truth that peace is not only obtainable but also necessary for your well-being and growth. Release the burdens that weigh upon your heart and mind. Embrace forgiveness, both for others and for yourself. Let go of the tumultuous energies that disrupt your inner serenity. Cultivate practices that bring you peace—meditation, mindfulness, spending time in nature, or engaging in activities that nourish your soul. Peace is a choice, dear seeker. Choose it consciously in your thoughts, actions, and interactions. Surround yourself with positivity and harmony. Protect your inner peace fiercely, for it is the foundation upon which you build a fulfilling and joyful life. Open your heart to peace, invite it in, and allow its gentle waves to wash away stress and discord. As the butterfly dances freely, find that same freedom within the tranquility of your own being. Embrace peace as an integral part of your existence, for it holds the key to your truest happiness. Passion And Love- This butterfly tablet graces your path with the promise of an enchanting journey ahead, where the vibrant colors of love and passion are set to bloom. Embrace the anticipation of blossoming romance and a deeper connection as love's tender embrace awaits you. Prepare for the arrival of love's sweet embrace and the dance of passion on the horizon of your life. Open your heart to the delightful symphony of emotions and the stirring of romantic encounters. Feel the spark igniting within, setting your heart aglow with the warmth of affection and desire. Embrace the promise of shared moments, where hearts entwine in beautiful synchrony, pulsating with hope, longing, and joy. Allow yourself to be immersed in the beauty of this unfolding romance. Be present in the moments shared, cherishing the tenderness and intimacy that kindles the flames of love and ignites the passion within your soul. Embrace this tablet as a harbinger of love's gentle whispers and the intoxicating allure of passion. Keep your heart open and receptive, for the beautiful symphony of affection and ardor is ready to fill your life with its enchanting melody. Pay Attention- This butterfly tablet arrives as a gentle yet urgent reminder to redirect your focus and energy toward your goals and aspirations. It cautions against the negative patterns that have veered you off course from manifesting your desires. It's time to realign your energy swiftly and restore the balance within. Acknowledge the distractions that have consumed your thoughts and energy, diverting your attention from your true intentions. Reevaluate where you are investing your mental and emotional energy, ensuring that it aligns with what you genuinely wish to manifest. Take heed of the power of your thoughts and intentions. Shift away from dwelling on the things you don't want to manifest and redirect your focus onto the positive outcomes you aspire to achieve. Embrace a mindset that nurtures your goals and dreams. Find practices that realign your energy and restore equilibrium. Engage in mindfulness, meditation, or activities that bring you joy and peace. Ground yourself in the present moment to dissolve the grip of negative distractions. Embrace this tablet as a catalyst for change—a call to attentiveness and realignment. Emphasize positivity and clarity in your thoughts, redirecting your focus toward what you genuinely desire. By paying attention to your energy and intentions, you pave the way for the manifestation of your true aspirations. Play Without Worry- This butterfly tablet arrives as a gentle invitation to reclaim the whimsy and joy of carefree play from your childhood days. Embrace the freedom to play, frolic, and indulge your imagination, unburdened by worries or constraints. Reconnect with the playful spirit within you. Allow yourself the freedom to explore and create without the weight of adult concerns. Engage in activities that spark delight and let your imagination run wild, painting vibrant dreams and scenarios that bring joy to your soul. Set aside the worries and responsibilities, if only for a moment. Dive into the world of possibilities that your imagination unfolds, relishing in the sheer delight of creativity and uninhibited play. Embrace spontaneity and laughter, reliving the joyous moments of carefree playfulness. Engage in activities that uplift your spirit, whether it's through art, music, storytelling, or exploring new adventures. Let this tablet be a reminder to cherish the precious moments of play and imagination. Rediscover the magic of unstructured fun and allow it to infuse your life with lightness and joy. Play without worry, for in these moments, your soul finds its purest delight. Psychic Dreams- This butterfly tablet arrives as a whisper from the universe, urging you to heed the messages and guidance that come to you in the realm of dreams. Embrace the profound insights and wisdom the universe communicates through your slumber, opening your heart and mind to the messages that await. Acknowledge the significance of your dreams as a conduit for divine guidance. Pay attention to the symbols, emotions, and narratives that unfold in your sleep, for they carry profound messages from the universe, seeking to illuminate your path. Invite the universe to guide you through the realms of your subconscious. Set intentions before sleeping, inviting clarity and wisdom to manifest in your dreams. Keep a dream journal to record and interpret the messages, allowing patterns and meanings to unfold. Trust in the intuitive whispers and symbols woven into your dreams. Embrace meditation and reflection upon waking, allowing these insights to resonate within your waking consciousness. Integrate these revelations into your life with an open heart. Let this tablet serve as a reminder to honor the potency of your dreams as a gateway to cosmic guidance. Invite the universe to speak to you in the language of dreams, and allow the wisdom they impart to guide and enrich your journey. Rapid Growth- This butterfly tablet heralds a period of swift and transformative changes on your horizon. Embrace the momentum of rapid growth, but be mindful to safeguard your energy amidst these shifts. Your focus should be on maintaining a positive and protected vibe. Acknowledge the swiftness of changes entering your life. Embrace this time of rapid growth with openness and readiness. However, it's crucial to shield yourself from any negativity that may hinder your progress. Stay centered within your positive energy. Protect your vibe by surrounding yourself with positivity—positive thoughts, environments, and people who uplift and support your growth. Establish boundaries to preserve your energetic balance. Be mindful of the impact of your thoughts and emotions. Ensure they align with your intentions, fostering a harmonious energy that aids in your advancement during this period of rapid transformation. Embrace practices that help you stay grounded and centered. Meditation, self-care routines, and moments of solitude can serve as anchors amidst the whirlwind of changes, ensuring your energy remains aligned and protected. Let this tablet be your guiding light, reminding you to navigate this phase of rapid growth with mindfulness and care. Protect your energy, nurture your positive vibe, and embrace these transformative changes with a balanced and resilient spirit. Release The Heaviness- This butterfly tablet gently encourages you to unburden yourself from the weight of past thoughts and lingering pain that weigh down your spirit. Embrace the liberating act of letting go, allowing yourself the freedom needed to soar and embrace new beginnings. Acknowledge the heaviness you carry within—whether it's past regrets, lingering pain, or burdensome thoughts. Understand that releasing this weight is essential to your ability to rise above and embrace a lighter existence. Embrace the power of forgiveness, both for others and yourself. Release any resentments or grievances that anchor you to the past. Understand that letting go does not diminish the significance of your experiences but rather frees you to move forward. Practice mindfulness and self-compassion. Be gentle with yourself as you navigate the process of release. Engage in activities that nourish your spirit and bring peace, allowing yourself the space to heal and grow. Embrace the metaphor of the butterfly shedding its cocoon—liberating itself from the heaviness to take flight. Let this tablet serve as a catalyst for your transformation, enabling you to spread your wings and soar unencumbered by the weight of the past. Embrace the journey of release as a pathway to freedom and renewal. Allow yourself to fly light, unburdened by the past, and ready to embrace the boundless possibilities that await. Rest Your Mind- This butterfly tablet arrives as a gentle reassurance that amidst life's hustle and bustle, it's essential to grant yourself the gift of rest. Embrace this moment as a time to rejuvenate, allowing yourself to be replenished and restored. Understand that everything is unfolding as it should, and in this moment, it's crucial to grant yourself peace. Embrace the serenity of calmness, allowing it to envelop your being and restore your mind to its natural state of tranquility. Find solace in the beauty of rest. Embrace moments of stillness and quiet, allowing your mind to unwind and recharge. Engage in activities that bring you solace, whether it's meditation, nature walks, or simply finding a quiet corner to relax. Trust that the universe is conspiring in your favor. Embrace the assurance that everything will fall into place at the right time. Use this period of rest to regenerate your energy and gather the strength needed for the chapters ahead. Let this tablet serve as a gentle reminder that it's okay to pause, to rest, and to rejuvenate. Embrace the calmness that surrounds you, knowing that within this tranquil space, you'll find the renewal and clarity needed to move forward. Say It & Make It So- This butterfly tablet arrives as a potent reminder of the immense power held within your words and intentions. Recognize that you are the weaver of your destiny; the words you speak hold the ability to manifest your dreams. Be vigilant in the way you articulate your desires, for they shape your reality. Understand the magic embedded within your words—they carry the potential to materialize your aspirations. Speak your desires with clarity, conviction, and positivity, aligning your language with the reality you wish to create. Be mindful of your thoughts and spoken words. Ensure they are in harmony with the life you envision. Use affirmations and declarations that resonate with your aspirations, infusing them with faith and certainty. Embrace the responsibility of co-creating your reality through your words. Avoid verbalizing doubts or limitations. Instead, articulate your dreams as if they are already manifest, ushering them into existence through the sheer power of your intention. Let this tablet be a guiding light, reminding you of your inherent ability to shape your destiny. Harness the power of your words to craft the reality you desire. Speak your dreams into existence, and watch as the universe aligns to make it so. Slow Progress Is Progress- This butterfly tablet brings forth a gentle yet profound truth: progress, regardless of its speed, is still a significant stride toward your destination. Embrace the understanding that the pace of progress matters less than the journey itself. Celebrate each step forward, appreciating the path you're forging. Acknowledge that progress takes various forms and cannot always be quantified. Embrace the value in every effort made, regardless of its magnitude. Each step, no matter how small, contributes to the larger picture of your journey. Release the notion of measuring progress against arbitrary timelines. Instead, find joy in the journey itself. Treasure the experiences, the lessons learned, and the growth that accompanies each step forward. Rejoice in the work you've put in, knowing that it paves the way toward your destination. Understand that the journey is as significant as the destination. Embrace the present moment, savoring the experiences, connections, and discoveries along the way. Life's richness lies not only in reaching the end goal but in the beauty found throughout the journey. Let this tablet be a reminder that slow progress is still progress, and every step forward is an accomplishment worthy of celebration. Enjoy the journey, relish the experiences, and find fulfillment in the process, knowing that each stride brings you closer to your destination. Soften To The Situation- This butterfly tablet arrives as a gentle reminder to release resistance and embrace a state of allowance. Understand that when you resist or force manifestations, you create barriers that hinder their fruition. Soften your approach, detach, and allow the natural unfolding of events to bring your intentions to life. Acknowledge the importance of detachment in the manifestation process. Surrender the need to control or force outcomes, as doing so may disrupt the natural flow of the universe. Trust that by softening your stance, you create space for your desires to organically manifest. Release the grip of resistance. Instead, adopt an attitude of ease and openness. Allow the energy of acceptance and receptivity to permeate your intentions, allowing them to unfold in their own perfect timing. Practice mindfulness and let go of the urgency surrounding your desires. Detach from the outcome and embrace a state of peace and trust. Trust that the universe is working in your favor and that your manifestations will materialize when the time is right. Let this tablet guide you to soften your approach and detach from the need for immediate results. By relinquishing resistance and allowing the universe to work its magic, you create the ideal conditions for your intentions to manifest in their most beautiful and natural form. Stop Messing Around- This butterfly tablet arrives as a gentle but firm nudge to refocus your energies and efforts on what truly matters. It serves as a reminder that it's time to cease procrastination or stalling on vital endeavors. Embrace the call to action and recommit yourself to the task at hand. Acknowledge the moments of delay or diversion from your objectives. Understand that this tablet urges you to shed distractions and refocus your determination. It's time to realign your focus and dedicate your energy to the essential tasks awaiting your attention. Embrace a renewed sense of purpose and commitment. Take a step back and reassess your priorities, ensuring that your actions align with your goals. Break down your tasks into manageable steps and dive back into the work with dedication. Release any hesitations or resistance that have hindered your progress. Embrace a proactive mindset and take decisive steps toward achieving your objectives. Embrace the challenge with enthusiasm, knowing that your efforts will lead you closer to your aspirations. Let this tablet serve as a catalyst for reinvigorating your determination and diligence. Embrace the opportunity to refocus, leave procrastination behind, and reignite your drive to accomplish what's truly important. Success Ahead- This butterfly tablet arrives as a harbinger of forthcoming success, whispering assurances of achievement and triumph on the horizon. Embrace the anticipation and assurance that success is indeed within your reach. Acknowledge the signs of progress and the efforts you've dedicated toward your goals. Trust that your perseverance and dedication are paving the path toward the success you seek. Be prepared to reap the rewards of your hard work. Embrace a mindset of confidence and belief in your abilities. Visualize the success you desire, and allow this vision to propel you forward with determination and resilience. Trust that your endeavors will soon yield the fruits of triumph. Stay committed to your aspirations, remaining open to opportunities and possibilities that present themselves. Maintain focus and dedication to your goals, knowing that success is not merely a destination but a continuous journey. Let this tablet be a beacon of encouragement, reminding you that success is not a distant dream but an imminent reality. Embrace the belief that your hard work and perseverance are leading you toward the achievements that await on your path. Take A Break- This butterfly tablet arrives as a gentle reminder to pause and grant yourself the gift of respite. Embrace the wisdom in stepping back and allowing yourself a well-deserved break. Acknowledge the importance of rest in rejuvenating your mind, body, and spirit. Embrace this moment as an opportunity to recharge, refuel, and regain balance. Release the weight of responsibilities, even if momentarily, and immerse yourself in relaxation. Find solace in activities that bring tranquility and joy—whether it's spending time in nature, indulging in hobbies, reading a book, or simply resting. Allow this break to replenish your energy and refresh your perspective. Embrace the beauty of the pause. Sometimes, taking a break enables clarity and renewed creativity. Use this time to reflect, gain new insights, and return with a fresh outlook to continue your endeavors. Let this tablet serve as a gentle reminder to honor the necessity of taking breaks. Embrace the serenity that comes with pausing, knowing that rejuvenation and clarity often spring from these moments of rest. The Sun Is Coming Up- This butterfly tablet emerges as a beacon of hope and assurance, signaling the imminent arrival of better days. Embrace the promising signs of change and the reassuring notion that everything will soon be okay. Acknowledge the dawn of a new chapter, where the radiance of the sun signifies the end of darkness and the emergence of light. Trust that positive transformations are unfolding, bringing forth a renewed sense of hope and positivity. Embrace the changes taking place around you, for they are the harbingers of a brighter future. Stay resilient and open-hearted as you navigate this transformative phase, knowing that each dawn heralds fresh opportunities. Trust in the divine timing of life's cycles. Embrace optimism and hold onto faith, for the sun rising signifies the end of challenging times and the beginning of a period filled with warmth, growth, and renewed vitality. Let this tablet be a symbol of reassurance and encouragement. Embrace the promise of a new day dawning, heralding positive change and the assurance that better times are on the horizon. The Universe Is On Your Side- This butterfly tablet emerges as a powerful affirmation that the cosmic forces are aligned in your favor. Embrace the profound assurance that the universe conspires for your success and well-being. Release any fears and doubts, and trust in the benevolence of the universe. Acknowledge the signs and synchronicities as gentle reminders that you are supported by the vast energies of the universe. Have faith in the divine orchestration guiding your path, knowing that everything is unfolding precisely as it should. Embrace a mindset of trust and surrender. Release the grip of fear and uncertainty, allowing the inherent harmony of the universe to guide you. Let go of the need for control, and instead, align yourself with the flow of universal energy. Embrace the unfolding of events, even if they seem unclear or challenging. Know that behind every experience lies a lesson or a blessing, nudging you toward growth and fulfillment. Have faith that the universe is conspiring for your highest good. Let this tablet serve as a powerful reminder to trust in the cosmic support surrounding you. Embrace faith over fear, for the universe is indeed on your side, guiding you along a path of abundance, growth, and fulfillment. Trust The Process- This butterfly tablet emerges as a profound reminder to have unwavering faith in the journey you're on. Embrace the wisdom that everything you've set intentions for is already in motion, making its way to you. Trust in the benevolent support of the universe, knowing that it's working tirelessly on your behalf. Acknowledge that the seeds of your desires have been planted, and the universe is aligning the circumstances and energies needed for their manifestation. Have faith in the divine timing and the unseen forces orchestrating the path ahead. Embrace patience and trust the unfolding of events. Understand that while things might not appear as you expect at the moment, every step is part of the intricate process leading you toward your aspirations. Release any doubts or anxieties and replace them with a sense of trust and gratitude. Cultivate an unwavering belief that what you seek is already on its way. Embrace the journey with openness, for each moment is an integral part of your destiny. Let this tablet serve as a beacon of assurance. Trust the process, have faith in the universe's support, and remain open to receiving the blessings and manifestations making their way to you. Try Something New- This butterfly tablet emerges as an invitation to embark on a new venture, explore uncharted territories, or delve into a fresh endeavor. Embrace the opportunity to start a new project or hobby that ignites your curiosity and nurtures your growth. Acknowledge the immense potential within the unexplored. Embrace the excitement of stepping into new territories, whether it's a creative pursuit, a hobby, or a project that fuels your passion. Embrace the thrill of discovery. Open your heart and mind to the joy of learning and expanding your horizons. Embrace the process of trying something different, as it fosters personal growth, enriches your experiences, and cultivates a sense of fulfillment. Let go of any hesitations or fears. Embrace the adventure with a spirit of curiosity and enthusiasm. Trust that by embracing something new, you invite fresh perspectives and opportunities into your life. Let this tablet be a catalyst for embracing novelty and exploring uncharted paths. Embrace the thrill of new experiences and endeavors, for they hold the potential to enrich your life and keep your spirit vibrant and growing. Use Your Imagination- This butterfly tablet emerges as a gentle nudge to tap into the boundless realm of imagination. Encourage yourself to break free from conventional thinking, transcending the confines of logic, and explore the infinite possibilities that reside beyond the physical plane. Acknowledge the vast potential nestled within your imagination—the gateway to uncharted territories, creativity, and innovation. Embrace the freedom to dream, envision, and create without limitations. Open your mind to the realms beyond what's immediately tangible. Embrace the wonder of exploring ideas and concepts that may defy traditional thinking. Allow your imagination to roam freely, birthing innovative solutions and expansive visions. Release the limitations of what seems possible and embrace the magic of what could be. Let your imagination guide you into unexplored realms, fostering a sense of wonder, creativity, and boundless potential. Let this tablet be a catalyst for unlocking the immense power of your imagination. Embrace the freedom to think beyond the ordinary, as it holds the key to discovering innovative solutions and endless possibilities. Use Your Intellect- This butterfly tablet emerges as a gentle prompt to engage your intellect and rationality in navigating the situations you encounter. Encourage yourself to analyze circumstances based on facts rather than assumptions or beliefs, ensuring a more comprehensive understanding of the reality. Acknowledge the importance of employing your logical faculties to perceive situations as they truly are, devoid of biases or preconceived notions. Embrace the wisdom of seeking factual information before forming conclusions or judgments. Engage in critical thinking, questioning, and gathering relevant data to form a well-rounded perspective. Be open to alternative viewpoints and recognize that your understanding might evolve as new information comes to light. Release the impulse to rush to conclusions based on assumptions or incomplete information. Embrace the patience and diligence required to uncover the entire picture, enabling a more informed and thoughtful approach to the circumstances. Let this tablet serve as a guide in utilizing your intellect to discern the truth. Embrace the power of rational analysis, withholding judgment until you have gathered sufficient facts to construct a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of the situation at hand. Vivid Inspiration- This butterfly tablet emerges as an invitation to seek profound inspiration in the vibrant and soul-stirring realms of art, music, dance, or any other captivating form of expression. Embrace the beauty and grandeur of these avenues as a wellspring of vivid inspiration. Immerse yourself in the enchanting allure of artistic creations that awaken the senses and ignite the soul. Allow yourself to be moved by the brilliance of art, the rhythm of music, the grace of dance, or any other soul-stirring expressions that resonate deeply within. Open your heart and spirit to the transformative power of these vibrant sources of inspiration. Let them serve as catalysts, igniting your own creativity, and infusing your endeavors with newfound passion and fervor. Engage with these profound and soul-enriching experiences, allowing them to expand your perspective, fuel your imagination, and instill a sense of awe and wonder. Embrace the magnificence of these artistic expressions as sources of vivid inspiration for your own journey. Let this tablet guide you to seek inspiration in the breathtaking and soul-stirring realms of art, music, dance, or any other form of expression that speaks to your spirit, igniting a vibrant and vivid inspiration within you. Worthy Of Hope- This butterfly tablet emerges as a beacon of assurance, affirming that the situation stirring concern within you is indeed a pursuit worthy of your hope. Encourage yourself to hold steadfast to hope, for it is not in vain; a solution lingers around the corner. Acknowledge the significance of your hopes and aspirations in this situation. Embrace the belief that your hope carries weight and significance, guiding you towards a resolution. Trust in the inherent value of your aspirations. Lean into the support of the Universe or a higher power for guidance and answers. Embrace the belief that there is a larger force at play, gently nudging you towards the answers you seek. Align your hopes with faith, knowing that the solution you yearn for is drawing nearer. Release any doubts that attempt to dim the light of hope within you. Embrace the resilience of your hopeful spirit, understanding that it serves as a beacon leading you towards the resolution you seek. Hold on to hope, for it illuminates the path ahead. Let this tablet be a steadfast reminder that your hopes are worthy, and your pursuit of resolution is meaningful. Embrace the power of hope, maintaining faith that the Universe or a higher power will guide you towards the answers you seek. You Write Your Future- This butterfly tablet arrives as a profound reminder of your immense power in shaping your own future. Embrace the realization that you hold the pen to script the narrative of your life. Writing, be it journaling, articulating wishes, or setting goals, is a potent tool for manifesting your aspirations. Acknowledge the significance of putting your thoughts and intentions into writing. Engage in journaling to express your deepest desires, articulate your dreams, and outline your goals. Writing down your aspirations solidifies their presence in your consciousness and the universe. Embrace the act of creating lists or setting intentions. Penning down your wishes and aspirations empowers you to manifest them into reality. Trust in the profound impact of your written words in shaping your destiny. Utilize the act of writing as a catalyst for manifestation. Craft a clear vision by putting your dreams on paper, detailing your goals, and expressing your desires. Embrace the transformative power of your written words in manifesting the life you envision. Let this tablet serve as a guiding light, reminding you of the remarkable power you possess to write your future. Embrace the act of writing as a means of manifesting your desires, empowering yourself to shape a future aligned with your dreams. Your Dreams Coming True- This butterfly tablet arrives as an auspicious sign, confirming that the desires and wishes you've held dear are on the brink of manifesting into reality. Embrace this confirmation that your dreams are materializing, and be vigilant in nurturing the thoughts and energies surrounding them. Acknowledge the significant alignment between your aspirations and the unfolding reality. Embrace this as a sign that the universe is responding to your focused intentions, bringing your dreams closer to fruition. Be mindful of your thoughts and energies during this pivotal time. Understand that your dreams are taking shape, and the energy you emit directly influences their manifestation. Maintain positivity, focus, and alignment with your desires. Embrace the thrill of witnessing your visions manifesting right before your eyes. Trust that your dreams are materializing in divine timing, and continue to nurture them with unwavering belief and positive energy. Let this tablet be a powerful affirmation that your dreams are indeed coming true. Embrace this confirmation, stay attuned to your thoughts and energies, and revel in the exhilaration of witnessing the manifestation of your heartfelt desires. © Audra English 2024

  • 90's Girl Oracle Tablet Guide

    Owned, copyrighted, and created by Audra English. To get your own copy of these Oracle Tablets, just visit our Etsy store HERE and you can download, print, and start using your tablets immediately. Please do not copy or publish without Audra's permission. Feel free to share by link to this page only. These go with the 90's Girl Oracle Tablets which can be purchased directly as a digital download which includes the full booklet, information guide and printable tablets. This key was created to help those who got a free tablet in their order or those who got a free oracle tablet reading from Audra in our Facebook group or social media pages. Please refer to the alphabetically ordered symbol key below to assist you in understanding your reading. However, feel free to trust your instincts and intuition in interpreting what your tabs reveal about your specific situation. A Sticky Situation- Despite the temporary frustration you're going through at this moment, know that this stickiness is fleeting. Just like lip gloss fades, so too shall your current difficulties. Acknowledge the temporary nature of this situation, reminiscent of lip gloss that fades away over time. Embrace the assurance that this stickiness is transitory, and it will soon dissolve, leaving behind something wonderful. Have faith in yourself and the universe's benevolent guidance. Embrace perseverance and resilience, knowing that this momentary challenge is paving the way for something beautiful to emerge. Continue to navigate through this sticky phase with determination. Trust in the cosmic forces at play, aligning circumstances for your greater good. Stay strong and keep going, for beyond this temporary stickiness lies a brighter and more fulfilling path. Let this nostalgic tablet serve as a reminder to keep moving forward. Embrace the faith that this sticky situation is ephemeral, leaving behind a residue of resilience and wisdom, guiding you toward something truly wonderful. All Signs Point To Yes- Inspired by the iconic Magic 8 Ball, this tablet emerges with the affirmative message you've been eagerly anticipating. "All Signs Point To Yes" – a phrase from the past that carries the promise of fulfillment. Take heart, for this tablet assures you that your dreams and aspirations are poised to materialize. Acknowledge the resonance of this nostalgic phrase with your desires. Embrace the assurance that the universe is aligning in your favor, and all the signs indicate that your dreams are on the brink of manifestation. Continue to hold onto hope and diligently work towards your goals. Trust in the process and persist in your efforts, knowing that the universe is conspiring to bring your aspirations into reality. Stay aligned with your desires, for manifestation is imminent. Embrace this assurance as motivation to keep moving forward. Believe in the unfolding of your dreams, and let this nostalgic phrase from the Magic 8 Ball serve as a beacon of affirmation. Stay hopeful, persistent, and open-hearted, for indeed, all signs point to the realization of your aspirations. All Tied Up- In a nostalgic nod to the iconic scrunchies cherished by 90's girls, this tablet arrives as a gentle reminder to tie up loose ends and delve into your aspirations. Just as you'd tie up your hair to get things done, it's time to dedicate yourself to your goals and the dreams you've harbored since your teenage years. Acknowledge that you may have been entangled in various plans and aspirations that remain unimplemented. Embrace this moment as a call to action, urging you to revisit those dreams and set them in motion. It's time to roll up your sleeves, secure your ambitions like you'd tie up your hair, and commit yourself to the realization of those long-held aspirations. Rekindle the spirit of your teenage dreams, infuse them with wisdom and experience, and embark on the journey to make them a reality. Embrace the nostalgia of those youthful dreams and allow them to inspire your present actions. Seize this moment to passionately pursue your aspirations. Let this tablet be a catalyst for action, prompting you to channel your teenage dreams into fruitful endeavors. Embrace dedication, determination, and a renewed commitment to transform those cherished aspirations into tangible achievements. As If- Inspired by the iconic phrase from a popular 90's movie, "As If" serves as a reminder to cast doubt on negative self-talk and self-doubts. Refuse to succumb to negativity and instead, embrace your role as your own cheerleader and leading lady of your own classic story line. Do not allow negativity to question your worth or capabilities. Acknowledge the prevalence of negative self-talk and doubts that may arise. However, like the phrase "As If" casts disbelief, use it as a tool to refute the negativity within. Challenge those thoughts that undermine your self-worth and potential. Embrace the role of your own advocate and supporter. Instead of giving in to self-doubt, choose self-empowerment and self-encouragement. Recognize your strengths, capabilities, and inherent worth. Refuse to let negative thoughts overshadow your true potential. Embrace the spirit of "As If" as a mantra to challenge and dismiss doubts, affirming your worth, abilities, and potential. Be your own cheerleader, celebrating your accomplishments and believing in your capabilities. Let this tablet serve as a guiding light, empowering you to cast doubt on negative self-talk. Embrace the power of self-affirmation and positivity, confidently stepping forward with belief in your worth and abilities. B.F.F.- In tribute to the iconic commitment of friendship celebrated by 90's girls, this tablet stands as a reminder of the profound value of companionship and camaraderie. It encourages you to rekindle connections with your B.F.F. or seek out a solid support system. Reflect on the cherished bonds of friendship and the invaluable role they play in our lives. Acknowledge the significance of those cherished friendships from your teenage years. Embrace the lesson of the past, reminding you of the joy, support, and understanding that genuine friendships bring. Treasure these connections and the love they bring to your life. Reconnect with your Best Friend Forever, relishing the moments and memories shared. Or, if apart, reach out to nurture those friendships, fostering the bond that stood the test of time. Alternatively, seek out new connections, building a solid support system akin to the love and understanding a true friend brings. Value the essence of true friendship – the laughter, the shared experiences, and the unconditional support. Embrace the importance of nurturing and cherishing these relationships, for they enrich our lives in profound ways. Let this tablet serve as a reminder to foster and cherish friendships. Embrace the spirit of camaraderie and connection, surrounding yourself with love, understanding, and the enduring bond of Best Friends Forever. Be Kind, Rewind- Drawing inspiration from the iconic saying of the video rental era, "Be Kind, Rewind," this tablet serves as a poignant reminder to rewind and revisit our past experiences with a newfound sense of compassion and understanding. Acknowledge the growth and wisdom garnered since those times, allowing for introspection and learning from past hardships. Take a moment to rewind the tape of your life, revisiting past experiences with a kinder perspective. Embrace the realization that hindsight grants us the opportunity for deeper understanding and reflection on the lessons learned from those challenging moments. Offer yourself compassion and kindness for any past mistakes or moments when you may not have had the wisdom you possess today. Understand that each experience, even the difficult ones, contributed to your growth and learning. Embrace the power of introspection and self-compassion. Rewind to those moments in your life that taught invaluable lessons and view them through the lens of understanding and forgiveness. Recognize the growth and wisdom you have gained along your journey. Let this tablet be a catalyst for self-compassion and growth. Embrace the power of hindsight, allowing yourself to be kinder and more forgiving toward your past self, acknowledging the wisdom gained and the progress made on your life's journey. Bedazzled- Inspired by the era of glitter and rhinestones, this tablet urges you to embrace your uniqueness and stand out radiantly. Just as bedazzled items sparkled and caught the eye, it's time for you to shine brightly. Embrace what highlights your inner beauty and personality, fearlessly stepping into the spotlight. Embrace the essence of bedazzlement, allowing your unique qualities to shine. Highlight what makes you exceptional and be unapologetically yourself. Embrace the facets of your personality that set you apart and let them shimmer and dazzle. Don't shy away from taking center stage. Embrace your individuality and let it sparkle, just like the rhinestones that adorned 90's fashion. Allow your authenticity to shine forth, captivating attention with your innate brilliance. Stand out boldly and confidently, knowing that your uniqueness is your greatest asset. Embrace what bedazzles the world about you and let your radiance illuminate your path, inspiring others to embrace their own distinctiveness. Let this tablet serve as a reminder to shine brightly and stand out. Embrace your individuality and let it sparkle and bedazzle, lighting up the world with the brilliance of your true self. Button Masher- Inspired by the gaming culture of the 90s, this tablet echoes the essence of being a "Button Masher" in the game of life. Sometimes, the best approach is to go with the flow and enjoy the ride. Embrace the idea of having fun and not taking things too seriously. Just like frantically mashing buttons in a game, life often throws unexpected challenges our way. Embrace the idea of going with the flow, adapting to the circumstances, and finding joy in the journey. Approach life with a playful spirit, much like navigating through a game, where the joy lies not just in the destination but also in the process. Embrace spontaneity, laughter, and a carefree attitude, allowing yourself to find delight in the small moments. Sometimes, success lies in the ability to adapt and enjoy the present moment. Embrace the idea of being a "Button Masher" in life – navigating challenges, exploring opportunities, and finding joy in the process without getting too caught up in the outcome. Let this tablet be a reminder to embrace a playful approach to life. Embrace the spontaneity and joy that comes from going with the flow, just like a "Button Masher" navigating through a game, finding delight in the journey itself. Change Your Tune- Drawing from the iconic symbol of a cassette tape, this tablet symbolizes the power of choice and transformation. Just as one can change a song on a cassette, you hold the ability to alter the course of your life. If the current circumstances don't resonate, you have the power to change the tune. Embrace the analogy of changing a song on a cassette tape. Recognize that, similar to the tunes on a tape, life presents various choices. If the current rhythm doesn't suit your desires, trust in your ability to change the circumstances. Realize the profound power you hold to shape your own narrative. Much like fast forwarding to a preferred song, take charge of your life and make choices that resonate with your aspirations and align with your desires. Empower yourself to change the tune of your life. Embrace the opportunity for transformation, understanding that just as a cassette tape offers a multitude of songs, life offers an array of possibilities. Take the initiative to craft a melody that brings harmony to your soul. Let this tablet be a catalyst for empowerment and change. Embrace the analogy of changing a tune and recognize your ability to orchestrate change in your life, steering it towards a melody that resonates with your heart's desires. Change Your View- Inspired by the iconic View Finder toy, this tablet symbolizes the power of perspective and the ability to shape your reality. Just as changing the image in a View Finder alters what you see, so too can you transform your life by shifting your perspective. If life isn't aligning with your desires, it might be time to change your view. Acknowledge the significance of perspective in shaping your reality. Embrace the idea that the way you perceive your life greatly influences your experiences. If what you see doesn't match your desires, consider flipping through the pictures till you find the one that resonates with your soul. Realize the power of your thoughts and beliefs in shaping your reality. Like flipping through images in a View Finder, shift your energy and start looking at life through the lens of what you want to see. Embrace positivity and focus on the outcomes you wish to manifest. Empower yourself to change your view and, in turn, change your reality. Recognize that altering your perspective can bring about profound transformations. By shifting your focus towards what you desire, you invite positive change into your life. Let this tablet serve as a catalyst for change. Embrace the analogy of the View Finder, understanding that by shifting your perspective, you have the ability to create the reality you desire. Change your view to align with your aspirations, and watch as the world around you begins to reflect your newfound perspective. Cherished Memories- Inspired by the nostalgic essence of the 90s, this tablet, "Cherished Memories," serves as a gentle reminder to cherish and honor the valuable moments that have shaped your life. Embrace the practice of gratitude, and recognize the significance of journaling to preserve and honor the wisdom gained from past experiences. Acknowledge the profound impact of your past experiences in shaping the person you are today. Embrace gratitude for the lessons learned, the laughter shared, and the challenges overcome. Cherish these moments as they contribute to the rich tapestry of your life. Reflect on the importance of preserving memories through journaling. Consider dedicating time to document your experiences, insights, and gratitude. Allow the act of journaling to be a loving tribute to the wisdom gained and the memories cherished. Embrace the transformative power of gratitude. Honor the cherished memories by acknowledging their role in your growth and evolution. Cultivate a practice of gratitude and journaling, allowing these rituals to foster introspection and appreciation. Let this tablet inspire you to nurture a practice of gratitude and journaling. Embrace the wisdom gleaned from your experiences and honor them through the act of preserving cherished memories. Take the time to express gratitude and document the invaluable moments that have shaped your journey. Cherry Bomb- Inspired by the vibrant essence of the 90s, "Cherry Bomb" serves as a powerful reminder of your enduring beauty, playfulness, and sensuality. Embrace your inner Goddess and celebrate your body and self-esteem, empowering yourself just as you did in your youthful days. Acknowledge your inherent allure and playful spirit, embodying the vibrant energy of the "Cherry Bomb" era. Embrace your sensual side and revel in the beauty of your body, radiating confidence and empowerment. Reconnect with the confidence and self-assuredness of your younger self. Embrace the essence of feeling beautiful and desirable, honoring your body and inner Goddess. Embrace your uniqueness and beauty with the same fervor and enthusiasm you exuded in the 90s. Celebrate your journey and self-esteem, appreciating the person you've become. Channel the spirited and confident energy of the 90s, embodying the essence of the "Cherry Bomb" – playful, confident, and irresistibly alluring. Let this tablet reignite your confidence and self-esteem. Embrace your sensuality, beauty, and playful spirit, honoring the vibrant energy of the 90s and celebrating your enduring allure as the empowering "Cherry Bomb" you truly are. Chillin'- In the spirit of iconic 90's girl nostalgia, "Chillin'" invites you to embrace the art of relaxation and slow down amidst life's fast pace. Don't let the hustle and bustle of the present steal away the joy of living in the moment. It's time to unwind, indulge in self-care, and savor the simple pleasures of life. Embrace the essence of slowing down and finding solace in relaxation. Take a cue from the carefree 90's vibe and allow yourself the luxury of a tranquil moment. Treat yourself to a soothing bubble bath, indulge in your favorite comfort food, and unwind with a classic 90's chick flick. Rediscover the joy of slowing down and appreciating life's simple pleasures. Embrace the serenity that comes from taking a break, pampering yourself, and immersing in the nostalgic comforts of a 90's non digital afternoon, allowing yourself to be fully present in the moment. Reconnect with the tranquility of the 90s era, reclaiming the art of chilling out and indulging in self-care. Give yourself permission to pause, relax, and relish the peaceful moments, cherishing the nostalgia and carefree spirit of the past. Let this tablet serve as a gentle reminder to prioritize relaxation and self-care. Embrace the soothing rhythm of life, enjoying the simple pleasures and taking time to unwind, as you immerse yourself in the comforting ambiance of a slower paced way of life. Come In Peace- In homage to the iconic 90's era featuring the popular green alien, this tablet, "Come in Peace," acts as a gentle reminder to release aggression and frustration amidst the challenges of modern life. Embrace the ethos of peace and tranquility, recognizing that by fostering peace in our surroundings, we nurture peace within ourselves. Extend peace to others, echoing the desire for tranquility and harmony. Embrace the symbolic essence of the green alien, a representation of otherworldliness and serenity. Let go of stress and frustration, allowing yourself to embody peace. Just as we yearn for inner calm, extend peaceful vibes to others, fostering an environment of harmony and understanding. Embrace the message of "Come in Peace" and advocate for harmony in your surroundings. By relinquishing aggression and embracing tranquility, you contribute to the creation of a peaceful environment, both within and around you. Let this tablet be a beacon for peace. Embrace the essence of tranquility and extend peace to others, nurturing a harmonious atmosphere that resonates with the peaceful spirit symbolized by the cute little green alien of the 90s. Do Your Body Good- Inspired by the iconic 90's Milk commercial, "Do Your Body Good" serves as a vital reminder to prioritize self-care and nourishment. Just as the ad emphasized the benefits of milk, this tablet underscores the importance of caring for your body through healthy habits—nutritious food, exercise, hydration, fresh air, and sunlight. Acknowledge the significance of nurturing your body. Focus on consuming nourishing foods, engaging in regular exercise, staying hydrated with fresh water, and embracing the rejuvenating qualities of fresh air and sunlight. These elements contribute to your overall well-being. Reflect on the value of adopting healthy habits for your body. Recognize that the care you provide to your body today lays the foundation for a healthier future. Prioritize self-care as an investment in your long-term health and well-being. Let this tablet be a guiding light towards a healthier lifestyle. Embrace the essence of self-care and prioritize your body's needs, making choices that promote well-being and vitality—just as the 90's commercial encouraged the benefits of milk, nurturing your body is essential for a brighter and healthier future. Don't Be Green- In homage to the iconic 90's era with a playful cartoon frog, this tablet, "Don't Be Green," serves as a poignant reminder to shun envy and celebrate the triumphs of others. Embrace the uniqueness of individual journeys and successes, understanding that the accomplishments of others do not diminish your own path. Instead, let their achievements inspire you and cultivate appreciation for the diversity of experiences. Reflect on the symbolism of the cartoon frog and the phrase "Don't Be Green." Avoid the temptation of jealousy or envy towards the successes of others. Recognize that their victories do not detract from your own journey, but rather offer inspiration and insight into the myriad of possibilities. Embrace the diversity of life paths and celebrate the achievements of those around you. Appreciate the happiness and successes of your loved ones, understanding that their joy does not diminish your own potential for success. By celebrating their victories, you pave the way for positivity and abundance in your own life. Release feelings of jealousy and instead, let admiration and encouragement fuel your spirit. Embrace the joy of others' achievements, knowing that their successes bring positivity and inspiration to your own journey. Let this tablet be a testament to the celebration of others' successes. Embrace the essence of support and encouragement, allowing the accomplishments of those around you to inspire and motivate your own aspirations, fostering an atmosphere of positivity and mutual celebration. Don't Lose Your Signal- Drawing inspiration from the iconic 90's era with a symbol of a 90's cell phone, this tablet, "Don't Lose Your Signal," serves as a gentle nudge to reconnect with the universe and harness the power of mindfulness and energy work. Just as a phone needs a strong signal, your connection with the universe needs mindfulness and focus to manifest your dreams. Reflect on the symbolism of the 90's cell phone and the phrase "Don't Lose Your Signal." Rekindle your connection with the universe through practices like meditation and energy work. Strengthen your mindfulness to enhance your alignment with your manifestations and desires. Embrace the power of mindfulness and energy work as tools to amplify your connection with the universe. Practice meditation to quiet the mind and focus your energy on manifesting your dream life. As you deepen your mindfulness, you enhance your ability to attract and align with your desires. Let this tablet serve as a guide to strengthen your connection with the universe. Embrace the practice of mindfulness and energy work to enhance your signal, allowing your manifestations and desires to align and flourish in harmony with the cosmic energies. Don't Skip- Drawing inspiration from the nostalgic 90's Portable CD player, this tablet, "Don't Skip," offers a crucial reminder about consistency in mindfulness practices. Similar to how a CD player's skipping disrupts the music, inconsistency in mantras, affirmations, and meditations can hinder your connection to the Universe. Reflect on the symbolism of the Portable CD player and the phrase "Don't Skip." Just as a CD skips when there's disruption, irregular meditation and mindfulness practices can interrupt your spiritual alignment. Consistency in your practices ensures a clearer connection to the Universe. Embrace the importance of regularity in your mindfulness practices. Stay steady with your mantras, affirmations, and meditations to maintain a clear and unwavering path towards mindfulness and connection with the Universe. Consistency leads to a more profound and harmonious alignment. Recognize that skipping practices disrupts the flow of your spiritual journey, much like a CD player's skips interrupt the music. Commit to regular meditation and energy work to avoid interruptions and maintain a smooth and clear connection to the Universe. Let this tablet serve as a gentle reminder of the significance of consistency in your mindfulness journey. Embrace the dedication to your practices, ensuring they remain steady like a perfectly playing CD, allowing your connection to the Universe and mindfulness to unfold harmoniously. Fantasy- Inspired by the essence of the 90's song, this tablet, "Fantasy," prompts you to utilize visualization as a powerful tool to manifest your dreams. Much like the song's lyrical escapades, employ techniques such as vision boards, vision quests, meditation, and visualization to turn your fantasies into tangible realities. Embrace the practice of visualization to bring your dreams to life. It is ok and important to have fantasies. It is the fantasy and enjoyment of those fantasies that can help us make those things, people, and places a reality for ourselves. Visualization techniques empower you to transform your fantasies into achievable realities. Utilize the art of visualization and allow yourself to fantasize in order to bridge the gap between your dreams and reality. Engage in practices that foster imaginative clarity. Embrace the power of visualization to transform your fantasies into attainable goals. Let this tablet serve as an invitation to immerse yourself in the realm of visualization. Embrace the potency of vision boards, vision quests, meditation, and visualization techniques as tools to transform your fantasies into tangible manifestations in your life. Feed Me- Drawing inspiration from the beloved digital pet of the 90's, this tablet, "Feed Me," encourages nourishing your soul and mind. Just like tending to a digital pet, prioritize feeding your mind with knowledge and your soul with experiences. Embrace the power of learning and growth to nurture your inner being. Reflect on the symbolism of the digital pet and the phrase "Feed Me." Focus on enriching your mind and soul by indulging in subjects that captivate your interest. Embrace the nourishment of your mind and soul as a catalyst for personal growth and development. Embrace the notion of feeding your mind with knowledge and your soul with experiences. Delve into topics and activities that intrigue you, allowing your mind to expand and your soul to flourish. Use the nourishment of mind food to foster growth and self-evolution. Prioritize the growth of your inner self by feeding your mind with information and your soul with enriching experiences. Engage in learning and exploration in areas that pique your curiosity, fostering mental and spiritual nourishment for personal development. And just like with your digital pet, when you get some digital poop... get rid of it. This means, letting go of any digital trash that can come and wreck your energy and space. Social media is full of digital poop so make sure to scoop it as soon as it lands. Let this tablet serve as a reminder to prioritize the feeding of your mind and soul. Embrace the power of learning, exploration, and experiences as sources of nourishment, fostering personal growth and evolution of the self. File It Away- Inspired by the iconic floppy disc from the 90's, this tablet, "File it Away," serves as a reminder to manage thoughts and emotions. Just as the disc stores data for later use, acknowledge that certain thoughts and feelings may not be pertinent now. Save them for a later time when you're ready to address them, allowing yourself to focus on your present goals and aspirations. Reflect on the symbolism of the floppy disc and the phrase "File it Away." Acknowledge thoughts and emotions that aren't immediately relevant but may hold significance later. Like filing away data for future retrieval, set aside these emotions for a more suitable time, enabling you to concentrate on your current path. You can write down important ideas and feelings in a notebook for later introspection or even file it away on your phone or computer. Even pictures and reminders that are painful can be stored away to keep your energy clear and your vibration strong. You will manage those feelings better when you are in a better mindset and situation, so getting there should be your focus. Acknowledge that some thoughts and feelings can be set aside for later contemplation. It can be essential to temporarily save these emotions away from yourself to lighten your mental load. By doing this, you create space to move forward with your objectives and aspirations without being weighed down. Let this tablet guide you in managing your thoughts and emotions. Embrace the practice of setting aside certain feelings and thoughts for later contemplation, allowing you to focus on your present journey and aspirations without unnecessary burdens. Got It Well In Hand- Inspired by the iconic candy ring pop from the 90's, this tablet, "Got it Well In Hand," symbolizes the control you have over your future. Just as you hold a sweet treat in your hand, recognize that your future is within your control, offering the potential for sweetness or stickiness. Embrace mindfulness to savor the journey towards your desired outcome. Acknowledge that you possess the power to shape your future. Your path forward can be as delightful or challenging as you choose. Through mindfulness and awareness, you can ensure a sweeter, more enjoyable journey. If you don't like where your life is heading right now, you have the power to change that direction at any time. You are not a victim to the circumstances around you because your power belongs in your observations, the lessons learned, and your ability to take a stand and change directions. Even a sticky situation can be made sweet again with proper attention. Let this tablet serve as a reminder of your control over your destiny. Embrace mindfulness and conscious decision-making to craft a future that is as sweet and delightful as you envision, savoring each step of your journey. If It Makes You Happy- Inspired by the classic smiley face cartoon and the very catchy song of the same name, this tablet, "If it makes you happy," serves as a poignant reminder that happiness is deeply personal and comes from within. Rather than conforming to external expectations, it urges you to seek genuine happiness by understanding yourself and embracing what truly resonates with your heart. Embrace the idea that happiness isn't dictated by societal standards or external validations. Instead, journey inward to explore your authentic self and discover what genuinely brings you joy and contentment. Sometimes we play pretend on social media and around people we are around to try to display our success as happiness but are miserable on the inside. We are unable to understand why there is such sadness inside us since by all societal standards we should be happy. Or at least, that's what we thought we were signing up for when we bought whatever product or program we were sold. This is when we need to take a step back and contemplate what happiness really means to us and what happiness would look like if we were truly experiencing it. Discover what truly sparks joy within you and follow the path that resonates with your genuine desires and aspirations. Don't let anyone else define what happiness is to you and don't be concerned by impressing other unhappy people. Focus on you and what would leave a genuine smile on your face for once! Let this tablet remind you that true happiness is an internal journey. Embrace the symbolism of the smiley face cartoon and seek fulfillment by exploring your inner world, discovering what genuinely brings you joy, and aligning your path with your authentic self. It's A Mood- Inspired by the iconic lava lamp that became popular again in the 90's, this tablet, "It's a Mood," serves as a reminder to harness your energy and take charge of your vibration. Much like the mesmerizing shifts in a lava lamp, this tablet encourages you to align your mood and frequency to match your desired manifestations. Setting the right mood is crucial in manifesting your dream life, so start embodying that reality now. Just as the vibrant hues in a lava lamp change and flow, consider aligning your inner energy to match the frequency of your desired outcomes. Begin living and feeling the life you wish to manifest, as your current mood and vibration influence the reality you create. Your energy and mood play a pivotal role in manifesting your dreams. Embrace the idea of setting the energetic tone you seek in your life. Match the vibration of your aspirations to invite them into your reality. Begin living in alignment with the life you envision by setting the energetic mood that matches your desired outcomes. Let this tablet remind you of the power of setting your energetic mood. Embrace the symbolism of the lava lamp and start aligning your energy and vibration with the life you wish to manifest, as your mood influences the reality you create. It's A Snap- Inspired by the iconic snap hair clips of the 90's, this tablet, "It's a Snap," symbolizes our ability to handle and resolve challenges that come our way. Just like snapping hair clips to tidy up a hairstyle, it signifies our capacity to tie up loose ends and address any issues. It's time to have confidence in our skills and trust in the universe. Acknowledge the lessons learned and recognize that most of our worst-case scenarios seldom materialize. Embrace the idea that no matter the situation, you have the capability to address and resolve challenges that arise. Have faith in your abilities and trust that you have learned valuable lessons on this journey. At this point in your life, you have shown that you possess the resilience and skills to manage and overcome obstacles. Embrace this confidence and trust in your capability to handle whatever comes your way. This also serves as a sign that you don't need your anxiety anymore. It is time to let go of that fear of change and that fear that you'll somehow mess up because you've been able to prove to yourself that you can get through anything that comes your way. Let this tablet serve as a reminder of your resilience and capability to address challenges. Embrace the symbolism of the snap hair clips and trust in your ability to handle whatever life presents, letting go of unnecessary anxiety. It's Getting Late- Inspired by the iconic 90's girl era, this tablet, "It's Getting Late," is a gentle reminder that spending excessive time on our phones and screens might be affecting our sleep. In this digital age, it's easy to lose track of time, neglecting the rest our bodies require. Just as our mothers used to prompt us to head to bed, it's time we take charge and prioritize quality rest for our overall well-being. Consider the impact of excessive screen time on your sleep patterns. Recognize the importance of disconnecting from devices and dedicating time for restorative sleep, crucial for a healthy body and mind. Take control by establishing boundaries, disconnecting from screens before bedtime, and prioritizing rest for your physical and mental health. Find a way to get your circadian rhythm back in order so that you are healthier in both mind and body. Screen time is not something we used to have to contend with and so it's important we free ourselves from these awesome but draining devices and get our bodies moving, in nature, connected face to face with loved ones, and asleep in bed at a decent time. Let this tablet serve as a reminder to prioritize adequate rest by disconnecting from screens before bedtime. Embrace the importance of quality sleep for your well-being, steering away from excessive screen time and allowing yourself the rest you need. It's Puzzling- Inspired by the iconic 90's girl era, this tablet, "It's Puzzling," showcases a Rubik's Cube and serves as a reminder that not all challenges are immediately solvable – and that's perfectly fine. Sometimes, when faced with a complex project or idea causing stress, it's essential to recognize that not every problem needs an immediate solution. Consider taking a step back and allowing yourself the flexibility to revisit the issue later. In life, the pursuit of a solution can be as rewarding as its discovery. Much like solving a puzzle, dedicating time to quiet reflection and focused effort often brings forth not just the answer but also a sense of fulfillment. In those moments of concentration, where the bigger picture gradually unfolds, lies the potential for immense joy and satisfaction. Embrace the process, relish the journey, and find joy in every step toward resolving the puzzle that challenges you. At times, the pursuit of a solution can consume us. There are moments when it's essential to recognize that certain problems aren't worth our peace, joy, or mental health. It's perfectly okay to step away, relinquish efforts, and let go of pursuits that no longer serve our well-being. Sometimes, abandoning a path once thought favorable is an act of self-preservation. Remember, prioritizing your mental health and inner peace over the need to resolve every issue is not a sign of failure but a testament to your self-awareness and strength. Your well-being is paramount; honoring that is a sign of true wisdom and self-love. Let this tablet serve as a reminder that not every problem needs an immediate solution and not every solution is up to us to offer. Consider the significance of the Rubik's Cube and the lesson it imparts. Assess whether persistently tackling a challenge aligns with your goals or if it's more beneficial to set it aside temporarily or even pass it off to someone else to save your sanity. Just Roll With It- Just Roll With It" – In the spirit of iconic 90's girl nostalgia, this tablet showcases a vibrant rollerblade, symbolizing the sheer delight found in the carefree flow of life. Imagine strapping on a pair of rollerblades, the wind in your hair as you effortlessly glide down the sidewalk, feeling an invigorating sense of freedom. That's the essence behind "Just Roll With It." Much like navigating life on rollerblades, this tablet encourages you to approach your goals and aspirations with a carefree spirit. Embrace the joyous sensation of setting your own pace, free from constraints, and revel in the empowering feeling of steering your journey. Life is an open path, much like a sidewalk– full of unexpected twists and turns. Embrace this ride with a smile, relish the freedom in choosing your direction, and allow the journey itself to become your playground, full of exhilaration and liberation. Just make sure you wear your knee and elbow pads even if you don't look cool in them. ;-) Let's Do A Makeover- "Let's Do a Makeover" brings the nostalgic essence of those teen movies where characters experienced incredible transformations. This tablet signifies a transformative journey, urging you to embrace change both internally and externally. It's time for a refresh, a reevaluation of your essence and the life you desire. Consider who you want to be, the qualities you admire, and the experiences you wish to live. This tablet encourages you to craft a vision of your ideal self and begin taking steps towards becoming that person. Your make over can be physical, mental, spiritual, financial, social, all of the above or a little from each box. You are in charge of who you want to be and what your idea version of you shows up as. It is time to start making those plans for yourself. Much like a makeover montage in a movie, this is your chance to redefine yourself. Whether it's through self-care, personal development, or exploring new passions, allow this tablet to be the catalyst for your transformation. Embrace this moment to shine, showcasing the new and improved version of yourself to the world. Level Up- "Level Up" channels the spirit of the '90s gaming era, featuring the iconic Game Boy, as a symbol of progress and growth. This tablet serves as an invitation to elevate your life by embracing new interests and passions. Just as in a video game where you aim to reach new levels, this tablet encourages you to explore and adopt a new hobby or skill. It emphasizes the importance of continuous mental stimulation and personal development. Consider avenues like learning a new language, taking up cooking or dance classes, or even pursuing career advancements. Make a list of all the talents and hobbies you'd like to try and narrow down your list to a few you will commit to trying and pushing yourself to succeed at. This is a reminder that your evolution isn't complete; there's still ample time to enhance your skills and expand your knowledge. Embrace this opportunity to level up and embark on a journey of self-improvement and growth, much like advancing through different levels in a game. Looking Through Rose Colored Glasses- "Looking Through Rose Colored Glasses" is a nostalgic nod to our past crushes and the innocent admiration we held. This tablet invites you to wear those glasses again, not to idealize others, but to appreciate and honor yourself and the life you've crafted. Take a moment to view your life through these rose-tinted lenses. Acknowledge the beauty within and around you. Reflect on the journey you've traveled, your achievements, and the love you've generously shared with others. Embrace gratitude for the happiness and blessings that have graced your life. Take time to make a gratitude list and count your blessings. Make sure you count yourself among the many things you love and admire in your life while you're at it. This tablet is a call to self-love and appreciation. It encourages you to recognize your worth and the wonderful person you've become. With the positive perspective of those rose colored glasses, rediscover the beauty and value that exists within you and your life. Love Me, Love Me Not- "Love Me, Love Me Not" harks back to the bittersweet ritual of plucking petals to discern affection. This tablet serves as a poignant reminder to set boundaries, particularly with individuals who display inconsistent affection or regard for you. It's crucial to recognize and establish limits with those who vacillate in their affection, causing emotional turmoil. Such relationships, marked by alternating love and neglect, can drain your happiness and vitality. While wishing them well, consider distancing yourself from these toxic connections to preserve your well-being. You are also reminded that if you are the person who is being inconsistent and toxic with your affection, it is probably time to free that other person from your half hearted love and look inward to figure out why you've been entangled in such a relationship. If therapy is warranted, make sure for your own mental health and future, you seek the answers as to why you have needed this type of arraignment so you can ensure you do not repeat such unhealthy patterns in the future. This tablet prompts you to seek healthier, fulfilling relationships that genuinely value and reciprocate the love and care you offer. Embrace the strength to let go of connections that no longer serve your emotional health, paving the way for deeper, more nurturing bonds in your life. M.A.S.H.- "M.A.S.H.," reminiscent of the popular fortune-telling game, prompts a reflection on the paths our lives have taken since those whimsical predictions. It's a reminder that while childhood dreams may have taken various directions, our destinies are still ours to shape. If you remember, M.A.S.H. stands for stands for Mansion, Apartment, Shack, or House and told us where we'd live, who we would marry, how many children we'd have, etc,. We are now in the era of being able to discern if our M.A.S.H. games came true for us. Did we marry our crush, go on to have 12 children and get the mansion of our dreams? Probably not and that's probably in our best interest (well, except that mansion part... we can add that back to our list!) lol Consider the divergence between the imaginative future envisioned through M.A.S.H. and the reality you now live. Reflect on the dreams, desires, and the life you've built thus far. Acknowledge the power you possess to steer your life in the direction you desire, regardless of childhood predictions. The future is in our hands. We are the drivers of our destiny. No fortune telling game (ahem, this is getting a bit awkward...) will be able to predict where you will be without you deciding that is what you plan to manifest or work on. This tablet symbolizes empowerment and the agency to shape your own destiny. Recognize the authority you hold to chart your course and create the life you envision. Embrace the opportunity to pivot, adjust, and manifest the aspirations that resonate with your present self, regardless of earlier predictions. Quit Playing Games With My Heart- "Quit Playing Games With My Heart," reminiscent of the popular '90s anthem, encapsulates a call to break free from the emotional and mental games we often find ourselves entangled in. It's an ode to relinquishing the self-sabotaging patterns that we sometimes unknowingly perpetuate, whether in relationships or within our own inner dialogue. This oracle tablet resonates with the essence of letting go—letting go of the manipulative tactics we might employ on ourselves or others, and instead, embracing authenticity and truth. By detaching from toxic situations, choosing transparency, and fostering genuine connections, we pave the way for personal growth and meaningful relationships. The message extends an invitation to step into a realm of introspection and self-respect, recognizing the value of sincerity in our interactions. It encourages us to refrain from playing emotional games that obstruct our personal growth and inhibit authentic connections. By embracing openness and honesty, we create space for genuine relationships and a more fulfilling life journey. Ultimately, "Quit Playing Games With My Heart" urges us to break free from the cycle of uncertainty and deceit, fostering an environment of trust, understanding, and genuine affection within ourselves and our connections with others. Ray of Light- "Ray of Light," reminiscent of the iconic '90s song, embodies a profound message about our inner radiance and the impact it holds on those around us. You are a beacon of positivity and light, emitting warmth and energy to illuminate the lives of others. This tablet serves as a poignant reminder to nurture that brightness within you. Protecting your energy from anything or anyone that attempts to dim your glow is essential. Embrace the concept of self-love as a vital practice rather than an act of selfishness. Prioritize self-care, particularly during moments when you feel drained, allowing yourself to recharge and reignite your inner light. This tablet also underscores the importance of basking in the natural light of the sun. Embrace the outdoors, soak in some sunshine, and relish in the laughter and joy shared with cherished ones. Fresh air, Vitamin D, and heartfelt connections contribute to your overall well-being, fostering a healthy and vibrant existence. This tablet, "Ray of Light" encourages you to cherish and safeguard your inner radiance. By prioritizing self-care and surrounding yourself with positivity, laughter, and the natural world, you will continue to shine brightly and positively impact the world around you. Say You'll Be There- "Say You'll Be There," inspired by the nostalgic vibes of a '90s Girl Band song, resonates deeply with the essence of commitment and rekindling relationships. This tablet carries a gentle reminder that your connections require a renewed commitment, particularly in matters of the heart. Perhaps amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, the initial spark in your relationships may have dimmed. It's time to reignite the flames of passion, embracing the foundation of friendship and the profound bond you share with your partner. Rediscover the enchantment that brought you together and infuse romance back into your lives. This tablet encourages you to take a step back, reflect on the essence of your connection, and invest in nurturing your relationship. Rekindle the flame of love by cultivating meaningful moments, engaging in heartfelt conversations, and rediscovering the joy of being together. Embrace the beauty of your relationship's depth and celebrate the bond you share. In summary, "Say You'll Be There" invites you to reaffirm your commitment, rekindle the romance, and cherish the friendship that underpins your relationship. By investing time and effort into nurturing your bond, you pave the way for a more fulfilling and enduring connection with your partner. Smile- "Smile," inspired by the iconic 90's graphic of the cheery smiley face and the word “SMILE” we used to all write with the oddly geometric S on our notebooks and school papers , serves as a gentle reminder to embrace the joy found in life's simple moments. In the whirlwind of daily routines and obligations, it's easy to overlook the significance of small, delightful moments. This tablet encourages you to pause, take a breath, and actively seek out opportunities that bring a smile to your face. Take delight in the little things – the morning sunlight streaming through the window, a friendly conversation, a cherished memory, or even a favorite song. Embrace the beauty in everyday occurrences and let them illuminate your day. By finding joy in these small moments, you infuse positivity and happiness into your life. This tablet encourages you to cultivate an awareness of the little things that bring a smile to your face. Allow yourself to appreciate the beauty in simplicity, and celebrate the joyous moments that add brightness to your day. Smile often, for it is in these moments that the true essence of happiness resides. Sweet As Candy- "Sweet As Candy," drawing inspiration from the innocence and aspirations of the 90's era, invites you to rediscover life through the unfiltered lens of your teenage self. In those years, life was seen as a vast canvas of potential, each day holding the promise of sweetness and possibility. This tablet urges you to release the weight of cynicism and skepticism that may have accumulated over time. Embrace the childlike wonder that once illuminated your perception of the world. Recall the times when you believed in the magic of every new day, free from the burden of past hurt or disillusionment. Life, just like candy, offers various flavors and experiences waiting to be savored. Despite the challenges faced and lessons learned, the potential for sweetness and joy still exists. This tablet encourages you to preserve the wisdom gained on your journey while shedding the heavy layers of pain and resentment. By doing so, you rekindle the belief in life's inherent sweetness and the endless potential it holds. Embrace this newfound perspective, savor the moments, and allow life's sweetness to enrich your days once more. That's Cool- "That's Cool," echoing the popular 90's slang phrase, invites you to rediscover appreciation and fascination for the world around you. It serves as a reminder to adopt a relaxed attitude amid the demands of modern life. In the spirit of that laid-back era, this tablet encourages you to seek out and celebrate the things that captivate and inspire you. Embrace an attitude of appreciation and admiration for the wonders around you, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. Take a moment to revel in the awesomeness of everyday life. In the hustle and bustle of today's world, maintaining a relaxed and uplifted vibe is crucial. Allow yourself to lighten the load by appreciating the simple pleasures, finding joy in the present moment, and letting go of unnecessary stress. So, keep it cool, take a step back, and admire the world around you. Embrace a relaxed state of mind and allow yourself to be uplifted by the beauty and positivity that surrounds us all. The Universe Is Calling- "The Universe is Calling," resonating with the iconic landline phones of the 90's, signifies the profound connection between us and the Universe. This tablet serves as a poignant reminder that the Universe is constantly communicating with us, offering guidance, and presenting opportunities for growth. Just like picking up a ringing phone, it's crucial to be attentive and responsive to the signs and messages the Universe sends our way. Actively engaging in this cosmic conversation involves not only listening but also expressing our desires and dreams to the Universe. By paying attention to the subtle signs—such as angel numbers, synchronicities, or unexpected encounters—we can interpret the messages the Universe sends. These signs often lead us toward our destined paths and provide invaluable guidance on our journey. Take the time to connect with the Universe, express your intentions, and be receptive to the guidance it offers. Your active participation in this communication fosters the manifestation of your aspirations, leading you closer to your ultimate destiny. Time To Wake Up- "Time to Wake Up," resonating with the iconic analog alarm clocks of the 90's, serves as a potent reminder to the spirit. It is a call to action, urging you to break free from the grip of procrastination that holds your dreams in limbo. The alarm clock symbolizes the urgency of the moment, a prompt to shake off complacency and seize the present. By hesitating and delaying your actions, you risk letting time slip away, allowing opportunities to fade into the past. It's time to recognize that the plans you've made for yourself are waiting to be realized. Procrastination only delays your progress and dims the chances of turning your aspirations into reality. The clock is ticking, and the choice lies before you: act now or accept the possibility that your dreams may remain unfulfilled. This tablet is your wake-up call, urging you to embrace determination and commitment to materialize your aspirations. Harness the energy within and take decisive steps toward your goals. The time for action is now; heed this call and let your dreams no longer linger in the realm of "someday." Truly, Madly, Deeply- "Truly, Madly, Deeply," a phrase drawn from the heartwarming song of the 90s, encapsulates a profound affirmation: the belief in deserving a love that transcends superficialities, resonates deeply, and endures through time. This tablet is a gentle but powerful reminder that within the complexities of life, amidst trials and moments of doubt, the yearning for a love that's authentic, passionate, and utterly profound remains palpable. If this embodiment of love has yet to grace your existence, it serves as a promise—a declaration that such depth of affection is within your destiny. It's essential to hold onto the certainty that this kind of love indeed exists and is waiting to intertwine itself with your life's narrative. It beckons you to seek connections that recognize and celebrate your intrinsic worth, cherishing your deepest emotions and reciprocating your affections in equal measure. It urges you to steer away from relationships that cause you to question your value or leave you feeling unfulfilled. Embrace this tablet's poignant message as a guiding light. Let it propel you forward, guiding your heart toward relationships that resonate with genuine love and appreciation. Honor your worth, keeping your heart open to the possibility of experiencing a love that is authentic, passionate, and profoundly fulfilling. Your deserving heart is a magnet for the love that is truly, madly, and deeply meant for you. Watch Your Step- "Watch Your Step," inspired by the iconic butterfly hair clip from the 90s, reminds us to be vigilant in observing our thoughts, words, and actions. Like the delicate yet painful hair clip that could cause unbelievably intense pain when carelessly stepped upon, our thoughts and energy, when left unchecked, can unexpectedly shape our realities. This tablet serves as a cautionary reminder of the potent influence our energy holds in the manifestation of our lives. Each thought, word, and action is akin to a brushstroke painting the canvas of our existence. Hence, it's crucial to live with intention and mindfulness. Much like stepping cautiously around that misplaced hair clip to avoid an unforeseen hurt, we must navigate our thoughts and expressions with care to prevent unintended manifestations. The Universe responds to our vibrations and energy. Thus, this tablet urges us to be mindful custodians of our internal dialogue, steering clear of negativity and embracing positivity. It encourages us to infuse our energy with intention and positivity, as the Universe interprets and responds to these frequencies, ultimately shaping our experiences. Let this tablet serve as a gentle yet impactful warning to maintain consciousness in every thought and action. By doing so, we can avoid unintentionally manifesting undesirable outcomes and instead invite positive, fulfilling manifestations into our lives. Whatever- "Whatever," drawn from a popular 1990's movie phrase, serves as a poignant reminder of the power in selective indifference. In certain scenarios or with particular individuals, maintaining an attitude of detachment can be a virtue. Just as the term signifies nonchalance or apathy, this tablet advises us to selectively allocate our emotional energy. There are situations and individuals that may not warrant our deep emotional investment or engagement. This tablet encourages us to discern what truly deserves our passionate involvement and what is better met with a sense of disinterest. Much like the iconic phrase, it's essential to take certain things with a grain of salt, enabling us to preserve our energy and peace of mind. Choosing where to direct our emotions is an empowering decision. Just as the term "Whatever" implies a sense of detachment, it empowers us to decide where to invest our emotional responses. By selectively engaging in situations that genuinely matter and disengaging from those that do not, we retain control over our emotional well-being and preserve our vital energy for more meaningful pursuits. This tablet stands as a guide, encouraging us to weigh our emotional investments wisely. By embracing a measured approach and applying the "Whatever" attitude in the right context, we safeguard our energy, fostering a greater sense of emotional balance and well-being. Yin Yang- "Yin Yang," resonating with the iconic Yin-Yang symbol popular in the 90's, serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of balance in our lives. This tablet encourages us to embrace Eastern philosophies and wisdom, seeking methods to align our energies and maintain a harmonious equilibrium. The Yin-Yang symbol embodies the concept of dualism and the harmony within opposing forces. It reminds us of the constant interplay between light and darkness, strength and softness, action and rest. This tablet encourages us to integrate these contrasting aspects within ourselves, finding a balance that nurtures our overall well-being. By delving into Eastern traditions and wisdom, we open ourselves to practices that help align our energies and maintain a higher vibrational frequency. These teachings often offer valuable insights into cultivating inner peace, enhancing mindfulness, and harmonizing our thoughts, emotions, and actions. The essence of "Yin Yang" urges us to seek equilibrium in our lives, reminding us that embracing both sides of existence contributes to our holistic growth and inner harmony. As the symbol represents the interconnectedness of dualities, it encourages us to find equilibrium within ourselves and our surroundings, fostering a sense of balance and tranquility. You're Being Paged- "Your Attention, Please: You're Being Paged!" Inspired by the iconic 90's girl nostalgia of pagers, this tablet arrives with an urgent message: your inner being, your soul, is trying to grab your attention. Just like the electronic beep of a pager clamoring for notice, your spirit is paging you to tune in and listen closely. The pager, once a symbol of connectivity and communication, serves as a metaphor here. It's a reminder to tune into your inner self amid the external clamor of daily life. Take a moment to acknowledge and heed the signals your soul is sending your way. This tablet encourages you to connect with your intuition, your deepest desires, and your higher self. It's a call to reflect on what truly matters to you, the dreams and aspirations you might have buried under the noise of routine. Much like the pager, which required your attention to decipher its messages, your inner voice seeks acknowledgment. Take the time to decode these messages, whether they arrive as inklings, intuitions, or yearnings. So, pause, take a breath, and listen closely. Your soul is paging you, asking you to pay attention to the whispers of your heart. Embrace this call to reconnect with your inner self, as it might hold the guidance you seek to navigate life's journeys. You're Iconic- This tablet, "Your Iconic," celebrates the nostalgic essence of Cucumber Melon, a beloved and iconic scent from the cherished 90's era. Just as this fragrance evokes memories of carefree days, it symbolizes a journey back to your authentic self. Like the refreshing notes of Cucumber Melon, this tablet is a reminder to relish in the familiar and comforting moments of your past. Allow these memories to serve as a beacon, guiding you back to your true essence and helping you reconnect with the most genuine parts of who you are. Much like the unique blend of cucumber and melon, you too are a blend of your experiences, dreams, and aspirations. Embrace your uniqueness, your quirks, and your individuality, as they compose the fragrant symphony of your being. This tablet invites you to tap into the scents, sounds, and sensations of the past to rekindle the spark of your true self. Embrace the nostalgia, let it infuse your present, and use it as a catalyst to shape a future that resonates with your authentic essence. Just as Cucumber Melon was a signature scent of the 90's, embrace your uniqueness and let it define your own iconic essence. Your individuality is your strength, your uniqueness is your charm, and your authenticity is your superpower. You've Got Mail- The tablet, titled "You've Got Mail," evokes the nostalgic charm of the late '90s when the internet's sweetest greeting announced an incoming email. In a world before instant messaging and social media, it was a moment of anticipation and connection. Just as the familiar voice heralded incoming messages, this tablet serves as a reminder to pay attention to the messages from the universe that are destined for you. Whether they arrive through synchronicities, signs, or intuitive nudges, they bear profound significance for your journey. Much like opening an email brimming with anticipation, embrace these signs as guides illuminating your path forward. Be attentive to the messages carried in the subtle whispers of life, for they might hold keys to unlock doors of opportunity and transformation. The essence of "You've Got Mail" is a call to awaken your awareness to the messages that the universe, your intuition, and the world around you are trying to convey. Just as you eagerly opened your inbox, be open to receiving the universe's messages and insights. As you navigate the labyrinth of life, allow these messages to guide and inspire you. Embrace the synchronicities, the serendipitous encounters, and the subtle whispers that align with your journey. Each message is a fragment of wisdom, nudging you toward your true purpose. Remember, in the grand theater of life, every message is a clue, every synchronicity is a sign, and every encounter holds a message. Embrace the wisdom woven into the fabric of your existence and cherish the transformative power of each "You've Got Mail" moment in your journey. ©Audra English 2024

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  • FAQ | Life Spirits

    FAQ Can I call you on the phone? ​ Having a business line would be extremely difficult due to the fact that our work schedules fluctuate on a weekly basis. Our company is not "typical" and does not have set business hours. In the past, when we've given folks our phone number to contact us, they'd spend hours on the phone with us venting, which made it impossible for us to get any other work done. Audra has been kind enough to allow people to text her directly at (512) 734-7211, but if you call, she probably wont pick up as this is her personal line and she does not answer the phone from numbers she does not recognize. Any excessive harassment on her line will get you blocked, so please be respectful of her phone number. However, we (mainly Robin) are both open to doing phone consultations to help you with your case, life coaching at a cost of $45 for 30 minutes or $90 for a hour. You'll need to contact Robin at to set something up. Our time and expertise is valuable, therefor if you'd like an in-depth conversation, we would need to schedule you in. ​ ​ Anchor 1 What forms of payment do you accept? ​ At the moment we only take paypal. Thankfully, paypal will allow you to order from us using your credit or debit card, even if you do not have a paypal account. They also offer a buy now/pay later option for select buyers. If you'd like to open a paypal account please visit . ​ Anchor 2 How long after I place a order do I get a conformation email? ​ You should get two emails right after you place your order. One will come from Paypal and the other will come from ​ The email from Life Spirits Society of Magick is your order confirmation. It will include your order and a order number. This lets you know that we have been notified of your order and our system has automatically put your order in our “to-do” box. We will see it that day or the very next day when we get back on our computer. ​ Both of these emails (from Paypal and Life Spirits) are sent automatically from both after you successfully make a payment, so if you didn't get it, they could be in your spam folder or there is a problem with one of the sites or the email you gave when you checked out. In this case, simply contact Robin at or fill out our contact form and we will help. ​ You might also receive an email from Robin or Audra within 5 days of your order letting you know when your order will be cast and when you will receive your update. Typically on spells that have a certain day listed that we cast (like any of the Full Moon or New Moon Boosts) you won't get an email letting you know when it will be cast as it would be redundant. Your order confirmation is confirmation you're on the schedule for those nights you bought spell-work for. If you don't hear from us in 7 days please shoot us a email just checking on it and we will get back to you right away. Higher volume times and huge cosmic events tend to slow things down a bit. ​ ​ Anchor 3 I would like to buy a spell for another person, but I don't want them to know about it, is that ok? ​ Of course! We get plenty of people who come to us to help people they care about who wouldn't be aware of the spell. It is no different than praying for someone. ​ If your spell does come with something, you might want to let us know ahead of time so we can customize it for your situation or help advise you how to go about using that potion elixir, talisman, or charm on behalf of someone else. ​ Anchor 4 What kind of magick does Life Spirits Society of Magick use? ​ We are unique in that we are a society more than a actual coven. We do call ourselves a coven even though its not entirely accurate though. We are all solitary in our own practice and each have a certain type of magick, tradition or customs we each individually subscribe to. Most of us are considered eclectic witches. Several witches in our society (you can call us a coven if it's easier) join our two high priestesses (Robin & Audra) cast our spellwork form the site when they are available or if there is an order that they specifically are required to help us with. ​ ​If you are not familiar with witchcraft, you might have never heard of the term eclectic witch. An eclectic witch is free to pick and choose from different traditions to form our own personal path. Robin and Audra are proficient in a wide variety of traditions and types of magick as they've extensively studded and practiced magick and spell craft for decades. ​ You might noticed a few spells mention the name James. James is a bokor. James is not technically part of our society as he is strictly solitary, but he works along side Audra so often on behalf of several of our clients and so it made sense to add a few of their combined spells on the site to allow other people the rare opportunity to have a chance at having a bokor cast on your behalf. ​ James does have his own business on the side and is available for very sensitive and complicated situations, but only through the referral and help of Audra as he is incredibly choosy about who has access to him. Working with a bokor is an incredibly intense and unique experience for most people. ​ James is available for readings which start at $150 a session. If you'd like his help in addition to using our services, please let Robin know and she will hire him on your behalf. Do be warned though, he does not mince words. He will tell you like it is, but he will offer solutions for those problems that pop up. ​ ​ Anchor 5 How long will it take to manifest? ​ ​ We offer folks a time line (3 moon cycles) for when their updated positive energy and vibration should begin assisting them in manifesting their spells. This is our standard response that we give out when asked because it is how long it typically takes us spell casters to shift our own energy. This is not the rule and should not be viewed as such. ​ The 3 moon cycles time line is dependent on how well our customers follow our instructions and how complicated their case is. Your time line will be just as unique to your situation and vibration as your spell-work is. So this is a general time line, but not obviously written in stone. You should not worry if you're not seeing too much (if any progress) by a certain time. Don't allow the obsession of the 3 moon cycle time line cause additional stress and anxiety as it's completely counter productive to your success. ​ Any spell caster that can offer you instant results is trying to scam you since there is no way to guarantee instant results. Please do not judge real witches based on bad experiences or expectations given to you by those who are posers and just out to make a quick buck. A real witch will give you realistic expectations and help you with the process. ​ Since all situations are unique, the time line of manifestation will be unique to that person and their situation. The situation of someone wanting to establish a new relationship will be different from that of someone trying to win back their unfaithful spouse. There is a large amount of contrast between the two situations. ​ A person who is suffering with an unfaithful spouse has a lot of negative energy to sort through and usually a lot of trust issues that need to get cleared away. Whereas the individual looking to establish a new relationship is a lot more excited and trusting of the process making that individual more likely to be able to raise their vibration quickly and have a much faster full manifestation of their spell-work. ​ Some people will see results right away, but for most it will take longer. We have clients who see results the day of the spell (this is rare though) but for most, it will take weeks to months to even show signs of results. Since each person and their energies are different, their success times are different too. ​ Thus it stands to reason that your outcomes will differ from those of others so don't get into a habit of comparing and expecting the same results in the same amount of time. Since your case is unique, we cater to you on an individual bases for better results. ​ You are technically in charge of your spell manifesting! We can only help by giving you advice on how to control and manage your energy to ensure manifestation. ​ ​Magick is like a little seed. It starts off small, but is complicated, if it is given love and attention in the forms of positive energies, patience, and faith, your little seed will grow into something strong and beautiful. But if you surround your magick with negative energies, doubt, and impatience it will be like weeds and can damage and even choke your magick so that it will take longer to manifest if at all. ​ You won't go anywhere if you decide right away to give your case only three moon cycles and then move on if nothing happens by then. This is because you're indicating to the Universe that this is a gamble, not a commitment. You have to agree to wait as long as it takes and ironically, that usually is what helps it manifest incredibly fast. In having that outlook, you are removing all anxiety, fear, and expectations which shift your vibration to where it needs to be for manifestation. The Universe falls in love with a stubborn heart! Conviction and commitment will get you exactly what you're asking for! ​ Because it is human nature to worry, I want you to know we are here for you to give you advice and to lift you up through friendship and positive energy boosts which we will do for free each time you request them! So, please utilize this service because we want your spell to manifest. We put our heart and soul into this on your behalf, your success is personal to us! ​ ​ What will make my spell-work manifest faster? Manage your energy! ​ Most witches will tell you to stay positive, patient, and have faith, and that is true, but there is so much more to it than that. ​ You need to be aware of your energy and use it to direct your spell-work in the direction you want it to go. You are responsible for how and when your spells manifest. Since we know this might be confusing to you, especially since you might not be too familiar with spell-casting, we are here to help you. ​ In fact, most of our time outside of casting spells is spent trying to help our customers learn how to manifest them. We spend our time doing this at no additional cost to you because we want you to succeed. ​ The best way to manage your vibration (or energy) is to start using and implementing the law of attraction. Us witches have been using the law of attraction since the beginning of witchcraft even though we didn't use that specific phrase for it. However, in a nutshell, that is basically what witches use to get our own spells to manifest for us as quickly as possible. ​ Robin and Audra have heaps of information on the law of attraction and how to apply it to spellwork as it's a bit different than what you'd typically do when using the law of attraction. They've both written blogs and articles for other sites about It. They both have individually life coached customers on the concept. So, please read our blog posts in the Law of Attraction section of our blog page to start familiarizing yourself with the process. ​ Audra is a big fan of using switch words for those who have a hard time using the law of attraction as there is a lot of science and psychology behind switch words to shift your energy subconsciously. She can help you come up with some switch words you can use for your own personal situation. Email her at audra@lifespiritssocietyofmagick to get some help with your own personal switch words. ​ You may also contact Robin at for some personalized help. ​ Life Spirits Society of Magick also has a Facebook group you are welcome to join to get extra help and advice on magick, switchwords, and the law of attraction. You c an request to join HERE. ​ ​ Is it ok to get a psychic reading while waiting for a spell to manifest? ​ In my experience, it is a really bad idea. We adamantly advise against it, especially if you go to a reader that is not on our “safe” list. ​ Here is why: If you get bad news from a psychic and he/she says things are not going to work out for you, you might decide to give up, thus your spell(s) will go stagnant and our hard work will be for nothing. On the other side if he/she gives you good news and says it will happen on a specific date and that date comes and goes, you will be very disappointed and again might decide to give up. ​ If you'd like to get a reading, please do so before getting any work done, but take it as seriously as you would a message in the fortune cookie you receive with your fried rice! ​ The law of attraction is going to help you more than any psychic ever would, and so I'd save your money and write the next chapter of your life yourself instead of letting someone use their guess work to tell you what is coming your way. ​ You are in control of your path. Do not hand over your future to a psychic who gives you a reading and lets their power of suggestion decide your fate! ​ If you still can't control yourself and NEED a reading, at the very least, hire James. His readings are accurate and he can help with additional spellwork to ensure anything that needs changed, gets changed. Email Audra or Robin to inquire if James is available for a readin g. ​ ​ Do you offer psychic readings? ​ Yes, but on a very limited basis since we do not advise them. ​ If you'd like a tarot card or oracle card reading, Audra will do them if she has time and feels like it would benefit you or at the very least not cause you harm. She will take pictures and give you a very detailed report of what your cards mean. She usually charges per hour (which includes the cost of typing up your report) and charges $50 a hour. Most readings are between $25-$75 depending on how many cards you ask to get drawn and the type of reading you get. You can contact her at to set something up. ​ James, the bokor will do readings for our clients if he feels drawn to a certain client. We set up the reading on your behalf. On some occasions, we will have to refund you fully because he does not have time or does not feel a connection to you, but we promise to fully refund you if this is the case. ​ James' readings are $150 and include some spell-work. He typically does an initial reading, does spell-work to correct some of the problems that pop up, then does an additional reading to see if that spell-work will be successful for you. He gives Audra or Robin his final report and allows for any follow up questions you have. He does not meet with our clients face to face. If you want to work with James, you will need to do so though Audra or Robin. If you would like to hire James to do a reading for you, please contact Robin at and she will get in touch with James to see if he is available. ​ Other than Audra and James, we do not yet approve of other psychics. We are incredibly picky about who we recommend since we know there are a lot of readers who do not know what they are truly doing, can read energy more than the future, or are just plain scammers. We do not want any outside forces to cause you any harm. ​ If you are a reader and are interested in getting on our approved list please do contact Robin. She is open to it for maybe our facebook group , but only on a case by case basis and after she vets you extensively! ​ ​ Can I use your services if I'm already getting spells done by another caster? ​ You are more than welcome to work with different casters. However, please be advised that their instructions are probably going to be different than ours. You will need to make sure you don't apply their directions to our spells and vice-versa. We also cannot advise you on their spells as we are not familiar with them. ​ It would be rare that another witches spell-casting causes conflicts with our own as we do protection spells on our work, but I can not say that our spells would conflict with that they do. Usually is isn't a problem though, especially as plenty of people use more than one caster. ​ ​ Do you cast during the appropriate moon cycle? ​ A lot of newbies get really caught up in the correct moon cycles. It is a myth that you need to cast during a certain moon cycle to ensure your spell works. It can help, especially if you are very connected to the energy of the moon, but it is completely unnecessary and so we will not automatically schedule your spell for the appropriate moon cycle unless requested. ​ Most experienced witches cast when they want to and don't follow a certain schedule if it's urgent. Robin sometimes follow the moon cycles her own spells while Audra almost never does. ​ Us witches definitely like to celebrate and honor the moon cycles. Witches are very connected to the moon's energy, but we also know that we are the most important tool and bring the most important energy to the table. This is especially true of eclectic witches. At Life Spirits, we usually boost our spells that we previously cast on the New or Full Moon, but we do not feel pressured into waiting for the perfect timing on the initial cast. You are more than welcome (and encouraged) to get your spells boost during the Full or New Moon when we do our monthly boosts. ​ If you are worried about casting during the wrong moon cycle, you can always email Robin and ask that your spell work be cast during the correct moon cycle. We do charge extra for this since we offer Full Moon and New Moon Boosts almost each month and so the time slots are usually full of people who are getting spells boosted during those times, but if it gives you more faith and piece of mind, then it is worth it! ​ What if I want to order my spell to be cast on the full or new moon? ​ We gladly take new orders for both the Full and New Moon. Usually a few days before the Full or New Moon, we have a listing for a Full or New Moon Boost available to purchase and any new spells you buy along with the boost will automatically get cast with your boost. That is the most financially advantageous way to ensure your spells get cast during the Full or New Moon and the boosts usually come with an additional themed spell or potion oil for free. They're worth getting each month. You can track the moon cycles with this link HERE to help remind you when we will have the next boost up. You wont see it up if we are already booked up. It is on occasion (specifically during very exciting lunar activities) that this will happen. Do email us though and see if we can still squeeze you in. If you don't want to get the boost but want to ensure your spell is cast during the appropriate moon cycle or on a specific day (like Friday the 13th or another special day to you), it will cost an additional $20 per spell. Please get in touch with Robin or Audra before ordering so we can ensure we have room to honor your request. ​ ​ What is the fail rate on spells? We have a very high success rate which we are very proud of, but ultimately the success of our spells depend on our clients. ​ Faith, positive energy and patience are not optional for spells to manifest... they are required! Using the law of attraction is required! Not everyone can or is willing to do what it takes to get their spells to manifest. ​ Unfortunately we are living in a world of instant gratification and some people give up if they don't see results immediately. This is an unfair and unrealistic expectation placed on magick and those of us who cast spells. Most of those I see that get zero or very little results, fail because they do not want to listen to my instructions or give up hope because they did not get the results in the time frame they set. ​ One thing you need to realize is that YOU don't get to set the time frame... the universe does. When you ask the universe for a gift, you can't then tell the universe how and when it will happen for you. You need to ask, believe and receive. ​ Following the instructions we give you is required for success, we know what we are doing, and so when we tell a person not to do something or to make sure they do something and they don't, it is not fair to wonder why it didn't work. ​ To be blunt: If you can't take directions and if you can't remain patient, positive and have faith... magick is not for you. Period. We only want to work with people who are serious about this since we put a lot of time, energy and emotion into what we do. It's is not fair to seek out our services if you only want to experiment, gamble or play with magick because of curiosity. If you come to us, you need to be willing to do your part and reach out to us if you need help. ​ We get emotionally connected to our customers and their cases and so we are more than willing to do anything it takes to get you success and help you get manifestation. ​ ​ Do you recast our spells if we don't see results and if so, what is the cost? ​ If you don't see results within 4 moon cycles, we will do a full recast for free after we consult with you and try to figure out what is going on. Usually it means we need to help you a bit with your energy or your case might need a bit more energy from us since your case is more complicated than originally anticipated. This is not uncommon, so it is nothing you need to worry about. Us witches need to recast our on spells too. It all has to do with energy. We do up to 3 re-casts and any spell for free since we want you to get results. Your success is our success and so we want to work with you as long as you will allow me, so we can achieve this! ​ ​ Will your spells cause harm to come to me or anyone else ? ​ If you get a spell designed to protect you by causing harm to another, then yes, our spell will harm your target. However, you will never receive bad karma or any other harm from getting those types of spells cast by us on your behalf. ​ We are very careful to ensure that no one who is innocent will ever be harmed with our magick. We take great pride in the fact that our spells are powerful, but are not dangerous. Our spells are safe enough to use on/for children. We always do protection spells before and after to ensure our spells never back-fire or cause any negative results or energy for our clients. If I feel there will be something negative from the spell, I will stop and inform that person that this is not the right spell for them and either give a full refund or figure out what would be better. ​ You are in VERY good and experienced hands with Life Spirits Society of Magick. ​ ​ Are there side effects I'll notice after getting spells cast for me? ​ Probably. It's very common for you to receive some physical and emotional side effects when you have a spell cast on you. Not everyone gets these side effects (Audra rarely experiences them) and that is natural and ok. It just means you are lucky! The biggest side effect we hear about is a mild headache. However, you might experience dizziness, vivid dreams, slight stomach upset, chills, hot flashes, and usually a over all sense of excitement and calm Emotionally you might even feel a bit more anxious, a little blue, slight agitation, immense happiness, feelings of peace and calm, and might even experience a huge release of emotions you were not expecting. All these symptoms should disappear in a couple days to a couple months depending on how sensitive you are to the magick. Most people welcome these signs since it reminds them that their spell is actually starting to take off, but if you feel overwhelmed, email Robin or Audra and we can slow down the spell-work so it is not as intense. Another trick to dealing with possible side effects is to drink tons of extra water. Water is energy conducive, so the more hydrated you are, the better you'll receive the energy from spell-work. If you're dehydrated, you might have some slightly uncomfortable symptoms, but this might help bolster your faith in the spell-work sinc e you can feel proof of it working. ​ I just got a spell, but things are getting worse, not better. Did it backfire? ​ Our spells will not backfire on you. It is nearly impossible for them to do so. ​ I c an bet you what is going on is you have not given it enough time (remember rule of thumb is at least 3 moon cycles!) The energy is not strong enough from stopping problems that were already going to pop up anyway. ​ Some situations actually need to get worse before they can get better. You don't want to bury something really big because it is likely to pop up again and be even worse. Instead you want to be able to deal with it so that it is no longer a problem. This can be a healing crisis of sorts and usually if you ride it through with an open mind and positive spirit, you will see a big break through and major changes that turn out in your favor. You need to have faith in the Universe and faith in the process. ​ If things are getting worse, it means they are going to be on an upturn soon if you stay consistent and keep on course. Robin and Audra will assist you with additional free energy work (we call it a positive energy boost) and extra TLC while you wait out the storm, so please reach out to us. ​ ​ I emailed you the other day, and still have not heard back? ​ We have helped tens of thousands of people since we created this website over 10 years ago. This means we have a lot of customers past and present. There are a few things in particular that slow up the response time when it comes to our emails: ​ 1. Some people email us several times a day! So please refrain from emailing us more than once on a specific subject or follow up with your previous email instead of starting a whole new email chain. If everyone did this, our response time would go down dramatically! ​ 2. Robin herself gets around 100-200 emails daily, but has the most time to email on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. So this means that there is never a time when there are not several hundred emails in her inbox. ​ 3. Life happens! We live at the edge of tornado ally so sometimes have storms that take the power out for a day or two each year. Usually at the start or end of winter! There are also times when we need a day off or do not feel well. We are human and yes, even the flu can hit us from time to time. ​ 4. People will ask questions already answered on the FAQ page. Please read this page in it's entirety and bookmark it. ​ We are not a normal business and so don't typically receive normal "business"inquiries. People constantly (and thankfully) come to us for emotional comfort and support. We provide a lot of emotional support freely because we believe it is our soul destiny to provide love and comfort to other people. One of our most important job as a witch is to be a ear to listen, but this is a BIG job and we need some time to do it! Please do not expect us to email you back the day you email us. We would if we could! If you do have an emergency, please make sure it is in fact an emergency and put "EMERGENCY" in your email subject line. You can email Robin at or Audra at ​ Why does my email from you sound generic? ​ If you are getting an instant reply to a email you just sent, it probably feels generic because it is. Every email gets a instant reply right after they email Robin since it will help direct them to other areas (ahem, this page) to answer questions. So you should expect to receive this same email each time you email Robin. ​ Audra does not have an auto reply on her email address, but she might in the future. ​ ​ When it comes to a email you receive about being on the schedule or a update on how your spell-work went, than those are also partially generic. If you and a friend or family member are getting spell-work done at the same time, you might notice some things are stated word for word in both emails if you compare notes. There is a reason for this. ​ Robin or Audra type out a template to use that day for updates. Here is an outline on how we do our update emails: ​ Hi Hon or Honey, (if Robin is writing you, otherwise Audra tends to use your first name) ​ A greeting and intro which is the same for everyone. ​ Your personalized spell updates from our notes, some advice to help you with anything we saw during you cast. This is all personalized to you! ​ Finally a ending that gives you information about what is going on cosmically, reminders about using the law of attraction, and any updates for the site. We customize each email for each customer but do use the same template email to start for everyone. Sinec there will be some information that everyone will receive or made privy too, it makes more sense to type it up generically. This is a very common business practice. ​ Emails we reply to will never be generic. We do not have or use pre-typed replies. Robin and Audra personally read all emails. You will always get a custom message back from us which is also why replies can take a bit of time. ​ I got a spell to help bring back a specific person, yet I am finding old lovers and just other people in general are starting to act interested in me. Does this mean my spell hit the wrong target? ​ I love this question because it happens so often and is so funny to me because it points to manifestation around the corner. Don't worry, it didn't hit the wrong target (you gave us the right name, right?) Ha ha! We do the spell on the person you named so it is not going to hit a old lover or a random person. The more information you give me on that specific person, the better it is for you. That is why the questionnaire is important. ​ More than likely, what is going on is your vibration has gone up because you are following directions which will draw in other people, but especially old lovers who might be psychically connected to you still. Your ex showing up after a love spell being cast on another person is also a good sign you might want to do a cord cutting on your unwanted suitor for better (and faster) results with the love spell you had cast on the other person. ​ Most of our love spells are also designed to make you more attractive, so you'll get noticed! This should make your confidence go up and so just enjoy the extra attention while you focus on and wait for your target to finally come around and get in tune with you. ​ ​ I got a love spell a long time ago and it didn't work and I moved on. Now he/she is back and wants a relationship. Why did it work once I gave up? I thought that would be against the law of attraction? ​ Actually you getting results after giving up is very much in line with the law of attraction and here is why: Since you were no longer worried and obsessed about what was going on between you and this person, you were not blocking your spell with your own fear and negative energy. You can be your own worst enemy when you are constantly desperate and worried about your spell work. Once you gave up, you also gave up those negative thoughts and emotions. Apathy is better than negative energy. So if you are someone who can't stop thinking and worrying, actually giving up those worries by letting go of that need to control will get you results. ​ ​ Do I get something in the mail and if so, how long does it take? Not all spells come with something that gets mailed out. It will say in the listing if it comes with something. ​ If you get a potion elixir oil, talisman, ring or a spell that comes with a charm, you will get something in the mail. ​ Robin will email you when you can expect the item you bought when she updates you. It usually gets sent the week after your update since Robin or Audra protection spells, and package everything up. If you would like a tracking number, please let us know and we will invoice you for the extra charge, otherwise it is sent first class without tracking for free. ​ Please note: If you live outside the US, we cannot ship you potion oils since too many have been taken at customs. ​ ​ What is your refund policy? ​ Refund Policy: The general rule is that once your spell(s) have been cast, do not expect a refund. We are using materials and time that we can not get back. Since we are the real deal, it costs us money to cast for you. We have to be compensated for this time, energy and materials. This also encourages you to take our work seriously and follow directions. Refunds are at the sole discretion of Robin and Audra. We take careful consideration of all the time, materials, and results before a refund, if any is granted. If a spell has not yet been started and you changed your mind about the casting or if we don't feel we can honestly help you a full refund will be offered right away. Do not expect any refund or contact from us if you are disrespectful or rude and/or have not followed any instructions from Robin, Audra, and members of Life Spirits Society of Magick. Rude and entitled behavior will get you blocked from our services and contact from us. A violation of our privacy policy (especially if you break the rules in our Facebook group) will also ban you from a refund and ensure no further contact with regards to your spells. We will go out of our way to make sure our clients are happy and have an amazing experience, but communication and a dedicated effort from you is key. We can't know how to fix problems that arise if we are not told about it in the first place. Our refund policy is listed in our Terms Of Service page (TOS) among with other things you legally agree to when you place an order. ​ ​. I t old Robin I wanted to give up and she didn't even try to stop me, why? ​ Robin has had people email her that continuing is too painful. They didn't want to continue using magick or the law of attraction. They would explain they they want to give up. Most of the time Robin will try and talk them off the ledge because she understands how overwhelming some circumstances can be. However, if the continue to be doubtful, negative, and are firm in their resolve to be done with everything, Robin will respect them and move on with them. If they expect Robin or Audra to keep trying to pacify their doubt and negativity, they are just coming to us to get attention and are not someone we can help anymore. To continue to work with a person like this is exhausting and feels like a mind game. It drains our energy and takes us away from people who are willing to let us help them. It is unfair to let this type of communication continue, so we make the difficult choice to stop associating with that client. ​ We can not be your motivation. If you are not motivated to do what it takes to manifest the life of your dreams, we are not going to be able to help you. This can be a hard and an emotional journey... especially with love spells. You have to be motivated to go through this hard and emotional journey to get results. You have to trust the process and believe that the Universe is on your side and your spell-work will manifest. If you tell us you give up... we will believe you, wish you luck and move on to those who are willing to follow instructions and are motivated for change. ​ Anchor 7 Anchor 6 I heard you're also on Etsy, what is your shop link? ​ ​ Life Spirits Society of Magick isn't on Etsy, however Audra's shop Ruby Witch Designs is on Etsy. Her shop is considered our "sister shop" but owned by her and only her. She will offer some potions from our site on Etsy, but we are technically two separate shops. She will have links to our site on Etsy, but our spells are only available though our site. ​ Audra's Etsy shop link can be found HERE. Her shop name is: RubywitchDesigns ​ As of March 2023, Audra has made almost 8,000 sales through RubywitchDesigns , and has an average rating of 5 stars with more than 3,000 reviews. She possesses the very coveted star seller badge. ​ Audra has proven herself a very successful spell-caster on several different platforms. Her record of success is outstanding and we are very lucky to have her as one of our high priestesses at Life Spirits Society of Magick! ​ ​ Are you on social me dia? ​ Yes, we are! We will have tons of giveaways, interesting content, and special sales for those who choose to follow us on social media. If you need to make a new account to use to follow us but keep your affiliation with magick a secret, please do so. It is worth connecting with us in this manner. ​ Here are those links for you: Instagram @lifespiritssocietyofmagick ​ Facebook- Life Spirits Society of Magick ​ Audra's Facebook Page ​ Pinterest @lifespiritssocietyofmagick ​ Facebook -RubywitchDesigns ​ ​ ​ I read you have a Facebook group, what is the link and what will I find in there? ​ Yes, we do. We are just opening it up late March of 2023 since we wanted to make sure we could dedicate some time to it, but we invite anyone who would like to learn about magick, switch words, the law of attraction, and crystals. Robin and Audra will visit often to answer questions, offer support, and make friends. ​ You'll be able to talk to other people who are getting spells cast by us, learn about magick from real witches, get advice on anything under the sun, get free spells, get a chance to get free merchandise from Audra's Etsy shop, see and talk to Robin and Audra both on live chat, get invited to exclusive meetings, get VIP promotions. ​ Once you ask to join and are approved, you will get VIP status! It is worth submitting an application to join (create a new Facebook account just to join in if you need to remain anonymous, just let us know who you are when you apply.) ​ You'll find the link to the group HERE! ​ ​ ​ ​

  • CRYSTAL GUIDE | Life Spirits

    Crystal Guide I created this page to help my Etsy clients identify and learn about the crystals sold to them in my crystal sets I've created. ​ To buy this set, please follow this link: RubywitchDesigns. Crystals have long been used in magick and healing, both by practitioners of the occult and holistic healers alike. They are seen as powerful tools to amplify energy and intention, helping to manifest what we want in our lives. Crystal magick is the practice of using crystals to create change in one’s life through rituals, spells and visualization. Crystals come in all shapes, sizes and colors, each with its own unique metaphysical properties. Clear quartz crystals are often called the “master healer” due to their ability to amplify any kind of energy it is exposed to. Other crystals such as rose quartz are known for their calming, soothing effects, while amethyst crystals can provide deeper insight into issues that may be holding us back from achieving our goals. In order to use crystals effectively for magickal purposes, you must first cleanse them. Cleaning crystals helps ensure that they will work at peak levels of power when being used for your intended purpose. Burning sage or white sage incense near crystals can help clear away any energetic blockages or negative entities associated with them. You can also place your crystals under a full moon or bury them in salt overnight as a way of cleansing them energetically before working with them. When it comes time to use crystals for magickal purposes, an important part of the process is setting intentions for each crystal that you plan on working with. This could be anything from attracting love into your life or finding greater success in a particular career path. Once you have set your intention, focus on it and visualize what it would look like if you had already achieved this goal or outcome- this will help direct the energy of the crystal during your ritual or spellwork. Once you have set your intention and focused on it visualizing what it would look like if achieved, start by charging each crystal with your intention by placing them close together while focusing on what you’re trying to manifest in your life. Once all crystals are charged up, arrange them into whatever shape feels right (such as a circle) before beginning your ritual work or spellcasting session while focusing intently on your goal or desired outcome once again. Finally, after completing the ritual/spellwork session take some quiet time to reflect upon how far you’ve come since beginning this journey and how much closer you are now towards achieving what was once just an idea. Using crystals in magick requires patience and focus but can prove incredibly rewarding if done correctly! It is important to remember that any kind of positive change should not be rushed- take some time out for yourself every day to reconnect with nature and appreciate all that you have already achieved thus far! Lastly - don’t forget about cleaning crystals regularly; doing so not only ensures they function optimally but also helps keep yourself grounded throughout whatever journey lies ahead! Here is a handy information guide to help you get to learn about and get to know your crystals better: Clear Quartz: Clear Quartz is associated with: Known As A Power Crystal Enhances Clarity Perfect Stone For Meditation Increases Energy Promotes Emotional Stability Brings Forth Manifestation Increased Self-Worth Draws In Love Encourages Psychic Abilities Helps Bring Positive Changes Instills Hope Encourages Better Communication Master Healer Heals all Chakras Assists In Dream Work Aura Cleanser Clear Quartz is a powerful gemstone with a long and interesting history used in magick, as well as in spiritual healing. Clear Quartz often takes the form of clear crystals and is also known as Rock Crystal or even simply “quartz”. It can be found all over the world, most notably in Brazil and Madagascar. Clear Quartz is one of the most popular stones used in magick and other mystical practices. It is often referred to as “the stone of power” because it amplifies energy, thoughts, and intentions. This makes it a perfect stone for working with the Law of Attraction, as it can help to focus and amplify the desired outcome. Clear Quartz crystals are found all over the world and have been used throughout history in many different cultures. Ancient Egyptians believed Clear Quartz had divine connections and used it to adorn their gods’ statues. The Sumerians saw Clear Quartz as a powerful tool for spiritual protection, while Medieval alchemists associated it with clarity and purity. Clear Quartz’s metaphysical properties are vast due to its unique ability to absorb, store, and release energy gradually at a steady rate. As such, Clear Quartz is said to be able to provide relief from physical tension, harmonize mental processes, enhance communication skills, and promote emotional balance. It is also believed that Clear Quartz helps open up pathways for spiritual growth and understanding by allowing access to higher realms of consciousness. In addition to its metaphysical properties, Clear Quartz has significant healing properties that make it an invaluable ally in healing work. Clear Quartz can be used as an elixir or gemstone therapy to help heal physical ailments such as stress-related disorders or tension headaches as well as emotional issues like anger or depression. When worn on the body or placed near areas that need healing energy transfer (such as chakras), Clear Quartz helps disperse stagnant energy while assisting in the channeling of beneficial energies back into our bodies. As you can see, there are many powerful benefits associated with incorporating Clear Quartz into your daily practice. Whether you choose to use its magickal powers for manifesting your desires or its healing properties for providing physical relief from pain or emotional upheaval - whatever goal you set out for yourself will be greatly enhanced by having this beautiful crystal by your side. Blue Goldstone: Blue Goldstone is associated with: Stone of Ambition Enhances Communication Encourages Confidence Facilitates Success Stimulates Motivation Increases Vitality Incredibly Uplifting Promotes Positive Energy Personal Growth & Transformation Gives Courage Increases Abundance Enhances Wisdom Connects You With The Divine Encourages and Facilitates Learning Great For Empaths New Beginnings Increased Manifestation Provides Balance Increases Peace and Serenity Encourages Business Success Blue Goldstone is a unique, sparkly gemstone that has been used for centuries in metaphysical applications and magick. It is created from quartz sand, copper and glass to form a beautiful stone with flecks of shimmering blue that swirl within its depths. Believed to be associated with the power of the sun. Blue Goldstone is a beautiful and mysterious stone with an interesting history. Its roots are thought to come from Italy, where it was discovered in the 17th century by a group of monks who were fascinated by its unique properties. Since then, Blue Goldstone has become one of the most sought-after magickal stones, used for its many metaphysical properties. Blue Goldstone is said to possess strong healing energy that can stimulate energy flow and balance in the body. It is believed to offer protection against negative influences, while also boosting confidence and self-esteem. It can be a powerful aid when practicing the law of attraction, helping you to focus on your goals and stay committed to achieving them. Blue Goldstone also encourages harmony in relationships and supports communication between people, allowing them to better understand each other's point of view and bridge any differences peacefully. The power of Blue Goldstone is also said to help clear away any blockages or energetic cords blocking us from our highest potential—helping us manifest our desires more easily with greater clarity and focus. This stone works best when worn or kept close by, as it purifies the aura and helps bring balance into our lives. In addition to its metaphysical properties, Blue Goldstone’s stunning blue color will captivate anyone looking at it—even though the real secret behind this stone lies within its glittering copper flecks that are embedded inside it! These copper flecks are what give Blue Goldstone its signature sparkly look which makes it stand out among other stones. Whether you’re using Blue Goldstone for its magickal properties or just because it looks pretty—it’s an amazing stone that will bring beauty into your life. Green Aventurine: ​ Green Aventurine is associated with: Stone of Opportunity Brings Forth Wealth, Abundance, and Prosperity Blesses With Luck and Good Fortune Attracts Abundance in All Areas Increases The Chance of Success Soothes Anxiety Provides Optimism Increases Confidence Promotes Growth Connected to the Heart Chakra Provides Healing Energy Brings Forth Vitality Encourages Confidence Increases Happiness and Joy Release Bad Habits Very Grounding Enhances Creativity Calms Anger Career Stone Brings Forth Balance Provides Motivation Incredibly Stabilizing Increases Manifestation Promotes Love Opens Doors Green Aventurine is a highly sought-after gemstone, prized for its ability to attract wealth and abundance. It is believed to increase one's luck, bring prosperity and good fortune, and even help manifest dreams into reality. As such, many seek it out for its magickal properties in the hopes of making their lives better. The unique green hue of Green Aventurine is attributed to trace amounts of elements such as Fushite or Goethite. This stone has been used throughout history in various cultures for different purposes. In some ancient cultures, this gemstone was considered a sacred symbol of good luck. It was also believed to have protective powers and could be used to ward off negative energies. Aside from being associated with luck and protection, Green Aventurine is also thought to have calming and invigorating effects on the mind and body. It is said to help promote emotional stability by helping improve mental clarity, while providing a sense of inner peace and harmony with oneself. The vibration frequency of this stone helps regulate emotions and create a balanced state of mind that can help lessen anxiety and stress. When it comes to physical healing, Green Aventurine can boost immunity, aid with digestion issues, reduce inflammation, improve circulation, strengthen the lungs, purify blood and lymphatic systems, aid fertility problems in both men and women, assist in treating disorders related to the heart chakra or kidneys, heal skin ailments like eczema or acne, reduce menstrual pain symptoms among others. Moreover Green Aventurine is also said to be beneficial for those who work with creative energies—such as artists—as it can help open the eyes of creativity so one may explore possibilities beyond what one had previously imagined. It makes the user more aware of their environment so that creative inspirations can come more easily as well as helping them follow through on these ideas more easily than before. Overall Green Aventurine can be seen as an all-around healer when it comes to spiritual matters—providing protection; aiding in manifestation; fostering emotional stability; increasing intuition; promoting creativity—and physical health issues—regulating energy flow within the body; improving immune system; reducing inflammation; assisting fertility problems among others—all while radiating vibrant energy that attracts wealth & abundance! Lepidolite: Lepidolite is associated with: Anti-Anxiety Stress Relief Heals the Heart Neutralizes Emotional Pain Stone of Acceptance Stone of Transformation Helps Change Negative Psychological Patterns Deep Emotional Healing Dissipates Negativity Brings Forth Healing Positive Energy Encourages Hope Contains Lithium (Perfect For Those With Mood Swings and/or Bi-Polar) Brings About Optimism Increases Balance Incredibly Calming Increases Self Love Inner Peace Clears Depression Brings Awareness Connects to Divine Beings Boosts Trust Provides Tranquility Activates & Balances ALL Chakras Better Sleep Brings About A Positive Attitude Change Lepidolite is a type of mica stone that has been used for centuries for its metaphysical properties. It is thought to be one of the most powerful stones for manifesting your desires and attracting abundance and joy into your life. Lepidolite is known to work particularly well in combination with the law of attraction, so it can help you to focus on positive thoughts and attract positive energy into your life. This soft, pink or lilac-colored stone has a long history as a healing stone that dates back thousands of years. According to ancient folklore, Lepidolite was believed to be linked with calming and soothing energies that could bring peace, relaxation, and balance. This stone was also thought to have spiritual properties that could help the user to find true inner joy and increased self-awareness through meditation. In magickal practices, Lepidolite is often used as a protective stone that can help guard against negative energies or harmful spirits. It is said to be especially useful in dreamwork because it helps you release any hidden issues that may be blocking your progress in life, allowing you to take control of your destiny. Lepidolite can also facilitate lucid dreaming, which allows you access to alternate realities while remaining conscious. This stone also works well with other stones like Clear Quartz or Amethyst, amplifying their energies and providing greater clarity during meditation or dreamwork sessions. Additionally, Lepidolite can enhance communication by helping practitioners stay connected with their higher selves during divination or shamanic journeys. Lepidolite's vibrations are gentle yet powerful enough to break down old patterns in order for new growth and transformation to occur both emotionally and spiritually. When using this crystal for healing purposes it should be placed near the heart chakra so it can send its calming energy outward throughout the body. You may want to combine it with other crystals such as Rose Quartz or Pink Tourmaline if you would like additional balancing effects. Overall, Lepidolite carries an incredible amount of power within its shimmering hues and gentle vibrations – making it an excellent choice when working with metaphysical magickal practices or when seeking spiritual guidance from the universe. By focusing on benevolent thoughts while connecting with this stone’s peaceful energy, practitioners will find they are able unlock new paths of understanding towards achieving true inner peace and joyous abundance in their lives. Amazonite: Amazonite is associated with: Opens The Heart Chakra Heals Emotional Trauma Alleviates Anxiety Stone of Harmony Boosts Communication Allows You to Speak Your Truth Supports Your Destiny Brings About Luck Connected to Abundance and Prosperity Gives You Hope Soothes Away Depression Incredibly Balancing Offers Protection Reconnects You to Your True Self Tempers Aggression and Anger Helps Establish Healthy Relationships Enhances Self Discipline Awakens Compassion Brings You Grace A Stone of Success and Manifestation Helps You Overcome Negative Obsessions Amazonite is a magical mineral that has held a special place in many cultures throughout history. It is an opaque, semi-precious stone with a beautiful aqua blue-green hue. Although it was named after the Amazon River because of its similarity to the green waters of the river, Amazonite is actually found all over the world. ​ Amazonite has been used for centuries as a protective talisman and to increase personal power. It’s often referred to as the “hope stone” because it helps bring hope and clarity during difficult situations. Amazonite also carries energies of truth, courage, and communication - making it an ideal stone for those seeking to learn more about themselves or others. In metaphysical circles, Amazonite is believed to help balance mental and emotional energies by promoting self-love and acceptance. It can also be used to attract love, prosperity, abundance and success in life by helping you stay true to yourself while honoring your goals and ambitions. By using this powerful crystal in your spiritual practice or magickal workings, you will find yourself feeling more confident in expressing your authentic self and having faith that you have all the strength within you needed for success. From its appearance alone, Amazonite can easily draw attention for its lovely shade of blue-green hues ranging from light aquamarine blue to deep olive green with black mottling. No two pieces are ever alike making each one unique! This stunning gemstone can be made into jewelry pieces such as necklaces or bracelets so its energy can be enjoyed close to the heart chakra where it can more effectively work its magick on an individual’s overall well being. Additionally, Amazonite helps connect with inner knowledge that allows us better control our lives by understanding how our emotions influence our decisions and actions. It helps us recognize our mistakes so we may learn from them without blame or guilt while encouraging forgiveness toward ourselves as well as others who may have wronged us in some way. Overall, Amazonite serves as a gentle reminder that life’s challenges are only meant to make us stronger - no matter what happens we always have something positive inside of us waiting to be revealed once again! Whether used for physical beauty or spiritual growth, this powerful crystal holds the potential for great transformation when used correctly - just remember that whatever you wish for will come true if you believe wholeheartedly in its power. Yellow Calcite: Yellow Calcite is associated with: Cannot Hold Negativity, Transmutes Only Positive Energy Happiness and Pure Joy Acts as a Guide Encourages Responsibility Grounding Inspires Motivation & Determination Releases Bad Habits Reduces Anxiety Reduces Depression Mental Clarity Eliminates Procrastination Brings an Abundance of Energy Facilitates Good Luck Inspires Confidence Brings Hope Connects You to Divine Realms Amplifying Stone Great Stone to Eliminate Anger and Rage Fosters Personal Growth Yellow Calcite is a powerful stone of spiritual development and transformation. It has been used for centuries in magick and the law of attraction, as it is said to carry a strong energy that helps to amplify intentions and manifest desires. The color of Yellow Calcite comes from its high iron content, which also gives it its many metaphysical properties. Yellow Calcite vibrates with the Solar Plexus Chakra, making it a great stone for those looking to increase their self-empowerment and confidence. It radiates positive energy that helps to clear negative energies and promote positivity, joy, and clarity of thought. Yellow Calcite is a powerful stone for manifesting abundance in all areas of life. It can help remove any blocks or obstacles that are standing in your way so you can create the life you desire. By infusing your spirit with positive vibrations, Yellow Calcite can help attract success, prosperity, love, and wealth into your life. This type of calcite can also be used to heal emotional wounds and boost self-esteem. Its energy encourages optimism and optimism opens up the possibility for change. When using Yellow Calcite you should keep in mind that thoughts become things; use this crystal’s energy to set your intentions clear and take action so they become reality. In addition to manifesting abundance, Yellow Calcite is also helpful in developing psychic abilities such as clairvoyance, intuition, communication with spirit guides, precognition/premonition abilities, divination etc. It can help bring understanding when trying to interpret messages sent by your higher self or divine spirits. In Ancient Egyptian times this type of calcite was used for protection against negative energies; it was believed that the bright yellow hue would ward off harm from malicious intent directed at someone’s home or property. This belief still stands today; many people use Yellow Calcite around their homes or workplaces as protection from negative energies or entities that could cause harm or disruption in their lives. ​ ​ Finally, as previously mentioned Yellow Calcite vibrates with the Solar Plexus Chakra; this makes it an excellent choice for activating healing on physical ailments associated with this chakra such as digestive issues like gas or bloating, kidney stones etc., as well as mental issues related to low self-esteem or lack of personal power/confidence. For best results when using Yellow Calcite we recommend meditating with the crystal while focusing on what you want to manifest into your life – think positive thoughts! Place the crystal on top of your abdomen while lying down if dealing with physical ailments related to solar plexus chakra blockages; you should also visualize a yellow light surrounding you while doing so to activate healing energies within its depths even further. Keep Yellow Calcite close by during ritual work or spell casting if working specifically with this stone’s energy – whether using it for protection purposes or manifesting abundance - so its powerful vibrations may be felt throughout the process. Green Calcite: Green Calcite is associated with: Money, Wealth, Prosperity, & Abundance Good Luck & Fortune Restores Balance Regulates Emotions Stress Relief Mental Healer Success in All Areas Cleans Negativity From People, Places, and Things Raises Your Vibration Provides Motivation Clears Negative Emotions & Stagnation Stone of Protection Brings Love Into Your Life Promotes Forgiveness Enhances Empathy and Compassion Brings About Positive Transformation Connects You To Your Heart's Desire Brings in New Opportunities Green Calcite is a powerful healing stone with strong metaphysical properties that help to manifest positive energy and attract abundance. It is one of the most popular stones for use in magick and law of attraction rituals. Green Calcite is primarily composed of calcium carbonate, which gives it its distinctive color and texture. In ancient times, it was believed to possess healing powers, as well as spiritual protection from negativity. Ancient Egyptians used Green Calcite specifically for healing purposes and incorporated it into jewelry for protection against the dark forces. Today, Green Calcite is used to promote love, luck, prosperity, and joy. It's often placed in a room or living space to create a sense of harmony and balance. People also use Green Calcite as an aid to meditation, connecting them more deeply with their higher self and divine guidance. On a physical level, Green Calcite has been known to reduce inflammation and cleanse the blood. It helps promote healthy digestion by reducing disturbances in the gut flora; this can lead to better mental clarity as well. Green Calcite also helps strengthen bones by providing additional calcium and aiding mineral absorption into the body. In terms of magickal workings, Green Calcite is said to amplify intentions so they can reach the Universe more quickly. For this reason, many people choose to carry a piece of Green Calcite with them when performing tasks related to goal-setting or manifesting dreams. By doing so, they are sending out strong vibrational signals that will be heard by the Universe in no time. At an emotional level, Green Calcite helps bring about emotional balance and centeredness . Its calming vibrations can help release negative emotions like anger or jealousy that might prevent you from living your best life. Furthermore, its energies are thought to increase self-confidence and empower decision-making skills; this allows you to feel more secure in your actions — both personal and business-related — leading you towards greater success overall. The spiritual benefits of Green Calcite are numerous too! As previously mentioned, it serves as a protective amulet against dark forces while also allowing more light energy into our lives through its vibrant hue of greenish-blue shades — reflective of Nature's beauty — which together tend to foster feelings of happiness and joy within us all. Overall, accepting Green Calcite into your life can be beneficial on many levels — physical health , emotional well-being , spiritual enlightenment , magickal workings , creative pursuits , etc.. This versatile crystal can help heal your body while cleansing your energy field so you can live your best life with divine guidance each step along the way. Black Obsidian: Black Obsidian is associated with: Psychic Protection Negative Energy Shield Removes and Absorbs Toxic Energy Protects From Abuse and Bullying Removes Toxic People Connected to the Root Chakra Incredibly Grounding Dispels Anxiety Relieves Tension Soul Healing Increases Your Personal Power Encourages Growth Purifying Manifestation Stone Brings Forth Transformation Cleanses the Aura Restores Stability Clears Confusion & Fogginess Protects Against Hostility Helps You Move Forward Absorbs Pain Lets the Truth Come Out Encourages Self Control Enhances Psychic Abilities Promotes Compassion & Empathy The first use of Black Obsidian was recorded by the ancient Aztecs in Mexico, who used it not only as an ornamental material but also during spiritual rituals. Over time, its unique physical properties were discovered, leading to its widespread use in jewelry and talismans around the world. Black Obsidian is formed from volcanic lava, when the intense heat melts silica-rich rocks and combines with iron and magnesium to form the dark glassy material we now see in polished stones. This makes Black Obsidian a powerful grounding stone that helps one connect with their ancient roots while still offering protection against negative energies. When held or worn close to the body, Black Obsidian can help bring your hidden emotions and thoughts to light. By doing so, it helps you look at yourself more objectively and make changes that you need in order to reach your highest potential. It’s especially useful for those looking to break away from unhealthy patterns or addiction as it provides clarity on why they keep repeating these patterns so they can make better choices moving forward. At a metaphysical level, Black Obsidian is known for its ability to absorb negative energy and aid spiritual growth by providing a clearer understanding of our inner truth. This allows us to reach higher levels of consciousness by expanding our awareness beyond our current limitations. Working with this stone can help us break down barriers between ourselves and our goals, allowing us to manifest them more easily through visualization techniques such as meditation or crystal grids. Overall, Black Obsidian is an incredibly versatile gemstone with endless possibilities for those willing to explore its power. Not only does it have the potential to boost physical health by clearing out energetic blockages within the body; but it also works wonders on emotional stability by helping us gain insight into our inner selves – which can be invaluable when trying to manifest what we want in life! As such, this powerful stone should be included in any magickal practice as its capabilities are truly limitless. Blue Aventurine: Blue Aventurine is associated with: Increases Prosperity Stress Relief Assists in Sobriety Good Decision Making Encourages Compassion Provides Patience Encourages Perseverance Enhances Communication Connection to Your Spirit Guides Clears Old Energy & Habits Increases Self Discipline Inner Strength Enhances Intuition Encourages Self Growth Promotes Maturity Fighting Addictions Helps You Take Responsibility For Actions Encourages Psychic Abilities Rids You of Bad Habits Healers Stone Enhances Logic and Rational Thinking Encourages Leadership Helps You Focus Blue Aventurine is a type of quartz, which is believed to possess strong magickal properties. This beautiful stone has a rich history that stretches back thousands of years, and has been used in various forms of divination and spiritual practices. Blue Aventurine is found in an array of colors, but it gets its name from the shimmering blue color seen in its raw state. It has a unique crystalline structure that gives it a soft, almost velvety texture when polished. The metaphysical properties associated with Blue Aventurine are said to specifically manifest peace, joy, and serenity. This stone is believed to open the mind and heart up to unconditional love and promote feelings of contentment and harmony between people. Blue Aventurine also has healing properties associated with it as well. The stone is believed to help reduce stress levels and balance out emotions such as anxiety or anger. It can also be used as an aid for meditation or relaxation due to its calming energy. Throughout history, Blue Aventurine has been used for many purposes including jewelry making, healing rituals, protection spells, communication with spirits, and fortune telling. In ancient Egypt this gemstone was often presented as an offering or gift from the gods during religious ceremonies. In more recent times Blue Aventurine has become popular among those who practice crystal magick or alternative healing modalities like Reiki or Wicca for its ability to amplify energies around the body and bring forth positive changes within one's life path. No matter how you choose to use Blue Aventurine in your spiritual journey this gemstone will bring forth powerful energies that can be used for healing on both physical and spiritual levels while also providing peace of mind during difficult times. Cherry Quartz: Cherry Quartz is associated with: Enhances Peace and Serenity Encourages Hope Promotes Healing Provides Stress Relief Effective Anti-depressant Heals Emotional Wounds Brings About Optimism and Joy Positive Energy Helps With Concentration Increased Memory Attracts Love and Passion Provide Transformation Energy Encourages Good Decision Making Give an Energy Boost Helps With Grief Encourages Self Reflection Cherry Quartz is a beautiful and powerful stone with a long history of magickal uses. It is believed to be able to bring luck, wealth, success and love into your life. Cherry Quartz is an alternate form of quartz crystal, but it has its own unique properties. It has an iridescent red color that is caused by tiny pieces of iron oxide within the quartz. This iron oxide also gives Cherry Quartz a strong connection to the Earth element. The history of Cherry Quartz stretches back to ancient times. In ancient Egypt, this stone was used in religious ceremonies and offerings. Ancient Greeks believed that Cherry Quartz could bring good fortune and protection from harm. In modern magickal practice, Cherry Quartz is still seen as a powerful tool for manifesting what you want in life. Its strong Earth energy can help you ground yourself firmly in the material world and make sure that your desires are made real. When using Cherry Quartz for manifestation purposes, it is best to set an intention before drawing on its power. Holding the stone in one hand, visualize what you wish to accomplish or receive in life – be it abundance, success or love – then repeat the intention three times out loud while keeping focus on your goal. Carry Cherry Quartz with you whenever possible for extra power and protection throughout your daily activities – especially when engaging in business-related matters such as contract negotiations or networking events where competition might arise. Additionally, you can also use this stone during rituals or spells to boost their effectiveness – be sure to keep the stone near while performing any spiritual work so that its energies can help amplify your intentions even further! Cherry Quartz can also be used as part of healing practices both physical and emotional due to its ability to cleanse negative energies while restoring balance throughout the body’s energetic field. Place this stone around your body or hold it near any area where pain or discomfort is present and allow its vibrations to penetrate deep within for targeted healing effects. Cherry Quartz has been known throughout history for its protective qualities; this remains true today as well! Place this stone near windows or doors which may be susceptible to negative energies entering your home – much like salt placed at a doorway’s threshold -to guarantee safety from unwanted forces entering inside . Additionally, wear Cherry Quartz jewelry such as necklaces or rings whenever possible if feeling overwhelmed by outside stressors; this will provide a calming effect while shielding from any unwanted intrusions into one's personal space . Overall, Cherry Quartz is truly a remarkable gemstone with multiple uses both physical and metaphysical! Its history provides evidence of how highly regarded this gemstone has been throughout all cultures across time; anyone interested in harnessing its abilities should consider giving it a try - through meditation practices, ritual work, or simply wearing it close-by to experience all that it has to offer. Dalmatian Jasper: Dalmatian Jasper is associated with: Happiness & Joy Exhaustion Related to Trauma and High Stress Environments Breaks Down Barriers Relieves Depression Provides Psychic & Spiritual Protection Strong Grounding Energy Boosts Good Luck & Fortune Provides Strength Brings Harmony & Serenity Connects With and Protects Dogs Keeps us Playful Helps You Discover Your Purpose Gives Motivation Stabilizing Provides Positive Energy Known as the Stone of Playfulness Increases Loyalty in Relationships Dalmatian Jasper is a unique and magical stone that has been used in many cultures since ancient times. It is most commonly found in regions of Europe, such as Dalmatia and Cyprus, but can also be found in other places around the world. Dalmatian Jasper is believed to have metaphysical properties that bring balance, grounding, protection, and inner strength. It is thought to help you stand up for yourself when necessary, and to bring clarity of thought - making it a great stone for decision-making. In history, Dalmatian Jasper was popular among shamans, healers and medicine people who used it to treat any number of ailments from physical ailments to mental issues. It was also believed that this stone could be used for protection against evil spirits or bad luck. Dalmatian Jasper resonates with the energy of the lower chakras – Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra and Solar Plexus Chakra – empowering your connection with Mother Earth’s energy while bringing stability and security into your life. Physically, Dalmatian Jasper is said to help detoxify your body by increasing urination and removing toxins from the body’s systems; it is also known to improve digestion. Additionally, it can reduce skin irritations like eczema or psoriasis. It has been said that connecting with the energies of Dalmatian Jasper can open up communication between you and your animal friends (especially those with spots!). If you have ever wanted an animal companion who would understand you better than anyone else on this planet then this stone may just be the key! The energies of Dalmatian Jasper can also help you connect more deeply with nature itself – allowing you to experience its calming beauty even in stressful times. This connection can give you a sense of peace within yourself that will help you find balance in all areas of your life. Dalmatian Jasper has long been associated with magickal practices as well – its energies can be used for good luck charms or spells dealing with protection or personal power. For example, if someone wants personal protection then they might hold a piece of Dalmatian Jasper while visualizing white light surrounding them while they recite a mantra asking for protection from negative influences or bad luck. The most common color associated with Dalmatian Jasper is black and white spots on a cream base – often referred to as “dog jasper” because it resembles the coat pattern of a Dalmatian dog! However there are several varieties which may feature different colors such as yellow or red spots on green matrix stones or iridescent pastel blues and greens mixed among creamy whites on some specimens -all alike beautiful! No matter what type of pattern exists one thing remains certain: The kind energies associated with this grounded stone offer more than meets the eye even after centuries of use. Agate: Agate is associated with: Provides Stability Grounding Allows Forgiveness Alleviates Bitterness Improves Concentration and Focus Gives Self Confidence Improves Relationships Protective Brings Peace & Calming Energy Re-balances the Body & Mind Creates a Sense of Security Known as a Power Stone Perfect for Meditation Relieves Anxiety & Stress Agate is a type of mineral composed of silicon dioxide, and it has been used for centuries in magick and for its metaphysical properties. It is believed to bring happiness and good fortune, as well as protection from evil spirits and negative energies. Agate is also thought to open the mind to new ideas, help you overcome any obstacles that may be blocking your path in life, and encourage self-confidence. Agate comes in many different varieties, ranging from clear white to deep reds and blues. These stones have been used throughout history by many cultures around the world, including ancient Greeks, who believed them to have healing properties; Romans, who made talismans with them; Chinese cultures and even Native American tribes who associated it with strength and courage. Agate has many other metaphysical properties too. It is said to be a grounding stone which helps balance emotional energy and relieves stress. It can also stimulate analytically abilities and aid in problem solving. Furthermore, agates are believed to possess cleansing powers which purify the mind by removing negative influences, making it easier for positive vibrations to enter into one's life. The most common use of agates today is as jewelry or as decoration pieces such as gemstone carvings or worry stones, both of which are said to bring good luck when carried or worn on one's person. They are also used in making mosaics or paintings due their unique coloration's and patterns. In addition, some people believe that agates can improve mental clarity when placed near a computer monitor or television set because they absorb electromagnetic waves that emanate from these devices. This same property could also be beneficial when placed near cell phones to reduce radiation exposure. Agates come in a variety of shapes and sizes depending on their type and where they were found - some Agates come from volcanic ash while others can only be found at certain river beds or mountain ranges around the world - making them highly sought after by collectors everywhere! No matter how you choose to use them though, Agates can provide you with many benefits as long as you keep an open mind about what each individual stone may offer you spiritually or energetically. Sodalite: Sodalite is associated with: Connects You to Your Angels Influences Logic and Rational Thinking Provides Willpower Enhances Motivation Encourages You to be True to Yourself Increases Intuition Provides Calm During Times of Stress or Chaos Boosts Communication Alleviates Anxiety & Depression Encourages Trust Balances Out Energy Increases Metabolism Helps to Cure Insomnia Enhances Creativity Boosts Intelligence Releases Anger and Frustration Stone of Self Expression The beautiful Sodalite is a stone of magick and spiritual power with a history that stretches far back into antiquity. It has been used by many cultures as a talisman of protection, courage and luck, and has even been said to be the very stone that Jesus wore on his breastplate. Sodalite is known primarily for its deep blue hue, often flecked with white spots of calcite throughout. In addition to its stunning color, it was also revered for its metaphysical properties which were believed to help bring clarity of thought and self-expression in communication. Sodalite was also thought to help bring balance between one's mental focus, creativity and emotions. When exploring the history of the Sodalite, we can look back at ancient civilizations who all had use for this special stone. The Egyptians used it in jewelry and carvings while the Mayans used it as a protective healing stone, believing it held the energy of their gods within it. Later on during medieval times, Sodalite was used as an amulet against bad luck or curses as well as being worn for protection from harm or injury. In modern day times Sodalite continues to be sought after for both its beauty and metaphysical properties alike. It is believed to open up a person's spiritual awareness, enabling them to gain insights from the depths of their subconscious mind so they can gain clarity in decision making. By doing this it allows us to connect with our intuition more deeply and make decisions based on our higher self rather than our logical mind alone. Sodalite is also said to be calming and soothing mentally, allowing us to better relax when feeling stressed or anxious by restoring our inner peace and harmony within ourselves. Additionally it helps promote feelings of self worth while encouraging acceptance of others around us - allowing us to have more compassion when dealing with difficult situations or people we come across in life. On an energetic level Sodalite is thought to stimulate energy flow within our chakras so we can become more balanced emotionally and spiritually. Its vibrations are believed to help clear away any negative energies lingering around us so we can be open minded when talking with others or reflecting upon ourselves - giving us insight into hidden matters that may come up unexpectedly in life such as emotional traumas from our pasts or subconscious blocks that are hindering our growth forward towards achieving goals or dreams we have set forth for ourselves (or even those set by society). All in all Sodalite is an amazing crystal that has quite a rich history behind its magick powers - something many people today still seek out for its helpful metaphysical properties! If you're looking for a way to help increase your clarity of thought while deepening your connection with yourself (and the world around you), then give Sodalite a try - its unique vibes may just surprise you. Tigers Eye: Tigers Eye is associated with: Stone of Luck & Good Fortune Wealth, Prosperity, and Abundance Very Grounding Provides Excellent Protection Power Increases Strength Improves Your Ability to Assert Yourself Strengthens Willpower Provides Balance Encourages Confidence Known to Help With Self-Discipline Helps With Goal Achievement Provides Vitality Endurance Increases Focus Lifts Mood Brings Joy & Happiness Helps You See Things Clearly Releases Pent Up Tension Helps With Mental Clarity Tigers Eye is a powerful and mysterious stone that has been used in magickal practices for centuries, offering protection and guidance to its users. Many cultures have adopted Tigers Eye as an important part of their spiritual toolkit. Tigers Eye is composed of quartz and crocidolite, which is a type of blue asbestos. In the mineral kingdom, this combination of elements creates a chatoyancy effect that looks like the eye of a tiger when polished into cabochons or tumbled stones. The most common color for Tigers Eye is golden-brown, but it can also be found in shades of red, green, and blue. The history of Tigers Eye dates back to ancient times where it was believed to offer courage and strength during battle. Ancient Egyptians associated the stone with their goddess Sekhmet and would wear it around their necks as protection from evil energies. For ancient Chinese cultures, Tigers Eye symbolized luck and good fortune in financial matters. In modern magickal practice, Tigers Eye is often used to help bring focus during meditation sessions while allowing one to stay grounded to reality at the same time. It can also be used to promote clear communication between people as well as create harmony in relationships by keeping negative energies away. Physically speaking, some believe that Tigers Eye offers healing benefits such as getting rid of headaches or helping reduce anxiety or stress levels. It can also be used to help mend broken bones or alleviate general pain throughout the body. Regardless if you are using Tigers Eye for metaphysical purposes or physical healing properties, it can help open up your senses so you can make better decisions in life while feeling safe and secure at all times. The stone will act as a guardian angel for you when you feel like your energy is being drained from outside influences or forces that are beyond your control. It’s important to remember that when working with any kind of magickal object like Tigers Eye that you program it with positive intentions first before using it for whatever purpose you may have in mind because the power behind these objects comes from within yourself rather than from any external source. Working with any kind of metaphysical tool will require patience and dedication on your end if you want its full potentials realized – however the rewards are sure to be worth all your efforts. Rhodonite: Rhodonite is associated with: Encourages Self Love Promotes Romantic Love Confidence Controls Temper and Calms Anger Balances Emotions Encourages Forgiveness and Empathy Allows us to Approach the Situation With Compassion Heals a Broken Heart Clears Away Emotional Trauma Very Emotionally Grounding Encourages Healthy Attachments and Relationships Alleviates Confusion Assists in Discovering Your Purpose Brings Light & Joyful Energy Dissolves Resentment & Bitterness Takes Away Feelings of Isolation and Loneliness Promotes Friendship Clears Muddy Emotions Know as the Singer's Stone Relaxes a Panic Attack Rhodonite is a fascinating and mysterious mineral, prized for its ability to bring healing and balance to both the body and the mind. It has been used in magickal practices throughout history, from ancient Egypt to the present day. Rhodonite is an opaque pinkish-red mineral that can also contain black mottling or veining. Its name comes from the Greek word rhodon, which means rose. It is composed of manganese silicate with pyroxene and pyrite minerals. This beautiful stone has a long history of use in magickal practices. Ancient Egyptians believed rhodonite could help calm their tempers by soothing anger and encouraging forgiveness. The Incas thought it could be used to aid in meditation and divination practices. In India, it was considered the stone of grace, used for calming destructive emotions like rage, panic and fear. In modern magickal practice, rhodonite is known as a powerful healer of physical ailments as well as emotional pain caused by trauma or childhood abuse. It works on both mental and physical levels -- promoting love, self-confidence and courage while releasing toxins from the body and restoring energy levels back to normal. Rhodonite is associated with various deities including Isis (Egyptian), Aphrodite (Greek) and Freya (Norse). It is believed to open the heart chakra, allowing us to forgive past wrongs while healing deep wounds of grief, loss or betrayal when worn as jewelry or carried with you regularly. It's also said that carrying a piece of rhodonite can help strengthen our relationship with our spirit guides by helping us trust our intuition more fully - this makes it especially useful for those who practice divination such as tarot reading or scrying. Rhodonite helps us remember our innate divinity so we can move through life with confidence rather than fear, trusting that we are divinely protected at all times no matter what happens around us or within us. On a physical level, Rhodonite works on an energetic level to release blocked energies within the body while simultaneously strengthening any weak areas; it helps heal imbalances caused by environmental pollutants or poor diet too! Rhodonite increases metabolism while detoxifying organs such as the liver and kidneys - making it beneficial for those suffering from any number of maladies including chronic fatigue syndrome or depression. Finally, rhodonite encourages creativity -- providing ideas for new projects or direction when one feels lost in their current goals/situation -- helping bridge the gap between dreams and reality! As long as we remember to use this stone responsibly during times of need rather than relying on it exclusively all the time then there’s no limit to its potential benefits - whether we’re looking at it from a metaphysical perspective or simply appreciating its beauty. Opalite: Opalite is associated with: Wealth, Prosperity, and Abundance Helps With Meditation Inspires Confidence Emotional Stability Business Success Increased Self-Worth Brings About Love Strengthens Psychic Abilities Inspires Positive Change Instills Hope Facilitates Better Communication Stone of Personal Power Helps With Dream Work Is an Aura Cleanser Encourages Courage Eases Transitions Provides Serenity and Peace Aids in Vision Work Manifestation Opalite is a man-made gemstone that has been used in metaphysical practices for centuries. Its milky, opalescent hue is due to the unique additives added during the crafting process. This means that no two Opalite stones are identical; each one is unique and carries its own special properties. Opalite has often been used in magick and rituals since ancient times. Ancient cultures believed that Opalite had the power to open up portals of spiritual communication between humans and spirits, allowing them to connect on a deeper level. In modern times, Opalite continues to be a popular choice for metaphysical practices such as meditation, astral projection, and tarot readings. It is said to help the user access higher realms of consciousness and bring clarity to one's thoughts and emotions. The stone can also be used for protection against negative energy or emotional turbulence, as well as helping with stress relief. Because of its calming influence on the mind, many people believe that Opalite can aid in reducing anxiety and promoting inner peace. Opalite also has an interesting history when it comes to its use in jewelry making. In Victorian England, it was commonly referred to as “opal moonstone” because of its similar appearance to moonstones at certain angles; this gave rise to the nickname “fairy stone” or “fairy opal” due to its otherworldly beauty. Today, Opalite remains a popular choice for metaphysical purposes because of its unique properties and special place in history. Whether you plan on using it for spiritual communication or simply for aesthetic purposes, Opalite provides a special connection with the unseen forces of nature and helps us tap into our own natural energies. Bloodstone: Bloodstone is associated with: Attracting Luck & Good Fortune Increases Success Wealth, Prosperity, and Abundance Encourages Strength Boosts Manifestation Deeply Grounding Provides Protection Helps With Alignment Encourages Organization Heightened Intuition Reduces Anger and Aggression Helps Balance Our Energy Connects You to Your Ancestors Increases Resilience Helps With Anxiety Bloodstone is a powerful spiritual stone with a long history of use in magick and healing that dates back to ancient times. Bloodstone, also known as heliotrope, is a variety of dark green chalcedony quartz flecked with red jasper. It is believed to have been first discovered in India and was later used extensively by the ancient Greeks and Romans. In traditional folklore, Bloodstone was thought to be the result of drops of Jesus' blood falling onto pieces of green jasper at the time of his crucifixion. As such, it has long been viewed as a powerful symbol for courage, strength, wisdom and protection during difficult times. Bloodstone was believed to possess strong metaphysical properties related to purification, transformation and grounding as well as offering protection from negative energies in the environment or from enemies. Ancient cultures would often carry Bloodstone amulets or lay them on their bodies in order to absorb its strengthening powers. During the Middle Ages, Bloodstone was worn by warriors who sought protection in battle and by priests who wanted increased spiritual insight and power. To this day, it is still bought by those seeking protection from physical harm or evil forces, especially during moments of intense emotional or physical stress. In modern magical practices, Bloodstone is believed to contain strong energies that can be used for manifesting goals into reality through visualization techniques with its assistance. Its power can also help activate one's intuition and creativity while enhancing courage when facing challenging experiences or obstacles. Its energy can help bring deeper understanding surrounding karmic lessons allowing one to move forward unhindered on their spiritual path. Bloodstone can be used during meditation sessions as it helps ground excessive energy while creating balance between mind body and spirit. It can enhance focus and concentration while providing clarity when making important decisions or life choices. It is also said to ease stress-related issues such as hypertension or anxiety by helping one stay centered within themselves even when faced with difficult circumstances that may arise externally. In crystal healing practices today, Bloodstone is often utilized for cleansing both spiritually and physically clearing away any energetic blockages that might be within the aura or body system due to trauma or illness while restoring equilibrium throughout these systems simultaneously. Practitioners often suggest using it’s energies for treating blood disorders such as anemia as well promoting healthy circulation throughout the entire body overall which can lead to improved mental focus along with increased energy levels throughout all areas of life when needed most. Red Jasper: Red Jasper is associated with: Incredibly Grounding Provides Protection Helps You Feel Secure Brings Serenity and Balance Helps You Receive Justice Stabilizes Moods Encourages Confidence Increased Energy Encourages Goal Completion Provides an Emotional Release Encourages Quick Thinking Releases Shame Tied With Sex Stimulates The Imagination Stone of Endurance Balances The Libido Known as The Supreme Nurturer Red Jasper is an ancient and powerful stone with a long history rooted in magick. It is said to be one of the twelve stones that were used to make up the breastplate of Aaron, being placed in the second row alongside Carnelian, Lapis Lazuli, and Bloodstone. Throughout history, Red Jasper has been used for its protective and grounding energy, having been worn or carried by warriors during battles for courage, strength and protection. This powerful stone has been credited with helping individuals gain insight from within themselves as well as enhancing their physical and emotional wellbeing. The metaphysical properties of Red Jasper can help bring stability to one’s life, encouraging them to take charge of their own destiny. It can help provide clarity on issues related to family matters as well as providing strength during times of adversity. On an energetic level it is believed to aid in grounding and bringing balance between the body, mind, and spirit. On a spiritual level Red Jasper can aid the wearer in connecting with higher realms while also providing support during meditations and other spiritual practices. In addition to its strong connection with Earth’s energies it is believed that this powerful gemstone helps open channels of communication when seeking divine guidance or insight into future events. When used for ritual magick purposes Red Jasper is said to promote fertility, ward off evil energies, break curses and hexes, strengthen will power and attract wealth. This gemstone is often kept in places such as wallets or purses where it can help protect against lost funds while amplifying prosperity over time. Those looking for an unyielding source of mental strength may find relief from carrying Red Jasper throughout their day-to-day activities; the vibrational energy produced by this powerful stone helps keep one focused on their goals while blocking out any distracting influences from external sources. No matter what kind of magickal practice you are engaged in or how far along your spiritual path you are at any given moment – Red Jasper is sure to be a valuable ally along your journey! Its deep connection with Earth energies makes it perfect for aiding practitioners in their efforts towards personal growth while enabling them to reach deeper levels of understanding within themselves than ever before. Amethyst: Amethyst is associated with: Provides Mental Clarity Protects Against Addictions Encourages Positivity Perfect For Meditation Master Healing Stone Provides Peace Encourages Love Instills Courage Combats Insomnia Purifies The Body, Mind, and Environment Use For Prophetic Dreams Purifies The Aura Amplifies Business Success Increases Intelligence Prevents Nightmares Expands Your Mind Encourages Faithfulness and Fidelity Soothes Irritability and Anger Alleviates Sadness and Depression Cures Grief Inspires Hope Balances Mood-Swings Raises Your Vibration Removes Negative Energy Amethyst is a popular crystal known for its deep purple color and metaphysical properties. For many centuries, it has been widely used for magick and healing. In ancient times, Amethyst was believed to protect the wearer from intoxication, give power to rulers, and bring good luck in battle. The name Amethyst comes from the Greek word "amethustos," which means "not drunken." To this day, it's still associated with sobriety and clear-headedness. It's also said to have powerful calming effects that can reduce stress, anxiety, and fear. In addition to its protective qualities, Amethyst is believed to enhance one’s spiritual awareness and intuition. It also promotes creativity in art or writing as well as deep contemplation of life’s biggest questions. Amethyst has been used in jewelry since ancient times by many different cultures around the world. Ancient Egyptians used it as an adornment for their Pharaohs while the Greeks made goblets out of it to honor the gods at feasts and celebrations. In some Native American cultures, Amethyst is seen as a symbol of strength and courage. They often use it in smudging rituals meant for cleansing negative energy or setting up strong boundaries of protection between them and external forces. Amethyst has also been used extensively over time in divination practices like scrying where one peers into a reflective surface (such as an Amethyst crystal) in order to access information from the spirit world or beyond our conscious understanding. When placed under one’s pillow at night, Amethyst is said to promote vivid dreams that can help with dream recall or provide insights into spiritual matters such as past lives or future events yet to come. No matter what your beliefs are surrounding crystals and magickal practice, there's no denying the unique beauty of an Amethyst stone! Its rich purple hue has made it a favorite amongst jewelers throughout history – from ancient Egypt all the way up through modern day fashion trends. Carnelian: Carnelian is associated with: Increased Energy Brings Vitality Provides Confidence Balances The Libido Enhances Sexuality Increases Creativity Provides Motivation Eliminates Procrastination Increases Self-Esteem Very Stabilizing and Grounding Improves Concentration Helps You Overcome Abuse Protects Against Anger & Rage Provides Motivation Increases Manifestation Increases The Metabolism Brings Joy & Happiness Boosts Fertility Encourages Empowerment Carnelian is a type of chalcedony quartz and is often transparent or semi-transparent. It’s found in shades of red, orange, and brown. Carnelian has been around for thousands of years and has been used to create jewelry, weapons, tools, and decorations. Historically, Carnelian was believed to be a powerful stone that could provide protection against negative energies and promote courage and strength in those who wore it. In magickal practices, Carnelian is known as a “stone of motivation” because it encourages positive action and boosts confidence. It is also believed to help one stay grounded by connecting them with their true purpose in life. As an orange-red stone, Carnelian is associated with the root chakra which governs physical health as well as abundance and security on the material plane. This makes Carnelian a useful stone for manifesting goals related to money or career paths. When working with Carnelian, it can be placed over the root chakra during meditation to bring about feelings of calmness and stability. When worn as jewelry or incorporated into talismans for rituals, Carnelian can act as an anchor that helps keep one focused on their path despite any earthly challenges they may face. Overall, Carnelian is believed to have deeply spiritual properties that bring out the best in people in terms of courage and motivation. By helping balance the root chakra and increasing feelings of safety in regards to material wealth, this gemstone provides many opportunities for spiritual growth while still allowing individuals to remain firmly rooted in reality. Green Moss Agate: Green Moss Agate is associated with: Is Abundant in Earth energy Incredibly Grounding Balancing to The Entire Energy System Provides Stability Increases Wealth and Abundance Inspires Luck and Good Fortune Increased Success Provides Peace Calms Mood Swings Promotes Forgiveness Brings Happiness Stone of New Beginnings Promotes Business Success Expands Consciousness Known as The Gardeners Atone (Add Green Moss Agate to Your Garden) Connects You to Nature Reduces Drama Attracts New Friends Attracts Love Taps Into Healing Energy Increases Self-Expression Provides Clarity Green Moss Agate is a magickal stone with a powerful history. It has been used for centuries to bring strength, healing, and protection to its wearer. The power of Green Moss Agate lies in its natural coloration, which ranges from light green to deep forest green. This coloration is due to the presence of iron oxide deposits within its mineral composition. The presence of these deposits gives Green Moss Agate its unique properties that can be used to benefit one's spiritual and physical well being. The earliest known use of Green Moss Agate dates back to ancient Egypt, where it was believed to have the power to ward off disease and plague. During medieval times, Green Moss Agate was revered for its ability to protect against envy and malicious intent. In modern times, Green Moss Agate continues to be used for its protective qualities as well as aiding in connection with nature spirits and enhancing one's psychic abilities. In addition, people have found that wearing Green Moss Agate helps them find balance in life and connect with their inner self on a deeper level. In crystal healing practices, Green Moss Agate is said to help increase mental clarity while promoting stability in all aspects of life including emotional stability, physical health, financial security and career success. It is also believed that this magickal stone can aid in relieving stress and anxiety while helping one achieve feelings of inner peace and tranquility. Green Moss Agate is known as a grounding stone as it works effectively at connecting one’s spirit with the earth's energy field while providing a sense of security within oneself Additionally, it also helps open and cleanse the throat chakra allowing positive energy exchange between individuals and between body/mind/spirit relationships As such, it can be very helpful for those who struggle with communication issues or emotional blockages Furthermore, Green Moss Agate can assist in activating the heart chakra helping open up the flow of love into our lives Green Moss Agate has many metaphysical properties but must always be treated with respect due to its powerful magickal energies; therefore, it should only ever be purchased from reputable sources or gifted from someone who knows how handle such an item properly. If you intend on using this gemstone for any type of ritual workings then ensure you research carefully beforehand as some rituals may require more advanced knowledge Overall Green Moss Agate is an incredibly powerful magickal tool that has been used since ancient times for both physical protection as well as spiritual growth Its ability to help us connect more deeply with ourselves on an intuitive level makes it invaluable when we need guidance or assistance navigating through difficult times or major life changes Whether you choose wear this crystal or simply keep it close by remember always show gratitude towards your precious piece. Cherry Blossom Agate: Cherry Blossom Agate is associated with: Known As The Crystal of Dreamers Encourages Goal-Setting and Goal Completion Increases Motivation Encourages You to “Reach For The Stars” Great For Entrepreneurs Nurtures Dreams Fires Up Passions Instills Maternal Feminine Energy Brings Balance & Serenity Is Comforting Increases Drive & Determination Brings Forward Growth Protects Against Self-Doubt Helps You Achieve Your Full Potential Cherry Blossom Agate is a beautiful and mysterious stone with a long history of being used for spiritual and magickal purposes. It is believed to bring the user joy, pleasure, luck, and inner peace. The gemstone itself has a creamy pink or peach hue to it, which is why it got its name Cherry Blossom Agate. It typically has black spots scattered among the lighter colors, giving it an interesting and unique look. Throughout history, Cherry Blossom Agate has been used as a talisman of protection in many cultures around the world. The belief was that its gentle hues could ward off negative energy and provide spiritual balance to the user. Because of this power, early shamans often used the stone during rituals to help invoke visions and wisdom from their deities. In addition to its protective qualities, Cherry Blossom Agate also offers metaphysical healing properties. It is believed this stone can help purify one’s mind and body by clearing away negative emotions such as fear or anger that may be hampering one’s progression or wellbeing. Cherry Blossom Agate can also aid in releasing physical tension from the body while helping one relax into meditation or deeper states of consciousness. Many people swear by this gemstone's ability to increase patience and clarity when making difficult decisions in life. Cherry Blossom Agate also has associations with fertility; this gemstone was once thought to increase sexual desire and promote passion between two partners. Because of this belief, many couples would exchange these stones as a token of their love for each other during wedding ceremonies or other special occasions. Furthermore, some cultures believe that wearing or carrying Cherry Blossom Agate can draw good fortune into your life by ushering in positive changes such as financial success or heightened intuition abilities. Overall, Cherry Blossom Agate is an incredibly powerful gemstone with strong metaphysical properties associated with protection and healing energies that can help restore inner peace within oneself while bringing good luck for those who choose to use it as part of their magickal practice. Whether you just want to wear it out of admiration for its beauty or use it to enhance your spiritual practice, you are sure not regret having this stone on your side. Rose Quartz: Rose Quartz is associated with: Brings an Abundance of Love Increases Compassion and Empathy Heals Heartbreak Instills Trust and Fidelity Encourages Friendship Dissolves Past Trauma (Especially Related to Love) Increases Self-Worth Brings About Forgiveness and Understanding Helps You Find Your True Love Encourages Self-Love Restores Harmony Helps Alleviate Depression and Anxiety Promotes Unconditional Love Facilitates Romance Releases Anger, Resentment, and Jealousy Enhances Inner Peace and Serenity Brings a Gentle Energy Into The Room Helps You Overcome Doubts Dissolves Isolation Prevents Nightmares Enhances Creativity Brings in Feminine Energy Increases Fertility Rose Quartz is believed to be the most important crystal for love and relationships, as well as being known for its healing properties and ability to help people connect to their spiritual selves. Mined from all around the world, Rose Quartz is said to have originated in Egypt, where it was used in jewelry and ritual objects. Rose Quartz was also popular among ancient Greeks, Romans, and Chinese cultures for its beauty and power. Rose Quartz has a wide range of metaphysical properties that are said to bring about a sense of peace, unconditional love, compassion, understanding, balance, calming energy, clarity of thought, protection from negativity and emotional support. It is believed to be able to open the heart chakra so that one can more easily accept love into their life. When used in meditation or spiritual practice, Rose Quartz is said to promote serenity while cleansing one's aura of negative energy. It is also believed to aid in forgiveness by encouraging you to release grudges or grievances that may be blocking your progress on life's path. In terms of healing properties, Rose Quartz has been said to help improve circulation in the body and reduce stress levels. It is also thought to be beneficial for relaxation and reducing anxiety as it encourages gentle introspection when worn or held during meditation sessions or rituals. Ultimately, Rose Quartz can be used as an aid for self-care routines that help restore harmony between the mind and body by providing a soothing environment for contemplation and introspection. There are many ways in which it can be utilized - such as wearing jewelry made from Rose Quartz or placing pieces around your home - however doing so should always involve setting an intention first so that you can get the full benefits of this powerful stone. Fluorite: Fluorite is associated with: Cleansing The Aura Stabilizing Your Energy Field Reducing Stress and Anxiety Heightened Psychic Awareness Promotes Quick Thinking Helps Us Tap Into Our Subconscious Mind Increasing Creativity Encourages Better Concentration Enhances Manifestation Increases Self-Assurance Clears Mind of Distractions Provides Protection Help Connect to The Spirit Is Incredibly Balancing Inspires Serenity & Peace Assists in Organization Absorbs Negative Energy Stone of Growth Harmonizes All Chakras Encourages Learning and Education Opens Roads & Removes Road-Blocks Encourages Independence Promotes Clarity Fluorite is a beautiful crystal, found in many colors and fascinating shapes. Its metaphysical properties have made it a popular choice for magickal uses for centuries. Fluorite has a long history of being used to ward off evil spirits and protect from danger. It was often placed near entrance ways or hung from the neck of an individual to keep them safe. Ancient Egyptians used Fluorite for statues, carvings, amulets and jewelry. They believed the stone had protective energies that could ward off negative spirits and evil forces. In Northern Europe, Fluorite was once believed to help people communicate with nature spirits. It was also used to alleviate fear and confusion since it was thought to promote inner peace and harmony while helping people find clarity in times of chaos or distress. Fluorite is said to be one of the most powerful stones when it comes to warding off negative energy, protecting against psychic attacks and shielding the user from spiritual harm. In addition to its protective capabilities, Fluorite can be used for healing purposes as well. Some traditions claim that Fluorite can help treat disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia by releasing stuck energies within the body and allowing balance to return once more. The crystal also has strong links with creativity and inspiration which makes it an excellent choice for anyone looking to open up their imagination or gain insight into their life’s purpose. As Fluorite is associated with balance, it can be extremely helpful when working on any type of transformation or shifting a perspective on life's circumstances. Fluorite is widely known for its ability to boost mental capacity by enhancing focus and concentration levels; this makes it a great option for students who need extra motivation when studying or making decisions about their future career paths. The crystal can also help increase intuition when facing complex problems or emotional challenges as well as providing insight during meditation practice by allowing emotional blockages to be released more easily through gentle energetic vibrations. Finally, Fluorite is often used as a tool of divination - whether through scrying (a form of fortune telling) which involves gazing into a piece of fluorite in order to gain knowledge or insight into potential events or outcomes - or simply by carrying pieces with you throughout your day-to-day life in order to increase focus and productivity levels while decreasing stress levels along the way! Labradorite: Labradorite is associated with: Offers Protection Deflects Toxic Energies and People Reduces Anxiety, Fear, and Stres Increases Intuition and Psychic Awareness Provides Serenity and Calming Energy Enhances Imagination Encourages Creativity Expands Your Awareness Facilitates Lucid Dreaming Encourages Increased Spiritual Growth Gives Inspiration Shields Your Aura Helps You Discover Your Destiny Known As The Witches Stone Use in Divination Awakens Your Magickal Abilities Stimulates Synchronicity Helps You Develop Ideas Encourages Spirit Work Stone of Transformation Increases Manifestation Labradorite is a stone of transformation and magick. With its powerful energy, Labradorite can help us to better understand ourselves, and the universe around us. It is believed to have been used by ancient cultures to access deep spiritual and metaphysical knowledge. Labradorite is an iridescent gemstone known for its remarkable play of light, or “labradorescence”. This effect occurs when tiny platelets within the stone scatter light in a beautiful array of colors. The most common colors you will see in Labradorite are blue, green, yellow, and orange; sometimes flashes of pink or red are present as well. Labradorite has been found in many places around the world, including Finland (where it got its name), Canada, Mexico, Madagascar, and Scandinavia. The Inuit people of Canada’s Nunavut territory have long viewed Labradorite as sacred and have traditionally used it for magickal purposes such as banishing negative energies from the home and body. They also believed that Labradorite allowed them access to their ancestors’ spirits through their dreams. The metaphysical properties of Labradorite are said to encourage introspection and connect the soul with higher realms. It encourages us to stay true to our inner self no matter what challenges may come up in life; this allows us to manifest our deepest desires into reality with ease. Additionally, Labradorite can help open our psychic abilities allowing us to better understand our intuition while also providing protection against negative energies that could otherwise inhibit these abilities. Labradorite is also known for promoting creativity and self-expression along with reducing stress levels; this makes it ideal for anyone looking for internal reflection or mental clarity during times of difficulty or darkness in their lives. As a bonus side effect of its protective powers, it can also reduce anxiety and increase feelings of relaxation when placed upon the body or held close during meditation sessions. In addition to its spiritual properties, Labradorite is thought to provide physical benefits as well – from boosting mental clarity and improving eyesight over time to aiding respiratory ailments such as bronchitis or asthma when worn on the body during everyday activities like walking or gardening. Finally, some believe that wearing this stone can even attract good luck into one’s life! The history behind Labradorite gives us insight into how magical this stone truly is – whether you choose to use it for metaphysical work or simply appreciate it aesthetically from afar.

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