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  • The April 2024 Total Solar Eclipse: Rituals, Magick, & Manifestation During This Once-In-A-Lifetime Event.

    By Audra English On April 8th, North America will experience a total solar eclipse. Since we are in Austin, Texas, our coven is right in the path of 100% totality. To say that we are excited is quite an understatement. Us witches are known for using lunar cycles, astrology, and magick to manifest our goals and wishes. For anyone, being in the path of a total solar eclipse is a HUGE once-in-a-lifetime event. For witches however, this is the kind of stuff we dream and fantasize about. We know how absolutely powerful and rare this event is, so you better believe, we intend to use it to manifest everything on our wish list. Hopefully you’ll take note, because I’m going to give you some of the tools so you can do the same for yourself! To use an eclipse in your magick will help you grow personally and spiritually by harnessing the power and magick of the cosmos. This solar eclipse is also extra exciting because it happens to be in the sign of Aries which is ruled by Mars and points to rapid and intense manifestation. So take heed… this also means you can manifest the things you don’t want in a big way if you catch yourself thinking and dwelling on them at the present moment. For the love of all things holy, please make sure you are focusing on your dreams, desires, and goals right now!! Happy thoughts only for the next week! This energy is THAT serious. Right now, you have a powerful opportunity to manifest your deepest dreams. You can create life long changes and shifts to give yourself and your loved ones the life you’ve always hoped to live. Anything and everything is on the table when we harness the powerful energy of a total solar eclipse. This is why so many are both amazed and fear the power of such an event. Use the energy of the solar eclipse to help increase your vibration and increase your power of manifestation: Set Clear Intentions: Before the eclipse, spend time reflecting on what you truly desire. Write down your intentions or goals in a journal. Be as specific as possible, focusing on what you want to bring into your life. Eclipse Meditation: Meditate during the eclipse, focusing on your breath and the sensations within your body. Visualize your intentions as already fulfilled, feeling the emotions associated with achieving your dreams. Create a Vision Board: A vision board can be a powerful tool to visualize your goals. During the eclipse, assemble images, words, and items that represent your aspirations. Place it somewhere you will see daily. Ritual and Ceremony: Perform a simple ritual or ceremony by lighting a candle, perhaps in a color that corresponds to your intention (e.g., green for growth, red for passion). Recite your intentions aloud, and visualize them being carried into the universe. Nature Connection: Spend time in nature during the eclipse, grounding yourself. Feel your connection to the earth and the cosmos, acknowledging that you are part of a larger, interconnected universe. Release and Let Go: Write down habits, beliefs, or fears that no longer serve you on a piece of paper. Safely burn the paper during the eclipse as a symbolic release, making space for new growth. Eclipse Water: Place a container of water outside during the eclipse to charge it with the eclipse's energy. Use this water for rituals, watering plants, or as a symbolic drink to imbibe the eclipse's power. Crystal Charging: Place crystals or stones outside during the eclipse to charge them with its energy. Choose crystals that align with your intentions, such as citrine for abundance or amethyst for spiritual growth. Affirmations: Write or recite positive affirmations that align with your dreams and desires. Do this during the eclipse, focusing on the feelings of already having achieved your goals. Community Gathering: Join or organize a gathering with like-minded individuals to share intentions and perform group meditations or rituals. The collective energy can amplify your individual intentions. If you want to try your hand at some magick, here are a few spells you can try for yourself during the solar eclipse: Eclipse of Abundance Invocation Ingredients: A green candle (for prosperity) Gold coins or symbols of wealth Bay leaves (for success) Pen and paper Spell: On the eve of the eclipse, set your space with the green candle at the center, surrounded by the gold coins and bay leaves. Write your financial desires on the paper, focusing on abundance and prosperity. Light the candle, envisioning its flame igniting the flow of wealth into your life. Recite: "As the shadow passes, wealth flows in, abundant and free, prosperity begins." Leave the candle to burn safely down, carrying your intentions into the universe. Shadow to Light Self-Love Awakening Ingredients: A pink candle (for love) Rose quartz crystal (for self-compassion) Rose petals (for kindness) Spell: Arrange the rose petals in a circle, placing the pink candle and rose quartz at the center. Light the candle, reflecting on qualities you love about yourself and areas where you seek growth and forgiveness. Recite: "With this light, I see myself clear, I embrace my strengths, my love, my fear." Hold the rose quartz, feeling its energy of unconditional love filling you. Let the candle burn down, symbolizing the strengthening of self-love. Eclipse of Harmonious Restoration Health Spell Ingredients: A blue candle (for healing) Eucalyptus leaves (for purification) Clear quartz (for overall well-being) Spell: Surround the blue candle with eucalyptus leaves, placing the clear quartz in front. Light the candle, focusing on vitality, strength, and healing energies. Recite: "Health of body, mind, soul, unite, eclipse brings healing with its light." Visualize the candle's flame as a beacon of healing, radiating through you. Allow the candle to fully burn, anchoring health and well-being into your life. Solar Pathway to Fortune Luck Spell Ingredients: A gold or yellow candle (for luck) Clover leaves or horseshoe symbol (for traditional luck) Citrine crystal (for positive energy) Spell: Place the clover or horseshoe symbol next to the candle, with the citrine crystal close by. As you light the candle, focus on channels of luck opening in your life. Recite: "Fortune's wheel turns in my favor, blessings flow, my luck does not waver." Visualize each flame flicker as a spark of good luck and opportunity. Let the candle burn down, casting your spell for luck into the universe. Solar Beam of Euphoria Happiness Spell Ingredients: A white or silver candle (for happiness and joy) Sunflower petals (for positivity and light) Amethyst crystal (for inner peace and happiness) Spell: Arrange the sunflower petals around the candle, placing the amethyst crystal at its base. Light the candle, envisioning happiness and joy filling your life, amplified by the solar eclipse's energy. Recite: "As the eclipse transforms day to night, my heart opens to joy and light." Feel the warmth of the candle and the solar eclipse bringing waves of happiness and peace. Leave the candle to burn down completely, sealing the spell for happiness. Engage with these spells in a space of calm and focus, allowing the unique energies of the solar eclipse to amplify your intentions. Remember, the key to effective spellwork is belief, intention, and a deep connection with the energies you're invoking. No matter what you plan to do for yourself and others during this powerful solar eclipse, make sure you make lasting memories, have fun, and celebrate all the amazing celestial events that we are lucky enough to behold and cherish during this lifetime. Blessed Be, Audra

  • Wings of Destiny Butterfly Oracle Tablet Guide

    Owned, copyrighted, and created by Audra English. To get your own copy of these Oracle Tablets, just visit our Etsy store HERE and you can download, print, and start using your tablets immediately. Please do not copy or publish without Audra's permission. Feel free to share by link to this page only. These go with the Wings of Destiny Butterfly Oracle Tablets which can be purchased directly as a digital download which includes the full booklet, information guide and printable tablets. This key was created to help those who got a free tablet in their order or those who got a free oracle tablet reading from Audra in our Facebook group or social media pages. Please refer to the alphabetically ordered symbol key below to assist you in understanding your reading. However, feel free to trust your instincts and intuition in interpreting what your tabs reveal about your specific situation. Accept Love- In the delicate flutter of the butterfly's wings lies a profound message: open your heart to receive the love that surrounds you, including the boundless reservoir of self-love that awaits within. Embrace this moment as an invitation to allow love to permeate every fiber of your being. Understand that love, in its myriad forms, is a force that nurtures, heals, and transforms. Begin by extending compassion and kindness to yourself. Embrace self-love, honoring your worthiness and acknowledging the beauty within you. Embrace your flaws as facets of a beautiful mosaic that makes you uniquely you. Forgive yourself for past mistakes and embrace self-compassion. Nurture your spirit with self-care, acknowledging that you deserve love and tenderness from yourself. Beyond self-love, be open to receiving love from others. Release any barriers or fears that prevent love from entering your life. Allow yourself to trust, to connect, and to let others in. Embrace the support and care that surrounds you from friends, family, and the universe. Open your heart fully, like the wings of the butterfly unfolding to the warmth of the sun. Allow love to flow in and through you, radiating its gentle warmth in every aspect of your life. Remember, accepting love is not a sign of vulnerability but an expression of strength and authenticity. Embrace the transformative power of love, for it has the ability to uplift, heal, and illuminate your path. Embrace this journey towards deeper self-love and connection, for in love's embrace, you'll discover the true essence of your being. Allow It To Flow- As the butterfly graces your path, it brings forth a gentle reminder to release control and trust in the natural flow of the universe. Embrace the wisdom found in allowing life to unfold without resistance. Just as the butterfly surrenders to the currents of the wind, allow yourself to surrender to the divine flow of existence. Have faith, for the universe orchestrates a grand symphony of events and opportunities. Trust in the unseen forces guiding you towards your highest good. Surrender your worries and fears, knowing that the universe holds a greater plan, one that aligns perfectly with your soul's journey. Let go of the need to micromanage every aspect of your life. Instead, cultivate a sense of trust and openness. Allow circumstances to manifest naturally, free from the constraints of doubt or excessive control. Know that in surrendering, you create space for miracles to unfold. Embrace a mindset of abundance and acceptance. Be receptive to the signs and nudges from the universe. Flow with the currents of life, adapting to changes with grace and resilience. Trust that the universe has your back and is conspiring in your favor. As the butterfly effortlessly glides through the air, entrust yourself to the flow of life's journey. Embrace the unknown with curiosity and openness. Have faith that the universe's plans for you are more magnificent than you can imagine. Allow it to flow, and watch as the universe unfolds its wonders in perfect harmony. Anger Isn't The Answer- The butterfly arrives with a gentle yet powerful reminder: anger, though a fiery emotion, does not hold the solution. Instead, it serves as a tempest, clouding judgment and creating further discord. Embrace the wisdom found in maintaining a calm demeanor and a compassionate heart in the face of adversity. Recognize that while anger may momentarily seem justified, its flames can scorch the very ground on which resolutions may grow. Step back from the intensity of your emotions. Take a pause to let the storm within you settle. Allow yourself the gift of time—time to reflect, time to breathe, and time to regain perspective. Understand that a mind clouded by anger cannot discern clearly. Soften your heart, for it is in this softness that understanding and empathy bloom. When emotions simmer down and the heart finds peace, revisit the situation with a clear mind. Approach it not with the heat of anger but with the wisdom of a serene spirit. Seek understanding, not retaliation; seek resolution, not conflict. Remember, dear seeker, that forgiveness and compassion pave the path towards healing and resolution. Embrace a peaceful approach, understanding that serenity doesn't denote weakness but reflects strength and resilience. Let the butterfly's graceful flight remind you of the beauty found in tranquility. Choose the path of calmness and compassion, for therein lies the key to resolving conflicts and fostering harmony. Ask For Guidance- In moments of uncertainty or when seeking solutions, turn to the vast reservoir of wisdom that surrounds you. Embrace the power of seeking guidance from the universe, God, your guardian angels, spirit guides, or your own inner wisdom. Understand that you are not alone on this journey. The universe is a wellspring of wisdom, offering guidance and support to those who seek it. Take a moment to connect with the higher realms, whether through prayer, meditation, or quiet contemplation. Invite the guidance of the divine forces that surround you. Trust in the intuitive nudges, the synchronicities, and the signs that are presented to you. Be open and receptive, allowing the wisdom of the universe to illuminate your path. Acknowledge the presence of your spiritual guides, be they celestial beings or your inner voice. Consult them for clarity, comfort, and direction. Trust in the answers that arise, knowing that they are guiding you towards your highest good. Remember, dear seeker, that the universe speaks in whispers. Be attuned to the subtle messages that are conveyed through your inner knowing and through the signs that manifest in your life. Have faith that the guidance you seek is already within you, waiting to be recognized and embraced. Embrace the transformative power of seeking guidance. Allow the wisdom of the universe to gently steer you towards the answers and solutions you seek. Trust in this process, for in seeking guidance, you open yourself to a world of infinite possibilities and insights. Attracting Abundance- In the delicate flutter of the butterfly's wings lies a powerful message: you are a magnet for abundance—money, luck, and material blessings are drawn to your energy. Embrace this time with unwavering faith and focused intent, for the universe conspires to shower you with blessings. Understand the potency of your thoughts, emotions, and vibrations in shaping your reality. Your energy field resonates with abundance, attracting a wealth of blessings toward you. Maintain this alignment by nurturing positive thoughts and unwavering belief in your deservingness. Just as the butterfly gracefully flits from flower to flower, you too must remain focused on your energy. Refrain from wavering in your faith or allowing doubt to cloud your manifestations. Stay steadfast in your conviction that abundance flows effortlessly into your life. Open your heart wide to receive these blessings. Embrace gratitude for the abundance already present in your life, welcoming more with joyous anticipation. Trust that the universe is aligning circumstances and opportunities in perfect harmony with your desires. Remain centered in your belief, knowing that your intentions are being swiftly manifested. Be mindful of the opportunities that present themselves and be ready to seize them. Keep your thoughts positive, your heart open, and your actions aligned with the abundance you seek. Embrace the essence of the butterfly as a symbol of transformation and expansion. As it gracefully navigates through life, so too can you attract and manifest an abundance of blessings. Keep your energy focused, your faith unwavering, and watch as the universe magnificently responds to your vibrations, showering you with abundance beyond measure. Blessings Are Yours- The appearance of this butterfly tablet serves as a gentle affirmation: the blessings you've sought and the prayers you've whispered are being heard and answered by the universe. Embrace this moment with assurance, knowing that the blessings you seek are already making their way toward you. Understand that the universe operates in divine timing. Your heartfelt prayers have not gone unnoticed. Each intention and longing of your heart has been acknowledged, and the universe is aligning circumstances to fulfill them. Embrace a sense of gratitude and readiness to receive these blessings. Stay open to the signs and opportunities that manifest in your life, for they are the carriers of the blessings you seek. Trust that the universe responds to your earnest desires with grace and benevolence. This tablet is a reassurance that the gifts you've yearned for are either on their way or already present in your life. Stay attuned to the subtle whispers of the universe, guiding you toward the fulfillment of your dreams. Take solace in the certainty that the universe answers all sincere prayers. Your blessings are unfolding in their own perfect time. Embrace a mindset of gratitude and prepare your heart to receive the abundance that is rightfully yours. Creativity Brings Answers- This butterfly tablet emerges as a guiding beacon, urging you to harness the power of your creativity as a key to unlocking solutions for the questions or challenges that weigh upon your mind. Embrace the profound potential within your creative energy to illuminate paths and offer innovative solutions. Understand that creativity isn't limited to artistic endeavors alone; it's a force that resides within each one of us, waiting to be tapped into for problem-solving and innovation. Engage in activities that inspire you, whether it's painting, writing, music, or even brainstorming new ideas. Allow yourself the freedom to explore unconventional approaches and think outside the boundaries of routine. Your creativity holds the seeds of unexplored answers and novel perspectives. Trust in your imaginative powers to bring forth innovative solutions to your concerns. The butterfly's dance symbolizes the fluidity of creative thought, embracing change and adaptation. Let your creativity flow unhindered, free from self-imposed limitations or preconceived notions. Embrace experimentation and playfulness in your pursuit of solutions. Connect with your inner artist, letting intuition and imagination guide you. Engage in activities that nurture your creative spirit, as they hold the keys to unlocking the answers you seek. Trust that within your creative endeavors lie the solutions you've been searching for. Embrace this tablet as an invitation to tap into your innate creative energy. Let it be a reminder that by nurturing your creativity, you not only unlock answers but also open doors to a world of limitless possibilities. Daydreaming For Answers- This butterfly tablet arrives as a serene guide, suggesting that finding solutions to your queries or concerns lies within the realm of tranquil contemplation and daydreaming. Embrace the power of quiet reflection and gentle meditation as avenues to unlock the answers you seek. Understand that in the tranquil sanctuary of your mind, amidst daydreams and meditative states, clarity and insight often emerge. Allow yourself moments of peaceful reflection, free from the distractions of the outside world, to invite the answers to gently manifest. Quiet the bustling thoughts and invite stillness within. As the butterfly flutters gracefully, find a similar sense of graceful calmness within your mind. Let your thoughts drift and wander freely, allowing them to connect and form patterns that reveal hidden solutions. Engage in meditation practices or simply moments of undisturbed quietude. Create space for your mind to wander and explore. In these moments, the universe often whispers answers, nudging you toward the resolutions you seek. Embrace daydreaming not as an idle pursuit but as a conduit for inspiration and intuition. Trust in the wisdom that emerges when the mind is at ease. As you quiet your thoughts and allow the gentle flow of daydreams, be open to the subtle revelations and insights that gently surface. Allow this tablet to remind you of the potency of daydreaming and meditation in finding answers. Embrace these moments of peaceful contemplation, for within them lie the keys to unlocking the solutions that reside within your own depths. De-Clutter- This butterfly tablet alights upon your path as a gentle yet powerful reminder to embark on a journey of decluttering—both within yourself and in your external surroundings. Embrace the transformative power of clearing away what no longer serves your highest good. Start within—cleanse your thoughts and emotions. Release any lingering doubts, fears, or negative beliefs that hinder your growth. Embrace a mindset that fosters positivity and encourages your well-being. Let go of self-limiting thoughts and make space for self-love and empowerment. Look around your physical space—identify objects or possessions that no longer resonate with your present self. Simplify your surroundings by removing clutter, allowing energy to flow freely in your environment. Create a space that nurtures peace and harmony. Evaluate your relationships—let go of connections that drain your energy or no longer align with your growth and aspirations. Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you on your journey. Understand that decluttering is not just a physical act but an emotional and mental liberation. As the butterfly gracefully sheds its cocoon, embrace this transformative process. Embrace the lightness that comes with letting go and making space for new blessings to enter your life. Allow this tablet to serve as a catalyst for renewal and transformation. Embrace the cleansing process with an open heart and mind, for within the decluttering journey lies the opportunity to create a more harmonious and fulfilling existence. Demand Respect- This butterfly tablet arrives as a powerful reminder that your inherent dignity and self-respect are fundamental rights. Embrace the strength within you to stand up for yourself and demand the respect you deserve. Recognize that your needs and boundaries are crucial elements in achieving fulfillment. Understand that demanding respect isn't a sign of aggression but an assertion of your worthiness. Your dignity is non-negotiable and forms the cornerstone of healthy relationships and interactions. Uphold your boundaries firmly, for they safeguard your well-being. Advocate for yourself with confidence and assertiveness. Communicate your needs clearly and firmly, knowing that your voice carries value. Do not shy away from setting boundaries that honor your mental, emotional, and physical space. Remember that respecting yourself paves the way for others to respect you as well. Embrace a sense of empowerment and self-worth, for they are essential in ensuring your needs are met and your aspirations are pursued. Stand tall and firm in your convictions. Demand respect in all aspects of your life, for it is your birthright. As the butterfly elegantly asserts its presence, claim your space with grace and dignity. Let this tablet be a guiding light, reminding you to honor yourself and assert your worth. In doing so, you pave the way for a life where your needs are acknowledged, your boundaries respected, and your dignity upheld. Feed Your Soul- This butterfly tablet serves as a poignant reminder of the nourishment your soul receives daily. Just as a balanced diet supports a healthy body, a wholesome "soul diet" is imperative for your spiritual well-being. Take a moment to reevaluate what you feed your soul through information intake, social interactions, and the words you speak. Consider the information you consume—be mindful of the books, media, and news you expose yourself to. Nurture your soul with uplifting material that inspires hope, faith, and positivity. Embrace content that nourishes your spirit and encourages personal growth. Evaluate your interactions—surround yourself with individuals who radiate positivity, support, and encouragement. Engage in conversations that uplift and inspire, fostering an environment where your soul thrives in positivity and kindness. Be conscious of the words you speak—to yourself and others. Choose language that fosters optimism, compassion, and empowerment. Your words have the power to shape your reality and the energy that surrounds you. Take the time to curate a soul-nourishing environment. Choose a soul diet that fosters hope, faith, and positivity. Carefully select the ingredients that uplift and energize your spirit, ensuring that your soul remains healthy, happy, and vibrant. Allow this tablet to be a gentle nudge to assess your soul diet. Embrace habits that foster optimism and well-being, for a nourished soul is the foundation for a fulfilling and joyous existence. Find Your Happiness- This butterfly tablet emerges as a gentle guide, reminding you of the profound truth that happiness resides within your own choices and perceptions. Your happiness is a product of the thoughts you nurture and the perspectives you adopt. Embrace the responsibility of cultivating your own joy. Understand that happiness is an inner state, not contingent on external circumstances or the actions of others. Take ownership of your happiness, knowing that you hold the power to shape your reality. Seek out positivity and light in your thoughts, actions, and environment. Choose to focus on the bright side of life, seeking moments of joy and gratitude amidst challenges. Surround yourself with positivity—engage in activities that uplift your spirit, spend time with supportive people, and immerse yourself in things that bring you joy. Realize that you have the ability to feed your soul with the happiness it craves. Cultivate a mindset of optimism and resilience. Embrace gratitude for the blessings present in your life, no matter how small, and let them fuel your happiness. Remember, happiness is a journey, not a destination. Embrace the power within you to choose happiness each day. Seek out positivity, radiate light, and watch as your happiness blossoms from within. You hold the key to your own joy—feed your happiness and let it illuminate your life. Let this tablet be a constant reminder that your happiness is yours to nourish. Embrace the choice to seek joy, positivity, and light, for in doing so, you create a life that resonates with happiness and contentment. Find Your Purpose- This butterfly tablet emerges as a profound guide, urging you to embark on a journey within, seeking the deeper calling of your soul. Embrace the quest to uncover your purpose, exploring what fills your heart with fulfillment and brings meaning to your existence in this realm. Look inward and reflect upon what ignites a sense of passion within you. Explore activities, causes, or pursuits that resonate deeply with your soul. Consider what brings you joy, what stirs your curiosity, and what makes you feel most alive. Reflect on the contributions you wish to make to the world. Consider how you can leverage your unique strengths, talents, and experiences to create a positive impact. Identify ways in which you can align your aspirations with a higher purpose. Seek clarity by examining your values, beliefs, and aspirations. Contemplate what legacy you wish to leave behind and what accomplishments would make you feel proud and content while traversing this earthly existence. Remember that your purpose may evolve and unfold over time. Embrace the journey of self-discovery with patience and an open heart. Allow yourself the freedom to explore, learn, and grow as you unveil the path that resonates most deeply with your being. Let this tablet serve as a guiding light on your quest to find your purpose. Listen to the whispers of your soul and follow the call that resonates within you. Embrace the journey toward aligning your actions with your soul's deepest yearnings, for therein lies the fulfillment and happiness you seek. Free Your Anxiety- This butterfly tablet arrives as a guiding beacon, urging you to liberate yourself from the clutches of anxiety. Embrace the assurance that the worst-case scenarios your mind conjures will never come to fruition. Instead of fretting about tomorrow, anchor yourself in the present moment and live fully today. Understand that anxiety often thrives on the uncertainties of the future, painting vivid yet improbable scenarios. Release the grip of these worries by focusing on the here and now. Redirect your energy toward the present, savoring each moment as it unfolds. Challenge the validity of your anxious thoughts. Recognize that the exaggerated narratives created by anxiety seldom align with reality. Reframe your perspectives and embrace a more rational and grounded approach to uncertainties. Practice mindfulness and grounding techniques to anchor yourself in the present. Engage in activities that bring you joy, peace, and a sense of fulfillment. Cultivate gratitude for the blessings of today, allowing them to overshadow worries about tomorrow. Release the burdens of anxiety by acknowledging that living in constant fear of hypothetical futures robs you of the joy of the present. Embrace the wisdom of letting go—of worries, fears, and anxieties—allowing yourself to breathe freely and experience the beauty of the now. Let this tablet serve as a reminder that the best way to ease anxiety is to relinquish its hold. Embrace the gift of the present moment, for by living fully today, you empower yourself to face the future with resilience and serenity. Healing Energies- This butterfly tablet arrives as a bearer of tranquil energies, guiding you on a journey of inner and outer healing. Embrace the gentle whispers of peace and wellness that emanate from nature and the boundless Universe, inviting their soothing embrace. Turn to nature as a sanctuary for healing. Immerse yourself in its serene landscapes, whether it's the calming presence of trees, the rhythmic flow of water, or the gentle caress of the breeze. Allow nature's energies to rejuvenate your spirit, filling you with a sense of calm and balance. Connect with the vast expanse of the Universe, tapping into its healing energies. Embrace meditation, stargazing, or simply basking in the vastness of the cosmos. Allow the Universe's profound energy to permeate your being, nurturing your inner wellness. Revel in the restorative power of the elements—earth, water, air, and fire. Engage with them consciously, whether it's grounding yourself in the earth, cleansing in water, breathing deeply in fresh air, or embracing the warmth of the sun. Let these elements revitalize your body, mind, and soul. Embrace the subtle yet profound healing energies that surround you. Trust in the natural rhythm and flow of life, allowing these energies to dissolve stress, worries, and discomfort. Surrender to the peaceful vibrations that nature and the Universe offer, allowing them to heal you from the inside out. Let this tablet be a gentle reminder that within nature and the expansive Universe lies a sanctuary of healing and wellness. Embrace these healing energies, allowing their soothing touch to bring peace, harmony, and restoration to every aspect of your being. Incredible Work- This butterfly tablet arrives as a tribute to the significance of your efforts and contributions. Embrace the assurance that the time and dedication you invest in your work—be it providing for yourself or your family—is never in vain. Your endeavors are valuable, and your positive impact on the world through good deeds and positive energy is deeply appreciated. Recognize the worth of your contributions, no matter how big or small. Every effort, every task completed, every act of kindness woven into your work is a testament to your dedication and commitment. Understand that your work extends beyond mere productivity—it embodies the essence of your energy and intention. Your positive impact on the world, whether through your profession or daily deeds, resonates far and wide, enriching the lives of those around you. Embrace a sense of pride and satisfaction in the work you do. Your efforts, fueled by passion and positive energy, ripple out into the world, creating a brighter and more compassionate environment. Let this tablet serve as a reminder of the value and importance of your contributions. Embrace the incredible work you do, knowing that your efforts, fueled by positivity and goodwill, leave an indelible mark on the world. Your dedication is appreciated, and your positive influence is a gift to all. It's Yours- This butterfly tablet brings forth a powerful affirmation: the manifestations you've been diligently seeking already exist within the expansive tapestry of the universe and are rightfully yours at this very moment. Shift your perspective from a future event to experiencing your manifestations in the present for tangible results. Understand that the universe operates in abundance, and what you seek is already in existence, awaiting your alignment to manifest it into your reality. Embrace the belief that your desires are not distant dreams but tangible realities just waiting for you to claim them. Release the notion of these manifestations as far-off goals and start perceiving them as your present reality. Visualize, feel, and embody the abundance you seek. Align your thoughts, emotions, and actions with the certainty that what you desire is within your grasp. Adopt an attitude of gratitude and anticipation for what is already yours. Trust in the divine timing and the universe's ability to orchestrate events in your favor. Embrace the manifestations unfolding in real-time, witnessing the transformation of your desires into tangible outcomes. Embrace this tablet as a powerful reminder that the universe holds the treasures you seek, and they are not distant but within your reach. Shift your focus to the present, affirming that your manifestations are here and now. Embrace this mindset shift and witness the magic as your desires materialize before your eyes. Light At The End- This butterfly tablet emerges as a soothing embrace amidst the shadows, a gentle assurance that the trials and tribulations you've endured are nearing their end. Embrace the metamorphosis and growth you've undergone, for they pave the path toward your highest good. Understand that the pain and suffering you've weathered have not been in vain. They have shaped you, fostering a profound transformation within. Trust in the wisdom of this metamorphosis, for it prepares you for the brighter future that awaits. Know that the answers to the questions that linger in the depths of your soul are within reach. The clarity you seek, the why's and how's, are just around the corner, ready to illuminate your path forward. Embrace this impending revelation with an open heart. Embrace hope, for the journey you've traversed has imparted invaluable lessons. Your resilience and strength have guided you through the darkest of times, leading you toward the dawning light. The future ahead shines with promise and possibility. Let this tablet be a beacon of hope, guiding you toward the light at the end of the tunnel. Embrace the transformation and growth you've undergone, for they have prepared you for the brilliance that awaits. Keep faith in the brighter tomorrow that is just around the corner. Luck Is On Your Side- This butterfly tablet arrives as a harbinger of auspicious tidings, signifying that a stroke of good fortune is set to grace your life. Embrace the assurance that luck is on your side, ready to guide you toward a promising turn of events. Recognize that the cosmic forces are aligning in your favor, orchestrating serendipitous moments and favorable circumstances that will uplift and enrich your journey. Embrace this fortuitous phase as a time of blessings and positive transformations. Trust in the unseen energies that are working in harmony with your intentions and actions. Stay open to new opportunities that present themselves, for they are often the manifestations of the fortunate path laid out before you. This is a time to move forward with confidence and optimism. Embrace your intuition and follow its guidance, for it will lead you toward the avenues of success and fulfillment. Trust in the benevolence of the universe, knowing that your life is poised to take a remarkable and favorable turn. Let this tablet serve as a reminder to embrace the forthcoming blessings with gratitude and readiness. Prepare yourself to welcome the positive changes that are set to enrich your life. Luck is indeed on your side, guiding you toward a future brimming with promise and prosperity. Manifesting Quickly- As the delicate wings of the butterfly carry the essence of transformation and rapid manifestation, so too does this tablet foretell the swift arrival of your desires into reality. Your intentions are gaining momentum, aligning swiftly with the universal energies. Be mindful, for the speed of manifestation requires your focus and unwavering intention. Just as the butterfly flits from flower to flower with grace and precision, your thoughts and energy must maintain a similar steadfastness. Embrace this time with clarity and heightened awareness. Ensure your intentions are pure, aligned with your soul's purpose. Allow no room for doubt or conflicting vibrations to disrupt this swift flow. Your thoughts and emotions hold immense power—channel them wisely. Cultivate an unwavering belief in the abundance that is making its way towards you. The butterfly's dance reminds you of the ephemeral nature of life; seize this moment to manifest your dreams. Trust in the universe's timing and remain open to receiving these blessings. Stay centered, stay aligned, and witness as your desires materialize before your eyes in a beautiful flurry of manifestation. Manifesting Wealth- Fluttering into your life with the promise of abundance, the butterfly brings the message of imminent wealth heading your way. Be prepared, for the universe is aligning the energies of prosperity in your favor. But remember, the act of receiving requires an open heart and a willingness to embrace the gifts bestowed upon you. As the butterfly gracefully spreads its wings to explore the world, so too must you expand your capacity to receive. Release any limiting beliefs or fears that may hinder the flow of abundance into your life. Your heart is the gateway through which wealth enters—open it wide. Welcome these blessings with gratitude and joy. Prepare yourself not just to acquire, but to share the wealth that flows into your life. Generosity is a magnet for further abundance. Trust in the divine timing of this gift; it comes to you because you are deserving. Embrace the opportunities that come your way and allow yourself to bask in the richness of the universe's blessings. Remember, wealth extends beyond material possessions; it encompasses joy, love, health, and opportunities. Keep your heart receptive, your hands open, and your spirit grateful. The universe conspires to enrich your life—be ready to accept the abundance that awaits. Needing Balance- The butterfly gently lands in your life bearing the gentle yet compelling message of finding equilibrium within. It whispers of the necessity to restore harmony and balance to your being. Take heed, for your energies may be scattered, pulling you away from your center. Just as the butterfly effortlessly glides through the air, finding its balance amidst the currents, so too must you realign your energies. Take a moment to pause, breathe, and reconnect with your inner self. Assess where your focus has drifted and where your energy has become dispersed. Embrace practices that nurture your mind, body, and spirit—meditation, grounding exercises, or moments of solitude. Harmonize your thoughts, emotions, and actions. Reclaim your center, allowing yourself to flow gracefully through life's changes and challenges. Recognize that balance is not stagnant but a constant adjustment, like the delicate dance of the butterfly in flight. Embrace the beauty of this ongoing process. Let go of what disturbs your equilibrium and welcome what brings you closer to a sense of inner peace and stability. With mindful awareness and conscious effort, realign your energies. Embrace the ebb and flow of life's rhythms, finding serenity within. As you restore balance, watch how the world around you mirrors this new found harmony. Needs Are Fully Met- As the butterfly graces your path, it brings forth the reassuring message that the universe is weaving a tapestry of abundance and fulfillment for you. Your needs, dear seeker, are acknowledged and embraced by the vast cosmic forces. Trust in the divine flow, for all that you require is swiftly making its way towards you. The universe, like the nurturing garden that sustains the butterfly, holds everything you need for your journey. Surrender your worries and fears, knowing that you are supported and cared for. Have faith in the benevolence of the universe, as it orchestrates circumstances and synchronicities to meet your needs. Your resilience and strength are recognized. Embrace this time with gratitude, knowing that you are held in the gentle embrace of cosmic provision. Trust in the unfolding of events and remain open to receiving the blessings that are already on their way. Embrace a mindset of abundance and sufficiency. Focus on gratitude for what you have and anticipate with joy the fulfillment of your needs. Allow the universe's benevolence to envelop you, reassuring you that you will not only survive but thrive. Rest easy, dear soul, for the universe has heard your call, and in due time, your needs will be fully met. New Beginnings- In the tender embrace of change, the butterfly arrives as a reminder that within every ending lies the seed of a new beginning. Just as the butterfly undergoes the transformative journey of metamorphosis, so too are you experiencing a profound shift in your life. Embrace the wisdom found in the butterfly's metamorphosis—an end to the caterpillar’s journey signifies the emergence of something extraordinary. Similarly, your life is in a state of beautiful transition. The closure of one chapter heralds the dawn of a new and promising era. Like the butterfly shedding its cocoon, you're shedding the layers that no longer serve your highest good. Embrace this process of transformation, for it allows you to spread your wings and soar into the vast expanse of new possibilities. Trust in the divine timing of life's cycles. Embrace the uncertainty that comes with new beginnings, for it is within this uncertainty that growth and evolution reside. Have faith that this period of transition is steering you towards a brighter and more fulfilling path. With grace and courage, step forward into this new phase of your life. Embrace the freedom, the renewal, and the limitless potential that new beginnings offer. Just as the butterfly unfurls its wings to embark on a new journey, allow yourself to embrace the unfolding adventure that awaits. Only Accept Peace- As the butterfly gracefully alights upon your path, it carries a gentle yet compelling message: peace is not merely a distant aspiration, but an essential state of being that you must embrace. Amid life's whirlwinds and chaos, the flutter of the butterfly's wings reminds you that peace is within your grasp. Understand that peace isn't just a fleeting moment of tranquility; it's a profound state of harmony within yourself and with the world around you. Embrace the truth that peace is not only obtainable but also necessary for your well-being and growth. Release the burdens that weigh upon your heart and mind. Embrace forgiveness, both for others and for yourself. Let go of the tumultuous energies that disrupt your inner serenity. Cultivate practices that bring you peace—meditation, mindfulness, spending time in nature, or engaging in activities that nourish your soul. Peace is a choice, dear seeker. Choose it consciously in your thoughts, actions, and interactions. Surround yourself with positivity and harmony. Protect your inner peace fiercely, for it is the foundation upon which you build a fulfilling and joyful life. Open your heart to peace, invite it in, and allow its gentle waves to wash away stress and discord. As the butterfly dances freely, find that same freedom within the tranquility of your own being. Embrace peace as an integral part of your existence, for it holds the key to your truest happiness. Passion And Love- This butterfly tablet graces your path with the promise of an enchanting journey ahead, where the vibrant colors of love and passion are set to bloom. Embrace the anticipation of blossoming romance and a deeper connection as love's tender embrace awaits you. Prepare for the arrival of love's sweet embrace and the dance of passion on the horizon of your life. Open your heart to the delightful symphony of emotions and the stirring of romantic encounters. Feel the spark igniting within, setting your heart aglow with the warmth of affection and desire. Embrace the promise of shared moments, where hearts entwine in beautiful synchrony, pulsating with hope, longing, and joy. Allow yourself to be immersed in the beauty of this unfolding romance. Be present in the moments shared, cherishing the tenderness and intimacy that kindles the flames of love and ignites the passion within your soul. Embrace this tablet as a harbinger of love's gentle whispers and the intoxicating allure of passion. Keep your heart open and receptive, for the beautiful symphony of affection and ardor is ready to fill your life with its enchanting melody. Pay Attention- This butterfly tablet arrives as a gentle yet urgent reminder to redirect your focus and energy toward your goals and aspirations. It cautions against the negative patterns that have veered you off course from manifesting your desires. It's time to realign your energy swiftly and restore the balance within. Acknowledge the distractions that have consumed your thoughts and energy, diverting your attention from your true intentions. Reevaluate where you are investing your mental and emotional energy, ensuring that it aligns with what you genuinely wish to manifest. Take heed of the power of your thoughts and intentions. Shift away from dwelling on the things you don't want to manifest and redirect your focus onto the positive outcomes you aspire to achieve. Embrace a mindset that nurtures your goals and dreams. Find practices that realign your energy and restore equilibrium. Engage in mindfulness, meditation, or activities that bring you joy and peace. Ground yourself in the present moment to dissolve the grip of negative distractions. Embrace this tablet as a catalyst for change—a call to attentiveness and realignment. Emphasize positivity and clarity in your thoughts, redirecting your focus toward what you genuinely desire. By paying attention to your energy and intentions, you pave the way for the manifestation of your true aspirations. Play Without Worry- This butterfly tablet arrives as a gentle invitation to reclaim the whimsy and joy of carefree play from your childhood days. Embrace the freedom to play, frolic, and indulge your imagination, unburdened by worries or constraints. Reconnect with the playful spirit within you. Allow yourself the freedom to explore and create without the weight of adult concerns. Engage in activities that spark delight and let your imagination run wild, painting vibrant dreams and scenarios that bring joy to your soul. Set aside the worries and responsibilities, if only for a moment. Dive into the world of possibilities that your imagination unfolds, relishing in the sheer delight of creativity and uninhibited play. Embrace spontaneity and laughter, reliving the joyous moments of carefree playfulness. Engage in activities that uplift your spirit, whether it's through art, music, storytelling, or exploring new adventures. Let this tablet be a reminder to cherish the precious moments of play and imagination. Rediscover the magic of unstructured fun and allow it to infuse your life with lightness and joy. Play without worry, for in these moments, your soul finds its purest delight. Psychic Dreams- This butterfly tablet arrives as a whisper from the universe, urging you to heed the messages and guidance that come to you in the realm of dreams. Embrace the profound insights and wisdom the universe communicates through your slumber, opening your heart and mind to the messages that await. Acknowledge the significance of your dreams as a conduit for divine guidance. Pay attention to the symbols, emotions, and narratives that unfold in your sleep, for they carry profound messages from the universe, seeking to illuminate your path. Invite the universe to guide you through the realms of your subconscious. Set intentions before sleeping, inviting clarity and wisdom to manifest in your dreams. Keep a dream journal to record and interpret the messages, allowing patterns and meanings to unfold. Trust in the intuitive whispers and symbols woven into your dreams. Embrace meditation and reflection upon waking, allowing these insights to resonate within your waking consciousness. Integrate these revelations into your life with an open heart. Let this tablet serve as a reminder to honor the potency of your dreams as a gateway to cosmic guidance. Invite the universe to speak to you in the language of dreams, and allow the wisdom they impart to guide and enrich your journey. Rapid Growth- This butterfly tablet heralds a period of swift and transformative changes on your horizon. Embrace the momentum of rapid growth, but be mindful to safeguard your energy amidst these shifts. Your focus should be on maintaining a positive and protected vibe. Acknowledge the swiftness of changes entering your life. Embrace this time of rapid growth with openness and readiness. However, it's crucial to shield yourself from any negativity that may hinder your progress. Stay centered within your positive energy. Protect your vibe by surrounding yourself with positivity—positive thoughts, environments, and people who uplift and support your growth. Establish boundaries to preserve your energetic balance. Be mindful of the impact of your thoughts and emotions. Ensure they align with your intentions, fostering a harmonious energy that aids in your advancement during this period of rapid transformation. Embrace practices that help you stay grounded and centered. Meditation, self-care routines, and moments of solitude can serve as anchors amidst the whirlwind of changes, ensuring your energy remains aligned and protected. Let this tablet be your guiding light, reminding you to navigate this phase of rapid growth with mindfulness and care. Protect your energy, nurture your positive vibe, and embrace these transformative changes with a balanced and resilient spirit. Release The Heaviness- This butterfly tablet gently encourages you to unburden yourself from the weight of past thoughts and lingering pain that weigh down your spirit. Embrace the liberating act of letting go, allowing yourself the freedom needed to soar and embrace new beginnings. Acknowledge the heaviness you carry within—whether it's past regrets, lingering pain, or burdensome thoughts. Understand that releasing this weight is essential to your ability to rise above and embrace a lighter existence. Embrace the power of forgiveness, both for others and yourself. Release any resentments or grievances that anchor you to the past. Understand that letting go does not diminish the significance of your experiences but rather frees you to move forward. Practice mindfulness and self-compassion. Be gentle with yourself as you navigate the process of release. Engage in activities that nourish your spirit and bring peace, allowing yourself the space to heal and grow. Embrace the metaphor of the butterfly shedding its cocoon—liberating itself from the heaviness to take flight. Let this tablet serve as a catalyst for your transformation, enabling you to spread your wings and soar unencumbered by the weight of the past. Embrace the journey of release as a pathway to freedom and renewal. Allow yourself to fly light, unburdened by the past, and ready to embrace the boundless possibilities that await. Rest Your Mind- This butterfly tablet arrives as a gentle reassurance that amidst life's hustle and bustle, it's essential to grant yourself the gift of rest. Embrace this moment as a time to rejuvenate, allowing yourself to be replenished and restored. Understand that everything is unfolding as it should, and in this moment, it's crucial to grant yourself peace. Embrace the serenity of calmness, allowing it to envelop your being and restore your mind to its natural state of tranquility. Find solace in the beauty of rest. Embrace moments of stillness and quiet, allowing your mind to unwind and recharge. Engage in activities that bring you solace, whether it's meditation, nature walks, or simply finding a quiet corner to relax. Trust that the universe is conspiring in your favor. Embrace the assurance that everything will fall into place at the right time. Use this period of rest to regenerate your energy and gather the strength needed for the chapters ahead. Let this tablet serve as a gentle reminder that it's okay to pause, to rest, and to rejuvenate. Embrace the calmness that surrounds you, knowing that within this tranquil space, you'll find the renewal and clarity needed to move forward. Say It & Make It So- This butterfly tablet arrives as a potent reminder of the immense power held within your words and intentions. Recognize that you are the weaver of your destiny; the words you speak hold the ability to manifest your dreams. Be vigilant in the way you articulate your desires, for they shape your reality. Understand the magic embedded within your words—they carry the potential to materialize your aspirations. Speak your desires with clarity, conviction, and positivity, aligning your language with the reality you wish to create. Be mindful of your thoughts and spoken words. Ensure they are in harmony with the life you envision. Use affirmations and declarations that resonate with your aspirations, infusing them with faith and certainty. Embrace the responsibility of co-creating your reality through your words. Avoid verbalizing doubts or limitations. Instead, articulate your dreams as if they are already manifest, ushering them into existence through the sheer power of your intention. Let this tablet be a guiding light, reminding you of your inherent ability to shape your destiny. Harness the power of your words to craft the reality you desire. Speak your dreams into existence, and watch as the universe aligns to make it so. Slow Progress Is Progress- This butterfly tablet brings forth a gentle yet profound truth: progress, regardless of its speed, is still a significant stride toward your destination. Embrace the understanding that the pace of progress matters less than the journey itself. Celebrate each step forward, appreciating the path you're forging. Acknowledge that progress takes various forms and cannot always be quantified. Embrace the value in every effort made, regardless of its magnitude. Each step, no matter how small, contributes to the larger picture of your journey. Release the notion of measuring progress against arbitrary timelines. Instead, find joy in the journey itself. Treasure the experiences, the lessons learned, and the growth that accompanies each step forward. Rejoice in the work you've put in, knowing that it paves the way toward your destination. Understand that the journey is as significant as the destination. Embrace the present moment, savoring the experiences, connections, and discoveries along the way. Life's richness lies not only in reaching the end goal but in the beauty found throughout the journey. Let this tablet be a reminder that slow progress is still progress, and every step forward is an accomplishment worthy of celebration. Enjoy the journey, relish the experiences, and find fulfillment in the process, knowing that each stride brings you closer to your destination. Soften To The Situation- This butterfly tablet arrives as a gentle reminder to release resistance and embrace a state of allowance. Understand that when you resist or force manifestations, you create barriers that hinder their fruition. Soften your approach, detach, and allow the natural unfolding of events to bring your intentions to life. Acknowledge the importance of detachment in the manifestation process. Surrender the need to control or force outcomes, as doing so may disrupt the natural flow of the universe. Trust that by softening your stance, you create space for your desires to organically manifest. Release the grip of resistance. Instead, adopt an attitude of ease and openness. Allow the energy of acceptance and receptivity to permeate your intentions, allowing them to unfold in their own perfect timing. Practice mindfulness and let go of the urgency surrounding your desires. Detach from the outcome and embrace a state of peace and trust. Trust that the universe is working in your favor and that your manifestations will materialize when the time is right. Let this tablet guide you to soften your approach and detach from the need for immediate results. By relinquishing resistance and allowing the universe to work its magic, you create the ideal conditions for your intentions to manifest in their most beautiful and natural form. Stop Messing Around- This butterfly tablet arrives as a gentle but firm nudge to refocus your energies and efforts on what truly matters. It serves as a reminder that it's time to cease procrastination or stalling on vital endeavors. Embrace the call to action and recommit yourself to the task at hand. Acknowledge the moments of delay or diversion from your objectives. Understand that this tablet urges you to shed distractions and refocus your determination. It's time to realign your focus and dedicate your energy to the essential tasks awaiting your attention. Embrace a renewed sense of purpose and commitment. Take a step back and reassess your priorities, ensuring that your actions align with your goals. Break down your tasks into manageable steps and dive back into the work with dedication. Release any hesitations or resistance that have hindered your progress. Embrace a proactive mindset and take decisive steps toward achieving your objectives. Embrace the challenge with enthusiasm, knowing that your efforts will lead you closer to your aspirations. Let this tablet serve as a catalyst for reinvigorating your determination and diligence. Embrace the opportunity to refocus, leave procrastination behind, and reignite your drive to accomplish what's truly important. Success Ahead- This butterfly tablet arrives as a harbinger of forthcoming success, whispering assurances of achievement and triumph on the horizon. Embrace the anticipation and assurance that success is indeed within your reach. Acknowledge the signs of progress and the efforts you've dedicated toward your goals. Trust that your perseverance and dedication are paving the path toward the success you seek. Be prepared to reap the rewards of your hard work. Embrace a mindset of confidence and belief in your abilities. Visualize the success you desire, and allow this vision to propel you forward with determination and resilience. Trust that your endeavors will soon yield the fruits of triumph. Stay committed to your aspirations, remaining open to opportunities and possibilities that present themselves. Maintain focus and dedication to your goals, knowing that success is not merely a destination but a continuous journey. Let this tablet be a beacon of encouragement, reminding you that success is not a distant dream but an imminent reality. Embrace the belief that your hard work and perseverance are leading you toward the achievements that await on your path. Take A Break- This butterfly tablet arrives as a gentle reminder to pause and grant yourself the gift of respite. Embrace the wisdom in stepping back and allowing yourself a well-deserved break. Acknowledge the importance of rest in rejuvenating your mind, body, and spirit. Embrace this moment as an opportunity to recharge, refuel, and regain balance. Release the weight of responsibilities, even if momentarily, and immerse yourself in relaxation. Find solace in activities that bring tranquility and joy—whether it's spending time in nature, indulging in hobbies, reading a book, or simply resting. Allow this break to replenish your energy and refresh your perspective. Embrace the beauty of the pause. Sometimes, taking a break enables clarity and renewed creativity. Use this time to reflect, gain new insights, and return with a fresh outlook to continue your endeavors. Let this tablet serve as a gentle reminder to honor the necessity of taking breaks. Embrace the serenity that comes with pausing, knowing that rejuvenation and clarity often spring from these moments of rest. The Sun Is Coming Up- This butterfly tablet emerges as a beacon of hope and assurance, signaling the imminent arrival of better days. Embrace the promising signs of change and the reassuring notion that everything will soon be okay. Acknowledge the dawn of a new chapter, where the radiance of the sun signifies the end of darkness and the emergence of light. Trust that positive transformations are unfolding, bringing forth a renewed sense of hope and positivity. Embrace the changes taking place around you, for they are the harbingers of a brighter future. Stay resilient and open-hearted as you navigate this transformative phase, knowing that each dawn heralds fresh opportunities. Trust in the divine timing of life's cycles. Embrace optimism and hold onto faith, for the sun rising signifies the end of challenging times and the beginning of a period filled with warmth, growth, and renewed vitality. Let this tablet be a symbol of reassurance and encouragement. Embrace the promise of a new day dawning, heralding positive change and the assurance that better times are on the horizon. The Universe Is On Your Side- This butterfly tablet emerges as a powerful affirmation that the cosmic forces are aligned in your favor. Embrace the profound assurance that the universe conspires for your success and well-being. Release any fears and doubts, and trust in the benevolence of the universe. Acknowledge the signs and synchronicities as gentle reminders that you are supported by the vast energies of the universe. Have faith in the divine orchestration guiding your path, knowing that everything is unfolding precisely as it should. Embrace a mindset of trust and surrender. Release the grip of fear and uncertainty, allowing the inherent harmony of the universe to guide you. Let go of the need for control, and instead, align yourself with the flow of universal energy. Embrace the unfolding of events, even if they seem unclear or challenging. Know that behind every experience lies a lesson or a blessing, nudging you toward growth and fulfillment. Have faith that the universe is conspiring for your highest good. Let this tablet serve as a powerful reminder to trust in the cosmic support surrounding you. Embrace faith over fear, for the universe is indeed on your side, guiding you along a path of abundance, growth, and fulfillment. Trust The Process- This butterfly tablet emerges as a profound reminder to have unwavering faith in the journey you're on. Embrace the wisdom that everything you've set intentions for is already in motion, making its way to you. Trust in the benevolent support of the universe, knowing that it's working tirelessly on your behalf. Acknowledge that the seeds of your desires have been planted, and the universe is aligning the circumstances and energies needed for their manifestation. Have faith in the divine timing and the unseen forces orchestrating the path ahead. Embrace patience and trust the unfolding of events. Understand that while things might not appear as you expect at the moment, every step is part of the intricate process leading you toward your aspirations. Release any doubts or anxieties and replace them with a sense of trust and gratitude. Cultivate an unwavering belief that what you seek is already on its way. Embrace the journey with openness, for each moment is an integral part of your destiny. Let this tablet serve as a beacon of assurance. Trust the process, have faith in the universe's support, and remain open to receiving the blessings and manifestations making their way to you. Try Something New- This butterfly tablet emerges as an invitation to embark on a new venture, explore uncharted territories, or delve into a fresh endeavor. Embrace the opportunity to start a new project or hobby that ignites your curiosity and nurtures your growth. Acknowledge the immense potential within the unexplored. Embrace the excitement of stepping into new territories, whether it's a creative pursuit, a hobby, or a project that fuels your passion. Embrace the thrill of discovery. Open your heart and mind to the joy of learning and expanding your horizons. Embrace the process of trying something different, as it fosters personal growth, enriches your experiences, and cultivates a sense of fulfillment. Let go of any hesitations or fears. Embrace the adventure with a spirit of curiosity and enthusiasm. Trust that by embracing something new, you invite fresh perspectives and opportunities into your life. Let this tablet be a catalyst for embracing novelty and exploring uncharted paths. Embrace the thrill of new experiences and endeavors, for they hold the potential to enrich your life and keep your spirit vibrant and growing. Use Your Imagination- This butterfly tablet emerges as a gentle nudge to tap into the boundless realm of imagination. Encourage yourself to break free from conventional thinking, transcending the confines of logic, and explore the infinite possibilities that reside beyond the physical plane. Acknowledge the vast potential nestled within your imagination—the gateway to uncharted territories, creativity, and innovation. Embrace the freedom to dream, envision, and create without limitations. Open your mind to the realms beyond what's immediately tangible. Embrace the wonder of exploring ideas and concepts that may defy traditional thinking. Allow your imagination to roam freely, birthing innovative solutions and expansive visions. Release the limitations of what seems possible and embrace the magic of what could be. Let your imagination guide you into unexplored realms, fostering a sense of wonder, creativity, and boundless potential. Let this tablet be a catalyst for unlocking the immense power of your imagination. Embrace the freedom to think beyond the ordinary, as it holds the key to discovering innovative solutions and endless possibilities. Use Your Intellect- This butterfly tablet emerges as a gentle prompt to engage your intellect and rationality in navigating the situations you encounter. Encourage yourself to analyze circumstances based on facts rather than assumptions or beliefs, ensuring a more comprehensive understanding of the reality. Acknowledge the importance of employing your logical faculties to perceive situations as they truly are, devoid of biases or preconceived notions. Embrace the wisdom of seeking factual information before forming conclusions or judgments. Engage in critical thinking, questioning, and gathering relevant data to form a well-rounded perspective. Be open to alternative viewpoints and recognize that your understanding might evolve as new information comes to light. Release the impulse to rush to conclusions based on assumptions or incomplete information. Embrace the patience and diligence required to uncover the entire picture, enabling a more informed and thoughtful approach to the circumstances. Let this tablet serve as a guide in utilizing your intellect to discern the truth. Embrace the power of rational analysis, withholding judgment until you have gathered sufficient facts to construct a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of the situation at hand. Vivid Inspiration- This butterfly tablet emerges as an invitation to seek profound inspiration in the vibrant and soul-stirring realms of art, music, dance, or any other captivating form of expression. Embrace the beauty and grandeur of these avenues as a wellspring of vivid inspiration. Immerse yourself in the enchanting allure of artistic creations that awaken the senses and ignite the soul. Allow yourself to be moved by the brilliance of art, the rhythm of music, the grace of dance, or any other soul-stirring expressions that resonate deeply within. Open your heart and spirit to the transformative power of these vibrant sources of inspiration. Let them serve as catalysts, igniting your own creativity, and infusing your endeavors with newfound passion and fervor. Engage with these profound and soul-enriching experiences, allowing them to expand your perspective, fuel your imagination, and instill a sense of awe and wonder. Embrace the magnificence of these artistic expressions as sources of vivid inspiration for your own journey. Let this tablet guide you to seek inspiration in the breathtaking and soul-stirring realms of art, music, dance, or any other form of expression that speaks to your spirit, igniting a vibrant and vivid inspiration within you. Worthy Of Hope- This butterfly tablet emerges as a beacon of assurance, affirming that the situation stirring concern within you is indeed a pursuit worthy of your hope. Encourage yourself to hold steadfast to hope, for it is not in vain; a solution lingers around the corner. Acknowledge the significance of your hopes and aspirations in this situation. Embrace the belief that your hope carries weight and significance, guiding you towards a resolution. Trust in the inherent value of your aspirations. Lean into the support of the Universe or a higher power for guidance and answers. Embrace the belief that there is a larger force at play, gently nudging you towards the answers you seek. Align your hopes with faith, knowing that the solution you yearn for is drawing nearer. Release any doubts that attempt to dim the light of hope within you. Embrace the resilience of your hopeful spirit, understanding that it serves as a beacon leading you towards the resolution you seek. Hold on to hope, for it illuminates the path ahead. Let this tablet be a steadfast reminder that your hopes are worthy, and your pursuit of resolution is meaningful. Embrace the power of hope, maintaining faith that the Universe or a higher power will guide you towards the answers you seek. You Write Your Future- This butterfly tablet arrives as a profound reminder of your immense power in shaping your own future. Embrace the realization that you hold the pen to script the narrative of your life. Writing, be it journaling, articulating wishes, or setting goals, is a potent tool for manifesting your aspirations. Acknowledge the significance of putting your thoughts and intentions into writing. Engage in journaling to express your deepest desires, articulate your dreams, and outline your goals. Writing down your aspirations solidifies their presence in your consciousness and the universe. Embrace the act of creating lists or setting intentions. Penning down your wishes and aspirations empowers you to manifest them into reality. Trust in the profound impact of your written words in shaping your destiny. Utilize the act of writing as a catalyst for manifestation. Craft a clear vision by putting your dreams on paper, detailing your goals, and expressing your desires. Embrace the transformative power of your written words in manifesting the life you envision. Let this tablet serve as a guiding light, reminding you of the remarkable power you possess to write your future. Embrace the act of writing as a means of manifesting your desires, empowering yourself to shape a future aligned with your dreams. Your Dreams Coming True- This butterfly tablet arrives as an auspicious sign, confirming that the desires and wishes you've held dear are on the brink of manifesting into reality. Embrace this confirmation that your dreams are materializing, and be vigilant in nurturing the thoughts and energies surrounding them. Acknowledge the significant alignment between your aspirations and the unfolding reality. Embrace this as a sign that the universe is responding to your focused intentions, bringing your dreams closer to fruition. Be mindful of your thoughts and energies during this pivotal time. Understand that your dreams are taking shape, and the energy you emit directly influences their manifestation. Maintain positivity, focus, and alignment with your desires. Embrace the thrill of witnessing your visions manifesting right before your eyes. Trust that your dreams are materializing in divine timing, and continue to nurture them with unwavering belief and positive energy. Let this tablet be a powerful affirmation that your dreams are indeed coming true. Embrace this confirmation, stay attuned to your thoughts and energies, and revel in the exhilaration of witnessing the manifestation of your heartfelt desires. © Audra English 2024

  • Celestial Crystal Whispers Oracle Tablet Guide

    Owned, copyrighted, and created by Audra English. To get your own copy of these Oracle Tablets, just visit our Etsy store HERE and you can download, print, and start using your tablets immediately. Please do not copy or publish without Audra's permission. Feel free to share by link to this page only. These go with the Celestial Crystal Whispers Oracle Tablets which can be purchased directly as a digital download which includes the full booklet, information guide and printable tablets. This key was created to help those who got a free tablet in their order or those who got a free oracle tablet reading from Audra in our Facebook group or social media pages. Please refer to the alphabetically ordered symbol key below to assist you in understanding your reading. However, feel free to trust your instincts and intuition in interpreting what your tabs reveal about your specific situation. Abundance- Abundance is a fortunate tab when it appears in your reading. It signifies a period of great blessing and wealth, and the potential for making money from unexpected sources. This could be in the form of business investments, windfall of cash or simply being given something valuable by another person. Abundance also suggests that you are surrounded by many blessings - even if they are not financial - and that it is time to be thankful for what you have. Furthermore, this tab could signify that you are ready to take the next step in achieving greater wealth and success in your life. You may need to make some changes, such as setting higher goals or taking more risks, but the potential reward will certainly be worth it in the end. On an even deeper level, this tab could signify a call to look within. Abundance is not just about having money; it is also about having a feeling of satisfaction and contentment with what you have. Being aware of the abundance that already exists within your life can bring about the wealth you are searching for. Knowing that you already have all that you need to be happy and secure can help guide you towards achieving greater financial success. Allow yourself to receive this blessing, and take steps to create a sense of abundance in your life. Ambition- If you've drawn the tab of Ambition, it's time to take a step back and truly assess your goals. What is it that you want to achieve? How do these ambitions align with your values and contribute to building a better world? It's important to remember that ambition means more than just receiving recognition or achieving success. It also means setting goals that are meaningful and have a lasting impact. It's time to take some action. Believe in yourself and trust your own judgment; you already possess all of the resources needed to make your ambitions a reality. Allow yourself to dream big but also be practical about achieving these goals with realistic steps and planning. Remember, anything is possible if you set your mind on it and take the right action. So, start taking the first steps in your journey towards success! Don't be afraid to ask for help. Whether it's setting up a mentor, joining a support group or seeking advice from someone more experienced, surrounding yourself with wise people can be all you need to reach new heights of achievement and accomplishment. The tab of Ambition is here to remind you that hard work and dedication are essential for reaching your goals. As long as you stay focused, anything is achievable! Now go forth and make your ambitions come true. Attraction- Attraction in an oracle tab reading might signify a new opportunity, whether for romance, professional success, or both. This could be the start of something magical, as if fate is guiding you towards a wonderful destiny. It may also mean that beauty can be found when least expected. You are encouraged to look beyond the mundane and accept whatever joy that comes your way. Take it as a sign that something special is headed your way and open yourself up to the possibility of love, friendship, or success. Sometimes attraction can also represent a renewed sense of passion in an existing relationship. If you have felt like things have become stale or dull between you and someone else, this could be a sign that things might turn around for the better. You may be surprised to find that sparks can fly again if you take the time to connect and invest in your relationship. Whatever this tab means for you, it is an invitation to step out of your comfort zone and seize whatever comes your way. Consider how you can best get from point A to point B and embrace any opportunities that come along the way. You deserve to have a rewarding life, and this tab could just be the start of it! Take time for yourself and acknowledge the beauty in front of you. Appreciate what is around you and open yourself up to potential new beginnings that could help enrich your life. Trust that you will make the right decision when faced with any obstacles or challenges that come your way. Enjoy the journey and allow yourself to be surprised by what the universe has in store for you. Aura Cleanse- Do you feel like you’re carrying heavy emotional and mental baggage? It might be time for an aura cleanse. When it comes to your energy, a little bit of maintenance can go a long way in helping you create balance and harmony within yourself. Start by imagining a bright white light surrounding your body. This light will protect and purify your aura, helping to rid it of any negative energy that might have built up over time. Allow this powerful light to cleanse you from the inside out and restore a sense of peace to your soul. In no time at all, let the cleansing power of this white light fill you with renewed joy and vibrancy! As the aura cleanse draws to a close, you may feel lighter and more energized. Be sure to take some time for yourself afterwards so that you can give your body and mind the rest it needs in order to fully absorb this new sense of balance and harmony. Now is the time to let go of any emotional baggage that has been weighing you down and confidently move forward with a beautiful, pure aura. Allow yourself to shine brightly and blossom in an energized and invigorated state. It’s time for an aura cleanse! Business Success- If you have drawn the Business Success tab in your Oracle Tablet reading, this is a sign that success in business endeavors will come your way soon. You may find yourself with lots of clients and positive reviews, leading to increased money flow. With hard work and commitment, there’s no limit to how much you can achieve. This tab also signals a period of self-enrichment and growth, as you learn more about yourself and your capabilities. Believe in what you’re doing and stay the course; success is yours for the taking! If it feels like luck or fate has been on your side lately, it may be because of this tab. You are likely to experience serendipity and have chance meetings and conversations. Be open to these opportunities, as they may lead to business success. Take a risk and make the most of what life is offering you right now! Finally, this tab could also be an indication that your current circumstances are exactly where you should be. You have achieved much already and should take a moment to appreciate yourself for it; sometimes we forget to take the time to celebrate all we have achieved. With that, be sure to stay humble and mindful as you move forward in your journey towards ultimate business success. Remember that things don’t happen overnight; it takes time and dedication to build lasting success. Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed or discouraged when the going gets tough - use this tab as a reminder of the promise of success that awaits you. The universe is on your side, and with patience and focus, you’ll find the right path to achieving your goals! Clairvoyance- Clairvoyance is one of the most powerful gifts we are all born with. It represents our natural ability to trust and follow our intuition. As you draw this tab, remember that your inner voice already knows what's best for you; you just need to follow it. By tuning into this innate power, you can receive messages from higher realms and connect with your inner wisdom. Clairvoyance is an invitation to take life less seriously and find trust in the unknown. As you do this, you will open yourself up more to receiving psychic information from beyond the physical realm. This could come in a variety of forms - from an intuition that arises within you, or messages that appear externally through signs, symbols and visions. See each one as a sign from the divine and let it guide you in your journey. Let this tab be a reminder to trust your intuition when making decisions. As you take new steps of faith, know that you have access to an infinite realm of wisdom beyond what meets the eye. When life gets too busy or too complicated, turn inward and find the answers that are within you. We all have a clairvoyant power waiting to be tapped into - trust it and watch the magic unfold. Trust your intuition and tap into your inner wisdom - these are the keys to unlocking your true potential! Let your journey be guided by clairvoyance, and never forget how powerful each of us truly is. Clarity- Clarity is a tab that offers guidance when you feel like your path has become clouded or confused. It helps create clarity and understanding in situations where answers are needed, granting insight into matters of the heart and mind. When this tab appears it can mean that answers will come to you if you trust your instincts and pay attention to the subtle messages around you. Clarity encourages following the truth of your heart, and trusting that even when things appear uncertain, everything will come together in the end. The energy of Clarity calls for presence in the moment, embracing what is true and letting go of all else. It can also be an invitation to practice discernment, learning to recognize true wisdom from baseless information or misguided interpretation. This tab is a reminder to look beyond the surface of things and to stay open to all possibilities, trusting your intuition as you discover what lies beneath. Clarity will help you gain insight into your current reality, allowing you to see what needs attention and how best to move forward in faith. This oracle tab reading brings forth an invitation for clarity and understanding, helping you focus on the truth and trust that answers will come in due time. It reminds you to stay open, connected to your inner wisdom and trusting of what lies in your heart. Let go of any fear or doubt, allowing yourself the space to move through this moment with clarity and purpose. You are surrounded by divine guidance, so listen closely for it's whisperings! Cleansing- Cleansing is a powerful way to promote the flow of positive energy and remove stagnant energies. This oracle tab denotes a need for an energetic cleanse - whether it's within your personal space, home, aura, or even your spiritual journey. Cleansing can be done in many ways: through visualization techniques, smudging with herbs such as sage or palo santo, or through meditation. Regardless of the method you choose, cleansing can help to create a sense of peace and clarity within your life. Allow yourself to take some time for self-reflection and be open to the potential for spiritual growth that comes with this cleansing. Once you have gone through this process, take notice of how it makes you feel - lighter, brighter, and more energetic. You may find that this cleansing process has helped you to open up to new ideas and opportunities in your life. There is always a chance for transformation when it comes to cleansing; use this oracle tab as an opportunity to take stock of the energies around you and discover how they can be used positively for growth. Cleansing is a powerful tool that can help to restore balance in all aspects of your life. Take this oracle tab as an invitation to embark on the journey of spiritual cleansing and discover what possibilities await you. Comfort- The Comfort tab symbolizes the divine assurances that you are safe and taken care of. It reminds you to embrace the small moments of joy and contentment which life brings us, and to be grateful for them. This tablet encourages you to find a special place where you feel secure, cozy, and relaxed; to enjoy its comforts and make it a comforting sanctuary away from the chaos of life. It is time to recognize that you are provided for, and your needs will be taken care of. Now is the time to remember how happy you can be with simple pleasures, such as cuddling up with a warm blanket or sipping on a cup of tea. Comforting yourself in this way enables you to experience peace and joy in all aspects of life. This tab reminds you to take pleasure in the fact that your needs are met and that comfort is within reach. This gentle reminder calls upon us to create a cocoon of safety, love, and compassion for ourselves to nurture our soul; as we do so, we will be able to find comfort even in the most difficult times. Let this tab guide you to find ways to bring yourself comfort, and strive for inner peace. Embrace all the happy moments that life brings, and give thanks for them. Remember that your needs will be taken care of, and it is time to experience joy through small pleasures in life. Comfort is within reach! Communication- This tab is a reminder that communication is an important part of life. It can be difficult to share your truth, and it's even harder when we don't practice good communication skills. This tablet encourages you to take the time to talk about your feelings with others - whether through conversations or writing. When you make the effort to communicate effectively, you can open pathways of understanding that were not there before. You can build trust, foster connection, and find healing through improved communication. Listen to your inner voice and reach out to trusted people when you need help navigating difficult conversations. This tablet implores you to remember the power of words - use them wisely! Speak from a place of love and compassion and you will feel the rewards. Take this tab as a sign that you need to communicate more and be courageous in expressing yourself authentically. Having conversations can help us all become better versions of ourselves, so don't be afraid to speak up! Pay attention to how your words are received and learn from any miscommunications or misunderstandings. This is an important part of learning how to communicate effectively. Communication is key to living a healthy and fulfilling life - make sure you are making time for it. Put forth the effort to open up and speak your truth, even if it's uncomfortable at first. You will be glad you did! Concentration- The Oracle Tab for Concentration speaks to the power of focus and dedication to getting the job done. This tab is here to remind you that when you concentrate your energy, it can help you achieve results with greater precision and clarity. It’s time for you to take a step back and hone in on what needs to be done. With focused concentration, even the most daunting tasks can be completed much quicker. Use this power of concentration to your advantage and let it help you make the most out of each moment. Tap into your inner focus and get ready to get things done! Concentration brings with it an unparalleled level of success, so don’t be afraid to dive in head first. It may take some practice and dedication, but the rewards are more than worth it. With the power of concentration, you can truly unlock your potential and reach heights you never thought possible before. What are you waiting for? Start focusing now! Concentration is key to success in all areas of life – relationships, work, hobbies, etc. When we focus our energy on a single task or goal, it increases our chances of success exponentially. No matter what you’re trying to achieve, take a moment and focus on how to get there. If you stay consistent and give your full attention to the task at hand, you can unlock new levels of achievement that will leave you feeling proud and fulfilled. Creation- The Oracle tablet for the word "Creation" speaks of taking a creative approach to life and building something new. It describes an attitude of openness to ideas and flexibility in thought. This tab encourages us to look at what is possible, rather than what already exists, and use our talents and abilities to make some magic with it. We can explore different options, experiment with different solutions, and come up with something that is truly unique. We can create the world we want to live in, one step at a time. Creation is about having faith in ourselves and our ideas, believing that anything is possible if we just put our minds to it. It’s about taking risks and embracing change. The Oracle tab for the word "Creation" can also signify our ability to manifest what we desire. With focus and intention, we can bring about the outcomes that will take us closer to our goals and dreams. We have the power to create the life of our choosing, so embrace this energy and make it work for you! Let's be daring and innovative, striving to bring our visions to life. Creation is a powerful tool that we can use to shape our futures. So let's be brave and take those first steps towards manifesting the life of our dreams! This Oracle tab encourages us to tap into our inner creative energies and use them to make something special. Whether it’s coming up with a new business idea or making art, let’s use our talents to create something wonderful! Now is the perfect time to get creative and make something beautiful. So let's embrace this energy of creation and start building something amazing! Creativity- The tablet of creativity challenges you to look at the world with a newfound enthusiasm and explore the possibilities of creating something entirely new. It is an invitation to let go of inhibitions and push through fear or self-doubt to follow your creative pursuits. Whether it's writing, art, music or any other means of expression, this tab symbolizes the power of your imagination. You can use it to create something beautiful, unique and powerful that will bring joy and fulfillment into your life. Let go of any limiting beliefs that might be holding you back, and make space for new ideas to flourish. Your creativity is your greatest resource, so unleash its potential! Find inspiration in nature or other art forms, and see what you can create out of it. Let your creativity be your guide and trust that whatever you make will bring about positive change. Creativity is also an important tool for problem-solving, as it enables us to come up with unique solutions to difficult issues. So when faced with a challenge, take the time to consider all the creative ways in which you could address it. By tapping into your creative resources, you may just find yourself coming up with a solution that works wonders! So don't be afraid to explore the boundaries of creativity and see what new possibilities you can discover. The tablet of creativity is a reminder to embrace your inner artist and trust in the power of your imagination. Make something beautiful, make something meaningful, and see what it can bring into your life. Express yourself freely without any hesitation or doubt, and you will be sure to create something extraordinary! With creativity comes the potential for a world of possibilities - go forth and explore them! Critical Thinking- When this tablet appears in your reading, it serves as a reminder to take pause and apply logic before taking action. Consider carefully the causes and effects of any decision you make. It is important that you think through every consequence before proceeding. Remember that every choice can have far-reaching implications, so take time to consider them all. Use critical thinking to make wise decisions that will serve you best in the long run. Look beyond the surface and ask questions that encourage a deeper exploration of the facts. Increasing your awareness around any situation can open up new possibilities and perspectives. Tap into your intuition as you build upon logical reasoning, allowing it to guide you along this journey. Remember that true wisdom comes from striking the perfect balance between logic and intuition. This tab is a reminder to pause, reflect, and use your critical thinking skills to make decisions that will serve you best in the long run. Instinctively trust yourself as you evaluate each situation with a balanced mix of emotion and objectivity. Take this time to gain valuable insights that can help manifest meaningful growth over time. With a keen eye for detail and an open mind, you can unlock the keys to understanding yourself at a much deeper level. Likewise, don’t forget to consider the feelings of others as you make your decisions. Learning how to think critically does not mean disregarding other people’s perspectives—instead take the time to truly understand theirs as well. This tab encourages you to listen carefully and think thoughtfully before taking action in any situation. With the right approach, you can make informed decisions that promote harmony and understanding among all parties involved. Trust your judgment—you have the tools for success at your fingertips! Determination- When this tab appears in your Oracle Tablet Reading, it's a sign that you have the strength and willpower to stay determined on your path. Nothing can get in your way of achieving what you want if you remain focused and committed. This tablet is an indication that you need to set clear goals for yourself and not let any obstacle stand between you and success. With your determination, you will find the courage to take on any challenge and win! Your strength and perseverance will be a great asset as you work towards achieving your goals. So keep your focus and don't stop until you reach them! Remember that determination is key to living life with purpose. It's about having faith in yourself and believing that anything is possible. So take a deep breath and keep pushing forward, even when the going gets tough. With enough determination, you can do anything! No matter what obstacles come your way, remain focused and never give up on your dreams. The strength of your determination will be the key to unlocking success. So trust in yourself and stay determined – nothing can stand in the way of your success! Empowerment- The oracle tablet reading for the word "Empowerment" is one that speaks of strength and courage. It reminds you to never doubt your abilities because you have all the power within yourself to take on whatever lies ahead. The message is simple yet powerful: You can do this! Trust in yourself and use your inner guidance to make decisions that will bring about positive change. Empowerment means believing in yourself and knowing that you have the capacity to rise above any challenge or obstacle that may come your way. This tab encourages you to uncover your inner power and use it for the betterment of yourself and those around you. With this message, embrace your strength and never forget how capable you truly are! Empowerment is the key to achieving success and unlocking all of life’s possibilities. It is within you, now and always. Step out in faith and trust that your journey will be filled with abundance, joy, and prosperity. You are powerful - never forget it! Remember that you have the courage to take control of your destiny. Do not let fear or doubt hold you back. Believe in yourself and what is possible. The path forward will be revealed if you take the time to listen to your intuition. Believe in yourself, embrace your power, and trust that you have all the strength necessary to make it happen. Empowerment starts with believing in yourself - so trust and surround yourself with positive energy. You have the power within to create the life of your dreams. Friendship- Friendship can mean so many things to us. It may bring joy, warmth, and support or it can be a reminder of how much we have been hurt in the past. Whatever our relationship with friendship is, this tab serves as a reminder that we are never alone. This tab represents friendships of all kinds. If you are looking for a new friend, the tab suggests that it is never too late to start anew and that the universe is open to letting in new relationships. If you feel like your current friendship needs strengthening, this tab encourages you to focus on fostering mutual understanding and unconditional love. It could be beneficial to take some time together doing something fun or meaningful, or just talking and listening to each other. If you have recently experienced a loss of friendship, the tab suggests that it may be time to let go of what was and move on. You also have the option of facing this heartache with patience and determination in hopes that you may regain the same bond as before. However, it is important to remain open-minded and to be willing to embrace the changes that life brings. Friendship is a beautiful gift, something that can lift us up in times of need and bring us closer together. It may come in different forms, but no matter what it looks like, it is always worth celebrating. No matter what you are going through, this tablet serves as a reminder that all forms of friendship should be cherished and embraced with love, grace, and respect. Goal Completion- The Goal Completion tab signifies that you are about to start a journey towards achieving your goals and will soon have the chance to experience success. This is a time of making progress, moving forward, and seeing results. Visualize yourself accomplishing something great, as this indicates that in the near future it will become reality. This tab is a sign of support from the universe and encourages you to stay focused on your goals. With dedication and commitment, you will be able to persevere and reach the finish line. By taking small steps in the right direction, things are moving forward in meaningful ways that bring tangible rewards and greater satisfaction. Remember, it's important to take things one step at a time and not to give up. You may feel overwhelmed by the journey, but if you stay focused and set manageable goals, eventually you will reach the destination. There is nothing that can stop you from achieving your ambitions with hard work and dedication. The Goal Completion tablet reminds us to trust in our inner power and courage - success is just around the corner! Let your determination and enthusiasm be your driving force as you take action towards achieving your goals - great things await you! Good Luck- When the Good Luck tablet appears in an oracle reading, it is a sign that you are due for some positive changes of fate. It's indicating that good things are on their way and luck is on your side. This tab signifies a need to remain open and pay attention to all signs around you as your wish is about to come true. Have faith in the universe and trust that it will guide you on your journey. Let go of any doubts or worries, spiritual growth is within reach if you focus your energy on manifesting abundance. The Good Luck tablet encourages you to keep striving for greatness and be confident in all your decisions. Anything is possible when you have a positive attitude and surround yourself with optimistic vibes. Acknowledge the energy of good luck and give thanks for all the blessings coming your way. Trust in yourself and the universe, be open to new possibilities and have faith that everything will work out in your favor. Believe it or not, you deserve every bit of this good fortune! Good luck is on its way – get ready to receive its blessings and know that everything will work out in the end. Grief Relief- Grief Relief is an oracle tablet that holds the promise of true healing for those who have experienced great loss. It reminds us that while grief may bring pain, it also brings about growth and transformation. The angels are here to surround you in love and peace as you go through this journey. This tab signals a time where the heart can heal and be renewed, allowing you to open up to the love that is all around you. Through this process of healing, you will discover that sorrow is not your destiny but rather an opportunity for growth. Let yourself be embraced by the winged ones and know that you are loved beyond measure. Grief Relief encourages us to recognize that while sadness may linger, it will eventually be replaced by joy. As we let go of the pain and open our hearts to love again, we can gain a renewed sense of hope and strength. So don't be afraid to take this journey and trust that you are surrounded by those who want only the best for your life's path. You are loveable, capable, and worthy of a life filled with abundant joy. So take this time to honor your feelings, accept the pain and grief you are feeling, and allow them to be released in their own way. As you journey through the depths of sorrow, may you also feel the hope and strength that come from knowing that true healing is possible. Grounding- Grounding is finding your center, a place of stability and balance. When you are centered, you can access inner wisdom and strength that will guide you in difficult times. Grounding encourages emotional connection with the Earth and allows us to stay on solid ground. It helps keep us connected to our true selves as we move through life's challenges. Grounding also opens up the energy of our root chakra, the first chakra that focuses on safety and survival. If this chakra is balanced, we can move through life with an enhanced sense of self-confidence and security. We can see the beauty in every moment and recognize what really matters most to us. When we feel the grounding energy of the Earth, we can find our inner strength and trust in ourselves. We can make decisions that feel right for us, instead of trying to please others. And it helps us stay grounded even when life gets hectic and overwhelming. Grounding gives us a sense of peace and contentment in any moment so that we can go through life with joy and courage. It helps us live our life in alignment with our true self and keep connected to the beauty of nature. Take a few moments each day to connect with the grounding energy of the Earth and allow it to restore your balance, so you can bring more peace into your life. Happiness- Happiness is all around us, even when we can't see it. This tablet suggests that you take the time to find what makes you happy and fill your life with sunshine and joy. You don't have to do anything drastic; simply become mindful of the activities and moments that make your heart full. Happiness awaits you! This could mean making a slight adjustment to your routine to incorporate more relaxing activities or taking the time to appreciate the small things. Connect with friends, go for a walk outdoors and just take a moment to breathe in some fresh air. Happiness is within reach if you look for it! Happiness can also come from expressing gratitude for the people and things you have in life. Gratitude is one of the best ways to find joy and contentment, so make sure you start your day with a grateful heart. Count your blessings and give thanks for everything that brings you joy. No matter where you are on your journey, this tab reminds you that happiness can always be found when we look for it. Life will have its ups and downs, but it's up to you to seek out what brings you joy. Make happiness a priority and fill your life with sunshine and joy! Healing- Healing denotes a process of physical, emotional, or spiritual recovery. It can refer to coming back from an illness or psychological trauma and emerging strengthened as a result. When healing appears in your Oracle Tablet reading, it suggests that you are ready to take the necessary steps for cultivating self-care practices and making yourself whole again. Now is the time to nurture yourself with restful sleep, healthy meals, and positive affirmations. It is also beneficial to take breaks from your daily demands and find ways to bring joy into each moment. You can start by drinking more water throughout the day and taking time to slow down or meditate. By allowing yourself the space to heal, you will be able to reach new levels of emotional balance and feel inner peace. As your healing journey progresses, it is important to remember that transformation is often uncomfortable and difficult. You may experience feelings of sadness or fear during the process, but these emotions are signals that you are moving into higher consciousness. It is essential to listen to what your body is telling you and give yourself the compassion that you deserve. The ultimate goal of healing is to reach a place of feeling healthy, happy, and content with life. This experience can be achieved through deep self-introspection; honoring your present emotions and taking ownership over your circumstances. By committing to this journey of inner growth, your spirit will be renewed and you will feel liberated. Heart Healing- The oracle tablet associated with Heart Healing is an invitation to open your heart and be ready for love. No matter what has happened in the past, now is the time to release any pain that you have been holding onto and trust in the knowledge that everything will be ok if you are willing to take a chance. Heart Healing is a reminder that it's ok to trust in yourself and your ability to choose love over fear. It invites you to take a deep breath and give yourself permission to let go of the walls that have been built around your heart due to past hurts or experiences. Open up to the possibility of true connection with yourself, with others, and with the universe. Allow your heart to be healed and filled with love, allowing yourself a chance at true peace and joy. Trust in the power of love - it will heal all wounds, no matter how deep they may be. Today is an opportunity for you to open your heart and start anew - ready for love! Everything is ok, and it's time for you to experience it. Hope- The tablet for “Hope” in an oracle tablet reading represents the possibility of a brighter future. It is a reminder that no matter how dark it may seem, there is light on the other side. Take heart and believe that everything will be ok-- have faith that you can make your dreams come true and remain hopeful during challenging times. The energy of “Hope” will guide you to the answers and solutions that you seek. It is important to remember that hope can be found in the most unlikely of places-- sometimes we just need to look a little harder or take a different perspective in order to see it. Difficult situations may lead us into unfamiliar waters, but with faith and an open heart, we can find our way back to the shore. When facing obstacles, take comfort in knowing that hope is never far away. Life’s journey will never be easy, but with hope it can be beautiful and fulfilling. No matter what challenges you may face, remember that a brighter tomorrow is possible. Have faith that everything will work out for the best and stay hopeful that your dreams will come true. Trust that the universe has something wonderful in store for you! Remember to keep hope alive-- it is an essential part of life and it can serve as a light in the darkness. Focus on what lies ahead and be open to new possibilities, for hope is the key to unlocking our highest potential. Keep your eyes fixed on the horizon and trust that you can make your dreams come true. Intelligence- When the Intelligence tab appears in an oracle tablet reading, it is a sign to start using logic and reason in your decision making. It may also be a sign to go back to school and expand your knowledge. You should start reading more books and articles, broaden your perspectives by researching new topics, and engaging with conversations that challenge you intellectually. This tab suggests that you should strive to become more educated. True intelligence comes from being open-minded and willing to explore a variety of topics. Don't limit yourself to what you already know - take the time to learn something new, and you may find yourself pleasantly surprised by the outcome. It's never too late to expand your knowledge! Take this tab as a sign to explore something unfamiliar and you may just unlock the key to greater understanding. Overall, this tab is an indication that you should put on your thinking cap and start using your mental powers more wisely. Learning new things about yourself and the world around you can be an incredibly powerful experience - take advantage of it! With increased intelligence comes greater wisdom and insight, so don't be afraid to take the journey. Make sure to keep an open mind - while logic and reason are important, it is equally as important to have faith in yourself and trust your own intuition. Your intelligence will help you to make better decisions and get closer to true understanding. Allow this tab to guide you on your journey towards greater knowledge! Manifestation- When the Manifestation tablet appears during your Oracle tablet reading, it indicates that you have all the power to achieve your goals. This is a time of manifesting your ambitions and desires into reality by connecting with the energy and vibration of the universe. Now is an especially potent moment for turning your thoughts into tangible results and making them happen! The message here is to focus your energy on what you want to create and bring into fruition. Visualize your goals, ambitions and desires in vivid detail and connect with the universe’s energy to make them come true. If your doubts arise, be sure to recognize them but then let go of them and stay focused on manifesting your dreams. Believe that it can happen - because it can! Allow your imagination to explore and create as you meditate on what is important to you in life. Connect with the universe’s energy and fill yourself with a sense of joy and excitement. Know that the universe will provide you with all the necessary resources for manifesting success! Take some time to reflect on your intentions and be certain about what you want to create. Focus on the positive and be mindful of your thoughts, words, and actions as they will manifest in time. Feel connected to the universe’s energy and believe that your dreams can come true. The Manifestation tab signals a powerful moment for making it happen! Motivation- Motivation is the energy that fuels your passion and actions towards reaching your goals. It gives you the focus to stay on track and confidently crush what you set out to do. The power of motivation comes from within, so use it wisely and make sure that your ambitions align with your values. When you are motivated by something bigger than yourself, you can't help but be successful. Let your motivation guide you on the path to self-fulfillment and fulfillment of your dreams! Keep focused, keep motivated, and keep moving forward one step at a time. You'll find that motivation is the driving force that leads to success. Let yourself be driven by what inspires you and never forget why you started in the first place. When you are feeling low, take a moment to reflect and find your motivation again. Then, use that energy to propel yourself in the direction of success! Motivation is the fuel of progress and growth, so use it wisely and make sure it doesn't burn out too quickly. With enough focus and dedication, anything is possible - go get motivated and start crushing your goals! New Beginnings- The Oracle Tablet for New Beginnings is a reminder to let go of the past and open your heart to new possibilities. It's time to embark on an exciting journey full of joy and self-discovery. Life is offering you a chance to start again with a clean slate, so take advantage of this opportunity! Allow yourself to be open and vulnerable to the new beginnings that await you. It can be scary at first, but pushing through the fear will bring immense rewards. Embrace change with optimism and courage, knowing that you are strong enough to take on any challenge that may arise. Listen to your intuition as it guides you on your journey. Be patient and trust that life is always working for you, even when the circumstances may not appear to be in your favor. Acknowledge the deepest desires of your heart and take small steps towards achieving them. New beginnings are a chance to experience growth and expansion. Celebrate any successes that come your way and don't dwell on the past or worry too much about the future. Enjoy each moment as it comes and trust that your journey will lead you exactly where you need to be. Let go and embrace the new beginnings! Be brave, be bold, and never give up on yourself - you are capable of so much more than you think. With the right mindset and a whole lot of determination, anything is possible! So spread your wings and let the winds of change carry you to a brighter future. Passion- Passion is a strong emotion that can refer to both love and sex. It usually involves intense feelings of deep connection, desire, and longing. When it comes to relationships, passion is the spark that ignites the flame of love. In any form, passion can be an incredibly powerful force in our lives – whether it’s for another person or our own unique journey. When this tab appears in a reading, it can be an indication that you are feeling a strong emotion or desire to pursue something important to you. It is also an invitation to understand and embrace your passions and desires, and the power of following your heart. This tablet encourages us to identify what truly matters and act on our deepest needs without fear or hesitation. Passion can be a beautiful thing, but it can also lead us down dangerous paths if we’re not careful. This tab serves as a reminder to acknowledge our feelings and stay mindful of the consequences of our actions. Ultimately, passion is something to be explored and embraced – with caution and an open heart. To get the most out of this tab, take a moment to reflect on what you are feeling passionate about in your life right now. Take some time to acknowledge and honor these feelings – even if it’s something that scares you. When we open ourselves up to our passions, we can discover an incredible source of strength and purpose. Allow yourself to explore your passions and follow your heart. You never know what kind of journey they may lead you on. Remember that passion is a powerful emotion – use it wisely! Allow yourself to be guided by love, not fear, and find the courage to go after your dreams. In the end, you’ll be glad that you did. Peace- Peace is a state of inner serenity. It comes from within and radiates outward, bringing the harmony that leads to true contentment. To find peace, one must take time for contemplation and meditation. Only through this practice can you truly understand what it means to be at peace with yourself and your environment. Allow yourself to breathe deeply and surrender to the stillness within. Let go of all worries and allow yourself to feel the peace that comes from being in the present moment. Re-center your energy and rediscover a sense of calm. Allow yourself to be filled with peaceful thoughts and feelings as you meditate, so that you may discover an inner harmony that leads to true happiness. Peace is also found by connecting with nature. Take a walk in the park and observe the beauty of life that surrounds you. Close your eyes, take deep breaths and feel the energy of the natural world surrounding you. Listen to the chirps of birds, rustling leaves and other sounds that bring peace and tranquility to your soul. Feel grounded in this moment by connecting with Mother Nature’s energy. Peace is within you, if you allow yourself to find it. By taking time for stillness and connecting with nature’s energy, you can unlock your inner peace and harmony that will bring contentment in all aspects of life. Embrace peace and align yourself to its serenity so that you can live a more balanced and fulfilling life. Positive Energy- The tablet associated with Positive Energy carries with it a sense of joy and potential. It encourages you to look on the bright side of things and seek out optimism in times of uncertainty. This tab wants you to be open to the blessings that come your way, even in difficult moments. Keep your focus on what brings you happiness - both material comforts and spiritual fulfillment. Welcome the positivity into your life with open arms, because it will keep you afloat in times of need. This tab also serves as a reminder that you should be mindful of how others feel as well. Even if it is not always easy to do, try to bring happiness to those around you. Spread good vibes and be a source of optimism for those who need it. The world can always use more positive energy and you are the perfect person to help provide that. So, take a moment to be grateful for all that you have and all the wonderful things in life. It will bring joy and contentment far beyond what you could imagine. Be sure to appreciate the small things - like a beautiful sunset, a kind smile from a stranger, or just the simple pleasure of taking in a deep breath. By doing this, you will be able to better receive and recognize the powerful energies that come with Positive Energy. Connect with it and manifest your own sense of joy. You may even find great strength beneath all this positivity! Potential- Potential indicates that you have the ability and resources necessary to make something happen. It reveals an abundance of possibilities for a successful outcome. Don't be afraid to take a risk - you can do it! Be brave and venture outside of your comfort zone; doors are open for you to explore new opportunities. Don’t be discouraged by the unknown - go for it! You have the power to manifest your intentions, so believe in yourself and all that you can do. It is time for you to unlock your potential and discover what lies ahead. With courage, ambition, and commitment, you will achieve great things! This tab encourages you to trust in your inner strength and know that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. Believe in yourself and the possibilities that await you. Take a leap of faith and make your dreams a reality! Nothing is out of reach, so have faith that you possess the power to create whatever you desire. Step forward with confidence - potential awaits! The potential tab brings clarity to situations where you may be feeling uncertain or overwhelmed. It helps guide you on the path to success and encourages you to pursue your goals without fear or hesitation. You have what it takes to create something amazing, so use your unique talents and skill sets to make magic happen! Embrace your inner power and have faith in yourself - potential is here waiting for you. Prosperity- Prosperity is an abundance of riches and wealth, a state of having more than enough. In this reading, the tab associated with prosperity will illuminate what it is that you need to do in order to manifest your ultimate goals. It may bring insight about how you can best tap into the energies around you, so that you can achieve financial success and abundance. Remember, prosperity often starts with an inner shift in attitude and mindset. Make sure to focus on the positive aspects of your life and open yourself up to new opportunities for growth. With this guidance in mind, take a moment to reflect on what it is you truly seek from the universe, and be open to receiving wisdom as promised by your oracle tab. May your prosperity increase and may you never want for anything! This tab reading will also focus on cultivating an attitude of gratitude, as it is this mindset that can often pave the way to success. Be thankful for all that you have, both big and small, and know that it’s only a matter of time before even more abundance flows into your life. With this state of appreciation and openness, you can begin to trust in the guidance of the universe and know that nothing is beyond your reach. So take a moment to really connect with these energies and let yourself be filled with an attitude of wealth and abundance. You have within you all the power needed to manifest your greatest dreams, so trust in yourself and the universe, and know that true prosperity is only a thought away. Be open to receiving the gifts of riches and success with grace and humility, for they are yours if you choose to accept them. May your oracle tab reading be filled with insight and clear guidance so that you may find financial freedom and joy on your journey. Protection- If you have drawn this tab, it is a reminder that you are protected. You may feel the need for extra support or protection in your life right now and the universe responds to your needs in mysterious ways. The protection associated with this tab is not just physical but also psychological and spiritual. It can bring feelings of safety, stability, and defense against all forms of negativity. You may feel an extra layer of assurance that you are being looked after and that your needs are taken care of. The tablet offers a reminder to stay connected to your intuition, trusting it to guide you in the right direction by showing signs along the way. Pay attention and remember that protection comes from within - by aligning with your spirit, you can channel the energy required to protect yourself in any situation. You are safe and secure in this moment and for that, be grateful. Let go of any fears or worries you may have been holding onto and trust that the universe has your back. Protection is all around you - allow yourself to bask in its embrace. Romance- Romance is in the air! When this tab appears, it’s a sign that there’s potential for lasting love and affection. Whether you’re single or already with your soulmate, now is the time to embrace deeper connections with those you care about. No matter what happens, don't be afraid to explore this path of potential romance. Where there’s love, miracles can happen. Open your heart to possibilities and let the journey unfold. The Romance tablet in your reading is often a reminder that you deserve to be loved. Don't shy away from the opportunity for deeper connection with someone special or allow yourself to be held back by fear and loneliness. Be willing to take a chance on a blossoming relationship and find the love your heart desires. Let this tab be a reminder to show more affection to those you feel connected with, and don’t be afraid to explore new relationships. Enjoy the journey and all of the potential it holds for growing together in a beautiful way. Have faith that true love exists and is on its way! Whatever your current relationship status, the Romance tab is a reminder that we can always make space for love in our lives. Have courage and be open to creating meaningful bonds with those who bring joy and happiness into your life. Seduction- When the tab of seduction appears in your oracle tab reading, it indicates that you are being called to use your charm and wit to draw someone closer. It is a tablet about attraction and sensuality, encouraging you to be brave and pursue whatever relationship it is that's piquing your interest. Seduction isn't just about sex though. It is also a reminder to express your affection and admiration openly, whether it be with someone you are romantically interested in or with a partner who needs to feel appreciated. Be mindful of the power of your words and actions when you use your skills of seduction, as it can be an easy way to make someone feel special. With a little effort, you can be sure that whatever connection you are forming will be built on mutual admiration and respect. In summary, the tab of seduction is a reminder to express your affections openly and be brave when pursuing relationships. Use your charm and wit to make someone feel special, but always remember to do so with respect and kindness. If you can do this, then you are sure to experience the magic of seduction in all its fullest potential! Self Love- Self Love is an essential part of our life journey. It's important to take the time each day to think and feel into how we are honoring ourselves, be it through self compassion or intentional self-care practices. When we cultivate a deep sense of love within ourselves, we open up the possibility for greater connection with others. By opening up to loving yourself first, you can attract in more love from the Universe, bring in more harmony and joy into your life. Practice showing yourself kindness, caring for your needs, and embracing all that makes you unique! Self Love is a powerful tool to draw positive energy into our lives. Take some time to reflect on what it means to have compassion for yourself. How can you be kinder to yourself? What small acts of love and kindness can you do each day? Make a commitment to practice self love on a daily basis and watch how your life begins to transform! When we show ourselves the same amount of compassion, respect and love that we would show others, amazing things begin to happen. We start to accept our flaws, see our strengths, and appreciate ourselves for the unique beautiful beings that we are. Self Love is an act of self-respect that sends powerful vibrational energy out into the world - may we all enjoy its rewards in our lives! Sensuality- The Sensuality tablet can be indicative of strong physical and emotional attraction, or a passionate encounter. It represents the raw expression of sexual energy and desire between two people. This tab is all about the magnetic pull we feel when connecting with someone on a deeper level, whether it's in romance or friendship. When you receive this tab, it can signify that you are longing for a connection with someone, or that there is an intimate relationship in your future. It may also signify the need to be mindful of your boundaries and to take time to consider what kind of relationships you want to form. Sensuality reminds us that physical intimacy and love can be powerful forces that bring joy and fulfillment. This tablet also brings up the idea of taking pleasure in the beauty of the physical world. This can mean anything from taking time to appreciate a sunset or savoring a delicious meal, to enjoying the feel of a gentle breeze against your skin or basking in the warmth of sunshine on your face. When this tab appears, it is an invitation to be mindful and aware of how our senses interact with our environment. As you connect with the physical realm, you can open yourself up to higher levels of creativity and inspiration. This tab also speaks to our creative abilities and encourages us to explore our own sensuality through art or other forms of expression. By connecting with the beauty within, we can awaken a sense of passion that will help us manifest more of what we desire in life. Sensuality is a reminder to infuse pleasure and passion into all aspects of our lives. Take time to appreciate and explore the gifts that life has to offer, and you will find yourself living in alignment with your truth. Serenity- Serenity is a peaceful energy that comes to us when we take the time to meditate and feel the calming vibrations of the Universe. The tablet representing Serenity encourages us to focus on our breath, find stillness in our hearts, and listen for an inner knowing or wisdom within ourselves. When we come into balance and harmony with this force of peace and tranquility, we are able to accept our circumstances with grace and have faith that all is well. Allow yourself to find a place of serenity and feel the comfort of its calming energy. Take this time for yourself in order to gain clarity, peace, and understanding. Serenity will bring you back into equilibrium so that you can move forward from your current situation with ease. Surrender to the divine flow of life and be at peace. This tab also reminds us to stay open-minded and flexible, allowing ourselves to go with the flow instead of trying to control or manipulate outcomes. As we surrender our will to the Universe, we trust in its ability to bring forth what is best for our highest good. Take some time to relax and let go of any expectations or attachments that may be holding you back. Find balance in the stillness of Serenity and feel the peace coursing through your veins. You are supported in this journey, allowing yourself to receive divine guidance from within. Trust your intuition and direct your focus towards the energy of Serenity for a renewed sense of clarity and insight. You can also use this tab to find peace in any chaotic or overwhelming situations. When we take a step back and focus on the stillness of Serenity, we are able to see things for what they really are; and make better decisions from a place of calmness instead of fear or anxiety. We can access deep knowing within ourselves and gain insights that help us to find clarity and acceptance. Sexual Power- Sexual Power is a reminder that we have control over our own sexual energy and sexuality. It's about embracing our sexuality and understanding the power that it has to bring us pleasure, joy, passion, and strength. We are all sexual creatures, capable of enjoying sex without shame or guilt. Sexual Power encourages us to use our erotic desires as a force for good, to appreciate our own sexuality and the pleasure it can bring. We are also reminded of the importance of approaching sex responsibly. It is a potent form of energy that must be respected and directed correctly for positive outcomes. Sexual Power encourages us to enjoy sex as part of our human experience while honoring any boundaries that we feel comfortable with. When we accept and appreciate our sexuality, we can use it as a tool to access our power and manifest our desires. Let us remember that sex can be an empowering experience that brings joy and strength. We are encouraged to explore our own sexual energy with curiosity and respect for ourselves and others. Let us also remember the importance of consent, mutual pleasure, and safety within any sexual encounter. When we do so, we can reap the rewards of an empowered sexuality that brings us closer to our true selves. Sobriety- Sobriety is a state of being fully and completely aware of your life without clouding it by outside substances. It means you're in full control of the decisions you make, free from external influences. Being sober allows for clear-mindedness that can result in greater insight into yourself and life around you. Practicing sobriety means making choices with confidence and wisdom, and being comfortable in your decisions. It also allows you to take ownership of the life you are creating for yourself in every moment. With sobriety comes a profound appreciation for the beauty of living life with intention and clarity. By remaining sober, one is able to access deeper levels of consciousness that may be undiscovered or unexplored. Through sobriety, we are able to tap into a greater understanding of ourselves and our own potential. Sobriety can also refer to letting go of any negative habits or thought patterns that may be weighing you down. Learning how to be comfortable with yourself in any given moment will provide a sense of clarity and peace. Through sobriety, you can learn to trust yourself and follow the messages that come from within. Tap into the power of sobriety to clear your mind, feel liberated from outside influences, and gain greater insight into your life journey. Being sober is a conscious choice that will bring balance and peace to your life. Stability- Stability is a tablet of assurance and trust. It shows that you are on solid ground and have the support of your inner wisdom to guide you through any situation. The message this tab carries brings with it an immense sense of security, both mentally and emotionally. You can be sure all aspects of your life are taken care of in full. Drawing this tab may signify that you are feeling stable and secure in life, or could be a reminder to trust yourself and your inner wisdom to create stability. When this tab appears, take some time to ground yourself and focus on the support systems around you. You have all the mental strength and resources needed to stay on track during this period of change. Let go of any anxiety and feel fully taken care of. This tablet is also a reminder of the importance of both physical and emotional balance in life. When you feel an abundance of stability, it's time to take stock and plan for the future. The stability tablet encourages you to think ahead while remaining rooted in the present moment. Take your time to explore what would make you feel completely comfortable and safe in every aspect of your life. When you are feeling balanced, you can confidently move forward with trust and assurance. Take a moment to appreciate the stability in your life and all the support that surrounds you. Relax into it, tune into its vibration and enjoy the peace that comes from trusting in yourself. This tab brings with it an immense sense of security that allows you to blossom into your full potential. Trust in the process and take action with joy, knowing you are on firm ground. Allow yourself to experience true stability and trust that all will be taken care of. You can always rely on your inner wisdom to lead you home. Stamina- This tablet symbolizes the power to get through anything and reminds you that you possess an inner strength and energy that will carry you through even the most difficult of times. Don’t be afraid to draw upon it when circumstances demand! With the right attitude and a bit of determination, anything is possible. You have everything you need to overcome the most challenging of obstacles - you just need to tap into your inner strength and draw upon it in order to succeed! Don’t let anything stand in your way - summon up all the strength and courage you have to achieve your goals! Let this tab be a reminder that no matter what life throws at you, you have within yourself the power to persevere. Take a deep breath and stay focused on what needs to be done - nothing can keep you from achieving success if you muster up the stamina to see it through! With each step forward, you will be one step closer to your goal. Don’t give up - no matter how tough things seem, remember that you have the strength and energy to get through anything! Have faith in yourself and never forget that you are capable of so much more than you think. The stamina tablet is here to tell you that you can achieve your dreams - no matter how hard things seem, have faith in yourself and never give up on what you believe. The strength and energy to get through any obstacle lies within! Activate your inner power and never forget that anything is possible with just a bit of effort. Focus on the goal ahead and don't let anything stop you! Summon all your inner strength and never give up. The power of stamina will be there for you to carry you through whatever comes your way. Believe in yourself – the world is yours! Stress Relief- The Stress Relief tablet is a reminder to take time for yourself and focus on your inner peace. The tab indicates that the best way to relieve stress is to go within and tap into the stillness of your soul. It also suggests that all will be well, and whatever you're dealing with can be worked out in time. This tab reminds you to take a few deep breaths and try to relax, while maintaining an attitude of acceptance. It is important to remember that you are safe - everything will be ok in the end. You can trust that this moment will pass, and a new, more peaceful perspective is waiting for you on the other side. Take some time for self-care and practice mindfulness, allowing yourself to be supported and comforted by the moment. The Stress Relief tab encourages you to release all anxieties and worries, allowing your heart to open up to a greater sense of inner peace. Know that you have the power to create calm within yourself, even when it feels like everything is spinning out of control. With each breath you take, feel the stress melt away and the lightness of being drift in. Remember that you are strong and capable, with all of the resources you need to handle whatever life throws your way. Let this oracle tablet be a reminder that peace is always available to you - simply choose it. Transformation- The Transformation tab in your oracle reading indicates that now is the time for dramatic and positive change. You may feel like you are standing at a crossroads, unsure of which direction to go, but this tab is a sign of hope - it encourages you to take risks and embrace the unknown. It also symbolizes metamorphosis; transformation is often a difficult yet essential part of growth. This tab suggests that you are being presented with an opportunity for spiritual, mental and emotional evolution. Don't be afraid to take the plunge and step into a new way of thinking and living - it could open up a world of possibilities. Allow yourself to experience the beauty of transformation and the positive results it can bring. Understand that change may be scary, but it can also lead to great rewards. By taking this leap of faith, you will be one step closer to fulfilling your potential and unlocking the power of transformation. You have the strength to make a change - now is the time to take action! Truth- When the Truth tab appears during an oracle tablet reading, it is often a reminder to be honest with yourself and others. This could mean seeing through lies, big or small, and being truthful in all aspects of life. Truth is related to integrity; by aligning ourselves with truth, we are able to maintain our highest potential and reach our goals. It is important to remember that being truthful with ourselves and others goes beyond the spoken word. Our intentions, actions, and energy should all be in alignment with truth. Truth can also signify a need for clarity or understanding. This could mean taking time to look deeply into an issue or situation to discover what lies beneath the surface. When we are honest about our thoughts and feelings, we can put ourselves on the path to truth. Being honest with yourself and others is essential for living a life of authenticity. The Truth tab encourages us to be truthful in our interactions and stay consistent in our commitments. By embracing honesty, we create more meaningful relationships, open up new possibilities, and find inner peace. Wisdom- Wisdom is an essential part of unlocking your true potential and manifesting your desired reality. When you call upon wisdom, you open yourself up to greater insight and clarity. This tablet symbolizes the need for sound judgment and decision-making, allowing you to make wise choices and use logic when navigating life’s decisions. The wisdom tab encourages you to trust your intuition and develop your mental intelligence. It allows you to see the different scenarios that await you, so that you can make informed decisions that benefit both yourself and others. This tab is a reminder to be open-minded and seek guidance from trusted sources when making big life choices. When this tab appears in your reading, it is time to step back and take inventory of your life choices. Ask yourself, “Am I making wise decisions that will benefit me in the long run?” It is also a reminder to trust your intuition and develop your mental intelligence so that you can make more informed decisions. Trust in yourself and listen to the wisdom within. Your own wisdom and intuition can be a great source of guidance when making life decisions. The wisdom tab encourages you to look within, explore all the possibilities in front of you, and make wise choices that will bring you closer towards your goals. © Audra English 2024

  • 90's Girl Oracle Tablet Guide

    Owned, copyrighted, and created by Audra English. To get your own copy of these Oracle Tablets, just visit our Etsy store HERE and you can download, print, and start using your tablets immediately. Please do not copy or publish without Audra's permission. Feel free to share by link to this page only. These go with the 90's Girl Oracle Tablets which can be purchased directly as a digital download which includes the full booklet, information guide and printable tablets. This key was created to help those who got a free tablet in their order or those who got a free oracle tablet reading from Audra in our Facebook group or social media pages. Please refer to the alphabetically ordered symbol key below to assist you in understanding your reading. However, feel free to trust your instincts and intuition in interpreting what your tabs reveal about your specific situation. A Sticky Situation- Despite the temporary frustration you're going through at this moment, know that this stickiness is fleeting. Just like lip gloss fades, so too shall your current difficulties. Acknowledge the temporary nature of this situation, reminiscent of lip gloss that fades away over time. Embrace the assurance that this stickiness is transitory, and it will soon dissolve, leaving behind something wonderful. Have faith in yourself and the universe's benevolent guidance. Embrace perseverance and resilience, knowing that this momentary challenge is paving the way for something beautiful to emerge. Continue to navigate through this sticky phase with determination. Trust in the cosmic forces at play, aligning circumstances for your greater good. Stay strong and keep going, for beyond this temporary stickiness lies a brighter and more fulfilling path. Let this nostalgic tablet serve as a reminder to keep moving forward. Embrace the faith that this sticky situation is ephemeral, leaving behind a residue of resilience and wisdom, guiding you toward something truly wonderful. All Signs Point To Yes- Inspired by the iconic Magic 8 Ball, this tablet emerges with the affirmative message you've been eagerly anticipating. "All Signs Point To Yes" – a phrase from the past that carries the promise of fulfillment. Take heart, for this tablet assures you that your dreams and aspirations are poised to materialize. Acknowledge the resonance of this nostalgic phrase with your desires. Embrace the assurance that the universe is aligning in your favor, and all the signs indicate that your dreams are on the brink of manifestation. Continue to hold onto hope and diligently work towards your goals. Trust in the process and persist in your efforts, knowing that the universe is conspiring to bring your aspirations into reality. Stay aligned with your desires, for manifestation is imminent. Embrace this assurance as motivation to keep moving forward. Believe in the unfolding of your dreams, and let this nostalgic phrase from the Magic 8 Ball serve as a beacon of affirmation. Stay hopeful, persistent, and open-hearted, for indeed, all signs point to the realization of your aspirations. All Tied Up- In a nostalgic nod to the iconic scrunchies cherished by 90's girls, this tablet arrives as a gentle reminder to tie up loose ends and delve into your aspirations. Just as you'd tie up your hair to get things done, it's time to dedicate yourself to your goals and the dreams you've harbored since your teenage years. Acknowledge that you may have been entangled in various plans and aspirations that remain unimplemented. Embrace this moment as a call to action, urging you to revisit those dreams and set them in motion. It's time to roll up your sleeves, secure your ambitions like you'd tie up your hair, and commit yourself to the realization of those long-held aspirations. Rekindle the spirit of your teenage dreams, infuse them with wisdom and experience, and embark on the journey to make them a reality. Embrace the nostalgia of those youthful dreams and allow them to inspire your present actions. Seize this moment to passionately pursue your aspirations. Let this tablet be a catalyst for action, prompting you to channel your teenage dreams into fruitful endeavors. Embrace dedication, determination, and a renewed commitment to transform those cherished aspirations into tangible achievements. As If- Inspired by the iconic phrase from a popular 90's movie, "As If" serves as a reminder to cast doubt on negative self-talk and self-doubts. Refuse to succumb to negativity and instead, embrace your role as your own cheerleader and leading lady of your own classic story line. Do not allow negativity to question your worth or capabilities. Acknowledge the prevalence of negative self-talk and doubts that may arise. However, like the phrase "As If" casts disbelief, use it as a tool to refute the negativity within. Challenge those thoughts that undermine your self-worth and potential. Embrace the role of your own advocate and supporter. Instead of giving in to self-doubt, choose self-empowerment and self-encouragement. Recognize your strengths, capabilities, and inherent worth. Refuse to let negative thoughts overshadow your true potential. Embrace the spirit of "As If" as a mantra to challenge and dismiss doubts, affirming your worth, abilities, and potential. Be your own cheerleader, celebrating your accomplishments and believing in your capabilities. Let this tablet serve as a guiding light, empowering you to cast doubt on negative self-talk. Embrace the power of self-affirmation and positivity, confidently stepping forward with belief in your worth and abilities. B.F.F.- In tribute to the iconic commitment of friendship celebrated by 90's girls, this tablet stands as a reminder of the profound value of companionship and camaraderie. It encourages you to rekindle connections with your B.F.F. or seek out a solid support system. Reflect on the cherished bonds of friendship and the invaluable role they play in our lives. Acknowledge the significance of those cherished friendships from your teenage years. Embrace the lesson of the past, reminding you of the joy, support, and understanding that genuine friendships bring. Treasure these connections and the love they bring to your life. Reconnect with your Best Friend Forever, relishing the moments and memories shared. Or, if apart, reach out to nurture those friendships, fostering the bond that stood the test of time. Alternatively, seek out new connections, building a solid support system akin to the love and understanding a true friend brings. Value the essence of true friendship – the laughter, the shared experiences, and the unconditional support. Embrace the importance of nurturing and cherishing these relationships, for they enrich our lives in profound ways. Let this tablet serve as a reminder to foster and cherish friendships. Embrace the spirit of camaraderie and connection, surrounding yourself with love, understanding, and the enduring bond of Best Friends Forever. Be Kind, Rewind- Drawing inspiration from the iconic saying of the video rental era, "Be Kind, Rewind," this tablet serves as a poignant reminder to rewind and revisit our past experiences with a newfound sense of compassion and understanding. Acknowledge the growth and wisdom garnered since those times, allowing for introspection and learning from past hardships. Take a moment to rewind the tape of your life, revisiting past experiences with a kinder perspective. Embrace the realization that hindsight grants us the opportunity for deeper understanding and reflection on the lessons learned from those challenging moments. Offer yourself compassion and kindness for any past mistakes or moments when you may not have had the wisdom you possess today. Understand that each experience, even the difficult ones, contributed to your growth and learning. Embrace the power of introspection and self-compassion. Rewind to those moments in your life that taught invaluable lessons and view them through the lens of understanding and forgiveness. Recognize the growth and wisdom you have gained along your journey. Let this tablet be a catalyst for self-compassion and growth. Embrace the power of hindsight, allowing yourself to be kinder and more forgiving toward your past self, acknowledging the wisdom gained and the progress made on your life's journey. Bedazzled- Inspired by the era of glitter and rhinestones, this tablet urges you to embrace your uniqueness and stand out radiantly. Just as bedazzled items sparkled and caught the eye, it's time for you to shine brightly. Embrace what highlights your inner beauty and personality, fearlessly stepping into the spotlight. Embrace the essence of bedazzlement, allowing your unique qualities to shine. Highlight what makes you exceptional and be unapologetically yourself. Embrace the facets of your personality that set you apart and let them shimmer and dazzle. Don't shy away from taking center stage. Embrace your individuality and let it sparkle, just like the rhinestones that adorned 90's fashion. Allow your authenticity to shine forth, captivating attention with your innate brilliance. Stand out boldly and confidently, knowing that your uniqueness is your greatest asset. Embrace what bedazzles the world about you and let your radiance illuminate your path, inspiring others to embrace their own distinctiveness. Let this tablet serve as a reminder to shine brightly and stand out. Embrace your individuality and let it sparkle and bedazzle, lighting up the world with the brilliance of your true self. Button Masher- Inspired by the gaming culture of the 90s, this tablet echoes the essence of being a "Button Masher" in the game of life. Sometimes, the best approach is to go with the flow and enjoy the ride. Embrace the idea of having fun and not taking things too seriously. Just like frantically mashing buttons in a game, life often throws unexpected challenges our way. Embrace the idea of going with the flow, adapting to the circumstances, and finding joy in the journey. Approach life with a playful spirit, much like navigating through a game, where the joy lies not just in the destination but also in the process. Embrace spontaneity, laughter, and a carefree attitude, allowing yourself to find delight in the small moments. Sometimes, success lies in the ability to adapt and enjoy the present moment. Embrace the idea of being a "Button Masher" in life – navigating challenges, exploring opportunities, and finding joy in the process without getting too caught up in the outcome. Let this tablet be a reminder to embrace a playful approach to life. Embrace the spontaneity and joy that comes from going with the flow, just like a "Button Masher" navigating through a game, finding delight in the journey itself. Change Your Tune- Drawing from the iconic symbol of a cassette tape, this tablet symbolizes the power of choice and transformation. Just as one can change a song on a cassette, you hold the ability to alter the course of your life. If the current circumstances don't resonate, you have the power to change the tune. Embrace the analogy of changing a song on a cassette tape. Recognize that, similar to the tunes on a tape, life presents various choices. If the current rhythm doesn't suit your desires, trust in your ability to change the circumstances. Realize the profound power you hold to shape your own narrative. Much like fast forwarding to a preferred song, take charge of your life and make choices that resonate with your aspirations and align with your desires. Empower yourself to change the tune of your life. Embrace the opportunity for transformation, understanding that just as a cassette tape offers a multitude of songs, life offers an array of possibilities. Take the initiative to craft a melody that brings harmony to your soul. Let this tablet be a catalyst for empowerment and change. Embrace the analogy of changing a tune and recognize your ability to orchestrate change in your life, steering it towards a melody that resonates with your heart's desires. Change Your View- Inspired by the iconic View Finder toy, this tablet symbolizes the power of perspective and the ability to shape your reality. Just as changing the image in a View Finder alters what you see, so too can you transform your life by shifting your perspective. If life isn't aligning with your desires, it might be time to change your view. Acknowledge the significance of perspective in shaping your reality. Embrace the idea that the way you perceive your life greatly influences your experiences. If what you see doesn't match your desires, consider flipping through the pictures till you find the one that resonates with your soul. Realize the power of your thoughts and beliefs in shaping your reality. Like flipping through images in a View Finder, shift your energy and start looking at life through the lens of what you want to see. Embrace positivity and focus on the outcomes you wish to manifest. Empower yourself to change your view and, in turn, change your reality. Recognize that altering your perspective can bring about profound transformations. By shifting your focus towards what you desire, you invite positive change into your life. Let this tablet serve as a catalyst for change. Embrace the analogy of the View Finder, understanding that by shifting your perspective, you have the ability to create the reality you desire. Change your view to align with your aspirations, and watch as the world around you begins to reflect your newfound perspective. Cherished Memories- Inspired by the nostalgic essence of the 90s, this tablet, "Cherished Memories," serves as a gentle reminder to cherish and honor the valuable moments that have shaped your life. Embrace the practice of gratitude, and recognize the significance of journaling to preserve and honor the wisdom gained from past experiences. Acknowledge the profound impact of your past experiences in shaping the person you are today. Embrace gratitude for the lessons learned, the laughter shared, and the challenges overcome. Cherish these moments as they contribute to the rich tapestry of your life. Reflect on the importance of preserving memories through journaling. Consider dedicating time to document your experiences, insights, and gratitude. Allow the act of journaling to be a loving tribute to the wisdom gained and the memories cherished. Embrace the transformative power of gratitude. Honor the cherished memories by acknowledging their role in your growth and evolution. Cultivate a practice of gratitude and journaling, allowing these rituals to foster introspection and appreciation. Let this tablet inspire you to nurture a practice of gratitude and journaling. Embrace the wisdom gleaned from your experiences and honor them through the act of preserving cherished memories. Take the time to express gratitude and document the invaluable moments that have shaped your journey. Cherry Bomb- Inspired by the vibrant essence of the 90s, "Cherry Bomb" serves as a powerful reminder of your enduring beauty, playfulness, and sensuality. Embrace your inner Goddess and celebrate your body and self-esteem, empowering yourself just as you did in your youthful days. Acknowledge your inherent allure and playful spirit, embodying the vibrant energy of the "Cherry Bomb" era. Embrace your sensual side and revel in the beauty of your body, radiating confidence and empowerment. Reconnect with the confidence and self-assuredness of your younger self. Embrace the essence of feeling beautiful and desirable, honoring your body and inner Goddess. Embrace your uniqueness and beauty with the same fervor and enthusiasm you exuded in the 90s. Celebrate your journey and self-esteem, appreciating the person you've become. Channel the spirited and confident energy of the 90s, embodying the essence of the "Cherry Bomb" – playful, confident, and irresistibly alluring. Let this tablet reignite your confidence and self-esteem. Embrace your sensuality, beauty, and playful spirit, honoring the vibrant energy of the 90s and celebrating your enduring allure as the empowering "Cherry Bomb" you truly are. Chillin'- In the spirit of iconic 90's girl nostalgia, "Chillin'" invites you to embrace the art of relaxation and slow down amidst life's fast pace. Don't let the hustle and bustle of the present steal away the joy of living in the moment. It's time to unwind, indulge in self-care, and savor the simple pleasures of life. Embrace the essence of slowing down and finding solace in relaxation. Take a cue from the carefree 90's vibe and allow yourself the luxury of a tranquil moment. Treat yourself to a soothing bubble bath, indulge in your favorite comfort food, and unwind with a classic 90's chick flick. Rediscover the joy of slowing down and appreciating life's simple pleasures. Embrace the serenity that comes from taking a break, pampering yourself, and immersing in the nostalgic comforts of a 90's non digital afternoon, allowing yourself to be fully present in the moment. Reconnect with the tranquility of the 90s era, reclaiming the art of chilling out and indulging in self-care. Give yourself permission to pause, relax, and relish the peaceful moments, cherishing the nostalgia and carefree spirit of the past. Let this tablet serve as a gentle reminder to prioritize relaxation and self-care. Embrace the soothing rhythm of life, enjoying the simple pleasures and taking time to unwind, as you immerse yourself in the comforting ambiance of a slower paced way of life. Come In Peace- In homage to the iconic 90's era featuring the popular green alien, this tablet, "Come in Peace," acts as a gentle reminder to release aggression and frustration amidst the challenges of modern life. Embrace the ethos of peace and tranquility, recognizing that by fostering peace in our surroundings, we nurture peace within ourselves. Extend peace to others, echoing the desire for tranquility and harmony. Embrace the symbolic essence of the green alien, a representation of otherworldliness and serenity. Let go of stress and frustration, allowing yourself to embody peace. Just as we yearn for inner calm, extend peaceful vibes to others, fostering an environment of harmony and understanding. Embrace the message of "Come in Peace" and advocate for harmony in your surroundings. By relinquishing aggression and embracing tranquility, you contribute to the creation of a peaceful environment, both within and around you. Let this tablet be a beacon for peace. Embrace the essence of tranquility and extend peace to others, nurturing a harmonious atmosphere that resonates with the peaceful spirit symbolized by the cute little green alien of the 90s. Do Your Body Good- Inspired by the iconic 90's Milk commercial, "Do Your Body Good" serves as a vital reminder to prioritize self-care and nourishment. Just as the ad emphasized the benefits of milk, this tablet underscores the importance of caring for your body through healthy habits—nutritious food, exercise, hydration, fresh air, and sunlight. Acknowledge the significance of nurturing your body. Focus on consuming nourishing foods, engaging in regular exercise, staying hydrated with fresh water, and embracing the rejuvenating qualities of fresh air and sunlight. These elements contribute to your overall well-being. Reflect on the value of adopting healthy habits for your body. Recognize that the care you provide to your body today lays the foundation for a healthier future. Prioritize self-care as an investment in your long-term health and well-being. Let this tablet be a guiding light towards a healthier lifestyle. Embrace the essence of self-care and prioritize your body's needs, making choices that promote well-being and vitality—just as the 90's commercial encouraged the benefits of milk, nurturing your body is essential for a brighter and healthier future. Don't Be Green- In homage to the iconic 90's era with a playful cartoon frog, this tablet, "Don't Be Green," serves as a poignant reminder to shun envy and celebrate the triumphs of others. Embrace the uniqueness of individual journeys and successes, understanding that the accomplishments of others do not diminish your own path. Instead, let their achievements inspire you and cultivate appreciation for the diversity of experiences. Reflect on the symbolism of the cartoon frog and the phrase "Don't Be Green." Avoid the temptation of jealousy or envy towards the successes of others. Recognize that their victories do not detract from your own journey, but rather offer inspiration and insight into the myriad of possibilities. Embrace the diversity of life paths and celebrate the achievements of those around you. Appreciate the happiness and successes of your loved ones, understanding that their joy does not diminish your own potential for success. By celebrating their victories, you pave the way for positivity and abundance in your own life. Release feelings of jealousy and instead, let admiration and encouragement fuel your spirit. Embrace the joy of others' achievements, knowing that their successes bring positivity and inspiration to your own journey. Let this tablet be a testament to the celebration of others' successes. Embrace the essence of support and encouragement, allowing the accomplishments of those around you to inspire and motivate your own aspirations, fostering an atmosphere of positivity and mutual celebration. Don't Lose Your Signal- Drawing inspiration from the iconic 90's era with a symbol of a 90's cell phone, this tablet, "Don't Lose Your Signal," serves as a gentle nudge to reconnect with the universe and harness the power of mindfulness and energy work. Just as a phone needs a strong signal, your connection with the universe needs mindfulness and focus to manifest your dreams. Reflect on the symbolism of the 90's cell phone and the phrase "Don't Lose Your Signal." Rekindle your connection with the universe through practices like meditation and energy work. Strengthen your mindfulness to enhance your alignment with your manifestations and desires. Embrace the power of mindfulness and energy work as tools to amplify your connection with the universe. Practice meditation to quiet the mind and focus your energy on manifesting your dream life. As you deepen your mindfulness, you enhance your ability to attract and align with your desires. Let this tablet serve as a guide to strengthen your connection with the universe. Embrace the practice of mindfulness and energy work to enhance your signal, allowing your manifestations and desires to align and flourish in harmony with the cosmic energies. Don't Skip- Drawing inspiration from the nostalgic 90's Portable CD player, this tablet, "Don't Skip," offers a crucial reminder about consistency in mindfulness practices. Similar to how a CD player's skipping disrupts the music, inconsistency in mantras, affirmations, and meditations can hinder your connection to the Universe. Reflect on the symbolism of the Portable CD player and the phrase "Don't Skip." Just as a CD skips when there's disruption, irregular meditation and mindfulness practices can interrupt your spiritual alignment. Consistency in your practices ensures a clearer connection to the Universe. Embrace the importance of regularity in your mindfulness practices. Stay steady with your mantras, affirmations, and meditations to maintain a clear and unwavering path towards mindfulness and connection with the Universe. Consistency leads to a more profound and harmonious alignment. Recognize that skipping practices disrupts the flow of your spiritual journey, much like a CD player's skips interrupt the music. Commit to regular meditation and energy work to avoid interruptions and maintain a smooth and clear connection to the Universe. Let this tablet serve as a gentle reminder of the significance of consistency in your mindfulness journey. Embrace the dedication to your practices, ensuring they remain steady like a perfectly playing CD, allowing your connection to the Universe and mindfulness to unfold harmoniously. Fantasy- Inspired by the essence of the 90's song, this tablet, "Fantasy," prompts you to utilize visualization as a powerful tool to manifest your dreams. Much like the song's lyrical escapades, employ techniques such as vision boards, vision quests, meditation, and visualization to turn your fantasies into tangible realities. Embrace the practice of visualization to bring your dreams to life. It is ok and important to have fantasies. It is the fantasy and enjoyment of those fantasies that can help us make those things, people, and places a reality for ourselves. Visualization techniques empower you to transform your fantasies into achievable realities. Utilize the art of visualization and allow yourself to fantasize in order to bridge the gap between your dreams and reality. Engage in practices that foster imaginative clarity. Embrace the power of visualization to transform your fantasies into attainable goals. Let this tablet serve as an invitation to immerse yourself in the realm of visualization. Embrace the potency of vision boards, vision quests, meditation, and visualization techniques as tools to transform your fantasies into tangible manifestations in your life. Feed Me- Drawing inspiration from the beloved digital pet of the 90's, this tablet, "Feed Me," encourages nourishing your soul and mind. Just like tending to a digital pet, prioritize feeding your mind with knowledge and your soul with experiences. Embrace the power of learning and growth to nurture your inner being. Reflect on the symbolism of the digital pet and the phrase "Feed Me." Focus on enriching your mind and soul by indulging in subjects that captivate your interest. Embrace the nourishment of your mind and soul as a catalyst for personal growth and development. Embrace the notion of feeding your mind with knowledge and your soul with experiences. Delve into topics and activities that intrigue you, allowing your mind to expand and your soul to flourish. Use the nourishment of mind food to foster growth and self-evolution. Prioritize the growth of your inner self by feeding your mind with information and your soul with enriching experiences. Engage in learning and exploration in areas that pique your curiosity, fostering mental and spiritual nourishment for personal development. And just like with your digital pet, when you get some digital poop... get rid of it. This means, letting go of any digital trash that can come and wreck your energy and space. Social media is full of digital poop so make sure to scoop it as soon as it lands. Let this tablet serve as a reminder to prioritize the feeding of your mind and soul. Embrace the power of learning, exploration, and experiences as sources of nourishment, fostering personal growth and evolution of the self. File It Away- Inspired by the iconic floppy disc from the 90's, this tablet, "File it Away," serves as a reminder to manage thoughts and emotions. Just as the disc stores data for later use, acknowledge that certain thoughts and feelings may not be pertinent now. Save them for a later time when you're ready to address them, allowing yourself to focus on your present goals and aspirations. Reflect on the symbolism of the floppy disc and the phrase "File it Away." Acknowledge thoughts and emotions that aren't immediately relevant but may hold significance later. Like filing away data for future retrieval, set aside these emotions for a more suitable time, enabling you to concentrate on your current path. You can write down important ideas and feelings in a notebook for later introspection or even file it away on your phone or computer. Even pictures and reminders that are painful can be stored away to keep your energy clear and your vibration strong. You will manage those feelings better when you are in a better mindset and situation, so getting there should be your focus. Acknowledge that some thoughts and feelings can be set aside for later contemplation. It can be essential to temporarily save these emotions away from yourself to lighten your mental load. By doing this, you create space to move forward with your objectives and aspirations without being weighed down. Let this tablet guide you in managing your thoughts and emotions. Embrace the practice of setting aside certain feelings and thoughts for later contemplation, allowing you to focus on your present journey and aspirations without unnecessary burdens. Got It Well In Hand- Inspired by the iconic candy ring pop from the 90's, this tablet, "Got it Well In Hand," symbolizes the control you have over your future. Just as you hold a sweet treat in your hand, recognize that your future is within your control, offering the potential for sweetness or stickiness. Embrace mindfulness to savor the journey towards your desired outcome. Acknowledge that you possess the power to shape your future. Your path forward can be as delightful or challenging as you choose. Through mindfulness and awareness, you can ensure a sweeter, more enjoyable journey. If you don't like where your life is heading right now, you have the power to change that direction at any time. You are not a victim to the circumstances around you because your power belongs in your observations, the lessons learned, and your ability to take a stand and change directions. Even a sticky situation can be made sweet again with proper attention. Let this tablet serve as a reminder of your control over your destiny. Embrace mindfulness and conscious decision-making to craft a future that is as sweet and delightful as you envision, savoring each step of your journey. If It Makes You Happy- Inspired by the classic smiley face cartoon and the very catchy song of the same name, this tablet, "If it makes you happy," serves as a poignant reminder that happiness is deeply personal and comes from within. Rather than conforming to external expectations, it urges you to seek genuine happiness by understanding yourself and embracing what truly resonates with your heart. Embrace the idea that happiness isn't dictated by societal standards or external validations. Instead, journey inward to explore your authentic self and discover what genuinely brings you joy and contentment. Sometimes we play pretend on social media and around people we are around to try to display our success as happiness but are miserable on the inside. We are unable to understand why there is such sadness inside us since by all societal standards we should be happy. Or at least, that's what we thought we were signing up for when we bought whatever product or program we were sold. This is when we need to take a step back and contemplate what happiness really means to us and what happiness would look like if we were truly experiencing it. Discover what truly sparks joy within you and follow the path that resonates with your genuine desires and aspirations. Don't let anyone else define what happiness is to you and don't be concerned by impressing other unhappy people. Focus on you and what would leave a genuine smile on your face for once! Let this tablet remind you that true happiness is an internal journey. Embrace the symbolism of the smiley face cartoon and seek fulfillment by exploring your inner world, discovering what genuinely brings you joy, and aligning your path with your authentic self. It's A Mood- Inspired by the iconic lava lamp that became popular again in the 90's, this tablet, "It's a Mood," serves as a reminder to harness your energy and take charge of your vibration. Much like the mesmerizing shifts in a lava lamp, this tablet encourages you to align your mood and frequency to match your desired manifestations. Setting the right mood is crucial in manifesting your dream life, so start embodying that reality now. Just as the vibrant hues in a lava lamp change and flow, consider aligning your inner energy to match the frequency of your desired outcomes. Begin living and feeling the life you wish to manifest, as your current mood and vibration influence the reality you create. Your energy and mood play a pivotal role in manifesting your dreams. Embrace the idea of setting the energetic tone you seek in your life. Match the vibration of your aspirations to invite them into your reality. Begin living in alignment with the life you envision by setting the energetic mood that matches your desired outcomes. Let this tablet remind you of the power of setting your energetic mood. Embrace the symbolism of the lava lamp and start aligning your energy and vibration with the life you wish to manifest, as your mood influences the reality you create. It's A Snap- Inspired by the iconic snap hair clips of the 90's, this tablet, "It's a Snap," symbolizes our ability to handle and resolve challenges that come our way. Just like snapping hair clips to tidy up a hairstyle, it signifies our capacity to tie up loose ends and address any issues. It's time to have confidence in our skills and trust in the universe. Acknowledge the lessons learned and recognize that most of our worst-case scenarios seldom materialize. Embrace the idea that no matter the situation, you have the capability to address and resolve challenges that arise. Have faith in your abilities and trust that you have learned valuable lessons on this journey. At this point in your life, you have shown that you possess the resilience and skills to manage and overcome obstacles. Embrace this confidence and trust in your capability to handle whatever comes your way. This also serves as a sign that you don't need your anxiety anymore. It is time to let go of that fear of change and that fear that you'll somehow mess up because you've been able to prove to yourself that you can get through anything that comes your way. Let this tablet serve as a reminder of your resilience and capability to address challenges. Embrace the symbolism of the snap hair clips and trust in your ability to handle whatever life presents, letting go of unnecessary anxiety. It's Getting Late- Inspired by the iconic 90's girl era, this tablet, "It's Getting Late," is a gentle reminder that spending excessive time on our phones and screens might be affecting our sleep. In this digital age, it's easy to lose track of time, neglecting the rest our bodies require. Just as our mothers used to prompt us to head to bed, it's time we take charge and prioritize quality rest for our overall well-being. Consider the impact of excessive screen time on your sleep patterns. Recognize the importance of disconnecting from devices and dedicating time for restorative sleep, crucial for a healthy body and mind. Take control by establishing boundaries, disconnecting from screens before bedtime, and prioritizing rest for your physical and mental health. Find a way to get your circadian rhythm back in order so that you are healthier in both mind and body. Screen time is not something we used to have to contend with and so it's important we free ourselves from these awesome but draining devices and get our bodies moving, in nature, connected face to face with loved ones, and asleep in bed at a decent time. Let this tablet serve as a reminder to prioritize adequate rest by disconnecting from screens before bedtime. Embrace the importance of quality sleep for your well-being, steering away from excessive screen time and allowing yourself the rest you need. It's Puzzling- Inspired by the iconic 90's girl era, this tablet, "It's Puzzling," showcases a Rubik's Cube and serves as a reminder that not all challenges are immediately solvable – and that's perfectly fine. Sometimes, when faced with a complex project or idea causing stress, it's essential to recognize that not every problem needs an immediate solution. Consider taking a step back and allowing yourself the flexibility to revisit the issue later. In life, the pursuit of a solution can be as rewarding as its discovery. Much like solving a puzzle, dedicating time to quiet reflection and focused effort often brings forth not just the answer but also a sense of fulfillment. In those moments of concentration, where the bigger picture gradually unfolds, lies the potential for immense joy and satisfaction. Embrace the process, relish the journey, and find joy in every step toward resolving the puzzle that challenges you. At times, the pursuit of a solution can consume us. There are moments when it's essential to recognize that certain problems aren't worth our peace, joy, or mental health. It's perfectly okay to step away, relinquish efforts, and let go of pursuits that no longer serve our well-being. Sometimes, abandoning a path once thought favorable is an act of self-preservation. Remember, prioritizing your mental health and inner peace over the need to resolve every issue is not a sign of failure but a testament to your self-awareness and strength. Your well-being is paramount; honoring that is a sign of true wisdom and self-love. Let this tablet serve as a reminder that not every problem needs an immediate solution and not every solution is up to us to offer. Consider the significance of the Rubik's Cube and the lesson it imparts. Assess whether persistently tackling a challenge aligns with your goals or if it's more beneficial to set it aside temporarily or even pass it off to someone else to save your sanity. Just Roll With It- Just Roll With It" – In the spirit of iconic 90's girl nostalgia, this tablet showcases a vibrant rollerblade, symbolizing the sheer delight found in the carefree flow of life. Imagine strapping on a pair of rollerblades, the wind in your hair as you effortlessly glide down the sidewalk, feeling an invigorating sense of freedom. That's the essence behind "Just Roll With It." Much like navigating life on rollerblades, this tablet encourages you to approach your goals and aspirations with a carefree spirit. Embrace the joyous sensation of setting your own pace, free from constraints, and revel in the empowering feeling of steering your journey. Life is an open path, much like a sidewalk– full of unexpected twists and turns. Embrace this ride with a smile, relish the freedom in choosing your direction, and allow the journey itself to become your playground, full of exhilaration and liberation. Just make sure you wear your knee and elbow pads even if you don't look cool in them. ;-) Let's Do A Makeover- "Let's Do a Makeover" brings the nostalgic essence of those teen movies where characters experienced incredible transformations. This tablet signifies a transformative journey, urging you to embrace change both internally and externally. It's time for a refresh, a reevaluation of your essence and the life you desire. Consider who you want to be, the qualities you admire, and the experiences you wish to live. This tablet encourages you to craft a vision of your ideal self and begin taking steps towards becoming that person. Your make over can be physical, mental, spiritual, financial, social, all of the above or a little from each box. You are in charge of who you want to be and what your idea version of you shows up as. It is time to start making those plans for yourself. Much like a makeover montage in a movie, this is your chance to redefine yourself. Whether it's through self-care, personal development, or exploring new passions, allow this tablet to be the catalyst for your transformation. Embrace this moment to shine, showcasing the new and improved version of yourself to the world. Level Up- "Level Up" channels the spirit of the '90s gaming era, featuring the iconic Game Boy, as a symbol of progress and growth. This tablet serves as an invitation to elevate your life by embracing new interests and passions. Just as in a video game where you aim to reach new levels, this tablet encourages you to explore and adopt a new hobby or skill. It emphasizes the importance of continuous mental stimulation and personal development. Consider avenues like learning a new language, taking up cooking or dance classes, or even pursuing career advancements. Make a list of all the talents and hobbies you'd like to try and narrow down your list to a few you will commit to trying and pushing yourself to succeed at. This is a reminder that your evolution isn't complete; there's still ample time to enhance your skills and expand your knowledge. Embrace this opportunity to level up and embark on a journey of self-improvement and growth, much like advancing through different levels in a game. Looking Through Rose Colored Glasses- "Looking Through Rose Colored Glasses" is a nostalgic nod to our past crushes and the innocent admiration we held. This tablet invites you to wear those glasses again, not to idealize others, but to appreciate and honor yourself and the life you've crafted. Take a moment to view your life through these rose-tinted lenses. Acknowledge the beauty within and around you. Reflect on the journey you've traveled, your achievements, and the love you've generously shared with others. Embrace gratitude for the happiness and blessings that have graced your life. Take time to make a gratitude list and count your blessings. Make sure you count yourself among the many things you love and admire in your life while you're at it. This tablet is a call to self-love and appreciation. It encourages you to recognize your worth and the wonderful person you've become. With the positive perspective of those rose colored glasses, rediscover the beauty and value that exists within you and your life. Love Me, Love Me Not- "Love Me, Love Me Not" harks back to the bittersweet ritual of plucking petals to discern affection. This tablet serves as a poignant reminder to set boundaries, particularly with individuals who display inconsistent affection or regard for you. It's crucial to recognize and establish limits with those who vacillate in their affection, causing emotional turmoil. Such relationships, marked by alternating love and neglect, can drain your happiness and vitality. While wishing them well, consider distancing yourself from these toxic connections to preserve your well-being. You are also reminded that if you are the person who is being inconsistent and toxic with your affection, it is probably time to free that other person from your half hearted love and look inward to figure out why you've been entangled in such a relationship. If therapy is warranted, make sure for your own mental health and future, you seek the answers as to why you have needed this type of arraignment so you can ensure you do not repeat such unhealthy patterns in the future. This tablet prompts you to seek healthier, fulfilling relationships that genuinely value and reciprocate the love and care you offer. Embrace the strength to let go of connections that no longer serve your emotional health, paving the way for deeper, more nurturing bonds in your life. M.A.S.H.- "M.A.S.H.," reminiscent of the popular fortune-telling game, prompts a reflection on the paths our lives have taken since those whimsical predictions. It's a reminder that while childhood dreams may have taken various directions, our destinies are still ours to shape. If you remember, M.A.S.H. stands for stands for Mansion, Apartment, Shack, or House and told us where we'd live, who we would marry, how many children we'd have, etc,. We are now in the era of being able to discern if our M.A.S.H. games came true for us. Did we marry our crush, go on to have 12 children and get the mansion of our dreams? Probably not and that's probably in our best interest (well, except that mansion part... we can add that back to our list!) lol Consider the divergence between the imaginative future envisioned through M.A.S.H. and the reality you now live. Reflect on the dreams, desires, and the life you've built thus far. Acknowledge the power you possess to steer your life in the direction you desire, regardless of childhood predictions. The future is in our hands. We are the drivers of our destiny. No fortune telling game (ahem, this is getting a bit awkward...) will be able to predict where you will be without you deciding that is what you plan to manifest or work on. This tablet symbolizes empowerment and the agency to shape your own destiny. Recognize the authority you hold to chart your course and create the life you envision. Embrace the opportunity to pivot, adjust, and manifest the aspirations that resonate with your present self, regardless of earlier predictions. Quit Playing Games With My Heart- "Quit Playing Games With My Heart," reminiscent of the popular '90s anthem, encapsulates a call to break free from the emotional and mental games we often find ourselves entangled in. It's an ode to relinquishing the self-sabotaging patterns that we sometimes unknowingly perpetuate, whether in relationships or within our own inner dialogue. This oracle tablet resonates with the essence of letting go—letting go of the manipulative tactics we might employ on ourselves or others, and instead, embracing authenticity and truth. By detaching from toxic situations, choosing transparency, and fostering genuine connections, we pave the way for personal growth and meaningful relationships. The message extends an invitation to step into a realm of introspection and self-respect, recognizing the value of sincerity in our interactions. It encourages us to refrain from playing emotional games that obstruct our personal growth and inhibit authentic connections. By embracing openness and honesty, we create space for genuine relationships and a more fulfilling life journey. Ultimately, "Quit Playing Games With My Heart" urges us to break free from the cycle of uncertainty and deceit, fostering an environment of trust, understanding, and genuine affection within ourselves and our connections with others. Ray of Light- "Ray of Light," reminiscent of the iconic '90s song, embodies a profound message about our inner radiance and the impact it holds on those around us. You are a beacon of positivity and light, emitting warmth and energy to illuminate the lives of others. This tablet serves as a poignant reminder to nurture that brightness within you. Protecting your energy from anything or anyone that attempts to dim your glow is essential. Embrace the concept of self-love as a vital practice rather than an act of selfishness. Prioritize self-care, particularly during moments when you feel drained, allowing yourself to recharge and reignite your inner light. This tablet also underscores the importance of basking in the natural light of the sun. Embrace the outdoors, soak in some sunshine, and relish in the laughter and joy shared with cherished ones. Fresh air, Vitamin D, and heartfelt connections contribute to your overall well-being, fostering a healthy and vibrant existence. This tablet, "Ray of Light" encourages you to cherish and safeguard your inner radiance. By prioritizing self-care and surrounding yourself with positivity, laughter, and the natural world, you will continue to shine brightly and positively impact the world around you. Say You'll Be There- "Say You'll Be There," inspired by the nostalgic vibes of a '90s Girl Band song, resonates deeply with the essence of commitment and rekindling relationships. This tablet carries a gentle reminder that your connections require a renewed commitment, particularly in matters of the heart. Perhaps amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, the initial spark in your relationships may have dimmed. It's time to reignite the flames of passion, embracing the foundation of friendship and the profound bond you share with your partner. Rediscover the enchantment that brought you together and infuse romance back into your lives. This tablet encourages you to take a step back, reflect on the essence of your connection, and invest in nurturing your relationship. Rekindle the flame of love by cultivating meaningful moments, engaging in heartfelt conversations, and rediscovering the joy of being together. Embrace the beauty of your relationship's depth and celebrate the bond you share. In summary, "Say You'll Be There" invites you to reaffirm your commitment, rekindle the romance, and cherish the friendship that underpins your relationship. By investing time and effort into nurturing your bond, you pave the way for a more fulfilling and enduring connection with your partner. Smile- "Smile," inspired by the iconic 90's graphic of the cheery smiley face and the word “SMILE” we used to all write with the oddly geometric S on our notebooks and school papers , serves as a gentle reminder to embrace the joy found in life's simple moments. In the whirlwind of daily routines and obligations, it's easy to overlook the significance of small, delightful moments. This tablet encourages you to pause, take a breath, and actively seek out opportunities that bring a smile to your face. Take delight in the little things – the morning sunlight streaming through the window, a friendly conversation, a cherished memory, or even a favorite song. Embrace the beauty in everyday occurrences and let them illuminate your day. By finding joy in these small moments, you infuse positivity and happiness into your life. This tablet encourages you to cultivate an awareness of the little things that bring a smile to your face. Allow yourself to appreciate the beauty in simplicity, and celebrate the joyous moments that add brightness to your day. Smile often, for it is in these moments that the true essence of happiness resides. Sweet As Candy- "Sweet As Candy," drawing inspiration from the innocence and aspirations of the 90's era, invites you to rediscover life through the unfiltered lens of your teenage self. In those years, life was seen as a vast canvas of potential, each day holding the promise of sweetness and possibility. This tablet urges you to release the weight of cynicism and skepticism that may have accumulated over time. Embrace the childlike wonder that once illuminated your perception of the world. Recall the times when you believed in the magic of every new day, free from the burden of past hurt or disillusionment. Life, just like candy, offers various flavors and experiences waiting to be savored. Despite the challenges faced and lessons learned, the potential for sweetness and joy still exists. This tablet encourages you to preserve the wisdom gained on your journey while shedding the heavy layers of pain and resentment. By doing so, you rekindle the belief in life's inherent sweetness and the endless potential it holds. Embrace this newfound perspective, savor the moments, and allow life's sweetness to enrich your days once more. That's Cool- "That's Cool," echoing the popular 90's slang phrase, invites you to rediscover appreciation and fascination for the world around you. It serves as a reminder to adopt a relaxed attitude amid the demands of modern life. In the spirit of that laid-back era, this tablet encourages you to seek out and celebrate the things that captivate and inspire you. Embrace an attitude of appreciation and admiration for the wonders around you, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. Take a moment to revel in the awesomeness of everyday life. In the hustle and bustle of today's world, maintaining a relaxed and uplifted vibe is crucial. Allow yourself to lighten the load by appreciating the simple pleasures, finding joy in the present moment, and letting go of unnecessary stress. So, keep it cool, take a step back, and admire the world around you. Embrace a relaxed state of mind and allow yourself to be uplifted by the beauty and positivity that surrounds us all. The Universe Is Calling- "The Universe is Calling," resonating with the iconic landline phones of the 90's, signifies the profound connection between us and the Universe. This tablet serves as a poignant reminder that the Universe is constantly communicating with us, offering guidance, and presenting opportunities for growth. Just like picking up a ringing phone, it's crucial to be attentive and responsive to the signs and messages the Universe sends our way. Actively engaging in this cosmic conversation involves not only listening but also expressing our desires and dreams to the Universe. By paying attention to the subtle signs—such as angel numbers, synchronicities, or unexpected encounters—we can interpret the messages the Universe sends. These signs often lead us toward our destined paths and provide invaluable guidance on our journey. Take the time to connect with the Universe, express your intentions, and be receptive to the guidance it offers. Your active participation in this communication fosters the manifestation of your aspirations, leading you closer to your ultimate destiny. Time To Wake Up- "Time to Wake Up," resonating with the iconic analog alarm clocks of the 90's, serves as a potent reminder to the spirit. It is a call to action, urging you to break free from the grip of procrastination that holds your dreams in limbo. The alarm clock symbolizes the urgency of the moment, a prompt to shake off complacency and seize the present. By hesitating and delaying your actions, you risk letting time slip away, allowing opportunities to fade into the past. It's time to recognize that the plans you've made for yourself are waiting to be realized. Procrastination only delays your progress and dims the chances of turning your aspirations into reality. The clock is ticking, and the choice lies before you: act now or accept the possibility that your dreams may remain unfulfilled. This tablet is your wake-up call, urging you to embrace determination and commitment to materialize your aspirations. Harness the energy within and take decisive steps toward your goals. The time for action is now; heed this call and let your dreams no longer linger in the realm of "someday." Truly, Madly, Deeply- "Truly, Madly, Deeply," a phrase drawn from the heartwarming song of the 90s, encapsulates a profound affirmation: the belief in deserving a love that transcends superficialities, resonates deeply, and endures through time. This tablet is a gentle but powerful reminder that within the complexities of life, amidst trials and moments of doubt, the yearning for a love that's authentic, passionate, and utterly profound remains palpable. If this embodiment of love has yet to grace your existence, it serves as a promise—a declaration that such depth of affection is within your destiny. It's essential to hold onto the certainty that this kind of love indeed exists and is waiting to intertwine itself with your life's narrative. It beckons you to seek connections that recognize and celebrate your intrinsic worth, cherishing your deepest emotions and reciprocating your affections in equal measure. It urges you to steer away from relationships that cause you to question your value or leave you feeling unfulfilled. Embrace this tablet's poignant message as a guiding light. Let it propel you forward, guiding your heart toward relationships that resonate with genuine love and appreciation. Honor your worth, keeping your heart open to the possibility of experiencing a love that is authentic, passionate, and profoundly fulfilling. Your deserving heart is a magnet for the love that is truly, madly, and deeply meant for you. Watch Your Step- "Watch Your Step," inspired by the iconic butterfly hair clip from the 90s, reminds us to be vigilant in observing our thoughts, words, and actions. Like the delicate yet painful hair clip that could cause unbelievably intense pain when carelessly stepped upon, our thoughts and energy, when left unchecked, can unexpectedly shape our realities. This tablet serves as a cautionary reminder of the potent influence our energy holds in the manifestation of our lives. Each thought, word, and action is akin to a brushstroke painting the canvas of our existence. Hence, it's crucial to live with intention and mindfulness. Much like stepping cautiously around that misplaced hair clip to avoid an unforeseen hurt, we must navigate our thoughts and expressions with care to prevent unintended manifestations. The Universe responds to our vibrations and energy. Thus, this tablet urges us to be mindful custodians of our internal dialogue, steering clear of negativity and embracing positivity. It encourages us to infuse our energy with intention and positivity, as the Universe interprets and responds to these frequencies, ultimately shaping our experiences. Let this tablet serve as a gentle yet impactful warning to maintain consciousness in every thought and action. By doing so, we can avoid unintentionally manifesting undesirable outcomes and instead invite positive, fulfilling manifestations into our lives. Whatever- "Whatever," drawn from a popular 1990's movie phrase, serves as a poignant reminder of the power in selective indifference. In certain scenarios or with particular individuals, maintaining an attitude of detachment can be a virtue. Just as the term signifies nonchalance or apathy, this tablet advises us to selectively allocate our emotional energy. There are situations and individuals that may not warrant our deep emotional investment or engagement. This tablet encourages us to discern what truly deserves our passionate involvement and what is better met with a sense of disinterest. Much like the iconic phrase, it's essential to take certain things with a grain of salt, enabling us to preserve our energy and peace of mind. Choosing where to direct our emotions is an empowering decision. Just as the term "Whatever" implies a sense of detachment, it empowers us to decide where to invest our emotional responses. By selectively engaging in situations that genuinely matter and disengaging from those that do not, we retain control over our emotional well-being and preserve our vital energy for more meaningful pursuits. This tablet stands as a guide, encouraging us to weigh our emotional investments wisely. By embracing a measured approach and applying the "Whatever" attitude in the right context, we safeguard our energy, fostering a greater sense of emotional balance and well-being. Yin Yang- "Yin Yang," resonating with the iconic Yin-Yang symbol popular in the 90's, serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of balance in our lives. This tablet encourages us to embrace Eastern philosophies and wisdom, seeking methods to align our energies and maintain a harmonious equilibrium. The Yin-Yang symbol embodies the concept of dualism and the harmony within opposing forces. It reminds us of the constant interplay between light and darkness, strength and softness, action and rest. This tablet encourages us to integrate these contrasting aspects within ourselves, finding a balance that nurtures our overall well-being. By delving into Eastern traditions and wisdom, we open ourselves to practices that help align our energies and maintain a higher vibrational frequency. These teachings often offer valuable insights into cultivating inner peace, enhancing mindfulness, and harmonizing our thoughts, emotions, and actions. The essence of "Yin Yang" urges us to seek equilibrium in our lives, reminding us that embracing both sides of existence contributes to our holistic growth and inner harmony. As the symbol represents the interconnectedness of dualities, it encourages us to find equilibrium within ourselves and our surroundings, fostering a sense of balance and tranquility. You're Being Paged- "Your Attention, Please: You're Being Paged!" Inspired by the iconic 90's girl nostalgia of pagers, this tablet arrives with an urgent message: your inner being, your soul, is trying to grab your attention. Just like the electronic beep of a pager clamoring for notice, your spirit is paging you to tune in and listen closely. The pager, once a symbol of connectivity and communication, serves as a metaphor here. It's a reminder to tune into your inner self amid the external clamor of daily life. Take a moment to acknowledge and heed the signals your soul is sending your way. This tablet encourages you to connect with your intuition, your deepest desires, and your higher self. It's a call to reflect on what truly matters to you, the dreams and aspirations you might have buried under the noise of routine. Much like the pager, which required your attention to decipher its messages, your inner voice seeks acknowledgment. Take the time to decode these messages, whether they arrive as inklings, intuitions, or yearnings. So, pause, take a breath, and listen closely. Your soul is paging you, asking you to pay attention to the whispers of your heart. Embrace this call to reconnect with your inner self, as it might hold the guidance you seek to navigate life's journeys. You're Iconic- This tablet, "Your Iconic," celebrates the nostalgic essence of Cucumber Melon, a beloved and iconic scent from the cherished 90's era. Just as this fragrance evokes memories of carefree days, it symbolizes a journey back to your authentic self. Like the refreshing notes of Cucumber Melon, this tablet is a reminder to relish in the familiar and comforting moments of your past. Allow these memories to serve as a beacon, guiding you back to your true essence and helping you reconnect with the most genuine parts of who you are. Much like the unique blend of cucumber and melon, you too are a blend of your experiences, dreams, and aspirations. Embrace your uniqueness, your quirks, and your individuality, as they compose the fragrant symphony of your being. This tablet invites you to tap into the scents, sounds, and sensations of the past to rekindle the spark of your true self. Embrace the nostalgia, let it infuse your present, and use it as a catalyst to shape a future that resonates with your authentic essence. Just as Cucumber Melon was a signature scent of the 90's, embrace your uniqueness and let it define your own iconic essence. Your individuality is your strength, your uniqueness is your charm, and your authenticity is your superpower. You've Got Mail- The tablet, titled "You've Got Mail," evokes the nostalgic charm of the late '90s when the internet's sweetest greeting announced an incoming email. In a world before instant messaging and social media, it was a moment of anticipation and connection. Just as the familiar voice heralded incoming messages, this tablet serves as a reminder to pay attention to the messages from the universe that are destined for you. Whether they arrive through synchronicities, signs, or intuitive nudges, they bear profound significance for your journey. Much like opening an email brimming with anticipation, embrace these signs as guides illuminating your path forward. Be attentive to the messages carried in the subtle whispers of life, for they might hold keys to unlock doors of opportunity and transformation. The essence of "You've Got Mail" is a call to awaken your awareness to the messages that the universe, your intuition, and the world around you are trying to convey. Just as you eagerly opened your inbox, be open to receiving the universe's messages and insights. As you navigate the labyrinth of life, allow these messages to guide and inspire you. Embrace the synchronicities, the serendipitous encounters, and the subtle whispers that align with your journey. Each message is a fragment of wisdom, nudging you toward your true purpose. Remember, in the grand theater of life, every message is a clue, every synchronicity is a sign, and every encounter holds a message. Embrace the wisdom woven into the fabric of your existence and cherish the transformative power of each "You've Got Mail" moment in your journey. ©Audra English 2024

  • Cauldron of Secrets Oracle Tablet Guide

    Owned, copyrighted, and created by Audra English. To get your own copy of these Oracle Tablets, just visit our Etsy store HERE and you can download, print, and start using your tablets immediately. Please do not copy or publish without Audra's permission. Feel free to share by link to this page only. These go with the Cauldron of Secrets Oracle Tablets which can be purchased directly as a digital download which includes the full booklet, information guide and printable tablets. This key was created to help those who got a free tablet in their order or those who got a free oracle tablet reading from Audra in our Facebook group or social media pages. Please refer to the alphabetically ordered symbol key below to assist you in understanding your reading. However, feel free to trust your instincts and intuition in interpreting what your tabs reveal about your specific situation. Allow- When you are feeling stuck and unable to move forward, the word Allow is a reminder that life can flow freely. Allowing yourself the freedom to explore different possibilities can open up new pathways for self-discovery. The key to allowing is staying open-minded and embracing change. There may be times when you feel overwhelmed by fear or anxiety but remember that allowing yourself to move through these feelings can bring you closer to understanding your true self. Allow yourself to be. This means trusting in the divine timing of things, honoring the unique path that is yours, and letting life unfold as it should. By giving yourself permission to embrace all aspects of yourself—the light and the dark—you will begin to accept what is. Allow yourself to move forwards without resistance. This means letting go of control and allowing the universe to lead you towards your destiny. Release any attachments or expectations that no longer serve, and instead trust in the power of allowing life to flow as it should. Ask- Let the power of opening your mind and finding answers to the questions you ask guide you on your path. When we ask, we invite the realm of otherworldly possibilities to come forth and help us manifest our dreams. By embracing allowance, we allow ourselves to be guided by unseen forces that open doors to new opportunities. When we align with this energy, all manner of abundance can come into our life. Whether it is clarity on our dreams, answers to burning questions or the courage to go after what we want, by asking for help from the otherworldly realms we can create a powerful force of change in our lives. The practice of asking is not only about finding solutions but also being open to receive. As you ask, pay attention to the guidance that comes your way and let it lead you on your journey. Be mindful of the synchronicities that occur and be grateful for all that is revealed to you. Balance- As we strive to cultivate balance in our lives, it's important to remember that everything has its own unique rhythm. Just like the moon cycles and waxes and wanes, our own energy ebb and flows. There are times when taking a break and allowing yourself to rest is essential for regaining your equilibrium - that's why this Oracle Tab speaks of embracing allowance. When we take time to honor our own needs and acknowledge the natural cycles of life, it allows us to remain in balance with the universe. This is what's known as 'as above so below'. As we strive for a harmonious relationship with creation, allowing ourselves allowance can be an important first step! Now, more than ever, it's important to recognize the importance of taking moments for yourself and nourishing your spirit. Embrace the allowance that comes with creating balance in your life, and you'll find yourself in sync with the divine energies of the universe. Belong- We all long to belong. To a community, a home, or even the spirit world. As we search for our place in this life, it can be easy to forget that there is always an underlying connection between us and the universe. We are part of something greater than ourselves - something that transcends any sense of separation. The Oracle Tab for Belonging reminds us to embrace allowance. To find peace in the knowledge that we already belong, and that it is within our reach. When we open ourselves up to this understanding, a deep sense of connection can settle in our hearts. Our differences are embraced and celebrated, as each one of us brings something unique to our collective existence. By allowing ourselves to feel a sense of belonging, we can build a strong foundation for our spiritual growth. We are all connected in the spirit world, and embracing this connection allows us to find harmony within ourselves and with those around us. If we trust in the power of Belonging, our lives become filled with understanding and love. Bet- The Oracle’s message for the word Bet is to embrace allowance. Allowance means that no outcome needs to be forced, and no decisions should be made too hastily. Betting can represent an opportunity to explore risk versus reward, yet this doesn't mean you need to take unnecessary risks or make rash choices regarding life's bigger questions. Whenever you feel like taking the chance and betting, it means that your journey needs to be considered carefully. You may wish to make a bet on something that could potentially lead you to greater rewards or riches. But there is never an assurance of success unless you are willing to take the appropriate steps in order to ensure that your gamble pays off. The same applies for life’s more serious matters. Betting with your destiny and taking chances can lead to amazing experiences and rewards, but they don't always come without risk. When the Oracle calls for you to embrace allowance, it is an invitation to consider all of life's options before making any decisions. Bewitch- The tab associated with this word offers us an opportunity to explore how we can use magick to bring about the change that we want. We can learn how to use our own power, and the power of nature, to help manifest what we desire. The tab associated with bewitch is a reminder that by using magick we are able to create powerful shifts in our lives. When used correctly it can bring about lasting transformation, allowing us to live in a more harmonious and balanced way. Bewitch reminds us of the importance of understanding our own power and using it responsibly. It is a reminder that we all have the potential to manifest our dreams, but that it must be done with respect and care if we are to achieve true transformation in our lives. Bleed- The Oracle Tab information for `Bleed` is a tab of sacrifice and hurt. It speaks of a situation where we are asked to open our hearts and allow them to be vulnerable; even risking the possibility of being hurt again. The message here is that in order for us to move through our pain, we must find the courage to face it and put ourselves out there. We need to be willing to take a risk and trust that the outcome is for our highest good. This tab also encourages us to seek deeper understanding around issues of pain and suffering, rather than simply turning away from it or trying to ignore it. When we learn how to truly feel our pain, we can begin to heal and move forward in a positive way. Ultimately, the `Bleed` tab speaks of standing in our own power and strength despite the hurt we may be feeling; understanding that it is part of our journey towards healing and growth. When we take this leap of faith, we can embrace ourselves fully and move through life with increased confidence. Build- When you see the Oracle Tab Build, it encourages you to focus on the process of creating a foundation for something. This could be anything from something tangible like constructing a house, to something intangible such as emotional stability in your relationships. It is the tab that speaks of laying a strong foundation upon which great things can take shape. It is also a reminder not to rush the process of building something. It is important to be patient and take your time in order to ensure that the structure you are creating will stand strong over time. This tab often appears when a person needs to remind themselves that patience and hard work creates stability, regardless of the task at hand. As you look more closely into this tab, you may also discover that it speaks more to the internal structures you may be creating in your life. From setting healthy boundaries with people in our lives, to establishing a sense of self love and self worth. The message here is loud and clear - slow down, take your time, and build something strong that will stand the test of time. Burn- The oracle tab meaning of the word "burn" is a call to transform and let go of anything that no longer serves you. It is an invitation for cleansing and renewal, an opportunity to rise from the ashes and take your life in a new direction. When you come across this tab, it may be a reminder that the only constant is change. Burning away all that is old and no longer necessary creates space for new beginnings and fresh ideas. It can be difficult to let go of something dear to us, but this tab is here to guide you through these times in life. It invites you to use the energy of fire to purify yourself and your environment. To open up to spirit, and trust in the wisdom of what needs to be released. As you let go of the old, you are creating a new path ahead of you—one that will bring growth and joy. Use this tab as an invitation to take risks, make mistakes, and find joy in life. Release yourself from fear, and move forward with courage. And, as you burn away all that holds you back, remember to trust in the life-giving energy of fire. The oracle tab for “burn” is a reminder that transformation is available when we open ourselves up to it. Let go without fear and expectations, and let your journey unfold naturally. Capture- When the capture tab appears it is a clear sign that you must make a commitment. It may appear in your readings when an important decision needs to be made, or when something special requires your full attention and dedication. The capture tab symbolizes holding someone close and making sure they stay within reach. This could mean pursuing someone in love, or committing to something new like a job or lifestyle. This tab could be a warning that someone in your life may not have the same level of commitment and you should proceed with caution. It can also suggest that you need to balance your relationships by making sure those that mean the most to you are kept close. The Capture tab is ultimately a reminder of how important it is to make room for commitments and to keep the people you love close. No matter what is before you, take some time for yourself and contemplate the choices that need to be made. Make sure your decisions come from a place of clarity and understanding before you make any commitments. Allow yourself to explore all the possible outcomes, but also remember that making a commitment can lead to great rewards if it is entered into with an open heart and full intention. Chance- The oracle tab of 'Chance' is a powerful reminder that life is full of unexpected surprises, both good and bad. It is a reminder to remain open-minded and seize any chances that come your way. The chances you take can lead to great rewards if you are brave enough to risk it all. On the other hand, it can also lead to grave consequences if you mismanage risks. The tab of 'Chance' is a reminder that some decisions are out of our control and our destiny is guarded by fate. It encourages us to be prepared for anything that life may bring us, as well as to recognize when an opportunity presents itself and take the plunge. Whatever the outcome, we should never be discouraged and always have faith in our own capabilities. The tab of 'Chance' is a reminder to take a leap of faith and be ready to accept whatever comes our way. After all, it just may lead us to the path of success that we have been seeking all along. Charm- When you see the word `Charm` on the Oracle tab, it is telling you to embrace your powers of persuasion and be aware that charisma can be used for good or bad purposes. It may also indicate a need to increase your self-confidence, so you can dazzle and impress others with your presence. Take the time to reflect on how your charm can be used to bring a positive change into your life and the lives of those around you. Your charisma is like a superpower, so use it wisely! Remember that people are drawn to authenticity, so try not to hide behind a mask of charm. Being genuine is the best way to make connections and attract positive energy into your life. It's also important to take time for yourself, and not to be too hard on yourself if things don't go your way. Allowing yourself the freedom to experiment and take risks will help you find what works best for you. Finally, remember that charm is often contagious. When you use it in a positive way, it can spread around like wildfire! Make sure to share your charm with those around you and be willing to make the most of your own unique charm. Doing so will ensure that you always have an advantage in any situation. Claim- The claim tab speaks to our impulse for ownership and protection. It is a reminder that we can use our willpower to establish boundaries in order to create safe space for ourselves and the things we care about. When this tab appears, it’s time to take a stand and make sure your voice is heard. If someone is trying to claim something that belongs to you—whether it be physical or intangible, the claim tab reminds you that you have the right to assert yourself and protect what’s yours. At times, this tab can also signal a need for personal boundary setting. If jealousy is making your decisions and taking away your power, then the claim tab invites us to take back our power and not allow envy to control our lives. When the claim tab is drawn, it’s time to be bold and trust that you have the right to speak up for what belongs to you in a way that honors your truth. It’s important to remember that you have just as much right as anyone else—perhaps even more—to value yourself and the things that matter to you. Ultimately, the Claim tab serves as a reminder that it’s never too late to stand up for yourself and claim what is rightfully yours. It's time to take back your power and do whatever it takes to reclaim what belongs to you. Summon your courage—now is the time! Cleanse- The Oracle Tab for the word "Cleanse" is here to help you maintain a sense of balance in your life. It encourages you to be mindful of the energy that surrounds you, and how we must actively purify ourselves from any negative influences. It is an invitation to make sure our environment and mind are clear of toxicity, so we can focus on positive thoughts and nurture our spiritual and physical well-being. The tab reminds us of the power we have over our energy field, and to be aware of any blocks or stagnancy that could be holding us back from living an abundant life. It is also a reminder that by taking time for ourselves, we can fill ourselves with new energy, enabling us to carry out amazing things in the world. Cleanse is ultimately a reminder to be mindful of our physical and spiritual environment, in order to stay balanced and energized. It is an invitation to create a clearer connection with the divine and within ourselves so that we can live life from a place of higher purpose. When we learn to let go of what no longer serves us, then we open up space for more positive energy to flow into our lives. So take the time for yourself and cleanse your space, both inside and out. By connecting with this practice, you will unlock your infinite potential! “Cleanse” is here to remind us that balance is key in order to live a life filled with love and abundance. Purifying ourselves from any negative influences and cleansing ourselves from any stagnant energy is the key to unlocking our true potential. This tab encourages us to take a step back, assess our environment, and practice gratitude for what we have. By taking this action on a regular basis, it will lead us towards greater spiritual growth and clarity in knowing who we are, and why we are here on this journey called life. Command- The tab Command is about finding your voice and taking charge of your life. It speaks to the importance of being direct in our communication and not shying away from expressing ourselves fully. This tab encourages us to take ownership of our words and use them to assert what we want, rather than waiting around for things to happen. By embracing our power and authority, we can become the captain of our own ship and navigate our life with more purpose. Command is also about learning to trust ourselves. We have the power to take charge and find success, no matter how daunting a challenge may seem. Our inner strength can guide us when we are unsure and help us make decisions that serve our highest good. By confidently speaking our truth and standing in our power, we can create positive change that will ripple out to those around us. We all have the capacity within us to take ownership of our lives and command our future. By speaking up and fully expressing ourselves, we can bring about the outcomes we desire for ourselves. It is important not to be afraid of asserting yourself and giving voice to your truth. Command is here to remind us that we have the power to take charge and create the life of our dreams. It's time to find your voice and take control of your life. Take a deep breath, step into your power, and command what you want. You are strong enough to make it happen. Conjure- Conjure is all about making your wishes come true and manifesting them into reality. When you draw this tab, it's an indication that you are being called to take ownership of your power and summon the energy around you to help make what you desire happen. Do not underestimate the power of visualization when calling upon the universe for help in achieving your dreams. Visualize the outcome you want and believe that it will come to pass. Trust in yourself and the universe to make your wishes manifest. Don't forget, anything is possible if you just conjure the right energy! In its essence, Conjure is a reminder that when we put our minds to something and are willing to take action, we can make huge leaps towards achieving our deepest wishes. All we have to do is take a leap of faith and trust in ourselves, the universe, and the power of manifestation. With this tab, you are being called to embrace your power and make your dreams come true! Take advantage of the Conjure Oracle Tab by repeating affirmations that support your desires before you even take action. This will help to put your needs and desires in the forefront of your thinking, as well as remind you that you are capable of achieving anything you set out to do. With a bit of patience and focus on manifesting what you want, your dreams will soon become reality. So use this tab as an affirmation for making wishes come true! Trust in yourself and the universe to make what you want come to pass. All it takes is a bit of creativity, focus, and patience. Believe in yourself and the power of manifestation will do the rest! Cure- This tab is often associated with the feelings of being made whole, a divine healing energy and freedom from any illness. It brings about an energetic shift, allowing us to step into our power and feel a deep sense of peace within. When you draw this tab, it is a reminder that healing comes from within. It may be hard to invite Divine Healing into our lives, but the tab Cure encourages us to open ourselves up and accept its presence. You are encouraged to trust in yourself and your own inner wisdom - allowing you to find your own version of wholeness. This tab can also represent an emotional healing process. It can be a sign that we are ready to face our fears and let go of any past hurts or resentments that no longer serve us. Allowing ourselves to process these emotions in a safe and healthy way can lead to true healing. Cure is also associated with rebirth, renewal and transformation. This tab reminds us that it is possible to come out of difficult situations stronger and wiser. We may have faced obstacles, but the lessons they taught us will serve as a pathway to healing. No matter what situation we find ourselves in, Cure encourages us to be willing to receive whatever it is that we need for our highest good. Releasing any fear or worry can help open us up to the healing energy of love and light. As we accept the healing energy of love and light, true transformation is possible. Dare- Dare is an invitation to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. When you choose to take a chance or go against the grain, it takes bravery and confidence in yourself and faith that things will work out according to plan. The key is to remember there are many paths available in life, and some may not be obvious at first glance. Taking risks and daring to be different can open up a world of possibilities that you've never dreamed of. Dare to take a chance, and have faith that it will work out in the end. The rewards of such brave endeavors may surprise even you! On the flip side, if you feel like life is too overwhelming to take on something new, know that there are also times to sit back and reflect. Even if it’s just a few moments of mindfulness, this is also an important part of the journey. In those moments, be gentle with yourself and recognize how far you have come. You don’t need to take any major leaps right away- small steps are equally as powerful in their own way! Dare isn’t about making rash decisions or ignoring your intuition. Rather, it is about recognizing that there are many paths available in life- some of which may not be obvious at first glance. When you take the time to explore them with faith and an open heart, you just may find the courage to take a chance and create something truly amazing! Dazzle- When the Dazzle tab is pulled, it's a reminder for you to take center stage - to be confident and sure of yourself. The meaning behind this tab serves as an important message: when you feel empowered in your own skin, you can shine like a diamond with grace and vibrancy. The Oracle encourages you to recognize that life brings with it moments of vulnerability, but these moments also offer an opportunity to recognize your inner strength and growth. Trust that you have the power to dazzle and take back control of your life. Dazzle can also signify that it is time for a new creative project or starting a new venture. Feel confident in yourself and believe in your talents - creativity thrives when we feel inspired and empowered to bring our ideas to life. This tab reaches out to the creative spirit within each of us, inviting us to make something beautiful that reflects our unique experience and vision. Take the opportunity presented by this tab to express yourself in new ways - dazzle your world with your brilliance! You have the ability to shine like a diamond and make a lasting impression on everyone you meet. Use the power of this tab to discover new possibilities and never be afraid to trust your inner voice. There is no limit to what you can achieve when you step into your own unique light and share it with the world! Defend- Defend is an oracle tab that comes to us when we need guidance on how to fight for what we believe in. It can also come as a warning against hidden danger and a reminder not to give up even when things seem hopeless. This tab encourages us to stand our ground and stick to our convictions no matter the difficulties ahead. Defend helps us stay true to ourselves and fight for what we care about, whatever the cost may be. It is a sign that our efforts will be rewarded in the end. When this tab appears it is time to take up arms and defend what you hold dear. This tab can come as both an affirmation of strength and courage but also as a warning of potential danger. We must remain vigilant and remember that, with great power comes great responsibility. We can be sure that we will be rewarded for our commitment to what we believe in, as long as we keep fighting until the very end. Defend is a reminder that no matter how overwhelming the odds may seem we must never forget who we are and why it is important to fight for what matters most to us. It is a tab that gives us the strength and resilience we need to maintain our integrity, no matter how difficult the battle may be. Let Defend help you stand tall and strong in the face of adversity. Let this tab serve as your shield and sword in times of chaos. With it, you will never falter in defending yourself or those around you. Fight fearlessly and never give up on your dreams or what is most important to you. No matter the cost, trust in yourself and let Defend guide you forward. Dream- Dreaming is an integral part of life; it's a way to access our inner vision and unlock the potential within us. It allows us to tap into our imagination and create a space for dreams to come alive. But often times, we get stuck in a daydream and don't take action towards making our dreams a reality. It's important to remember that our dreams can be made manifest if we take the time and effort to make them a reality. Dreaming is just the first step; you need to create goals, set up plans, and take action towards reaching your dream. Don't just dream - act on them! With enough work and dedication, you can transform every dream into something tangible. The Oracle tab Dream is a reminder that hard work and dedication will help you achieve your goals. When you dream, don't limit yourself - open your heart to the possibilities that come with it and have faith in yourself. With enough self-belief, we can all make our dreams come true! When feeling overwhelmed or lost, take a step back and remember your dreams. They can help you gain clarity and focus, helping you to stay on track of your goals. Use them as a source of motivation to keep pushing forward - even when the odds seem insurmountable - and never forget why you started in the first place. Enchant- Enchanting energies are all around us. This tab is a reminder that you can be captivated by someone or something and learn to access your own inner enchantment. When this tab appears in a reading, it can indicate that you’re attracting your soulmate into your life, or that you need to focus on activities that bring out the magical qualities within yourself. The enchant tab could be a sign that you’re being allured and seduced by something special - whether it’s a person, circumstance, or situation. Ultimately, this tab acts as a reminder to stay true to yourself and honor your own power through the beauty of enchantment. You may be presented with an invitation to explore your inner power or sense of mystery. Take this as an opportunity to explore your inner depths and understand how you can use enchantment to access your potentials. This could also be a sign that you need to pay attention to the signals around you and find ways to manifest what it is that you desire. Trust your intuition and be guided by what you feel. Enchantment is a powerful tool that can help you manifest your dreams and desires into reality. Allow yourself to stay open to all the possibilities and explore the unknown with courage. Fantasy- Fantasy can be a tricky thing. It often involves something that is too good to be true and is not attached to reality. We may wish for the exciting possibilities of fantasy, but it's important to remember that we need to ground ourselves in a more solid reality. After all, fantasies can only take us so far - eventually, we must get back on solid ground. Therefore, when looking at the Oracle regarding fantasy, it's important to remember that although fantasies can be fun and exciting, there is something much more concrete and tangible waiting for us in the real world if we take the time to find it. If we allow ourselves to get too tied up in fantasies, we may miss out on something real and amazing just around the corner. Moreover, it is important to remember that fantasies can be a great way to escape reality or to experiment with different ideas. However, they should not be taken too seriously as they are often only a temporary reprieve from reality and have no bearing in actual life experiences. It is wise to remember that fantasies are just a momentary escape and should not be taken too seriously. Feel- If you draw the Feel tab, it may be a sign from your intuition that you need to focus on your emotional awareness. Being empathic means being able to sense and understand others emotions, even when they are in different states than our own. With the Feel tab, it's important to stay grounded in your own feelings and not take on someone else’s suffering or emotional baggage. Being able to have empathy and an intuitive understanding of other people can be rewarding, but it is also important to remember that you are still responsible for your own emotional well-being. It's possible that the tab has come up in order to remind you that there is a balance to be found between feeling for others and taking care of yourself first. Remember it’s ok to be compassionate, but also take the time to honor your own feelings. The Feel tab can often indicate a need for deepening our emotional understanding of ourselves and others. If we are practicing self-care, it’s important to remember that any emotions that come up in daily life should not be ignored or suppressed. Instead, it’s important to give ourselves the time and space to truly feel and express our emotions. This can be done through journaling, talking to a trusted friend or simply taking some extra alone time. Whatever your feelings may be, it’s ok to honor them and it's also possible that by doing so you are able to gain greater insight into yourself and others. Fly- Fly is an expression of your will in motion. It is a symbol of freedom and power – the ability to soar above the earthly realm and rise up on wings of spirit. When you see this tab, it can be a reminder that life moves quickly and time flies. Take time each day to appreciate all that you have – this moment may never come again! Fly encourages you to free yourself from the binds of limitation and take flight into the unknown. Trust your intuition and allow yourself to trust in life, even if it means taking a leap of faith. Life is waiting for you on the other side. Fly and find your freedom! Fly also speaks to the power of collective action. When you join forces with others, you can accomplish great things. Connect with like-minded people who share a common vision and together make powerful changes in the world. Your individual strength is multiplied when united with others – so take flight and discover what’s possible! Freeze- When the Freeze tab comes up in your oracle reading, it is a sign that you are feeling stuck in some way. You may feel like you’re frozen in fear and unable to take action on something important to you. While taking appropriate action can be uncomfortable, it is also necessary for growth and transformation. This tab could be telling you that before a rebirth can occur, you need to experience a kind of metaphorical death. To push through the feelings of fear and stagnation, you must go deep within yourself and explore what is really causing them. You may want to take some time for self-reflection to explore these feelings and understand where they’re coming from. Doing this will help you learn more about yourself and make progress in your life. The Freeze tab is also a reminder that change can sometimes take time, and it’s ok to slow down and enjoy the process. Instead of forcing yourself into action, focus on taking small steps in the right direction and trust that better things are on the horizon. Allowing yourself to feel these feelings fully will help you move forward in a positive way. Grant- Grant is a powerful tab that brings with it the promise of an answer you have wished for. It symbolizes your wishes being granted, and shows that the answer is yes. We should go forward with faith in knowing that our desired outcome will come to fruition. As we look at this tab, we can see the magic it holds! Let us open ourselves up to the possibilities and embrace what this tab has to offer. We can look forward with optimism knowing that our wishes will be granted and that the answer is a positive one. Grant encourages us to have faith in our ability to manifest the life we desire for ourselves - whether it be through relationships, wealth or other desires. It reminds us that we should never give up on our dreams, and that if we put in the effort, our wishes will come true. Grant is a tab of hope and optimism - it shows us that we can achieve our goals if we stay focused on what we are trying to accomplish. Let us be open to receiving the blessings that this tab offers! Ground- The energy of the tab "ground" encourages us to reconnect with our physical body and the world around us. It signals a reminder that everything will be ok, even when times are tough. When we can confidently step onto the ground, we know that things have been taken care of - the way is cleared for us to go forward without fear. Take time each day to walk on the earth's surface, whether it's on concrete or grass. Feel the energy of the stability and solidity beneath your feet and allow yourself to be grounded in the present moment. From here, you can make decisions with clarity and trust that everything will work out for the best. When we connect with the earth, we open ourselves up to a sense of peace and security that no other element can provide. Allow yourself to be grounded and explore the possibilities of what lies ahead. Everything will be ok as long as you have stable ground to stand on. May you find stability in your life and know that when the going gets tough, everything is taken care of and you will come out even stronger than before. Grow- With the Oracle tab reading for the word "Grow," it's important to remember that growth is a journey. Look at how far you've come and all of the lessons that have been learned along the way. Growth isn't linear, but it might not always be visible either. Don't judge yourself too harshly--the beauty of life is in its unpredictability and ever-changing nature. Take the time to reflect on the progress you've made so far and recognize all that you have achieved. Each step forward is one closer to reaching your goals and harnessing your true potential. Celebrate these little wins--they are what will ultimately drive you to success. Remember, growth doesn't always mean physical change. Learning and self-improvement come in many forms, so take the time to explore what works best for you. You don't need anyone else's approval or validation--trust yourself and trust your journey. Growth is an ongoing process of learning and understanding more about yourself. Take this opportunity to check in with yourself, reconnect with your goals, and make sure you're still on track. Recharge and rejuvenate--we all deserve a break now and again! Keep your eyes on the prize and remember, with every step forward, you are becoming more of who you were meant to be. Hope- When it comes to the concept of hope, sometimes we may feel that our circumstances are overwhelming and that no matter how hard we try things never seem to work out. But with this Oracle tab, you can be reminded that there is still hope for your situation. No matter where you are in life, always remember to have faith. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and you should never give up. You are capable of so much more than you may realize! Have faith that your situation will work out in your favor. Allow yourself to accept the hope that is within reach. Don't be discouraged by life's challenges, for there is always a way through them with your inner strength and trust in yourself. With the power of hope, you can move through any obstacle with courage and resilience. Whenever you feel discouraged or hopeless, take a minute to remember that there is always something to be hopeful for. Struggles are part of life but it's your perception of them that will help stay strong and determined on your path. So trust your inner strength and have faith that everything will work out for you in the end. Embrace the power of hope and never let it go. Let yourself be filled with love and light as you believe that your dreams will become reality one day. You can do this! Journey- The Oracle Tab for the word Journey speaks loudly: enjoy the journey, look for sunshine and have fun along the way! This tab encourages you to find joy in the moments of your life's journey, no matter what path or direction it takes. It invites you to use difficult times as opportunities for growth and cherishes every moment along the way. This tab serves as a reminder that life is composed of many small moments and actions taken over time. To truly appreciate the journey, it's important to stay mindful and appreciate each step. It's easy to become overwhelmed by the complexities of life, but this tab reminds us to take an active role in our own journey and ensure we don't miss out on any precious moments along the way. Remember, life is a journey and it's important to take the time to smell the roses. Enjoy the little things along the way and relish in all of your successes - no matter how small they may seem. The Oracle Tab for Journey encourages you to find joy in every moment and savor each part of your life's adventure! Listen- When you draw the Listen tab in an Oracle reading, it is a powerful sign that the Universe is speaking to you. It could mean that your ancestors are reaching out to share their wisdom with you or even simply that this is a time for tuning into yourself and hearing your own inner voice more strongly. To truly listen, it’s essential to quiet the mind - this is a time for focusing on the present moment and embracing stillness. Some say that in this moment of stillness, you can hear your destiny calling to you. The answers you seek may already be within - it’s just a matter of tuning in! The Listen tab often symbolizes that you should pay attention to your intuition and trust the guidance of your soul, even if it means going against what those around you are doing. Take the time to listen to yourself first - be confident in whatever path or decision feels right for you. The Universe has a plan for us all and the Listen tab reminds us that we can always tune into this higher guidance. The Listen tab can also be a reminder to open our hearts to the world around us and really hear what others are saying. Open your heart and mind, and be ready to accept even those opinions that may not sit well with you. By listening, we can learn so much about ourselves and each other. With an open heart, you will find yourself connecting with those around you in more meaningful ways. Now is the time to take a step back and just listen. Open your heart, trust the Universe and be ready to receive its messages of wisdom! Manifest- Are you ready to transform your wildest dreams into reality? Manifest is the tab that speaks of taking the first step towards manifesting what you desire. It's about releasing old patterns and stories that no longer serve you, and trusting in yourself that you have all the power within to make your dreams a reality. This tab encourages you to use the law of attraction and/or magick to manifest what you want. Visualize the life and future that you want, focus on your goals, set intentions, and take action towards them. This tab is confirmation that you are powerful and can manifest great things in your life. This tab is an invitation to trust yourself and your intuition as you strive to reach for higher goals. Believe in yourself and don't let anything stand in your way. You are capable of achieving great things if you put your mind to it! Now is the time to manifest your dreams, and be sure to keep an open mind and heart as you journey forward into this new reality. Memories- This tab is saying to you: Be sure to cherish your past, for many good memories are there waiting. Remember that the lost person you seek is never truly gone, and can be found if one searches deeply enough within their heart. There may be hidden knowledge or secrets from the past which will provide invaluable insight in your present journey. Allow yourself to explore these old stories and let them inspire you on your current path. Be bold and brave, for the answers you seek may already be within reach. Do not give up hope, but instead open your heart and discover all that is waiting for you in those precious memories. The forgotten treasures of the past will lead to a brighter future if you allow them to guide you forward. Your life may be full of surprise and joy, if you simply open yourself to the beauty of the things that have come before. The old memories hold a deep truth just beneath the surface, and with some effort and patience, they can help you find your way in life. As you uncover these forgotten stories of your past or the past of your family, you can uncover your own potential for change and growth. This tab could even be an indication it's time to start a memory journal for future generations or look up your own genealogy so you can dig deep into the memories of the ancestors that manifested you into life. Trust in your inner wisdom, and remember that it is never too late to make the most of your past. Be grateful for every moment, and take solace in the knowledge that all memories have a purpose. Your future awaits! Ponder- When you see the tab for Ponder, it is an indication that a wise decision can only be made after taking some time to think. Taking action without any reflection may not lead to desired results. This is why it's important to take the time and consider all options before making a move or choosing a direction. This Oracle tab suggests that you don't need to rush or act in haste. A pause and evaluation are necessary before taking action. It is important to carefully ponder the situation at hand and review all potential outcomes before making a decision. Your intuition will guide you in the right direction if you take your time. When faced with difficult decisions, remember to turn within for answers. Spend some time in silence and peace, to gain clarity on the best next steps. The answers you seek are within. Take time to reflect, contemplate and ponder in order to make a wise decision that will bring lasting joy. Listen deeply to your heart for the right guidance about how to move forward. Trust yourself and your inner wisdom as you navigate this path. With patience, you will find the answers. Protect- The oracle tab for Protect indicates it is time to focus on keeping yourself and those you love safe. You may be feeling vulnerable, but this tab presents an opportunity to protect yourself and your loved ones from potential harm. The message of this tab suggests that now is a time to take extra precautions and create a shield around yourself and the people most important to you. This protection may be physical, emotional, or spiritual – whatever is needed at this time to keep your energy safe and secure. Trust in yourself and the power of love to protect what matters most. This tab also serves as a reminder that it is ok to trust your intuition and take action when necessary. If you are feeling an urge to increase safety measures, take it seriously and act accordingly. Listen to your inner wisdom and have faith that you can protect yourself from harm. Taking the necessary steps now will ensure that everyone remains safe in the long run. Take this as a sign to look out for warning signs, be alert, and trust your gut instinct. The Protect tab means that you are capable of safeguarding yourself and your loved ones from harm. Take this as a sign to create boundaries, be mindful of potential dangers, and act quickly when the need arises. Rest- Rest is not just about getting the physical sleep you need, but also taking time to relax and go easy on yourself. Spend some days doing nothing but engaging in active rest or activities that make you feel relaxed. Taking a break from your daily routine and letting yourself be bathed in peace can help you discover inner strength. Make sure to give yourself the rest you deserve. Resting can also be an opportunity to reflect on past experiences and gain insight into your life's journey. When we take a break from our day-to-day lives, it is easier to remember what matters most and celebrate the small accomplishments that add up over time. Taking some time for rest is essential for achieving balance in your life and maintaining emotional well-being. Sometimes our stressful day-to-day lives can make us forget how important it is to take a break and listen to what our body needs. Make sure you are taking the time for yourself that you need by engaging in activities like yoga, reading, or meditation. Letting yourself rest can be an opportunity to cultivate inner peace and develop a deeper connection with yourself. Remember to take the time to rest, relax, and enjoy life! Allow yourself to rest when you need it; your body and soul will thank you for it. Root- Root is a tab which speaks of deep grounding and connection to the source. This tab encourages us to look at our foundation, to seek out the roots that bind us together, and to focus on those things that define our core values and beliefs. It can also represent a time when we are taking root - when we are planting ourselves firmly in the ground and establishing a strong base for our lives. This tab suggests that it is time to find the root of the problem, to get to the source and clear away any negative or restrictive influences in our life. Root is a reminder that we have the power to create a solid foundation for ourselves and that this can provide us with a strong sense of security and stability. It invites us to take stock of our lives and to focus on creating a strong foundation for our future. Root encourages us to be rooted in spirit, open to the nourishment of life, and ready for growth. Root is a tab that can help us stay connected to our spiritual center and bring balance into our lives. It is an invitation to take time out from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, to reconnect with ourselves and our purpose. This tab reminds us that it is important to take time for reflection, contemplation, and connection with the divine. Root encourages us to let go of all that does not serve us and stay true to our inner path. It can help us move forward in life with a sense of calm assurance knowing that we are connected deeply to our spiritual source. Root is an invitation to delve into the depths of our being and embrace all that we are. It encourages us to stay true to ourselves, to nurture our spirit, and to trust in the divine order of things. This tab reminds us that even when life isn’t easy or straightforward, we always have a connection with something larger than ourselves. Root is a beautiful reminder to plant ourselves in the spiritual soil, take root, and grow into the fullness of our potential. See- When we draw the tab for "see," it is a reminder that our vision extends beyond our physical eyes. To truly see, use your intuition and open your third eye. See with your heart and trust what you feel instead of blindly trusting words and facts. Listen to the messages from the universe that come through in unexpected ways—synchronicities, dreams, and signs. See the patterns of the past to understand the present and prepare for the future. Recognize that there is a bigger picture, one that transcends logic and understanding. It's time to expand our vision beyond the limits of this physical world, trusting in our inner guidance to reveal what it wants us to see. To make sense of life’s puzzle, we must use our intuition as well as our intellect. Open up to the world of possibilities and trust that you will be guided in the right direction. There is a greater truth out there—if you open yourself up to it, you will find answers and clarity. Allow your spiritual vision to guide you through life’s journey. Step back and observe the beauty that exists around you, feeling the peace and joy that comes from seeing with your heart. Finally, remember that what you see in this world is only a reflection of what you hold within yourself. When we look beyond ourselves to view our environment, it is important to be mindful of how our beliefs shape our perceptions. Soar- The Oracle tab for the word "Soar" speaks of great strength, power and potential. It is a reminder that you are meant for greater things - your destiny lies in the stars, so take flight! Take a deep breath and know that this will be a journey of personal growth and exploration. You have the power to achieve greatness; never stop believing in yourself and following your heart. This is the time to take risks and be unafraid of being in the spotlight! You are capable of amazing things, so let your spirit soar to new heights. The future is bright for you - go out and make it a reality! Seize every opportunity that comes your way, even if it seems daunting or intimidating. You have the courage and strength to rise above any challenge and succeed. Remember: you are capable of achieving great things, so don't be afraid of taking risks or being different. Embrace your uniqueness and know that it is part of who you are. With the right mindset, ambition and drive - anything is possible! The tab Soar reminds you of the courage, strength and power that lies within. Harness your inner potential and take flight to a brighter future - you are meant for greatness. Take risks, be unafraid and never stop believing in yourself! With the right attitude, anything is possible. So let go of fear and soar high towards a brighter tomorrow! You have what it takes to reach new heights. So go forth and make your dreams a reality! Sting- You have been attacked or you feel threatened by something in your life. It's time to protect yourself and defend what is yours. Don't be a victim of someone else's power-play; hit them where it hurts so they know not to mess with you again. Show them that no matter how powerful they are, their oppression won't go unchecked. Be prepared to defend yourself and your beliefs; you don't have to be a punching bag for someone else's agenda. Strike back when necessary and make sure they know that it won't be tolerated. Don't let anyone take away your power; use the sting of strength in this situation to protect what is yours. Remember, it's possible to stand up for yourself without being overly aggressive. Be firm and use your voice to assert yourself in a way that makes it clear you won't be taken advantage of. Stay focused on the task at hand, and don't let anyone else's agenda take precedence over your own needs and wants. This is your moment to make a statement and defend what matters most to you. You have the power to take control and make sure that nobody can ever try to take it away from you. Let your sting be a reminder to never forget your power and the importance of standing up for yourself in any situation. You are strong enough to protect yourself - now show them what you're made of! Storm- The Storm tab is a message to you that there might be challenging times ahead. It may feel like the storm has taken over your life, but take heart - the skies will eventually clear and you'll find yourself in calm waters. This storm will pass with strength and courage, no matter how daunting it all seems right now. Remember that the sun will always shine again. Take time for yourself during this period of difficulty. Acknowledge the feelings and emotions you are going through, and remind yourself that it is possible to get through the storm. Though it may not feel like it in the moment, each day brings you closer to a brighter future ahead. Lean on friends and family who can help provide support. They may be able to offer advice or just provide an understanding ear, and connecting with them can help you feel more connected and less alone. The Storm tab is a reminder that it is possible to get through any difficult situation. There is light at the end of the tunnel; take heart and remember that a new day always brings fresh possibilities. Remain strong and trust in your ability to handle whatever comes your way - you will get through the storm! Take care of yourself, be kind to yourself, and stay hopeful. The sun will shine again soon! Use this time to reflect on how far you have come, and all the strength that lies within you. Study- The study tab in an oracle reading represents a deep desire to gain knowledge and understanding of new subject matters. It can indicate that now is the time to move forward and learn something new, or go back to school and pick up where you left off. This tab often encourages you to open your mind and explore topics outside of your comfort zone. It is a reminder to challenge yourself and use your creativity to expand on ideas and concepts that you may have never thought of before. It can also be a sign that it is time to dive deeper into something you are already passionate about, using research and self-study as an opportunity for personal growth. The study tab urges us to make the most of our knowledge and use it to create something new and meaningful. It is a reminder to explore the world around us, as well as within ourselves, for deeper understanding that will help shape our future. Sweep- This tab is a reminder that it's time to clear the metaphorical cobwebs and sweep away all of the mental and physical clutter in your life. All too often, we get stuck in a rut, carrying around unnecessary baggage from our past. It’s time to let go of any thoughts or habits that no longer serve you and make room for something new. Sweep away anything that’s creating stagnation in your life and make a conscious effort to organize, clean up and declutter your space. This could also mean making time for yourself and taking a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It's time to start fresh with a clear slate and create some space for something new. Throw off the dust and open yourself up to new opportunities. Get rid of anything that holds you back from achieving your goals and make room for a bright future! This tab is here to remind you to clear away all of the mental and physical clutter in your life, so go ahead and get started on that big sweep! The rewards will be worth it. Let this tab be your guide to create a life that is fresh and clean, and full of the possibilities you deserve! Sweeten- When the word sweeten appears in your oracle tab reading, it is a reminder that you should savor and enjoy the fruits of your labor. It is an indication that good things are coming your way and encourages optimism. Your current difficulties will soon be forgotten as something sweet takes its place. Hold on to this feeling of hope and look forward to what the world has in store for you. Sweeten your life with gratitude and joy, as these will be your greatest assets during times of trouble. Embrace sweet moments of contentment, knowing that your hard work is bringing sweetness into your life. Take time to relax and appreciate all the good things around you. Place focus on those positive experiences, rather than dwelling on any negative emotions. Enjoy the sweetness of life’s little moments, for these will be remembered long after the difficult times have passed. At the end of the day, remember that no matter what hardships may come your way in life, there will always be something sweet to look forward to. Take time each day to savor the little moments of sweetness in life, for these are what make it truly worth living. With hope and gratitude, you can find inner peace and contentment, and sweeten your life in the process. Touch- The tab drawn in your Oracle Reading for the word "touch" is a sign of great abundance. It's time to open yourself up to receiving what the universe has in store for you – you have the golden touch right now.. Touching gold may be a metaphor for money and wealth in general, as gold symbolizes both material wealth and spiritual value. It is a reminder to take control of your own destiny – whatever you touch may have the potential to become something great. Make sure that whatever money-making endeavors you choose to pursue come from a place of integrity and genuineness, for when we touch upon these qualities, true abundance will flow our way. When it comes to touching on matters of abundance, make sure that whatever you do is something that brings joy to your life. Whatever it is that you touch, may it bring light into the world. As long as you are true to yourself and honor what feels right for you, there will be no shortage of abundance. So go ahead and allow yourself to touch upon what truly resonates with your soul – the universe is listening. Remember that true wealth comes from within and if you follow your heart, the rewards will be plentiful. With each action you take lately, may you feel a sense of prosperity flooding in. This is your reminder to stay open and connected to all that is possible when you are aligned with abundance. Touch on greatness, for it will bring forth an even greater flow of abundance in your life! Transform- When it comes to transformation, this tab is a reminder that the world around you is constantly changing and evolving. It's up to us to embrace these changes and use them as an opportunity to shape our lives in a better way. Transformation can be experienced through personal growth or by taking on new experiences. This tab serves as a reminder that no matter how difficult it may seem, transformation will bring about a positive outcome and help us become even better versions of ourselves. Allow yourself to open up to change and use it as a form of growth instead of resistance. The energy around you is shifting and as you accept the transformation that comes with it, you too can experience true evolution. Embrace the changes that come your way and use them to create the life you desire. Transformation is an opportunity for growth and positive change, so accept it with open arms and use it as a way to make your life even better. The power of transformation is within reach, but it takes courage and determination to unlock it. You are capable of making the changes that will lead you down the path of transformation. Change is not easy, but when embraced with courage and determination, it can be the catalyst that helps you reach your goals. Unlock- When you draw the tab for "unlock," it speaks of opportunities in your life that are waiting to be revealed. It is a time where new doors can open and lead you to unexplored paths. Visualize the golden key that has been within you all along - ready to grant access to these opportunities when used properly. This tab speaks about discovering what is truly possible for you. Take a leap of faith and explore the unknown - it may just surprise you. This tab suggests that the universe is ready to grant you this access, but only if you are willing to put in the work and take initiative. Don't be afraid to unlock these new opportunities and see where they lead! Unlock can also suggest that it is time to open your heart and mind to what the world has to offer. Allow yourself to let go of any preconceived notions or limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. By doing so, you can reveal possibilities that have been hidden in plain sight all along. Ultimately, this tab encourages you to take a step forward and unlock potential waiting for you. With the right combination of determination, faith and courage, you will be able to discover what lies beyond the door. So go ahead and take that first step - who knows what awaits? © Audra English 2024

  • Love Constellations: Mapping Your Romantic Journey in February's Astrology

    By Audra English Love Constellations: Mapping Your Romantic Journey in February's Astrology As we turn the calendar page to the shortest and perhaps most amorous month of the year, February beckons us to explore the celestial undercurrents of love and connection. The ancient art of astrology offers a unique lens through which to view and embrace the romantic energies at play. In this comprehensive blog post, we'll venture into the heart of February's stargazing highlights, tailored for both seasoned astrology enthusiasts and newcomers alike. Whether you're deeply versed in the mysteries of the stars or simply seeking spiritual insights into your love life, February's celestial tapestry is rich with guidance. Astrological Highlights for February: The Stark Movements of Planets and Stars The month of love is not just about Cupid's arrow; it's a cosmic dance that influences our relationships and affections. In February 2024, prepare for a sequence of astrological events that could shape your romantic destiny. February 2nd — Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces Prepare to be whisked away into a dreamy realm of imagination with Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces! ? While pinpointing the nitty-gritty details may become as elusive as a shooting star under this cosmic dance, it's an unrivaled time for conjuring up verses and bringing the vibrant tapestry of your creativity to life. Embrace this mystical alignment and let the muse of astrology guide your pen to craft masterpieces! February 4th — Mercury enters Aquarius Get ready to embrace the digital cosmos! As Mercury flirts with Aquarius for the coming fortnight, our connections become supernova-bright across texts, emails, direct messages, and the social media galaxy. This celestial shift is your ticket to a universe of fresh ideas and innovative thinking. Just keep your cosmic compass aligned with your core beliefs as you navigate this exciting astrological alignment! February 5th — Mercury in Aquarius conjunct Pluto in Aquarius Step into the shoes of a cosmic sleuth today as Mercury aligns with enigmatic Pluto in the progressive sign of Aquarius! Your mission, should you choose to accept it, involves delving into the mysteries of the universe. Let your curiosity lead the way and uncover hidden truths with the power of the stars guiding your every deduction. It's a stellar day for astrological detectives eager to crack the codes of the cosmos! February 6th — Pallas enters Sagittarius Get ready, star seekers! Pallas, the asteroid of savvy strategy and timeless wisdom, is about to make her grand entrance into the realm of fiery Sagittarius! For the upcoming weeks, prepare for an interstellar journey where our minds will soar to new heights. This celestial shift is your ticket to a wondrous exploration of knowledge and values, challenging us to widen our perspectives and embrace every spectacle of life through fresh, sagacious lenses. Buckle up, because we're in for an enlightening ride across the galactic waves of understanding! February 7th — Ceres enters Capricorn Embark on a cosmic quest as Ceres, the celestial nurturer, glides into the steadfast realm of Capricorn! It's a momentous period ripe for initiation and growth. Unleash your inner trailblazer—kickstart ventures, etch your signature in the stars, and sow aspirations for a bountiful Spring. February 7th — Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces Prepare to be dazzled as Mars in Capricorn forms a sparkling sextile with Neptune in Pisces, blurring the lines between our dreams and reality. The cosmos is whispering you to find wonder in the mundane and add a touch of magic to your day. It's an extraordinary time for love to bloom and for weaving enchanting spells under the starlit sky. Embrace the mystical energy; let the stars guide you to unearth hidden beauties of the world! February 8th — Vesta goes direct in Gemini As Vesta awakens from her celestial slumber in the bustling constellation of Gemini, the cosmos bestows upon us a newfound vigor! It's time to channel this energy into a whirlwind of creativity and clarity—a cosmic invitation to rekindle our passions. Imagine your dreams as stars in the night sky; now, with Vesta's guidance, chart a course to connect these radiant beacons and map your journey towards personal greatness. However, under this starry spell, let us embrace the wisdom of the universe with open ears; sometimes the secrets to our aspirations are whispered in the winds of Gemini, waiting for an attentive soul to catch them. So, tune in, for the stars have much to tell to those willing to listen! February 8th — Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus Feel the electric charge in the air as the Sun in Aquarius squares off against Uranus in Taurus! This cosmic dance may awaken a rebellious streak within us, urging to break free and boldly stand against the status quo. Injustice doesn't stand a chance! Are you ready to channel this vibrant energy and become a catalyst for change? The stars compel us to turn our power into action. What spark will you ignite in the world today? Share with us how this alignment moves you! February 9th — New moon in Aquarius Prepare to catch the cosmic wave under the New Moon in Aquarius! This celestial event unlocks the door to a visionary path brimming with possibilities – a path where your wildest dreams are not mere figments of imagination but tangible realities waiting to be grasped. Now is the moment to connect with souls whose gazes are equally fixed on the stars. Together, you’ll forge an alliance of change-makers and thought leaders, poised to catalyze personal growth and collective transformation. Enter this lunar phase with open arms; it's time to architect your future and sculpt your destiny. February 10th — Mercury in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus The stars have a playful warning for those thirsting for celestial insights: Mercury's dance in Aquarius is locking steps with Jupiter's Taurus tango, creating an energetic square that might just tickle your tongue into overconfidence. As you navigate today's cosmic currents, remember—wisdom whispers, while arrogance shouts. Keep your mind as open as the sky and tread lightly on topics where your knowledge is still budding like the first spring blossom. Humility is your guiding star, safeguarding you from the universe’s gentle way of teaching us we still have much to learn. Adventure into the astral knowledge with joy, but let prudence be your trusty companion! February 10th — Lunar New Year/Year of the Dragon Step into the mystical realm of the Wood Dragon! Embrace a year where the stars align to root your aspirations and infuse your spirit with an unwavering resolve. Set your pace in this cosmic cycle to harness steadfast growth—not by the whims of fortune, but through the power of your own constancy. Adventure awaits in the astrological journey—stay tuned with the rhythms of the lunar lore and watch your dreams ascend to celestial heights! February 12th — Mars enters Aquarius As the fiery energy of Mars vaults into the rebellious realm of Aquarius, a cosmic spark ignites within us all! Embrace the exhilarating call to march to the beat of your own drum, and let your imagination soar to celestial heights. Now's the time to unleash your pioneering spirit and carve out a path as unique as the stars! Dare to be different, for the cosmos champions the trailblazers. February 13th — Mars in Aquarius conjunct Pluto in Aquarius Embrace the cosmic spectacle! As Mars dances in alignment with Pluto within the realm of Aquarius, expect a day charged with transformative energies. This celestial union invites you to cast aside the worn-out layers of your being and step boldly into a new dawn of empowerment. Trust the cosmic tide—let the planets guide you to profound personal renewal. Prepare for an epic journey of self-discovery! February 13th — Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces Prepare to be swept off your feet as the stars align for a prelude to Valentine’s Day, brimming with love and imagination. With Venus in steadfast Capricorn forming a harmonious sextile to dreamy Neptune in Pisces, it’s a cosmic invitation to conjure up and actualize your ideal date. Let the celestial energies guide your romantic visions to fruition—chart your course for love's grand adventure with the stars as your witness! February 16th — Venus enters Aquarius Prepare for a cosmic shift in your love life as Venus, the shimmering planet of allure and affection, glides into the trailblazing realm of Aquarius! For the upcoming three weeks, an aura of freewheeling romance fills the air. It's time to explore the romantic wilds and flirt without bounds – the universe has officially declared an open season for hearts. But hold off on locking anything down; what you need now is the space for spontaneous connections. Let your heart lead the way in this exhilarating journey of affection and discovery! February 16th — Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus Before clicking send on that next message, hold up! Let the stars be your guide and take a cosmic pause to review. With Mercury in Aquarius squaring off against unpredictable Uranus in Taurus, even the smallest slip could send ripples through your universe. And fellow travelers, align your watches with the celestial dance. Timing is everything when planets play hard to get. Let's navigate the astrological web with care – your peace of mind is written in the stars! February 17th — Venus in Aquarius conjunct Pluto in Aquarius Cosmic winds of change are sweeping through our love lives, stargazers! As Venus in Aquarius aligns with the transformative power of Pluto, also in the sign of the water bearer, we're beckoned to release the chains of past loves and usher in an era of profound connections. It's a celestial invitation to declutter your emotional world—hit that block button on toxic ties, spark up new and exciting friendships, or perhaps discover a deeper bond with someone already close to your heart. Embrace the liberation and let your heart orbit towards true joy and fulfillment. Don't just navigate through the astral shift—dance with the stars! February 18th — Sun enters Pisces As the Sun glides into the dreamy realm of Pisces, the chill of winter begins to melt away. Energies shift and we awaken, emerging vibrant and renewed from our seasonal slumber. The cosmos invites you to embrace the next four weeks with wonder and warmth. Open your heart to the enchanting influence of Pisces, promising periods filled with inspiration and gentle kindness. Let the stars guide you out of the frost and into the bloom of new possibilities. February 21st — Venus in Aquarius conjunct Mars in Aquarius Stars are aligning to ignite radical transformations in your personal universe! With Venus and Mars joining forces in innovative Aquarius today, expect a cosmic shake-up in your connections. Some ties might rocket to new heights, while others that just don't vibrate with your frequency could gently unravel. Embrace change as you forge forward, releasing what's behind and creating space for the thrilling advancements. This celestial dance is your ticket to the next chapter of your relational voyage. Are you ready to tune into the rhythm of the cosmos? February 22nd — Mercury enters Pisces Prepare to dive into the cosmic waters of Pisces as Mercury sets sail on a celestial voyage into the sign of the fish! In the upcoming fortnight, our minds dance to the rhythm of the universe, weaving together a tapestry of dreams and inspirations. As the planet of communication bathes in Pisces' mystical streams, expect a deluge of creativity to enrich your soul. Embrace this ethereal wave, but heed this celestial cue: anchor your visions in the sands of reality to journey from the nebulous dreamscape to the tangible world. February 24th — Full moon in Virgo Prepare for a celestial spectacle, as the full moon in Virgo illuminates the skies! As you ride the cosmic waves of this lunar event, you might find yourself dancing in a cosmic tug-of-war. On one side, the luminescent moon whispers tales of tranquility and rest; on the other, the Virgo's diligent spirit nudges you towards the dance of duties. Embrace the meticulous energy of Virgo—the stars suggest it's time to prioritize your tasks under this moon's watchful gaze! February 24th — Venus in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus Let the cosmic dance of Venus in Aquarius and Jupiter in Taurus sprinkle some stardust on your day—lighten up and embrace the magic of spontaneity! The universe is hinting that a dash of levity is your secret potion for today. So, chuck seriousness out the window and let the celestial tides steer your ship. You may just find your troubles dissolving into the cosmic ether as you whirl along with the stars' playful rhythm! February 27th — Mars in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus Prepare to be swept up in a celestial tidal wave of change, as Mars in Aquarius clashes with Jupiter in Taurus! This cosmic dance challenges us to shed the old and don a cloak of innovation. Embrace the boundless possibilities—dare to let go of outworn customs and bask in the excitement of revolutionizing your life and this vast, wondrous universe. Don't be shackled by a system that's lost its sparkle. Let the stars guide you to a brighter, more exhilarating tomorrow! February 28th — Sun in Pisces conjunct Mercury in Pisces Embark on an astrological adventure where the dreamy Pisces sun dances alongside Mercury in Pisces, weaving a tapestry of vivid dreams and possibilities! This cosmic blend may tickle your imagination with enthralling "what ifs." Revel in this fantastical journey, but take care to anchor yourself before you're swept away by the riptide of your own musings. Dive deep into the mysteries of the stars without letting the current of ideas pull you into the fathomless depths. February 28th — Sun in Pisces conjunct Saturn in Pisces Prepare to be mesmerized by the cosmic dance as the Sun and Saturn meet in the dreamy realm of Pisces. Today marks a momentous occasion where your diligent efforts align with the stars, bringing the potential for your deepest aspirations to manifest into reality. It's a powerful day to unveil the magic within you, to transform your essence, and to step boldly into an image that resonates with your soul’s purpose. Feel the celestial energy coursing through your veins and get ready to dazzle the world with your radiance. Dive into astrology and discover how this unique conjunction can unlock doors to your destiny! February 29th — Mercury in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus Seize the magic of this rare leap day as the cosmos aligns in your favor! With Mercury in Pisces dancing in harmony with Jupiter in Taurus, the universe is conspiring to guide you. This auspicious celestial connection promises to illuminate your decisions with wisdom, propelling you towards your star-studded destiny. Embrace the energy and set intentions that resonate with your soul’s journey. Love According to the Signs: February's Romantic Prophecies Each zodiac sign will navigate distinct energies in the pursuit of love this month. From the fiery passion of Aries to the dreamy affections of Pisces, the stars lay out a lover's road-map that beckons exploration. Aries (March 21 – April 19) For Aries this February, prepare for a surge in your intuitive senses that's set to spice up your month! This isn't your typical Valentine's—whether or not romance is in the air, it's time to throw a spotlight on the other loves of your life: your friends. Appreciate the joy these special bonds bring, because these connections promise to sprinkle a little extra magic on your year ahead. 2024 is the Year of the Dragon, and as the Lunar New Year unfolds, it invigorates you to channel your inner dragon. Be daring in your endeavors, but tread lightly to avoid any unwanted fireworks. As the season shifts and Pisces takes the celestial stage, your sixth sense flourishes. Now's the moment to dive into tarot readings or decode your dreams. Keep your intuition sharp; it's about to deliver insights on that lingering worry. Stay tuned and trust in your own wisdom to lead the way. Taurus (April 20 – May 20) February brings a spotlight to your career, Taurus, setting the stage for recognition of your diligent efforts. The winds of success are even stronger when you invite others to join your journey. It's time to step up — don't be shy about asking for what you need. Think of it this way: the more noise you make, the more attention you'll receive. As we welcome the Lunar New Year and the Year of the Dragon, let it be a reminder of your inner fire. Be bold, for you're tougher than you believe. This month, your focus is to turn aspirations into reality. You might be so swept up in your progress that Valentine's Day could slip your mind. If love is sharing your life, be sure to communicate your ambitions; it's crucial to ensure your special someone feels cherished. Once Pisces season rolls in, you've earned the right to kick back and enjoy quality time with friends. Celebrate your achievements, Taurus — relaxing isn't just enjoyable, it's essential, and it primes you for more triumphant days ahead. Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Hey Gemini! Get ready for a February that's about to redefine your world. It's time for some eye-opening moments and major career wins, but they come with a little homework: stay open to learning from those around you. Sure, you're smart, but even smarty-pants can discover epic new insights by admitting they don't have all the answers. Now, the universe knows money matters aren't always a piece of cake, but this February is dripping with a cosmic chance to cash in on some good fortune. There's a bit of inner digging required – no stress, though, it's all part of beefing up your soul muscles. And when the new moon blankets the sky in Aquarius' innovative vibes, you'll be way too caught up in the buzz of life to sweat the small stuff. Just lean into the ride and let this month teach you what it's here to teach: how to level up in life big time. Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Get ready, Cancer, for an electrifying February that promises love, personal growth, and a touch of enchantment! With Valentine's Day around the corner, feelings intensify, setting the scene for romance and heartwarming connections. This month, you're stepping into a journey of self-discovery. It’s the perfect time to tap into your inner power—why not try something transformative or dabble in a little whimsy? Imagine starting your mornings with peaceful meditations or ending them with indulgent, relaxing baths. A new moon in the innovative sign of Aquarius nudges you to explore unique self-care rituals. Ever thought about channeling the energy of your deepest desires? Well, your stars are aligned to show you just how. And with Mars, the planet that fuels our drive, moving into Aquarius, you’ll be searching for your perfect equilibrium of inner peace and bold self-assertion. As you navigate shifts in your work life or find yourself pondering life's big questions, you'll embark on a path of growth that's further deepened when we drift into the dreamy season of Pisces. Over these weeks, expect to find yourself reflecting and adapting to the changes swirling around you. Wrapping up February, a full moon in detail-oriented Virgo highlights the payoff from the intentions you set earlier in the month. So, Cancer, are you ready to harness the magic of the month? Get set for a ride that's as rewarding as it is thrilling! Leo (July 23 – August 22) Attention, Leo! A season of romance is aligning in your stars this Valentine's Day, with a hint of magick in the air, on one special condition. The secret lies in the joy of giving, which can be just as rewarding as receiving. As someone who loves the limelight, remember, it's not always about you. This month, shake off the green-eyed monster of jealousy. Instead of waiting for invitations, flip the script and be the one to reach out. By doing so, February promises to turn up the heat with passionate encounters. As the sun glides into Pisces, your creative energies surge in ways often overlooked. Embrace this month's vibrant social scene—but no sulking at home! Yet, as the month unwinds to a close under Virgo's full moon, indulge in some self-care and beauty rest, recharging your radiant Leo spirit. Virgo (August 23 – September 22) Attention all Virgos! Your cosmic connection this month comes from the wise Hermit tarot card. Forget what they say about being a shy introvert; February is waving a green flag, inviting you to embrace some well-deserved downtime. It's your official celestial permission slip to relax and rejuvenate! As you bask in this serene vibe, don't let your social sphere gather dust. You're known for setting the high-score in the perfectionism game, Virgo, but remember, sharing your personal limits and desires is just as crucial for harmony. Talking about work, the universe is dropping hints of success. Mars is making power moves that could see you climbing that career ladder faster than usual. Stay sharp, and you might just see rewards heading your way - think recognition, not necessarily dollar bills. And in the heart department? Get ready for an epic crescendo in your most cherished bond (wink, wink, we're not naming names). As the month winds down, a stirring full moon in Virgo spotlights 'big finish' energies. Whether that stirs up delightful shivers of pleasure or cements a friendship like superglue, it's going to be one memorable finale! So, Virgos, gear up for February's celestial ride—it's set to be a blend of chill and thrill! Libra (September 23 – October 22) Dear Libra, It's impossible to totally ignore the love in the air when it's your ruling planet Venus in the spotlight. The day dedicated to hearts and flowers might stir some feelings, but guess what? The stars are hinting that an even brighter romantic spark could light up your life just a little later in the month – think post-Valentine’s glow. February isn't just about sweet candies and love notes; it's also your cue to indulge in a little splendor. Whether it's trying out a posh skin cream or treating yourself to a trendy new accessory, this month encourages you to shower yourself with some well-deserved affection. Self-love is in vogue, particularly if you prefer flying solo. Remember, Venus isn't only the patron of romance; she's a fan of all kinds of love – the kind you share with friends, family, or even the kind that blossoms from within. And once Pisces season rolls around, it's all about you embracing the self-indulgence. So go ahead and pamper to your heart’s content, dearest Libra. Enjoy every moment of adoration and remember – this February, the universe is your Valentine! Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) Scorpio, gear up for a fabulous February as someone from your friends' zone steps up, making you feel right at home! It's your moment to ease down those walls—it's about striking that sweet balance between personal space and not keeping the world at arm's length. You cherish your solitude but sometimes, solitude turns into a little hideaway. This month is your invitation to mingle, be seen, and just say 'yes' to hangouts. With the new moon casting its magic, good fortune weaves into encounters you'll have, igniting exciting beginnings. It’s more than just fun times; these gatherings could spark amazing career and love sparks in the most unexpected ways! When Pisces season rolls in, get ready for things to heat up in the passion department—embrace the self-love and pampering you deserve. And for the grand finale? The month wraps up with a radiant full moon bringing sweet, joyful surprises that could light up your world. So this February, challenge yourself to step out—life’s waiting with open arms for those social RSVPs you’re thinking twice about. Say yes, and who knows what thrilling chapters are about to unfold! Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) Hey Sagittarius! Your go-getter spirit and self-reliance are total power moves. But guess what? This month's stars say it's okay to lean on others sometimes. Lucky for you, Jupiter's got your back, making you a magnet for good vibes – you just gotta be willing to ask for that magick. And hey, since February's the month of love and all things new, why not take the plunge and make those Valentine’s Day plans first? Trust me, it'll pay off. Plus, we're welcoming the Year of the Dragon, which is basically your fire-sign soulmate. It's fierce, feisty, and all about making a splash. The real deal here? Being brave enough to reach out for help is your secret weapon this month. Shake things up, embrace that Dragon energy, and watch as the pieces fall into place! Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) Get ready, Capricorn, for a whirlwind of activity as Mercury dashes into Aquarius! Your calendar might be brimming, but being on the move keeps you joyful. Just remember to carve out moments for companionship—it's the season of reciprocity, and your presence is a gift someone close may dearly need. Plus, there’s nothing like having a trusty friend when you’re the one reaching out. As the new moon ushers in fresh career vibes, you're at a crossroads: embrace a more relaxed work-life rhythm or pour your energy into a blossoming side project. Love is also in the air and with Mars and Venus cozying up in your 2nd House of Possessions near Valentine's, expect romance to flourish alongside promising financial prospects. But the spotlight really comes on with the late-month full moon, emphasizing the importance of winding down. Balance is key – make sure you schedule some well-deserved rest among the successes! Aquarius (January 20 – February 18) As we bid farewell to Aquarius season, get ready for an exhilarating February! It's not just about passing the baton to Pisces—this month is showering you with tantalizing moments under a seductive full moon and the chance to indulge in some opulence. But to fully embrace these celestial delights, it's time to put yourself at the forefront. Aquarius, you're the zodiac's care taker, often placing others' needs above your own. Now, Mercury's wisdom gently nudges you: When you're feeling uncertain, it's perfectly fine to take a pause. Remember, sometimes no action is the best action. Valentine's Day brings its own vibe, and whether it's a holiday you adore or could do without, the universe has some affection in store for you. Mid-month might just bring a sprinkle of romance your way, so why not open your heart a touch and let the love flow in? And as the sun says goodbye to your sign, transitioning into soulful Pisces, rest assured—you can still make a splash. The planets may not pay our bills, but they're aligning to boost your financial fortunes. Get ready to ride the cosmic waves to prosperity! Pisces (February 19 – March 20) Happy Birthday, Pisces! Your season kicks off this month, setting the stage for some eye-opening experiences. Look forward to an insightful new moon at the start of February, shining a light on matters you’ve been pondering. Soon after, a radiant full moon calls you to take decisive steps based on these newfound insights. Before we dive into Pisces season, Mars will make a splash in Aquarius, nudging you towards boldness—this is your time to learn the power of "no." Yet, this is just the warm-up. Once Piscean waves start flowing, honoring your needs becomes key. So, embrace celebration in your style—be it a bash or a cozy night in. Love is in the air too, with Venus sprinkling some early charm your way. And as the sun shimmies into Pisces, you'll become the beacon of enlightenment everyone admires. This is more than just a new chapter; it's a promise to honor yourself. You've got every right to joy and achieving your heart's desires. Let's make this a season to remember! For those who look beyond the physical realms, there are also spiritual and ritual aspects of love in astrology to consider this month. Engage with love spells catered to your zodiac sign, or meditate on the cosmic energies to draw in the love vibrations you seek. In taking a look at historical astrological patterns, past Februaries have set the stage for enduring romances and sudden infatuations alike. This year, the tradition continues but with its own unique planetary twist, all revolving around the profound theme of love. Embracing February's Astrology: The Stars Align for Love Let February's stars guide you to a deeper understanding of love and relationships. With astrology as your celestial compass, embark upon a journey of the heart that promises enlightenment, challenges, but above all—growth. Ultimately, as you navigate this month's constellation of love, remember that the stars offer direction but do not determine destiny. Your free will, coupled with celestial insight, crafts the narrative of your romantic experiences. February's astrology reaffirms that love—like the cosmos—is vast, mysterious, and infinitely beautiful.

  • Page 1 of 365. Time to Start a New Chapter. Shift Your Energy in 2024 & Manifest Your Dreams.

    By Audra English 2024 can't come any sooner! 2023 cosmically was a year full of past life karma biting back and hard lessons sneaking up on us. We are almost out of the tunnel and there most certainly is a bight light of a New Year full of luck and possibilities waiting on the other side for us. It is time to shift your energy in 2024 & manifest your dreams. Each New Year, we look towards the potential clean slate the upcoming year brings with it, but 2024 holds even more to look forward to and even more potential than usual because we just went through a very intense astrological energy shift with several retrogrades that shook many of us to our core. We will get a chance to reap the rewards of the lessons we just learned. But only, if we decide to get our energy where we need it to be. Those of us that are ready for it will experience what is called a quantum leap and we will be able to manifest everything we've been working on almost instantaneously. This is why this New Year, it is ESSENTIAL for you to have it planned and written out in full detail. You are literally getting an opportunity to be in command of your story and don't want to leave it up to fate. To do so is to take a chance that you could be missing out and letting the moment, people, and experiences that you hold most dear slip on by. You need to claim it NOW! The Universe is listening and manifestation powers are at an all time high starting on January 1st when the last of the retrogrades finally end. So, this is an opportunity you need not waste! This is your turning point and all signs point to a very abundant year for you, IF you'll accept these blessings by asking for them and opening your energy to receive them! Activities you can start doing now and into January to make the most of your New Year: Get a new Calendar and write down important dates for 2024 including: Full Moon New Moon Eclipses Sabbats Retrogrades Set your intentions, by writing them and planning them out. To write down something gives it a lot more energy and gives you a leg up on achieving it. Set your intentions as: Monthly Bi-Yearly (what you want to achieve 6 months from now) Yearly (what you want to achieve by this date next year) You can also categorize your intentions: Health Career Family Love Life Self Love Mental Balance Spiritually Get your aura or chakras cleansed and find a program to keep your energy clean and clear for the New Year. We offer our Aura Cleanse, In-Depth Chakra Cleanse, and Chakra Potion Elixir which are perfect for this time of year. Those are easy and proven to work methods to start your year off right. We also suggest some of Dr. Joe Dispenza's free guided meditations you can use on Youtube. Here is Audra's favorite morning meditation and afternoon/before bed meditations you can start doing daily to see some major energy shifts in yourself and your ability to manifest: Morning meditation: Night meditation: Get yourself a tarot reading to help give you upcoming guidance for the year. Audra will be offering her 10 card spread and 2024 wishes spell which you can purchase from her HERE, but feel free to reach out to your favorite reader or do one for yourself. Release anything you don't want to take with you into 2024. This has been a hard year and we've seen many endings happen in our own lives and in the lives of several of our friends and clients. We've grieved, we've been angry, we've been feeling lost and disoriented. It's time to take the lessons we've learned from those experiences and leave those feelings of pain and loss behind us. Those feelings no longer serve us and we don't want 2024 to be shaped by them. Consider this ritual to help you move on: Get two pieces of paper. One will be labeled “Painful Experiences” and the other will be labeled “Lessons Learned” Make a list of the pain and hurt you've experienced this year under the paper Painful Experiences and write on the other page the positives you can take from those experiences and the lessons they've taught you. Write down all your feelings associated with those experiences on the first page. If you need more paper to truly get it all out, by all means, take as much time and paper as you need! You want all of it to flow out of you. On the paper titled Lessons Learned, write down what you can do, going forward to make sure you put those lessons to good use and ensure you don't have to repeat any pain or trauma because the lessons were truly learned by you. Once you're done with both papers, fold the paper with lessons learned, put it in an envelope labeled “Lessons to carry with me into the New Year” and keep it somewhere special. With the other papers, put them in an envelope which you will label “Pain and trauma I'm letting go of”. Now you can burn the papers in the “Pain and Trauma I'm letting go of” envelope and dump the ashes outside, or tear up the envelope and papers and take them out to the trash to get carried to the dump where that pain belongs. Resolve to try and re-focus your energy on your new goals and happiness each time those memories pop up. Don't allow them a place at the table in 2024. De-clutter! The more the space around you is organize, the more the space within you will be organized. The saying “Cleanliness is next to godliness” is true. Your divinity and true inside Goddess/God cannot dwell in a disheveled and disorganized environment, so start cleaning, take the time to make a new cleaning schedule, and if needed, get some help by investing in a maid service or asking a friend to give you a hand. Here are some areas you might want to focus your cleaning efforts on: The home, deep clean by dusting, getting rid of clothes and things you no longer use, regularly make beds, etc. Clean off your phone, FB profile, delete old emails and messages that are “junk” or give you negative energy when reading them. Clean your car... hire someone to do a full detail and make sure your car is in good order. Clean the office. Get rid of any clutter and consider better systems of organization. Put up any decor that makes you feel happy and inspired. Deep clean the fridge, freezer, and pantry of any junk and low vibrational food. Make plans for healthier meals that feed your body and energy. Sage your space. Open all the windows and sage each and every room. Let the house air out and welcome new and abundant energy to surround you. Clean off any energy tools/crystals, etc. Use salt, moon light, sun light, candle light, saging, etc to clear and recharge them. Enter the new year with fresh energy for everything around you. Set new energy goals for yourself. Since everything around you is getting a good clean, (including yourself if you get your aura/chakras cleansed), you'll want to keep this new energy going and protect your vibe: Commit to meditating at least once a day for 15 mins MINIMUM! More if possible. You may need to work up to it if you're just starting out. Read self help, positive, and inspirational books and reading materials. Try to stay away from anything negative or fear based. Protect your energy! Consider getting into a new creative hobby like music lessons, singing, drawing, painting, coloring, crafts, etc. Listing to high vibrational music while pursing your creative outlets. Consider joining a gym or taking yoga classes. Sweat, move, and dance! Get sunlight for at least 15 mins a day. Turn off all screens by a set time each night and stick to your schedule. Make a commitment to drink more water and drink less alcohol and caffeine. This list will help you organize and figure out your energy goals for 2024 so that you're able to manifest your dreams and desires in 2024. I would take a good 2-3 months really making this list a reality and not feel pressured to get all this done in one day (JANUARY 1st) because real change takes baby steps. Consider getting a digial planner or printing off some planner pages (etsy is full of them) so you can break this down and work on this list. Robin also offers life coaching sessions which can help you organize and set all this in motion in an efficient way for yourself if you're needing some professional energy guidance. Here is a list of events to take note of in 2024 so you can get started on writing them down for yourself and knock one of these off the list now! Full/New Moon Dates of 2024: January 11th- New Moon January 25th- Full Moon February 9th- New Moon February 24th – Full Moon March 10- New Moon March 25th – Full Moon (Lunar Eclipse) April 8th- New Moon (Solar Eclipse) April 23rd- Full Moon May 7th- New Moon May 23rd- Full Moon June 6th- New Moon June 21st- Full Moon July 5th- New Moon July 21st- Full Moon August 4th- New Moon August 19- Full Moon September 2nd- New Moon September 17th- Full Supermoon (Lunar Eclipse) October 2nd- New Moon (Solar Eclipse) October 17th- Full Moon November 1st- New Moon November 15th- Full Moon November 30th- New Moon (Black Moon) December 15th- Full Moon December 30th- New Moon Spring Equinox- March 19th Summer Solstice- June 20th Autumn Equinox- September 22nd Winter Solstice- December 21st Planetary Retrogrades: January 1st- Mercury Direct January 27th- Uranus Direct April 1st- Mercury Retrograde April 25th- Mercury Direct May 2nd- Pluto Retrograde June 29th- Saturn Retrograde July 2nd- Neptune Retrograde August 5th- Mercury Retrograde August 28th- Mercury Direct September 1st- Uranus Retrograde October 9th- Jupiter Retrograde October 11th- Pluto Direct November 15- Saturn Direct November 25th- Mercury Retrograde December 6th- Mars Retrograde December 7th- Neptune Direct December 15th- Mercury Direct If you want to add in all the pagan Sabats and holidays, this page is a great resource: We also have several new New Years spells that are customized to the energy of 2024 to get the most manifestation for you over the next year. They will be available all of January or until they are sold out if they come with potions/charms. You can find them here: 7 Day 2024 Quantum Shift Spell Package ~ Expect HUGE shifts of energy! Body Shift ~ New Years Weight Loss & Beauty Spell Mind Shift New Year’s Wisdom & Intelligence Booster Spell Soul Shift New Year’s High Vibration Re-Set & Cleanse

  • Winter is Officially Here! Get Ready for Seasonal Winter Magick!

    By Audra English Happy Winter Solstice! Winter is officially here, get ready for seasonal winter magick. The winter solstice represents a pivotal moment in nature's rhythm. It's the astronomical phenomenon when Earth's axial tilt is farthest from the sun, resulting in the shortest period of daylight. Cultures across history have revered this celestial event, often associating it with the rebirth of the sun and the promise of renewed light, hope, and life. Here are a few ideas to help celebrate the season and bring a little magick into your home during these cold winter months: Candle Magick: As daylight slowly begins to increase after the solstice, candle magick becomes particularly potent. Lighting candles in colors associated with the season (such as red for energy, green for growth, and white for purity) and meditating on your intentions can help manifest desires and welcome the increasing light. Intent Setting Rituals: Perform rituals or ceremonies that focus on setting intentions for the upcoming year. This could involve writing down goals, wishes, or affirmations and burying them in the earth or burning them as offerings to the universe. Yule Log Rituals: Utilize the Yule log tradition even after the solstice. Carve symbols or words representing what you wish to manifest in the coming year onto a log and burn it in a ceremonial fire. As it burns, visualize your intentions taking shape. Nature Connection: Take walks in nature, acknowledging the subtle but noticeable lengthening of daylight. Connect with the Earth by planting seeds or bulbs indoors, symbolizing new beginnings and growth. Divination and Reflection: Engage in divination practices such as tarot readings, scrying, or rune casting to gain insight into the energies of the year ahead. Reflect on the lessons of the past year and contemplate how you can grow spiritually in the upcoming months. Gratitude and Feasting: Express gratitude for the blessings in your life. Host a feast or a small gathering with loved ones, sharing stories, expressing thanks, and focusing on the abundance of the season. Meditation and Inner Work: Practice meditation or inner reflection to align with the changing energies. Focus on releasing what no longer serves you and welcoming new opportunities for growth and transformation. May this winter solstice and Yule bring you peace, blessings, and the fulfillment of your heart's desires. Blessed be, Audra

  • 12:12 Portal: A Potent Time For Setting Intentions, Releasing the Old, and Welcoming New Beginnings.

    By Audra English The 12:12 Portal is an astrological event that occurs on December 12th each year, marking a significant moment in cosmic energy alignment. It's a powerful time for spiritual awakening, manifestation, and transformation. This portal is considered a gateway to higher consciousness, enabling individuals to harness its energies for personal growth and manifestation through various spiritual practices, including spellwork. Understanding the 12:12 Portal: Numerologically, the number 12 symbolizes completion, harmony, and spiritual fulfillment. The alignment of the 12:12 date amplifies these energies, creating a potent time for setting intentions, releasing the old, and welcoming new beginnings. Astrologically, during this period, the Earth and the spiritual realm are closely connected, allowing for easier access to spiritual guidance and manifestation. Manifestation and Spellwork during the 12:12 Portal: The heightened energy of the 12:12 Portal can enhance the effectiveness of spellwork and manifestation rituals. Here are some ways to utilize this energy: Setting Intentions: Use this time to reflect on your goals, desires, and intentions for the upcoming year. Write down specific, positive affirmations or intentions you wish to manifest in your life. Be clear and specific about what you want to attract. Cleansing and Releasing: Perform rituals or spells that focus on releasing old patterns, negative energies, or anything that no longer serves your highest good. This could involve burning herbs, meditating, or practicing visualization techniques to let go of the past. Meditation and Visualization: Meditate during the 12:12 Portal to connect with higher consciousness. Visualize your intentions manifesting in your life. Envision yourself already in possession of what you desire, feeling the emotions associated with achieving your goals. Rituals and Spells: Engage in spellwork that aligns with your intentions. This could involve candle magic, crystal grids, incantations, or any practice that resonates with you. Focus your energy and intention while performing these rituals, harnessing the amplified energies of the portal. Gratitude Practice: Express gratitude for the blessings in your life and for the manifestations yet to come. Gratitude amplifies positive energy and aligns you with the frequency of what you want to attract. Remember, the 12:12 Portal is a time of heightened energy, but the effectiveness of spellwork and manifestation ultimately depends on your belief, intention, and the actions you take towards your goals. It's essential to approach these practices with a positive mindset, openness, and respect for the energies present during this time. Manifestation and spellwork are deeply personal, so tailor your rituals to align with your beliefs and intentions. Harnessing the energies of the 12:12 Portal can be a powerful way to initiate positive changes in your life, paving the way for growth, abundance, and spiritual evolution. Blessed Be, Audra

  • Unveiling Venus in Scorpio: Exploring Passion and Abundance in This Month's Celestial Dance

    By Audra English Unveiling Venus in Scorpio: Exploring Passion and Abundance in This Month's Celestial Dance Astrology has long associated Venus with love, beauty, and material wealth. Similarly, Scorpio embodies intensity, transformation, and depth. When Venus enters Scorpio, these energies intertwine, influencing various aspects of our lives—especially our finances and relationships—bringing forth intriguing insights and opportunities. When Venus enters Scorpio on December 4th-29th, several key aspects might come into play: Intense Emotions: Scorpio is a sign known for its depth, intensity, and passion. When Venus, representing love and relationships, enters this sign, it can intensify emotions in romantic relationships. It may encourage a desire for deeper connections, increased intimacy, and a more profound understanding of our emotional needs and desires. Transformation in Relationships: Scorpio is associated with transformation and rebirth. Therefore, Venus in Scorpio may bring about transformations in relationships. This could involve the shedding of old patterns, the need for honesty and authenticity in partnerships, and a push for more profound emotional connections. Increased Sensuality: Scorpio is a sensual sign, and when Venus, the planet of love and pleasure, moves into this sign, it may intensify sensuality and passion. This period could prompt exploration of sensuality on a deeper level, both in relationships and personal experiences. Power Dynamics: Scorpio energy often delves into power dynamics and issues of control. Venus in Scorpio may highlight these dynamics in relationships, prompting individuals to reevaluate power imbalances and work towards creating more equitable and balanced partnerships. Financial Focus: Venus also relates to money and material possessions. When in Scorpio, there might be a focus on shared resources, investments, and financial matters within relationships. It may encourage a deeper understanding of financial dynamics and joint ventures. Exploration of Hidden Desires: Scorpio energy is associated with exploring hidden desires and uncovering deeper truths. During Venus's transit in Scorpio, there might be a tendency to delve into unexplored emotional territories, confront deeper feelings, and face intense emotions related to love and relationships. Here's a brief overview of how Venus entering Scorpio might affect each zodiac sign: Aries (March 21 - April 19): Prepare yourself for an electrifying phase ahead, set to kindle flames of passion and strengthen bonds in your relationships! During this aspect, you'll be gearing up for an exhilarating expedition through your emotions, where trust and closeness will be explored in captivating ways. Allow the enchantment of this period to deepen your ties and unleash a surge of fervor and ardor unlike any other. You'll want to use this chance to plunge into the depths of your emotions and embark on a captivating escapade with your loved ones. This phase encourages you to boldly venture into the realms of trust and intimacy, unveiling the potential for profound connections. You are in for a whirlwind of emotions as you immerse yourself in the enchanting and passionate universe of nurturing relationships! Taurus (April 20 - May 20): With your ruling planet entering Scorpio, it is time to prepare to enter a realm where finances and shared resources take center stage. Tantalizing opportunities for exponential financial growth is on the horizon. Through new alliances and enchanting investments, your path will be illuminated towards the bountiful treasures that await you. Embrace this magical journey and unlock the door to unimaginable prosperity! Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Get ready for a cosmic boost in your relationships as Venus enters the mysterious realm of Scorpio! Now is the perfect time to nurture your love connections and dive deep into the realm of open communication. Say goodbye to conflicts and embrace a harmonious path towards resolution. Let the magick of Venus in Scorpio weave its enchanting spell over your relationships! Use this moment wisely, especially since your ruling planet will be going into retrograde on the 12th of this month. Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Get ready for a transit that will put the spotlight on your work and health! This is your chance to level up your daily routines and turbocharge your work relationships. An increase of potential income is very possible if you play your cards just right and allow inspiration and transformation to occur during this phase. Don't miss out on the opportunity to make positive changes and unlock your full potential. Let's get cracking and redefine what it means to be a true powerhouse! Leo (July 23 - August 22): Let your creativity and romance soar! Experience a burst of passion and expression in your love life and creative endeavors. This period is full of excitement and opportunity for you to embrace your passions and make your dreams come true. Don't hold back – seize the moment and let your imagination run wild. Prepare to be swept off your feet by endless possibilities and let your heart guide you to new and thrilling experiences. Your love life and creative pursuits are about to reach new heights – get ready for an exhilarating end of the year! Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Get ready for an incredible journey where family and home take center stage! Brace yourself for the exhilarating possibilities that await as you deepen emotional connections with your loved ones. This is the perfect moment to create lasting memories and strengthen the bonds that tie you together. Don't miss out on the chance to embrace the magic of family and the wonders of home. Get ready for an extraordinary chapter of love, growth, and togetherness to be written. Libra (September 23 - October 22): Get ready for an extraordinary opportunity to dive deep into intense, passionate and meaningful conversations. This is your chance to connect on a whole new level with your significant other and embark on thrilling intellectual explorations. Don't miss out on this incredible moment to discover why you two are meant to be together. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Experience the power of Venus in your sign as it magnifies your natural charm and allure. Embrace this incredible opportunity to cultivate a deeper sense of self-love and unlock your full potential for personal growth. Allow your charisma to shine and watch as the world becomes enchanted by your irresistible presence. This is your moment to embrace the incredible journey of self-discovery and step into the best version of yourself. Get ready to captivate hearts and make your dreams a reality. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Prepare for an amazing ride toward financial stability and self-discovery! This incredible journey will encourage you to dig deep into your beliefs and uncover the genuine worth you hold within. Take this opportunity to boost your self-esteem as you step into this fantastic adventure of personal growth and abundance. It's your moment to seize control of your finances and realize the authentic value within yourself. Get excited for this life-changing experience that's just around the corner! Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Unveil the hidden depths of your soul and embark on a transformative path of spiritual growth. Now is the perfect moment to pause, retreat, and prioritize your emotional well-being. Take this opportunity to delve deep into introspection and nurture your inner self. It's time to unlock your true potential and soar towards a more fulfilling and enlightened existence. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Your social circle is about to become more vibrant and exciting than ever before. Prepare to experience deep and meaningful bonds with friends old and new. Get ready to find immense joy and unwavering support within your social circle. This period is all about strengthening your relationships and creating lifelong memories. Don't miss out on the incredible opportunities for connection that lie ahead. Embrace the power of friendship and let it enrich your life in ways you never thought possible. Pisces (February 19 - March 20): The powerful energy of Venus in Scorpio has the potential to bring you fantastic opportunities for professional growth and recognition. Now is the time to prioritize your career matters and enhance your public image. Get ready to soar to new heights and showcase your incredible talents to the world. This is your moment to shine! Embrace the possibilities that await and watch as your career takes off like never before. Don't shy away from the spotlight – embrace it with open arms and watch your professional dreams turn into a reality. As Venus journeys through Scorpio, its alignment with wealth and love intertwines, offering opportunities for deeper insights and the potential to manifest both material wealth and profound relationships. Harnessing the combined energies of Venus and Scorpio can help in cultivating abundance and transformative love experiences. Enjoy this transit and all the passion and wealth that can come your way if you utilize the transformative energy surrounding us this month. Blessed Be, Audra

  • December 2023 Astrological Events- A Powerful Time for Manifestation and Transformation.

    by Audra English December 2023 astrological events- A Powerful Time for Manifestation and Transformation. Welcome to the month of December, a powerful time for manifestation and transformation. This is a magical time where the energies are aligned in our favor, providing us with numerous opportunities to manifest our desires and dreams. As we enter this month, we kick off with the 12:12 Portal, which opens on December 12th. This portal signifies a shift in energy and serves as a powerful gateway for manifestation. It is believed that whatever we set our intentions on during this time will be amplified and brought into reality. But the 12:12 Portal is not the only astrological event happening this month. We also have several meteor showers, including the Geminids on December 14th and the Ursids on December 23rs. These meteor showers bring with them potent energies that can help us release old patterns and beliefs, making space for new manifestations to come through. We do enter a Mercury Retrograde this month which might slow things down for us, but only if we allow it to! If we choose to keep on our toes, keep our vibration high, double check any contract befpre signing or email before sending, and take a laid back approach to holiday gatherings with people we love but might get irritated with, we should survive it just fine. As we move closer to the end of December, we enter the sign of Capricorn. Known for its practicality and determination, Capricorn is an excellent energy for manifesting our dreams into tangible realities. Use this time to plan and take action towards your goals, knowing that the universe is supporting you every step of the way. On December 21st, we also have the Winter Solstice, marking the longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. This is a powerful time for introspection and setting intentions for the upcoming year. As we prepare for the start of a new cycle, it is essential to reflect on our desires and align them with the energies of the Winter Solstice. As you can see December offers us a plethora of opportunities for manifestation. December holds very special astrological energy this year that will allow us to manifest our desires for the upcoming new year. This is a powerful time where our intentions are amplified and our thoughts become reality. The month of December is filled with magic and wonder, as we prepare to bid farewell to one year and welcome in another. Astrologically, December is a time of expansion and transformation, making it the perfect opportunity to set our intentions for what we want to manifest in the coming year. December 2nd — Mercury in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces It is a wonderful day to create plans for the future, especially when you are considering the long-term objectives that you want to accomplish. Permit yourself to dream a little bit more ambitiously. Peak of the Pheonicid Meteor Shower This powerful shower is tied to the sign of Sagittarius, known for its expansive and adventurous nature. It encourages us to dream big and reach for the stars, reminding us that anything is possible if we have faith in ourselves. December 3rd — Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn In situations where feelings of betrayal and loss are brought to the surface, jealousy has the potential to destroy even the most joyful of relationships. It is best to avoid people that tend to manipulate you. December 4th — Venus enters Scorpio As Venus moves into the enigmatic sign of Scorpio, the days are growing darker, the nights are getting longer, and our relationships are becoming more personal. As we allow ourselves to share our homes and resources with our partners over the course of the next three and a half weeks, our relationships will take on a new level of intensity. December 5th — Venus in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces This component enables us to open up the key to the heart and discover love and understanding with the people we care about, thus it is important that you do not let pride get in the way of your pleasure. December 6th — Neptune goes direct in Pisces We are getting closer and closer to the end of the year, so we are being dragged out of our dreamland and brought back to the harsh reality of winter. In order to enter into the spirit of the holiday season, it is important to commit small acts of kindness, since this is the season of giving and compassion. Peak of the φ-Cassiopeid Meteor Shower Astrologically speaking, the φ-Cassiopeid Meteor Shower occurs when Earth passes through the orbit of an asteroid known as 2003 EH1. This is believed to be the remnants of a comet that crossed Earth's path centuries ago, leaving behind a trail of debris in its wake. But what does this mean for us on a spiritual level? Well, just like how the meteors light up the sky, this event also has the power to illuminate our lives and bring us closer to our inner selves. It's a time for manifestation and setting intentions for the future. Harnessing the energy of this meteor shower, we can tap into our deepest desires and bring them to life. As these meteors shoot across the sky, visualize your dreams and goals coming true. With each passing meteor, may your manifestations grow stronger and more powerful. December 7th — Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus You may be able to find a solution to any lingering issue that is affecting your Christmas season with the assistance of this unique component. In order to find the best answer, today is a fantastic day for brainstorming and thinking with both your mind and your intuition. Peak of the Puppid-Velid Meteor Shower The Puppid-Velid Meteor Shower occurs when Earth passes through the dust and debris left behind by the comet 8P/Tuttle. This particular comet has a 13-14 year orbit, meaning that we only get to witness this incredible event every few years. So, as we bask in the beauty of shooting stars streaking across the sky, let's harness this astrological energy to manifest our deepest desires. Whether it be love, abundance, or success, use this mystical event to set your intentions and send them out into the universe. December 9th — Venus in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus Spending on the holidays today should not go beyond what is reasonable. You can't discover the happiness you're looking for by purchasing a lot of expensive items; you have to look within yourself to get it. Peak of the Monocerotid Meteor Shower This particular meteor shower is special because it aligns with the constellation Monoceros, also known as the Unicorn. The Unicorn has long been associated with magic and manifestation, making this event even more significant. The energy of the Monocerotid Meteor Shower is also said to enhance our intuition and psychic abilities. This can be a powerful tool in manifesting as it allows us to tap into our inner knowing and guidance. Trust your gut instincts during this time and let them guide you towards your goals. December 11th — Mercury in Capricorn sextile Venus in Scorpio Wear an eye-catching dress and put on your best grin because today is the perfect day to win people over with your charisma and charm. December 12th — New moon in Sagittarius To celebrate the last new moon of the year 2023, which will occur in the sign of Sagittarius, you should set a goal for yourself to try something new. Now is the ideal time to discover new things, acquire new knowledge, take some chances, and maybe even begin learning something new. Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn Remember that Mercury turned retrograde in the trustworthy sign of Capricorn for the first time at the beginning of 2023. This is the moment when repeating motifs began to emerge. In the next weeks, you should anticipate a great deal of confusion and delays in the delivery of your manifestations if you don't keep your energy in check and protect yourself from harsh conversations and family fights over the holidays. 12:12 Portal The 12:12 portal is an auspicious alignment of cosmic energies that occur every year on December 12th. This date is significant as it falls in the last month of the year, providing an opportunity to reflect on our past experiences and set intentions for the upcoming year. The 12:12 portal is considered to be one of the most potent portals for manifestation. Its alignment with the numerology of 12 adds an extra layer of significance, as the number 12 is associated with completion and spiritual enlightenment. During this portal, the Earth's energy field becomes highly charged, making it easier for us to tap into our inner power and manifest our desires. This is a time when the veil between the physical and spiritual realms is thinner, allowing for greater connection and manifestation abilities. Peak of the σ-Hydrid Meteor Shower The σ-Hydrid meteor shower occurs every year in mid-December, but this year it coincides with the astrological significance of December 12th. This shower is known for its bright and colorful meteors, making it a truly spectacular sight to behold. During the σ-Hydrid Meteor Shower, the energy from these shooting stars amplifies our manifestations and strengthens our connection to the universe. This is a time when our thoughts and intentions hold immense power, so make sure to focus on what you truly want. December 14th — Peak of the Geminid Meteor Shower Today we will witness one of the most powerful meteor showers of the year - the Geminid Meteor Shower. This annual event is tied to astrology in a way that can aid us in our manifestation practices. The Geminid Meteor Shower is named after the constellation Gemini, which is symbolized by the twins, Castor and Pollux. In astrology, Gemini is associated with communication, adaptability, and quick thinking. During this meteor shower, we can tap into these qualities to manifest our desires more effectively. Additionally, the Geminid Meteor Shower falls under the astrological sign of Sagittarius. This fiery and adventurous sign is all about expansion, growth, and abundance. It encourages us to think big and dream bigger. December 16th — Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces During this neurotic phase, you should anticipate feeling a bit skeptical of other people since we have difficulty distinguishing between reality and fantasy. Nevertheless, you should refrain from pronouncing judgment on other people until you have all of the information. December 18th — Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus Today is a terrific day to play catch-up on all of the activities that you have been avoiding as of late since you will have no trouble doing them. Beginning the year 2024 with a blank slate will be more convenient. December 20th — Vesta retrograde enters Gemini Because we are having trouble concentrating on any of the tasks at hand, our energies get fractured, and we experience anxiety. In the next weeks, developing self-discipline will be a challenging endeavor, but it is one that we must focus on. Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus Despite the fact that today is a good day for our wallets, it is a difficult day for our relationships since this component has the potential to cause discomfort and anxiety. December Leonis Minorid Meteor Shower The Leonis Minorid Meteor Shower occurs when the Earth passes through the debris left behind by comet 209P/LINEAR. This debris then enters our atmosphere, creating a beautiful display of shooting stars. Think of it as a cosmic boost to our manifestation abilities. The universe is literally raining down stardust upon us, giving us the opportunity to harness its energy and manifest our dreams into reality. December 21st — Winter Solstice As the days get shorter and the nights grow longer, nature prepares to enter into a state of rest, marking the arrival of winter. This change in seasons also brings about one of the most magical times for pagans and witches - the Winter Solstice. Mercury in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces One of the nice aspects of being organized and catching up on some crucial paperwork before the Christmas rush puts us far behind is that it allows us to do these tasks. Sun enters Capricorn On this, the shortest day of the year, we are making preparations and establishing objectives in order to make 2024 the most successful year to date. Due to the fact that we are resolute in our pursuit of our most audacious goals, we still have a lot of work to do. December 22nd — Sun in Capricorn conjunct Mercury in Capricorn It is important to remember to send end-of-year greetings, cards, and check-ins to your clients and supervisors, even if Mercury is in retrograde, which slows us down. Today's networking might result in significant possibilities in the year 2024. Mercury retrograde enters Sagittarius When the planet of communication reaches the sign of the Archer while it is in retrograde motion, you should exercise extreme caution with regard to whether or not you want to travel over the holiday season. Over the course of the next several weeks, our travels will either be postponed or canceled, which will leave us feeling directionless and trapped. Continue to make an effort to see the good side of things. December 23rd — Peak of the Ursid Meteor Shower In astrology, the December 23rd Ursid Meteor Shower is closely tied to the zodiac sign of Capricorn, known for its determination and ambition. This shower is a powerful time to set intentions and manifest goals related to love and wealth. As we watch the shooting stars streak across the sky, we are reminded of our own ability to shine bright and reach for the stars in our pursuits. December 24th — Sun in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces The presence of this advantageous component has resulted in the development of a robust work ethic inside our organization, which enables us to persevere in spite of any difficulty that may be presented to us. You are able to bring this about! December 25th — Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces During this loving aspect, it is feasible that we will be able to acquire all that we both wished and need, even if it does not come out the way that we had thought it would. If both of us ask for something, we will obtain it. December 26th — Full moon in Cancer For the final full moon of the year 2023, it is advised that you let go of old family feuds and instead make room in your heart and life for love to come into your life. Because of the energy of the full moon, we are ready to fall in love with the new year because we become more generous, more kind, and a little bit nostalgic. We are also ready to find love with the new year. Chiron goes direct in Aries Now that the wounded healer is moving forward once again, we are finally ready to start the process of repairing ourselves and ultimately being able to put the past completely in the past. Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces In light of the fact that there are facts that are in direct opposition to one another and disinformation that leads all of us to be confused, today is not a good day for clarity. On the other hand, during this period of time, it is a good vibration for concentrating on creative endeavors and meditation. December 27th — Sun Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus At the moment, there is no justification for enduring suffering. Because of the harmonious nature of this circumstance, you will be able to achieve your key objective without having to do any effort on your part. Mercury in Sagittarius conjunct Mars in Sagittarius Due to the fact that you are permitted to view the world with an open mind, today is an excellent day to embark on an adventure. December 28th — Mars in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces If you want to stay out of trouble today, you should make every effort to avoid arguing as much as possible. Anger that is not justified can get you into a lot of difficulty. The risk of sneak blows that might throw you off balance is something that should be carefully considered and approached with caution. Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn This ambitious combination has the ability to aid us in building powerful connections that will support us in advancing in 2024, which is a fantastic aspect for both our financial status and our professional life. Also, this combination has the capacity to help us develop our professional life. December 29th — Venus enters Sagittarius Because we have a strong desire to travel the globe with someone we care about or love, the trip that we take together in our relationships takes on the role of an exciting adventure. We have a constructive attitude that everything is going to work out, and as a consequence, we feel that relationships have the ability to last throughout the course of the next four weeks. December 30th — Jupiter goes direct in Taurus Having spent a considerable amount of time in retrograde motion, we are now making our way back to earth as Jupiter moves into direct motion in the sign of Taurus. You ought to be prepared for the new year by establishing a solid foundation that will be of assistance to you in your development. Enjoy your December 2023 Astrology report. Make sure to use it to plan your spellwork or just to understand why your emotions are acting up! Here is hoping the year ends with a bang for you. Love & Luck, Audra

  • The Last Full Moon Before The Winter Solstice -November Manifestation Portal

    On November 27 and 28, the sky will be illuminated by the Full Moon in the sign of Gemini. This occurs at the same time that the Sun will be galloping into centaur season as it occupies the sign of Sagittarius. These competing cosmic forces break open the mind's boundless horizons and reveal its endless potential. To ensure that this year ends on a positive note, this Moon is directing the cosmic choreography of brilliant ideas and moments of inspiration to achieve this target. This is the last Full Moon before the Winter Solstice and the first Full Moon after Saturn turned direct on November 4th. On top of this, the 11/11 Portal is still technically open! This Full Moon will be station at the 5th degree which is the degree of transformation. This means you'll be able to manifest at a level of 20 times our normal manifestation rate! Get ready for some HUGE energy shifts, IF you decide to use this Full Moon to your ultimate benefit! Remember, you will manifest what you are focusing on! So make sure your focus right now is on everything you are grateful for and the blessings you want to attract your way. This has been a significant year for making decisions, and the sign of Gemini dominates this area with its adaptability and spontaneity. As we sprint towards the last a phase, take a moment to pause and think about what it is that you want to carry with you into 2024. Due to the placement of Mars, there is a very big chance there could be some misunderstandings and bickering (not shocking while we are all forced to be around family with opposing view points, eh?) As the weather keeps dropping into lower temperatures, our own tempers might end up rising. However, there are always two sides to a story, and dual thinking is ingrained in us. The transcendental confluence is where unity can be found. Hold out hope. Extend each other patience and understanding. What kind of kinetic wisdom is Luna's radiance going to uncover when she traces the symbol of The Lovers that Gemini has created? The lunation takes place opposite the Sun and Mars, both of which are having fun in wide Sagittarius, which conjures up images of the free-spirited individual, the perpetual wanderer, and the wise person. Wandering aimlessly through the woodlands of the globe in search of the illusive apple of truth. In the spaces between these legendary archetypes, we each find the narrative of our own soul. Mercury, which is square Neptune in Pisces while it is retrograde, causes the planet to wobble on its axis, which constellates disordered thought and drowns out reasoning. Because we lack all of the relevant information, we risk falling back on ineffective strategies. You shouldn't give the hungry ghosts any food. Meditation, sound baths, and attaching soles to dirt are few examples of everyday activities that can help calm unruly thoughts and bring them back into the rooted body. Enjoy the newness of each moment as it comes. Mercury is altering the course of events. Maintain an open mind and be willing to learn new things. There will soon be no secrets hidden. We discover that life is more pliable amid these energies when we maintain our center and remain grounded. Maintain a strong connection with your desired vibration to keep your inner magician well-tuned. Since there is a lot of moving air and fire around us, this is a good time to get out your spell books, recast the spells that need a little extra lift, and start new projects to manifest your wildest hopes and dreams in 2024.

  • The Mystical Significance of 11/11 and the Power of Manifestation

    By Audra English If you are someone who believes in the power of numbers, then you may have heard about the mystical significance of 11/11. Many people consider this date to be a lucky day full of magick and opportunities for manifesting our dreams. But why is that? What makes 11:11 so special? For centuries, the number 11 has been associated with luck, magick, and manifestation. And when it appears in a repeating pattern like 11:11, its significance becomes even more potent. Many people believe that seeing 11:11 on the clock or in other places is a powerful symbol of synchronicity and a message from the universe. But what exactly does 11:11 mean, and why do so many people believe it to be a lucky day full of magick and opportunities to manifest our dreams? The History of 11/11 The origins of 11/11 being a significant date can be traced back to ancient civilizations. In numerology, the number 1 is associated with new beginnings, independence, and manifestation. When the number 1 is repeated four times, as in 11:11, its power is amplified. This has led many cultures to believe that 11/11 is a powerful day for setting intentions and manifesting our desires. The Symbolism of 11:11 Apart from its significance in numerology, there are other interpretations of what 11:11 symbolizes. Some believe that it is a sign of spiritual awakening and the alignment of our mind, body, and spirit. Others see it as a reminder from the universe to stay focused on our goals and dreams. The Power of Manifestation Manifestation is the process of attracting our desires into reality through focused thoughts and actions. And according to the beliefs surrounding 11/11, this date acts as a portal for our manifestation abilities to become even more potent. It is said that when we make a wish or set an intention on 11:11, it has a higher chance of coming true. How to Utilize the Energy of 11/11 Now that we understand the history and symbolism behind 11/11, let's explore some ways we can make the most of this powerful date. Set intentions: Take a few moments on 11/11 to focus on your goals and desires. Write them down or say them out loud while using positive affirmations. Visualize: Close your eyes and envision yourself already having achieved your dreams. This will help you connect with the energy of manifestation. Meditate: Use this date to meditate and clear your mind. This will allow you to receive guidance and clarity on your path. Practice gratitude: Take time to express gratitude for all that you have in your life, including the things you are yet to manifest. This will raise your vibration and attract more positivity into your life. Create a manifestation ritual: Use candles, crystals, or any other tools that resonate with you to create a sacred space and perform a manifestation ritual on 11/11. Embracing the Magick of 11/11 The repetition of the number one in 11:11 is believed to amplify its magical properties. It is seen as a reminder that we are connected to the universe and have the power to co-create our reality. Trust your intuition: On 11/11, pay attention to any intuitive nudges or signs that may guide you towards your desires. Trust in the universe's timing and believe that what is meant for you will come to fruition. Let go of limiting beliefs: Use this date as a reminder to let go of any doubts or fears that may be holding you back from manifesting your dreams. Trust in your abilities and have faith in the universe's support. Embrace synchronicity: 11/11 is known for being a day full of synchronicities, or meaningful coincidences. Pay attention to any repeating numbers, signs, or messages that may hold significance for you. Set intentions: Take time on 11/11 to set clear and specific intentions for what you want to manifest in your life. Write them down, speak them aloud, and visualize yourself already living them. Connect with others: The energy of manifestation is amplified when shared with others. Consider gathering with like-minded individuals or participating in a group manifestation ritual on 11/11. Practice gratitude: Remember to express gratitude for the blessings in your life, both big and small. This will align you with a positive mindset, which is essential for manifesting your desires. Trust the process: Manifestation is not an instant process; it takes time and patience. Continue to trust in the universe's plan and have faith that everything is unfolding as it should. Believe in magick: On this powerful day, embrace your inner witch and tap into the magickal energies all around you. Believe in the possibility of miracles and trust that your dreams can come true. Take inspired action: Manifestation requires more than just thoughts and intentions; it also involves taking inspired action towards your goals. Use 11/11 as a reminder to take steps towards making your dreams a reality. Keep manifesting beyond 11/11: While 11/11 may hold special significance, remember that manifestation is an ongoing practice. Continue to use the power of intention and gratitude in your daily life to manifest your desires. Reflect on progress: Finally, take time to reflect on your progress and manifestations since the last 11/11. Celebrate any successes and learn from any challenges or lessons along the way. This will help you continue to grow and manifest even bigger dreams in the future. Remember, 11/11 is not just a day on the calendar; it holds powerful energies that can assist us in manifesting our dreams and desires. Embrace the magick of this day and use it as an opportunity to align yourself with abundance, positivity, and manifestation. May all your manifestations come to fruition. 11:11 - the universe is listening, are you? Blessed Be! Audra #1111 #manifesting #magickal #luckyday #dreamscometrue If you're looking to make 11/11 extra powerful for yourself, consider getting our 11:11 necklace and Instant Manifestation Potion.

  • November Astrology & Witchcraft Event Calendar- A Month Full of Hope, Love, & Thanksgiving

    By Audra English November Astrology & Witchcraft Event Calendar- A Month Full of Hope, Love, & Thanksgiving Welcome fellow witches and astrology enthusiasts! Each month I’ve been putting a witchcraft and astrology calendar together for all of us at Life Spirits to help us plan our spellwork and be aware of special events so we could make sure we are making the most of our time and energy. I’ve decided to help my fellow witchy friends by sharing this with you all since I’ve yet to see anyone else put one together monthly like this for everyone to share and use. Of course, please let me know if there is something I need to add. The more we put our heads together on this, the better it will be for the collective. Enjoy and Blessed Be! Audra November 1st — Dia de los Muertos Dia de los Muertos, also known as the Day of the Dead, is a traditional Mexican holiday that honors and celebrates the lives of deceased loved ones. In Santeria and magick, it is believed that during this time of year, the veil between the physical world and the spiritual realm is thinnest. This allows for easier communication and connection with the spirits of ancestors, making Dia de los Muertos an auspicious time for rituals and spellwork. November 2nd — Sun in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus Even though Halloween has passed, the battle of egos today gives us all a chill. However, we may have difficulty distinguishing between the really gifted and the slick scam artists. Vesta goes retrograde in Cancer Getting lost in a sea of nostalgia as Vesta's retrograde sweeps us up in the past. Our moods deteriorate as we struggle to integrate prior emotions. It is critical to set aside time for healing and to seek consolation from our loved ones. November 3rd — Venus in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces This element causes confusion in concerns of the heart. It provides us with rose-colored glasses that shield us from the harsh truth. November 4th — Mercury in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus This element gives us all a headache as we strive to extract the facts from obstinate sources, putting our patience to the strain. Saturn goes direct in Pisces It's back to reality as Saturn begins to rein us in after an unforgettable summer. This is the moment to think about what you've learned and how you can put it to use. It's also critical to reestablish those emotional boundaries. All zodiac signs have been learning crucial lessons about maturity, spiritual growth, and personal limits since Saturn entered Pisces in March. Now that this transit's initial retrograde period is over, you'll be more prepared to take on new tasks and maintain your personal limits. November 6th — Venus in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn This powerful component can help you build your reputation as you win over individuals and authority figures with well-placed praise. Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces Turn on your antenna and pay close attention to the signs. Allow your intuition to guide you since it can quickly cut through all of the false fronts and polished phrases. South Taurids’ Predicted Meteor Shower Peak For witches, the South Taurids' meteor shower is a time to perform spells and rituals that harness the energy of the falling meteors. These spells are focused on manifesting positive changes and new beginnings. The peak of the meteor shower is seen as a particularly powerful time for magic, as the energy from the falling meteors is at its strongest. Witches may use this opportunity to cast spells related to abundance, prosperity, and manifestation. November 8th — Venus enters Libra After a month in analytical and detail-oriented Virgo, it will be a relief to have the planet of love and romance in a sign more compatible with its harmony-seeking nature. This transit encourages people to approach relationships with greater delicacy and sweetness, making it an excellent time to resolve any interpersonal conflict that arose during eclipse season or reach a peaceful settlement toward a shared objective. Venus in Libra is also a great transit for self-improvement, fine art appreciation, and cultivating a vibey style. With Venus in gorgeous Libra, we're taking advantage of the remaining days of autumn to truly fall in love. This is a wonderful time to decorate our homes, choose lovely fall attire, and open our hearts to love and devotion. Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn This driving feature offers us the drive, tenacity, and savviness to make some major power plays, making today a fantastic day for huge aspirations. Don't be scared to go for it. November 9th — Mercury enters Sagittarius After a few weeks of silence, we'll finally be able to express our true feelings as the planet of community enters frank Sagittarius. As we seek purpose in this world, our thoughts will be hopeful and philosophical, if a little preachy. November 10th — Mercury in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces With talkative Mercury in the sphere of this free-spirited fire sign, you may be motivated to adopt a more global outlook, be spunkier and more spontaneous in your communication style, or start some philosophical debates with your pals. Seeking a mentor or acting as a mentee might be very rewarding for the remainder of this month. Just don't be too cocky about your convictions – no matter how much experience you have, there's always more to learn! November 11th — 11:11 Gateway Portal Peaks An energy portal is a doorway that connects us to higher realms, allowing for the flow of powerful energies and vibrations. These portals are believed to exist all over the world, but some are more potent than others. The 11:11 portal gateway is considered to be one of the most powerful and significant portals because it opens up a direct connection between our physical world and the spiritual realm. November 13th — New moon in Scorpio The sun, moon, and Mars will align in Scorpio in direct opposition to Uranus, bringing deep emotions and unsettling secrets to the surface during this lunation. However, the energy of a new beginning comes with this lunar cleansing, so embrace the confusion and utilize it to create something worthwhile. In the zodiac, the sun and Mars will produce a rare aspect known as a Mars cazimi. This celestial link occurs every two years, but it hasn't happened in Mars' native sign of Scorpio in more than three decades, making its energy particularly intense. In astrology, conjunction aspects usually signify the beginning of a new cycle, and when a planet joins forces with the sun especially, it gains additional reach and strength. As a result, November's Mars cazimi provides an opportunity to take action on things you're genuinely enthusiastic about, as well as make movements toward any aspirations that have long simmered beneath the surface of your spirit. This intimate new moon pushes us to form friendships that have the potential to alter our lives. Let go of the past and prepare to begin over. Sun in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus This element might make us nervous when unexpected developments disrupt even the most dependable preparations. To avoid anxiousness, practice meditation and grounding. November 15th — Mercury in Sagittarius sextile Venus in Libra It's a great day to spend time with friends before the Christmas bustle. This element results in engaging talks, intelligent banter, and a pleasant time for everybody. November 16th — The Night of Hecate Hecate, the ancient Greek goddess often associated with magic, witchcraft, and the underworld is celebrated on November 16th. This day holds great significance for many practitioners of witchcraft as it is believed to be a powerful time to connect with Hecate and perform rituals in her honor. November 17th — Mars in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces This element has a powerful magnetic appeal that may entice anyone. On a cold November night, it's a fantastic time to become sensuous with someone. Sun in Scorpio conjunct Mars in Scorpio This passionate aspect produces a profound intensity because we have an iron-clad determination to face any obstacle that comes our way. Sun in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces This creative side allows us to let our imaginations run wild and push our skills to the next level. November 18th — Predicted Peak of the Leonids Meteor Shower In many spiritual and magical traditions, shooting stars are believed to carry powerful energies that can be harnessed for various purposes. Some see them as messengers from the gods, while others view them as symbols of transformation and manifestation. In witchcraft, the Leonids meteor shower is seen as a time of heightened magickal energy. Some practitioners use this opportunity to cast spells for abundance, luck, and success. Others see it as a time for divination and connecting with spiritual guides. November 19th — Pallas enters Scorpio Over the following several weeks, it will be simple to see through the fog of deceit and discover the truth in all matters. Use Pallas' strength, intelligence, and fortitude to confront some difficult realities that will strengthen you. November 20th — Sun in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn This is pure cunning, and it may help us attain success since we will be able to work hard and plan our way to the top. November 21st — Mars in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn It's a great day to go to work since you'll have the energy, stamina, and determination to complete any task. This is an excellent day for sending out resumes, presenting a presentation, or even launching your own business. November 22nd — Sun enters Sagittarius We are invigorated and eager to go on an adventure with the sun in the sign of the Archer. We'll be on the lookout for new experiences throughout the next four weeks, whether it's through travel, returning to school, or simply meeting with intriguing people. Extend your horizons! November 23rd — Sun in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces When we just cannot live up to other people's expectations, this component generates a lot of labor for little benefit. Change your attention to making yourself joyful. Thanksgiving Holiday- Celebrated 11/23 in the United States Gratitude is a cornerstone of witchcraft, as it allows us to focus on what we already have instead of what we lack. By expressing gratitude, we are acknowledging and appreciating the blessings that have already been bestowed upon us. This not only helps us cultivate a positive mindset but also opens us up to receiving even more abundance in our lives. So why use Thanksgiving as a way to manifest gratitude? Well, first and foremost, it is a holiday centered around giving thanks for all that we have. For witches, this is a perfect opportunity to tap into the collective energy of gratitude being expressed by society and amplify it with our own magickal powers. Furthermore, Thanksgiving has its roots in ancient harvest festivals, where people would give thanks for the bounty of the Earth. As witches, we understand the importance of honoring and connecting with nature, and Thanksgiving provides the perfect backdrop for doing so. November 24th — Mars enters Sagittarius We shall be ready to act in the following six weeks when the warrior planet enters the sign of the Archer. This is an excellent opportunity to take aim and shoot for our goals. We're hopeful about what we'll find, whether we're traveling, going to school, or searching for the truth. Ceres enters Sagittarius This is a time when we should broaden our inner horizons, since traveling and learning about new cultures may help us grow personally. Share your experiences with others since meeting new people may teach you so much. November 25th — Mars in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces Use this lazy element to take a nap after a long week, because we'll all be fatigued. It's a perfect day to sleep in and let our body go into hibernation a bit earlier. November 27th — Full moon in Gemini The Christmas season is soon coming, and the full moon in adaptable Gemini provides us with the energy and stamina to do all of our festive errands before life becomes too hectic. This lunation squares up against Mars, urging us to act on our ideas and grab the full moon momentum. A difficult lunar square to the no-nonsense planet Saturn, on the other hand, soberly reminds us of our limits — thus, although it's fine to feel inspired and view the glass as half-full, it's also necessary to be realistic about what you're dealing with. Use your frustrations to be innovative, or use your instincts as a guide. Hard effort and positivity will bring you where you want to go under this moon aura. Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces Avoid being drawn into arguments with those who refuse to see reason. Don't let obstinate, narrow-minded individuals steal your brightness. Here is a quick and easy guide (2 pages long... it's a busy month!) to screenshot and keep on your phone or computer for future reference:

  • Setting up an Altar for Samhain: Embrace the Thinning of the Veil

    By Audra English As a psychic and witch, I know that Samhain is one of the most magical nights of the year. It marks the end of harvest season and the beginning of winter, but it's also a time when the veil between our world and the spirit world is at its thinnest. This thinning of the veil means that communication with spirits and ancestors is easier, making it a powerful night for magick. It's important to honor this special time by setting up an altar dedicated to Samhain. Creating Your Altar Your altar should reflect your personal connection and beliefs surrounding Samhain. Start by choosing a sacred space, such as a table or shelf, and cover it with a dark cloth to represent the darkness of winter. Then, add elements that symbolize the holiday. Some traditional items to include are: Pumpkins or gourds: These represent abundance and fertility, as well as protection from negative energies. Candles: Choose black and orange candles to represent the balance between light and dark during this time of year. Crystals: Black tourmaline for protection, clear quartz for amplifying intentions, and amethyst for connecting with ancestors and spirit guides. Honoring Ancestors Samhain is also known as the "Celtic New Year" because it's believed that on this night, the veil between our world and the spirit world is lifted, allowing our ancestors to visit us. It's important to honor and welcome them onto your altar. Some ways to do this are: Leave offerings: Set out food or drink that your ancestors enjoyed in their lifetime as a way to invite them to join you and show respect. Photos or mementos: Display pictures or items that belonged to your loved ones who have passed on. This will help connect with their energy and presence. Ancestor candles: Light candles specifically dedicated to your ancestors as a way to honor and remember them during Samhain. Enhancing Your Spells During Samhain, the energy is highly charged, making it the perfect time for casting spells. The veil between worlds allows for easier communication with spirits and stronger manifestation abilities. Here are some ideas for spells to try during this powerful night: Protection spells: Use the energy of Samhain to boost protection around your home, yourself, or loved ones. This can be especially helpful during a time when the veil is thinning. Ancestral healing spells: Connect with your ancestors and ask for their guidance in releasing any negative patterns or traumas that have been passed down through generations. Divination spells: The heightened intuition and connection with spirits makes Samhain an ideal time for divination work such as tarot readings, scrying, or dream interpretation. Remember to always use caution when working with magick and only cast spells with good intentions. Happy Samhain and may the thinning of the veil bring a boost of energy to your spells! So, embrace this magical time and make the most out of it by connecting with your ancestors and harnessing the powerful energies surrounding Samhain. Blessed be!

  • Embrace the Mystic Vibes of the Hunter Blood Moon Eclipse!

    By Audra English As we gear up for the highly anticipated Hunter Moon Eclipse on October 28th, 2023, let's dive into what this celestial event means for each zodiac sign and how we can harness its magickal energy through spellwork. Understanding the Hunter Moon Eclipse First things first, what exactly is a Hunter Moon Eclipse? Well, as many of us know, a Full Moon occurs when the moon is directly opposite the sun in our sky. And an eclipse happens when either the Earth or moon passes between the sun and moon, causing a shadow to fall over one of them. Therefore, a Full Moon Eclipse (also known as a Blood Moon) occurs when the Earth's shadow covers the moon during a Full Moon, giving it a reddish appearance. This phenomenon is rare, making it an especially potent time for magickal workings. Implications for Each Zodiac Sign The Hunter Moon Eclipse will have different effects on each zodiac sign due to its positioning in the sky and relationship with other planets. Here's a quick breakdown of what you can expect: Aries: Be prepared for intense emotions and feelings of transformation. Use this time to release any pent-up energy through physical activities or creative pursuits. Taurus: The eclipse may bring about sudden changes in your relationships or finances. Trust that these shifts are ultimately leading you towards growth and abundance. Gemini: Your communication skills may be heightened during this time, making it a great opportunity to have important conversations or express yourself creatively. Cancer: Emotions are running high for you, Moon child. Take care of your mental health and find ways to release any negative energies through meditation or journaling. Leo: The Hunter Moon Eclipse will shine a light on any unresolved issues in your personal life. Use this time to reflect and work on finding resolutions that align with your true self. Virgo: This is an ideal time to focus on self-care and nurturing relationships with loved ones. Let go of perfectionism and allow yourself to relax and recharge. Libra: You may experience a boost in creativity during this lunar event. Use this energy to pursue your passions and let your inner artist shine. Scorpio: As the blood moon graces your sign, you may feel a surge of power and intuition. Tap into this mystical energy and do some powerful spellwork or divination. Sagittarius: The eclipse may bring about sudden changes in your career or public image. Embrace these transformations as they are ultimately leading you towards growth and success. Capricorn: This is a time for transformation and shedding old patterns that no longer serve you. Trust that the universe is guiding you towards greater alignment with your true purpose. Aquarius: You may experience heightened psychic abilities during this lunar event. Use this time to tap into your intuition and explore the spiritual realm. Pisces: The Hunter Moon Eclipse will urge you to release any fears or doubts that have been holding you back. Embrace your true self and let go of limiting beliefs. Spells You Can do Yourself During the Eclipse The Hunter Moon Eclipse brings powerful energy for manifestation, making it an ideal time for spellwork. Harness the lunar energy and align it with your intentions to amplify their power. Whether you're seeking abundance, love, or protection, there are countless spells that can be performed during this potent time. Here are some spells that you can do to align yourself with the energy of the Hunter Blood Moon Eclipse: Protection Spell: Use herbs such as sage and rosemary, along with protective crystals like black tourmaline and amethyst, to create a protective barrier around your home during this intense lunar event. Release Spell: Write down any fears, doubts, or limiting beliefs that have been holding you back on a piece of paper. Burn it under the light of the full moon eclipse to release these negative energies and make space for new opportunities. Relationship Spell: Light a pink candle and visualize the type of relationship you desire. As you watch the flame, repeat a positive affirmation such as "I am open to receiving love and abundance in my relationships." Remember to always set your intentions clearly before performing any spellwork. The energy of this blood moon will amplify your intentions and help manifest them into reality. Spells You Can do Specific to Your Zodiac Sign As a witch, this is a powerful time to tap into your magick and harness the energy of the Hunter Moon Eclipse. Here are some spell ideas based on your zodiac sign: Aries: Protection spell to shield yourself from negative influences. Taurus: Self-love spell to nurture and care for yourself during this emotional time. Gemini: Spell for breaking bad habits and creating healthier ones. Cancer: Inner healing spell to release past wounds and trauma. Leo: Manifestation spell to bring your goals and desires into reality. Virgo: Relationship harmony spell for any changes that may arise in your partnerships. Libra: Balance and harmony spell to create equilibrium within yourself and your relationships. Scorpio: Spell for deep transformation and manifestation of your desires. Sagittarius: Adventure spell to embrace new opportunities and experiences that align with your purpose. Capricorn: Success spell to make the most out of any career changes or opportunities during this eclipse. Aquarius: Unity spell to connect with others and bring positive change within your community. Pisces: Cleansing ritual to let go of old patterns and make space for growth. Don't forget to also take care of yourself during this intense and transformative time. The energy of the eclipse can be overwhelming, so make sure to prioritize self-care and rest as needed. This is also a great opportunity to cleanse and charge your crystals under the full moon's light. The Hunter Blood Moon Eclipse is a powerful and mystical event that we can use to our advantage. Embrace its energies, consult your birth chart for personalized insights, and try out some magickal spells to tap into its transformative powers. May this blood moon bring about growth, healing, and positive change in your life. Blessed be!

  • The Goddess Demeter and Finding Happiness: A Witchy Perspective

    By Audra English The ancient Greek goddess Demeter is often associated with fertility, agriculture, and the cycles of life. But there is another aspect to her story that holds an important lesson for us as individuals. According to Greek mythology, Demeter's world came crashing down when her daughter Persephone was taken by Hades to be his wife in the underworld. Devastated by this loss, Demeter neglected her duties as a goddess of fertility and agriculture, causing widespread famine on earth. But eventually, with the help of other gods and goddesses, Demeter was able to find her daughter and bring her back to the land of the living. This marked a turning point for Demeter, as she once again took on her responsibilities and brought abundance back to the world. This story may seem like a mere tale from ancient times, but it holds a powerful message for us in our modern world. When we experience loss or fall into depression, we can often feel like Demeter did - neglected and unable to fulfill our duties or find happiness. But just as Demeter received help from others to find her daughter, we too can seek support and guidance from those around us. Whether it be through therapy, self-care practices, or the love and kindness of friends and family, there is always hope for a revival and return of happiness in our lives. And much like how Demeter's joy returned when she was reunited with her daughter, our own happiness will also return to us. We must trust in the cycles of life and have faith that what we have lost will eventually be replaced with something even better. Just like how the harsh winter is always followed by the vibrant spring, our moments of sadness and loss will ultimately lead to a new season of growth and abundance. Try incorporating meditations and switch words for happiness into your daily routine. Practice gratitude for what you do have and trust in the promise of a bountiful harvest to come. With magick and Demeter's guidance, you can find hope and happiness once again on your journey. Ways to Shift Your Energy: Practice Gratitude Engage in Random Acts of Kindness Dance and Sing to your Favorite Music Take a Walk in the Sun While Mindfully Breathing in Fresh Air Meditate and Practice Mudras Use Switch-words and Affirmations Start a Positivity Bullet Journal Color in a Coloring Book or Create Some Type of Art Cook or Bake Something Colorful & Comforting Make a List of All your Craziest Dreams and Asperations Put on a Funny TV Show or Movie and Start Decluttering Your Home While it Plays in the Background Speak Positive Affirmations To Your Water, Then Drink it to Take in That Positive Energy Splurge on Luxury Sheets and Bedspread so that you Make your Bed a Place of Rest and Relaxation Start Reading a Self Help Book that Inspires and Encourages You Make a List of things you Love About Yourself Set “Energy Goals” and Follow Through With Them (i.e. staying away from gossip, only getting online for 20 mins a day, looking up positive affirmations, getting sleep, etc.) Listen to Healing Frequencies Do Candle Spells to Manifest Positive Energy Take Energy Cleansing Baths and Showers Switch words for raising your vibration and energy: GOLDEN SUNRISE RAINBOW JOY Use to create instant happiness and joy. Can reverse depression and anxiety. Can clear a dark cloud and negative mood set. Balances emotions. GIGGLE STRETCH BLUFF Used to relieve depression and stress. Gives you an abundance of happiness immediately. Can help take away fears and worries so that you can get out of your own way. GOLDEN SUNRISE LAUGH REJOICE Helps with feelings of deep grief, overwhelming sadness and depression. Brings angels to you immediately to help lift you out of any stage of heartache. HORNBEAM AGATE Use this phrase to help with feelings of procrastination and being overwhelmed. Gets rid of apathy and sluggishness. Increases self confidence. ARCHANGEL ARIEL Helps bring positive energy and happiness to you. Increases confidence and mental strength when going through a difficult moment. DIVINE ICE BLUE STILL Used to bring calming energy, calm a panic attack, and center you again. Can also help you fall asleep if you're having insomnia due to a racing mind. FREE Affirmation Cards: Click HERE to download some free affirmation cards you can print off or save on your phone for use later on. Embrace your inner powers, call upon the strength of Demeter, and know that brighter days are ahead. So don't lose hope, my witchy friend, for like Demeter, your happiness will return. And with it, you will emerge stronger and wiser than ever before. Trust in the guidance of the Goddess and practice self-care as you wait for your own personal rebirth - for it is just around the corner. So when you find yourself feeling lost or in despair, remember Demeter's story and know that help is always available. And with time, your own Persephone - be it a person, dream, or passion - will return to you and bring joy and fulfillment back into your life. May Demeter bless you on your journey and may you find peace, joy, and happiness in all aspects of your life. Blessed be. ~Audra

  • Ring Of Fire Annular Solar Eclipse ~ The Currents of Dramatic Change Burn In The Sky!

    By Audra English Ring Of Fire Annular Solar Eclipse ~ The Currents of Dramatic Change Burn In The Sky! On this upcoming Saturday, we will be undergoing an incredible Ring of Fire, New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse in the Americas. Here in Central Texas, we have an opportunity to be fully under the path of this incredible cosmic moment of transformation and new beginnings. Everything is lining up for us... literally!! Just like a Phoenix rising from the ashes of death and despair, this Ring of Fire Eclipse brings with it the chance to be reborn and to leave the past pain and hardships behind. There is always magickal events that take place during an eclipse, however with Pluto going direct on the 10:10 Portal on Oct 10th and Friday the 13th happening the day prior, we are being lead to an opportunity to create a real cosmic catalysis for change. Eclipses mark the passage of time and usher in important new beginnings and ends on a personal and societal level. On top of the signs of rebirth this week, this month, there will be two eclipses, which will bring in a period of great change for many of us. The first one will take place on the 14th, and the second one will take place on the 28th. Eclipse season begins two weeks before a sequence of eclipses and continues for two weeks following the last eclipse in the series. The regions of the planet that are able to see an eclipse are those that will be subject to the greatest magickal influence as a result of the phenomenon. Therefore, having us cast for you while we are directly under the energy of the Ring of Fire gives you the benefit of having it knock at your door as if it was occurring directly above you, no matter where you geologically located currently. The lunar eclipse on the 14th will take place in the sign of Libra. Themis, the goddess of marriage, is associated with Libra in Greek mythology. She is seen doing so while wearing a blindfold and holding the scales. The energy of Libra is characterized by a strong focus on maintaining equilibrium, as well as on diplomacy, fairness, justice, and the truth. Not only is Libra the sign that best exemplifies heavenly law and order, but it is also the natural ruler of the seventh house, which is the astrological house that is related with marriage and partnerships (including commercial partnerships and clientele). We are about to get very personal with our deepest desires and connections over the next several weeks! With so many signs of karma, justice, luck, love and balance occurring just in this week alone, this is the climax of a week full of energy being given to us to use for our greater good both personally and collectively. As a result of this, there are going to be significant changes taking place in your life. It is of the highest significance that you concentrate on the changes that you want to take place for you and decide to be proactive in working alongside the Universe to grant you those changes. This will prevent you from playing a game of chance and letting the fates roll the dice in your favor. Fairness, justice, and the truth are all topics that have a high likelihood to arise during the course of the following month. Anything that has been concealed under the surface has the potential to become exposed. It is probable that you can refute lies. It is critically important for us to recognize the areas in our own lives and views where we are biased, to take a step back, and to examine the situation in an unbiased manner. If you have the Sun, Moon, Rising, or North Node in Libra, you are going to feel the effects of this eclipse quite intensely. Because it's happening with the south node, events from the past have the potential to repeat themselves. Try to remember those previously encountered problems and patterns as they may rear their heads again, and use that awareness to guide you toward more fruitful decision-making this time around. Awareness is key! Eclipses are the most potent of all astronomical occurrences; they present us with an opportunity for of some of the most consequential and extensive personal shifts particularly if they occur at crucial junctures in our natal charts. The period of time just before an eclipse can make us feel anxious, as if we can sense that a significant event is about to take place. It is possible for us to experience dread, agitation, paranoia, or simple anxiety for no apparent cause. It is of the utmost importance to take it easy right now. Commit to taking care of yourself and avoid taking any significant risks. Imagine this as the pinnacle of yin time: a time to rest, reconnect with the people you care about, spend more time at home, unwind, and appreciate the changing of the seasons. This week, take it easy, rest, and relax. Be cautious when it comes to your thoughts and focus on what you do want instead of fearing or being anxious of worst case scenarios since we don't want you to accidentally use eclipse energy to manifest your fears. Make sure you focus on what you want to the point that you feel almost ridiculous at all the happy fantasies you're conjuring up for yourself! Ancient astrology cautioned people to be mindful of their ideas during eclipses since the effects of such thoughts may be permanent. This is why spellwork is highly recommended during this time. Take this weekend off to reflect on your life, write in a notebook, consult tarot cards, participate in rituals, spells and sleep. You deserve the doors of opportunities this eclipse has in store for you, so be mindful to walk through them while they are open. You will emerge from this experience stronger and more resilient. Light & Love, Audra

  • The Mystical Powers of Abundantia, the Roman Goddess of Abundance

    By Audra English Throughout history, we have worshiped gods and goddesses for a multitude of reasons. From fertility to love, each deity possesses their own unique set of powers and attributes. One goddess that stands out amongst the rest is Abundantia, the Roman Goddess of Abundance. Her powers are sought after by many who wish to attract prosperity and good luck into their lives. I would love to introduce you to the rich history and lore of Abundantia while encouraging you to partake in spellwork to connect with her powers of abundance. In ancient Roman religion, behold Abundantia, also known as Abundita or Copia, the ethereal embodiment of abundance and prosperity. Her name echoes the essence of plenty and riches, befitting her divine role as the goddess overseeing a realm brimming with abundant blessings. Her name is derived from the Latin word "abundare," which means to overflow or abound. She is often depicted holding a cornucopia, a symbol of abundance that represents a horn of plenty. Abundantia's benevolence extends to safeguarding your wealth, investments, and fortunes. She stands ready to assist you, whether in acquiring valuable possessions or making significant acquisitions. As a prominent figure in religious propaganda, she epitomizes imperial virtues, ensuring conditions of a blissful "Golden Age." While Abundantia's mythological tales remain scarce, her enchanting presence pervades through art, devotion, and literary works. Legends whisper of her continued existence in the realms of Roman Gaul and medieval France, leaving a trace of her munificence through the gracious offerings of overflowing cornucopias, brimming with grains and shimmering coins. As she graces your doorstep, she might even gift a portion of her bountiful blessings to adorn your abode. The Goddess is known to bring abundance to those who offer her gifts or perform rituals in her honor. To connect with Abundantia, you may use offerings such as coins, fruits, or bread as a way of showing your gratitude towards her powers. You can also incorporate symbols of abundance, such as gold or green candles, in your spellwork. In the past, Abundantia was also associated with the goddess Fortuna, who was worshipped by the ancient Romans for her powers of luck. Together, these goddesses embodied the idea of prosperity and good fortune, making them a popular choice for anyone seeking to bring abundance into their lives. If you are looking to call upon the powers of Abundantia, you can order a special spellwork from These spells are designed to help you connect with the energy of the goddess and attract abundance and prosperity into your life. The spellwork may include meditation, ritual offerings, and other practices that will help you connect with Abundantia's powerful energy. In addition to spellwork, there are other ways you can honor Abundantia in your daily life. You can create an altar space dedicated to her, adorned with symbols of abundance. You can also incorporate her energy into your daily affirmations, expressing gratitude for the abundance in your life and inviting more of it to come your way. Suggested Offerings to Give to Abundantia Offerings are tangible gifts given to the deity as a sign of devotion and gratitude. They can come in various forms, such as food, drink, flowers, or objects. Here are some offerings that can be made to Abundantia: Coins: As a goddess associated with wealth and coins, offering her actual coins is a powerful gesture. You can place the coins in front of her statue, picture or altar as an offering. Grains and fruits: The cornucopia, also known as the "horn of plenty," is one of Abundantia's symbols. Offerings of grains, fruits, and other foods can be made in a cornucopia-shaped bowl or basket as a way to honor her. Flowers: Abundantia is also associated with floral abundance, so offering flowers such as roses, daisies, or sunflowers can be a meaningful tribute to her. Wine: As a goddess of prosperity, offering wine as a libation is a way to honor Abundantia and invite her blessings into your life. You can pour the wine into a chalice or cup and offer it at her altar. Rituals to Honor & Grow Close to Abundantia Rituals are intentional actions taken to connect with the deity and invite their presence and blessings. Here are some rituals that can be performed to honor Abundantia: Candle magic: Candles are often used in rituals as a symbol of light and energy. To honor Abundantia, you can light a green or gold candle at her altar and visualize abundance flowing into your life. Affirmations: Affirmations are powerful statements that help reprogram our subconscious mind with positive beliefs. You can create affirmations that specifically focus on abundance and repeat them while offering prayers or offerings to Abundantia. Meditation: Taking time to quiet the mind and connect with the divine is an essential aspect of any spiritual practice. During meditation, you can focus your thoughts on Abundantia and invite her blessings into your life. Gratitude journaling: Cultivating an attitude of gratitude is vital in inviting abundance into our lives. You can create a gratitude journal specifically for Abundantia and write down things you are thankful for that relate to abundance, such as financial stability or material possessions. Manifestation rituals: Using visualizations, intentions, and symbols, manifestation rituals help turn desires into reality. You can perform a ritual to manifest abundance in your life by visualizing yourself living a life of wealth and prosperity while calling upon Abundantia's blessings. Abundantia is a powerful Goddess known for her ability to bring abundance and prosperity to those who seek her aid. Her history and lore make her a popular choice for anyone seeking to connect with the energy of abundance. By incorporating symbols of abundance, offering gifts, and participating in spellwork, you can connect with the powerful energy of Abundantia and invite wealth and prosperity into your life.

  • Unveiling the Power of 10:10 Portal: A Guide to Special Spellwork

    By Audra English Unveiling the Power of 10:10 Portal: A Guide to Special Spellwork The universe is a mysterious and magickal place filled with cosmic energy. And every year, on October 10th, a powerful portal opens known as the 10:10 Portal. This energy gateway is believed to provide a powerful opportunity for transformation and manifestation, allowing us to access higher levels of consciousness. During this time, we can cast special spells to channel this energy and bring about desired changes. We will delve deeper into what the 10:10 Portal is and how to make the most of this unique opportunity by using spellwork. Understanding the 10:10 Portal: The 10:10 Portal marks an energetic shift in the universe as the vibration frequency is raised to new heights. It is believed to be a time when the veil between universes gets thinner, and communication with the spiritual realm is easier. During the 10:10 Portal, the energy of the universe is most potent and supportive to our spiritual growth. This energy opens up opportunities for spiritual awakening, self-discovery, and transformation. Understanding the essence of the 10:10 portal is the first step in making the most of this opportunity. Benefits of Spellwork during the 10:10 Portal: Spellwork during the 10:10 Portal is an excellent way to channel the portal's energy towards manifesting our desired outcomes. It's an ideal time to cast spells for abundance, prosperity, health, and good luck. During the 10:10 Portal, the inter-dimensional energies amplify the energy we put into our spells, and the manifestation process speeds up. Additionally, the portal's energy supports spiritual work and creates an ideal environment for psychic readings, astral travel, and communicating with spirit guides. Types of Spellwork for 10:10 Portal: There are various types of spellwork that you can perform during the 10:10 Portal. The most effective ones include manifestation spells, abundance spells, and healing spells. Manifestation spells focus on creating your desired outcomes by raising your vibration frequency and focusing your energy on specific intentions. Abundance spells are believed to draw wealth and resources to you by tapping into the energies of the universe. Lastly, healing spells focus on cleansing negative energy, fostering emotional and physical healing, and cultivating positive energy. Tips for Effective Spellwork during 10:10 Portal: For effective spellwork during the 10:10 Portal, it's essential to be mindful of the energy of the portal. To begin, it's recommended to meditate and ground yourself before casting any spells. This will help you to connect with your inner self and the energy of the portal. Lastly, be clear about your intentions, visualize your desired outcomes vividly, and send positive energy out into the universe for manifestation. The 10:10 Portal is a powerful energy gateway that provides a unique opportunity for spiritual awakening and manifestation. By understanding the essence of 10:10 Portal and channeling its energy through spellwork, you can unlock your full potential and manifest your hearts' desires. So, as we approach the next 10:10 Portal, take some time to meditate, connect with the energy of the universe, and cast some powerful spells. Remember, the universe is abundant and always ready to fulfill our desires. All we need to do is align our energy, intentions, and actions in harmony with it.

  • The Harvest Goddess: Exploring the Magic of Demeter

    By Audra English The Harvest Goddess: Exploring the Magic of Demeter The Greek goddess Demeter is known as the divine embodiment of feminine mothering energy and the protector of harvest and fertility. As we enter October, a month often associated with abundance and celebrations of the harvest season, it's only fitting to learn more about this powerful deity and how we can connect with her through spellwork. The Origins of Demeter According to Greek mythology, Demeter is the daughter of the Titans Cronus and Rhea. She is also the sister of Zeus, Hades, Hera, Poseidon, and Hestia. When Demeter's beloved daughter Persephone was kidnapped by Hades and taken to the underworld, she became consumed with grief and refused to let anything grow on the earth until Persephone's return. This led to a devastating famine, which eventually forced Zeus to intervene and bring Persephone back for part of the year, allowing Demeter to resume her duties as goddess of harvest. Connecting with Demeter: Demeter is often associated with the energy of abundance, manifestation and the cycles of life. So how can we connect with her and harness this energy for our own spellwork? Here are a few ideas: Planting Seeds of Abundance One way to honor Demeter is by planting seeds in the ground, whether it's a small herb garden or a plot in your backyard. As you plant each seed, visualize your intentions for abundance and manifesting your desires. As you tend to the plants, remember to also nurture your own growth and goals. Offering a Harvest Feast In ancient Greece, festivals were held in honor of Demeter during harvest season. You can recreate this tradition by gathering friends and family for a feast filled with seasonal foods such as apples, pumpkins, and grains. As you enjoy the meal, offer thanks to Demeter for her blessings and ask for continued abundance in your life. Seasonal Autumn Foods Include: Apple Squash Pears Grapes Common Fig Cranberries Pomegranate Sweet Potatoes Brussel Sprouts Broccoli Beetroots Cauliflower Pumpkin Mushrooms Kale Cabbage Turnips Baking bread, making a harvest vegetable soup, or even snacking on a ripe juicy apple while honoring and thanking Demeter for your harvest is an excellent way to connect with her. Creating a Goddess Altar Another way to connect with Demeter is by creating a special altar dedicated to her. You can include symbols and offerings that represent her, such as wheat stalks, pomegranates, or images of mother and child. Use this altar as a place to meditate, perform spells, and offer gratitude to Demeter. The Power of Feminine Mothering Energy Demeter is also known for her nurturing and mothering energy. This can be seen in the way she cares for the earth and her daughter Persephone. As we connect with Demeter, we tap into this powerful feminine energy and can use it in our own lives. Spend time with your daughter(s) or mother figure to improve your bond and tap into the energy of Demeter. Some Ideas For Mother/Daughter Bonding: Have a baking day together where you bake breads and Autumn themed treats Go visit the park and have a fall picnic full of seasonal fruits and veggies Spend time talking about what your hopes and dreams are for the future Make a gratitude tree together by writing down things you are thankful for on leaf shaped paper and hang them on a branch in a vase or on a paper tree on the wall Write a letter to your mother or daughter(s) expressing your love for them Take turns reading a book together to each other under tons of snuggly blankets with comforting herbal tea Go on a nature walk collecting flowers and leaves to press, then make those pressed flowers and leaves into paper crafts Collect food together to donate to a foodbank Healing Ritual for Self-Love Take some time to honor yourself and your body by creating a healing ritual. Light candles, burn incense, and surround yourself with items that make you feel loved and cared for. As you do this, call upon Demeter's nurturing energy to help you heal any wounds or insecurities and cultivate self-love. Spellwork for Abundance To honor Demeter's role as the goddess of abundance, you can perform a spell to attract prosperity into your life. You can use herbs such as chamomile, cinnamon, or bay leaves in your spellwork and focus on manifesting your desires while calling upon Demeter's blessings. As we enter October, let us take the time to honor Demeter and tap into her powerful energy. Through ritual, spellwork, and gratitude, we can deepen our connection with this goddess of abundance and bring more prosperity and love into our lives. So gather your loved ones, create an altar, and embrace the witchy, feminine energy of Demeter this harvest season. Blessed be! The Harvest Goddess: Exploring the Magic of Demeter

  • October Astrology - Tricks & Treats Coming Our Way!

    By Audra English October 2023 astrological events During this magical month, we are blessed with the incredible 10:10 Gateway Portal, marking a day of profound transformation as Pluto goes direct in Capricorn. Scorpio in Mars will ignite the flames in the bedroom, and we are further enchanted by very powerful solar and lunar eclipses. All of this leads us to an incredibly lucky Halloween night. This month serves as the antidote to the rough summer we've endured, as we anticipate a complete turnaround in our careers and love life, bringing forth positive change and excitement! October 2nd — Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces This element strikes a balance between logic and creativity by allowing us to envision the future we hope for and devise a strong strategy for making it a reality. Prepare for significant breakthroughs today! October 3rd — Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn Today is a fantastic day for all aspects in our careers, since Capricorn enables us to allow people to see us at our best. It's useful for going to interviews, applying for employment, or asking for a promotion from your workplace. Today, allow yourself to shine! October 4th — Mercury enters Libra Over the next two weeks, charms and social graces will be in high demand as we finally stop worrying about what may go wrong and focus on making diplomatic relationships that will aid us in the future. October 8th — Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn Because the collective energy is aggressive and tense, this dominating component may put us all on edge. Useless squabbling can quickly take over. Use your words wisely today and if you can, stay away from heated subjects. Venus enters Virgo Venus finally bids farewell to the gorgeous Lion before moving onto the sign of the maiden, Virgo. Over the next four weeks, we will spend less money while concentrating on where we can focus on our inner beauty. October 9th — Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces Due to delays and disillusionment, you might feel loneliness and be prone to melancholy today. Embrace spending time alone, meditate, and/or concentrate on practical issues. October 10th — Pluto goes direct in Capricorn This is the final time for quite a while that Pluto will be direct in Capricorn. We will spend the last few months with Pluto in the Goat's sign, therefore now is an excellent time to reflect on the lessons we've learnt over the previous decade and how we may apply them in the new era. 10:10 Gateway Portal This is an excellent portal to have while we contemplate where we want our lives to go over the next decade. This portal opens a historic day that will have far-reaching consequences for the whole planet. We will be unleashing and activating the frequency of New Energies and Expansion. The number 1 represents New Beginnings in Numerology, and 0 represents Birth and Creation. It is a Dual Portal of New Beginnings and Creation. This will be a period of intense self-reflection and comprehension. You will get understanding and clarity about your life's mission. As your body adjusts to the greater vibration frequency, you may feel certain physical discomfort. Some people may experience dizziness, exhaustion, or flu-like symptoms. To assist alleviate any discomfort, drink lots of water and get plenty of rest. October 11th — Mars enters Scorpio Mars enters Scorpio, one of the signs it governs, during the bitter fall. The following six weeks will be a slow and enchanting burn as we pursue passion, mystery, and the most forbidden of desires. October 13th — Mars in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces Today, our loyalty is put to the test as we must defend those we care about. We also discover who is and is not in our corner. October 14th — New moon solar eclipse in Libra The new moon solar eclipse in Libra might throw us off balance, making it difficult to make a choice. Trying to satisfy everyone will leave you feeling lonely and exhausted. October 17th — Juno enters Virgo Juno in Virgo will not tolerate slackers in the coming weeks. We will demand and expect excellence from our partners or nothing at all. While this can assist us get out of poisonous relationships, remember to be patient with others. We're only human after all. October 19th — Sun in Libra conjunct Mercury in Libra Today is excellent for socializing since we may use our charms and humor to win over even the toughest individuals. Prepare to do some mingling. October 20th — Mercury in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn Because we can easily manipulate people to attain our aims, today's highly competitive environment may bring out the worst in us. October 21st — Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn Today could be a day of division and animosity, when one domineering individual attempts to rule the entire group. Spend the day alone to prevent ego clashes. Venus in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus This upbeat component fills our dark October night with great energy. This is a good night for romance since you'll be in a good mood to appreciate your date's company. Mercury enters Scorpio Today is excellent for decision-making since this aspect allows us to use our enhanced intuition to make wise decisions on crucial matters. Today, don't second-guess yourself! October 23rd — Sun enters Scorpio The spooky season has definitely arrived as we get enamored with the darker side of existence. Passions are intense, and they may either keep us warm on a cool autumn night or entirely destroy our life. Not to sound dramatic or anything! Just remember, you have the ability to choose where you aim your energy. October 24th — Sun in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces We might expect some improvement in productivity today as we are encouraged to broaden our emotional and mental perspectives. Use your ideas and ability to create something truly unique. October 28th — Full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus Everything takes on a new and deeper intensity during this moon eclipse. We may cling to the past even though it causes us pain. Letting go is difficult, but moving on may be therapeutic—we just have to take the first step. Mars in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus This combination is good for taking risks because we are motivated and eager to win at any cost—even if it means playing dirty. Mercury in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus Expect the unexpected today, as any past trauma and unsavory people could pop up to cause you fear and strife. Use your wits to keep yourself safe from the chaos. October 29th — Mercury in Scorpio conjunct Mars in Scorpio Today is a great day for conspiring and scheming, as we are given the opportunity to make incredible power plays. October 31st — Venus in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus Today is a very exciting aspect which gives us an abundance of love and luck! Celebrate Halloween tonight knowing we are getting only treats while leaving the tricks behind us.

  • Last Super Moon of 2023- Could this be the end of the Beginning or the Beginning of the end?

    By Audra English This week there will be a particularly powerful Super Moon that will brightly illuminate the nighttime sky, gracing us with its presence. On Friday the 29th, we will celebrate the last Super Moon of the Year and the first Full Moon and Super Moon of Autumn. This Moon is known as the highly yearly anticipated Harvest Moon. Even as noted in the very popular Old Farmer's Almanac, the Harvest Moon is known to be surrounded in mysterious comings and goings. The Moon will appear fuller, and its light lasts longer which illuminates the night and helps farmers have enough time to harvest their crops... hence the name “Harvest Moon.” It is time to harvest everything you've been working so hard on over the past several months. This Super Moon will be opposite to the sun in Libra, its brightness will be at its highest point, and the Moon in the sign of Aries will be prominent in the sky. The relationship we have with ourselves (represented by Aries) as well as the relationship we have with others (represented by Libra) are both activated by this Super Full Moon. This is truly the Moon to work with if you have any goals or situations related to your personal relationships with people in your life. Keep in mind, that Aries is ruled by Mars, and Libra is ruled by Venus. They are in opposition to each other. So, this will be a very intense Super Moon, especially when it comes to relationships! Passion and romance could ignite in a big way, but so could anger and intense fighting. Everything is on the table right now! So, it is important to plan what you want to see from this energy and use it to your ultimate benefit. Do not ignore or sit this Super Moon out, you'll be moved by it one way or another, and might as well have some influence over what it brings into your life. Right? It may be difficult to find patience right now with this Aries-ruled Moon, and the requirement to radically be ourselves is an ongoing one. This is especially true when considering the means by which we might maintain the core of who we are while engaging in a romantic relationship. Finding a means to connect truly to our own needs while simultaneously discovering a way to meet somewhere in the center is how we achieve balance. Thankfully we do have that balancing Libra influence with such a passionate and aggressive Super Moon. Finding that balance right now is exactly what we need in order to achieve the success we've been working towards. I love that we always start off Autumn in Virgo and Libra since it's such a good time to start re-evaluating our goals and getting back into balance with ourselves and the world around us. This year though, with the summer we've just suffered through, it's definitely the right time to hit that pause button, re-organize our priorities, ground ourselves, and regain our equilibrium again. Emotions tend to come to the foreground around the time of any Full Moon and in the days leading up to it as well. However, a Super Moon heightens those emotions, especially a Super Moon in Aries! Yikes! When problems have been percolating below the surface for an extended period of time, it may feel more difficult to keep silent about them. The influence of Mars might make you a little more likely to decide to act on those feelings. Take a page out of Libra's book and pause to consider if now is the right time to make those decisions and if you'll be able to live with the consequences if your anger (or passion!) gets the best of you. Thankfully though, all of the outer planets continue to travel in a retrograde direction, which indicates that we are more likely to engage in introspective behavior as opposed to risky behavior. Fingers crossed! The determination to make a change in one's life will suddenly emerge, even though the actions that need to be taken are probably obscured by a cloak of ambiguity. A mindset that is willing to take risks and explore what the future holds might take root. A part of this is driven by the yearning for something different and the realization that we are hesitant to break a pattern that we have developed. It's possible that the solution lies in making a number of quite minor changes that will detach us from our history. You're going to require a shift and thinking and movement in order to manifest those things you've been asking for. Are you prepared for that and if so, are you ready to make that change and request for yourself now? This will be the question you need to answer for yourself over the next couple of days. It is a fortunate time to harvest seeds that were planted at the Aries new moon which happened around six months ago. This Full Super Moon in the first sign of the Zodiac might symbolize either the end of the beginning or the beginning of the end. That is up to you to decide! Spells or rituals to do during this Super Moon: Anything to do with LOVE!! Especially break up spells and spells igniting the spark between you and someone else. Mars and Venus are influencing things big time, mix that with a Super Moon and you've got some major energy to work with to change up things 180 degrees! MONEY!!! Now is the time to manifest wealth and abundance. That is what the harvest is all about. Get your lotto tickets ready, hit up your favorite casino, you're about to hit the jackpot if you time things just right. Major windfalls are possible. Anything to do with Home and Family. Calming down a painful situation, looking for resolution between family members or even closure on a very heartbreaking issue is very possible right now. This is very important as the holiday season is almost here and getting our home and family life set straight will ensure blessings and love for the upcoming season. Blessings & Gratitude. Fall is the time we harvest and count our blessings. Do spells and rituals to give thanks to the Universe, your ancestors, people who have helped you, and yourself. Gratitude is the highest vibration, so using it in your spellwork will supercharge anything you work on during the Super Moon. Kitchen Spells for healing. Time to make fire water, elderberry syrup, and anything that will get us through cold and flu season. Set your intentions on the Super Moon while making your remedies with materials you've “harvested” (or bought at the grocery store if you're a busy mama like me) and you'll be sure to keep the whole house healthy this year. Goddesses of focus for this upcoming month: Demeter & Abundantia Demeter is the Goddess of Harvest and Abundantia is the Goddess of Abundance. Both Goddesses share the symbol of the Cornucopia and represent the blessings of a good harvest. We will be doing a weekly Goddess-related spell, ritual, and worship to start familiarizing ourselves with these amazing Goddesses. We start with these two because of their connection to the Harvest Moon and the abundance of health, wealth, and love we seek to harvest for ourselves this autumn. We will have a special Potion Duo, candles, and crystal kit for these Goddesses (available here) for anyone who would like to get them to start using alongside us to make requests while we worship and celebrate the Goddesses this upcoming month. You will get a new weekly spell done on your behalf along with instructions and a list of rituals and spells you can do yourself at home. All kits will be sent out on Monday the 2nd of October and will come with full instructions and spells we can do together to collectively add energy to our manifestations with the Goddesses. They will only be available to buy until the 1st as we want to make sure everyone gets their packages at the same time so we can work on this together. This Harvest Super Moon, we will be putting the finishing touches on our Goddess Potions, so these two potions will have major Super Harvest Moon manifesting energy infused within them. These spell kits will be a game changer for anyone who feels drawn to them! Of course, we are also doing our Super Harvest Moon Boost!! If you've been waiting patiently (thank you!) you'll find the listing below. It comes with a free customized love or wealth spell done by Robin and Audra on your behalf. We will be casting on the 29th and 30th. Updates will be done by Robin during the 1st week of October.

  • What are Switch Words and How You Can Utilize Them

    By Audra English For centuries, people have been searching for ways to channel the power of their thoughts and intentions into tangible results. One of the most powerful tools in this pursuit is the use of switch words – a combination of sounds and vibrations that are believed to activate the subconscious mind and bring about positive change. Let's explore the history of switch words and offer some insight into how you can use them to achieve your goals. The origins of switch words can be traced back to ancient Indian traditions, where they were known as "mantras." These mantras were used to encourage healing, spiritual growth, and other positive outcomes. Each mantra was believed to have a specific vibration that could unlock hidden abilities within the mind and body. Over time, this practice spread throughout the world, and variations of mantras became widely accepted in various cultures. In recent years, switch words have gained renewed interest in the spiritual community, as more people are looking for ways to harness the power of their thoughts and intentions. The theory behind switch words is that they can bypass the conscious mind and activate the subconscious, which is responsible for creating habits and patterns in our lives. By repeating these words with intention, it is believed that we can reprogram our subconscious to attract positive outcomes. So, how do you use switch words? First, it is important to choose a word or phrase that resonates with your desired outcome. For example, if you are looking to attract abundance, you might choose the switch word "count." You can then repeat this word throughout the day with intention, whether in your mind or out loud. You can also write the word down or create a visual reminder, such as a vision board, to strengthen your connection to the switch word. It is important to note that switch words are not a quick fix. The energy is meant to build up. They require consistent repetition and intention to see results. Additionally, switch words should be used in conjunction with other spiritual practices, such as magick, meditation and visualization, to amplify their effects. Here are some sample switch words and phrases that you can use in your practice: For Love: Calm Compassion Love - Used to bring about a loving and calming energy to an otherwise stressful and unloving relationship. Helps both sides look at the situation with compassion and love. For Wealth: Golden Sunrise Add Count Now- Increase your wealth, open new doors and bring in new opportunities. Increase your earnings from all areas and attract abundance. Increase cash flow. For Health: Be Revive Now ___ Forever- Add in any area of concern you want to heal. For example, for liver healing, put the word liver in the blank spot. To help with diabetes, put the word pancreas in the blank spot. For Emotions: Giggle Stretch Bluff- Used to relieve depression and stress. Gives you an abundance of happiness immediately. Can help take away fears and worries so that you can get out of your own way. Switch words are a powerful tool that can help you tap into the power of your subconscious mind and achieve your goals. By selecting a word or phrase that resonates with your desired outcome and repeating it with intention, you can reprogram your subconscious mind to attract positive results. However, it is important to remember that consistency and dedication are key when it comes to using switch words as a part of your spiritual or magickal practice. With commitment, patience, and faith, you can unlock the full potential of this powerful tool and harness the power of your thoughts to create a life you love. Here are some Master Switch Words you can use by themselves or combine with other words to create a phrase that fits you and your situation: Add: To boost your energy and force with each switchword. Strengthens, boosts, increases, improves, and enlarges everything. Increase the number of clients and money in your business. Improves a relationship's love, praise, sentiments, care, affection, respect, and communication. Bring: It aids in the unification and connection of goals. Helps to enigmatically attract desires at an appropriate time. To attract all positive things and to align yourself with your goal. Charm: Used to bring about intense desires. Aids in skin, hair, and nail problems. Aids in the creation of a stable existence. Used to improve one's attractiveness, security, and serenity. Reduce daily stress. Improve your inner personality. To make your deepest desires a reality. Divine: It aids in rising above the ordinary and mediocre. Used to get an immediate outcome. Improve the quality of all work. It aids in the attraction of impossible but genuine things. Attract miracles and good fortune. Aids in the development of sincere love in our hearts. Used to relieve hatred, envy, rage, jealousy, suspicion, vengeance, and other negative emotions. Aids in the induction of power in all works. Elate: Used to bring back a dead relationship, lost wealth, an ailing organ, a project, an event, and much more. Helps to convert setbacks into opportunities. Limit: To help get rid of addiction to alcohol, cigarettes, lust, excessive online or social networking talking, caffeinated beverages, and other unpleasant or undesired behaviors. To shield oneself from unpleasant individuals and their consequences. To feel safe and in command of a situation. Now: It assists in staying in the present moment and expedites the fulfillment of a request. Helps you act on positive impulses, reduces procrastination, and ensures that your destiny only brings you pleasant things at the right moment. It induces peace and soothes the psyche. Aids in the removal of previous traumas, wounds, ailments, and karmas. Reach: Used to locate a misplaced item, person, or location. To accomplish any goal or target. Helps fulfill personal desires such as marriage, a financial wish, project completion, boost a relationship with a friend or spouse that has stagnated reconnect with a friend who has lost touch, and so on. Helps to achieve health goals such as weight loss and to provide fresh ideas to complete a project or task. Helps with the attraction of fresh ideas, innovations, and creativity. Together: Helps with the mastery of any activity or skill. Can assist you in achieving your personal and financial goals, as well as any other desire. When you need to be single-minded, this helps.It brings together the intellect, body, and spirit to get things done swiftly. It also brings together earthy and spiritual energy to expedite tasks. Join our free Law of Attraction Workshop to get a large list of Switch Word Phrases and Master Words to use with your spellwork and manifestation exercises. You can sign up to join HERE.

  • September 2023 Astrology Guide - Free Printable Astrology Calendar

    By Audra English This month starts off with some very welcome astrological news, in addition to the fall-like atmosphere and temperature that calls for sweaters.The conclusion of Venus's retrograde phase occurs early in the month. This indicates that everything having to do with romance or monetary flows will be less complicated, and that you will finally be able to make significant changes to your look. In addition to this, the gaseous titan Jupiter will be in retrograde motion for the remainder of the year, and the conclusion of Mercury's retrograde motion will follow shortly thereafter.So, other from that, what else is going on as we usher in the autumn season? Here is your September 2023 Astrology Guide to help you understand what this month ushers in for us. This month I also made everyone a super handy printable astrology calendar you can print out for free. It is located at the bottom of this page. September 3rd — Venus goes direct in Leo Now that Venus has begun its forward motion, our confidence is returning, and we are beginning to radiate a newfound sense of pride in ourselves. In order to be ready for the season, we can now set up appointments for things like haircuts, facials, and shopping trips. September 4th — Mercury in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus Because of this beneficial aspect, we find ourselves talking and thinking more productively. Today is a fantastic day to send out proposals, resumes, preliminary plans, and other similarly critical messages. Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus Jupiter's retrograde motion in obstinate Taurus till the end of the year will leave us all feeling unsettled. The following few months are prime time for reevaluating your objectives and making any required course adjustments. September 6th — Sun in Virgo conjunct Mercury in Virgo This work-related aspect is useful for coming up with beneficial concepts, preparing ahead, and assessing situations so that you may advance in your career. September 8th — Sun in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus Today is a fantastic day for business and professional advancement. When you put your financial resources into a fantastic idea, you could be shocked at the results. September 9th— 9/9 Gateway Portal According to numerology, September 9 is one of the luckiest days of the year. On the ninth day of the ninth month, we will get access to something that will allow us to do things that we have not been able to do in a considerable amount of time. On a more fundamental level, we will be able to tune into the vibrations of the world that is all around us. During the next several weeks, we will be confronted by energies that will prove to be beneficial to our life. When people experience the emergence of new energies, our natural reaction is to pull back, but this is not the appropriate response given the circumstances. You have to have the ability to break out of your comfort zone and move forward. Even though you will be operating from within, you must make sure that you are coming from a position of harmony. You may experience some anxiety while these energies make their way here; but, once the gateway opens, which will occur after it has reached its maximum capacity, you will be able to genuinely let this energy into your life and benefit from it. The date of September 9 is, in and of itself, a good day for doing the inner work necessary to heal and let go of any troubles that you have let to weigh heavily on your heart and prevent you from moving on. This opening of a gateway brings forth a sense of unity that all of us have been craving for a long time. You should be aware that September 9th (9/9) is one of the greatest days to try any manifestation rituals. This is because September 9th (9/9) is one of the few days that have nine digits. September 13th — Pallas enters Libra In order to make the best decisions for our life, we are going to spend the next several weeks studying how to strike a balance between following our minds and following our hearts. Nevertheless, you should take care not to let your preoccupation with arriving at the "best" choice cause you to avoid making any choices at all. Vesta enters Cancer During the next several weeks, our primary objective will be to lay a solid groundwork for ourselves and the people we care about the most. It is time to make a commitment to your family and to concentrate on turning your house into a home. September 14th — New moon in Virgo This is the perfect opportunity to think about ways that we may better ourselves as we draw closer to the beginning of a new season. A wonderful opportunity to establish new habits, get things done, and take better care of our health. September 15th — Mercury goes direct in Virgo As soon as we make an effort to think in a rational manner, our anxious feelings begin to feel better. After the mayhem that the retrograde caused, it is the time to get our lives back in order and resume our normal routines. Ceres enters Scorpio When Ceres enters devoted Scorpio, it's better to give than to receive. During the next few weeks, we could be sharing resources and space with other people, which will likely result in the formation of profound relationships that will keep us connected for a long time. Choose that particular person with discretion. Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus As our good fortune begins to come around, this miraculous facet of the situation continues to fill us with awe and positive energy. Choose the path that is less traveled, and have an optimistic attitude! September 16th — Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus Today, you shouldn't be so willing to give away your heart. When it comes to a relationship, moving too quickly might result in regret and embarrassment farther down the line. September 18th — Venus is at it's brightest Have you been observing Venus in the sky lately? If not, you should check out how brilliant Venus is. If you've been getting up before the sun and gazing to the east, there's no way you can claim to not have seen it. The reason for this is that on September 18th, Venus will be shining brighter than it ever has before. Before Venus begins to swing back toward the Sun and finally appears in the evening skies again, this will be the brightest it will ever be in the morning sky. Today is the perfect time to work on your love spells and put your romantic goals into action. September 19th — Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces Be wary of everything, including but not limited to, what you overhear at this trivial phase. Gossip spreads rapidly and has the ability to profoundly damage people's confidence. Before you have all of the information in front of you, refrain from repeating anything. September 20th — Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn Putting in a lot of effort might help you stand out at this diligent phase. Make use of it to request what you are entitled to, such as a pay rise, a promotion, or public acknowledgment for a job well done. September 22nd — Sun enters Libra Day and night, light and dark, all have the same amount of intensity on the first day of fall. During the following four months, we will work on striking a balance between our inner light and our outside light as we learn to maintain our position on significant topics while avoiding alienating essential friends. September 23rd — Autumn Equinox The Autumn Equinox will occur on September 23rd, and marks the time when summer officially ends and the new season begins. During this time, the amount of daylight and darkness will be almost equal. The energy of autumn, like the energy of spring, has a sensation of transition, of something fresh, and it brings to mind the feeling of going back to school that one had when they were younger. As the Autumn Equinox and the calm drawing in of the period of Winter get near, now is the season to be ready, to sow seeds that can develop roots and mature in preparation for the next surge of fresh energy that will come in the Springtime. It is a moment to reflect on all that has transpired thus far in this year and to express gratitude for it. September 25th — Mercury in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus This forward-thinking component inspires all of us to think creatively about ways in which we may make our lives better and motivates us to think outside the box. September 27th — Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces When we are not permitted to express who we are, this limiting component might give rise to an identity crisis. The end effect is a sensation of being underappreciated and overworked. September 29th — Full Super Moon in Aries We have the opportunity to acknowledge our entrepreneurial spirit and seize control of our future thanks to the glowing full moon. Get in touch with your most primal emotions and let them direct you. This is also the last Super Moon of 2023. Make sure you use it to your benefit. Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus Since feelings are running high and anxiousness is at an all-time high, today is not the best day for romantic endeavors. Fights about trivial matters have the potential to destroy otherwise healthy relationships. September 30th — Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus Take advantage of the last day of September to reflect on the years to come, as the resolute nature of this month inspires us to plan out our ambitions and embark on the path that leads to achievement. Click HERE to access your free printable September Astrology Calendar as pictured below. Written by Audra English High Priestess of Life Spirits Society of Magick

  • Once in a Blue Super Moon~ Ritual and Spells to try on the August 30th Blue Super Moon.

    By Audra English A Super Moon has significance in astrology. Not only does the moon look impressively big due to how much closer it is to our Earth, but also affects our energy more significantly than a regular full moon. What is also unique about this Super Moon is that it's also known as a Blue Super Moon. Super Moons only occur a few times a year, but this August will witness two of these lunar phenomena, making this month a very unique one for astrologers. Each full moon coincides with an astrological sign, giving off a certain energy. And that mood is much stronger when there is a Super Moon. This specific Blue Super Moon is associated with Saturn and is in the sign of Pisces. So you'll be questioning if you've been actively following your dreams lately. It is a good idea to consider if you've been driven to achieve your goals due to passion or if you're just following the crowd. If your responses to these kinds of crucial questions match what you hope to achieve in life, that means you're on the right track. If not, though, it's time to take action and realign your goals with your truest desires. You may also come to the knowledge that making tough choices now will pay off greatly. That can entail making the decision to uproot your life and relocate to a new place or finally launching the side project you've been contemplating for so long. The Full Blue Super Moon will have you thinking about some possibly significant changes that might effect your future, this is a good thing. It means that change is very possible right now and the Universe is pushing you to really go after everything you've said you want. Your job, your relationships, your home—all of these things are up for change right now. Making decisions in those areas may significantly change the trajectory of your life, without trying to be dramatic. This is by far the best Full Moon of the year to do spellwork for yourself. So make sure you make some time to get your rituals done up, even if it's going over your list of goals and writing them down for the Universe to manifest for you. Here is a Super Moon Ritual you can perform for yourself on August 30th: How to conduct a Blue Super Moon ritual? The first step in conducting a full moon ritual is to set the intention. Focus on what you want to manifest in your life. Your intention will be the foundation for your spell or ritual. Next, set up your sacred space. This can be a simple altar or a secluded area in your home. Then, light candles and incense, or create a sensory environment with essential oils and crystals. Take a few deep breaths and relax. When you feel centered, start the ritual or spell you feel drawn to from the list below. Include a meditation or visualization to endorse your intention. Blue Super Moon Spell List: 1. Blue Super Moon Release Spell: Write down what you want to let go of in your life on a slip of paper. Fold the paper and hold it in your left hand. Hold a lit candle (preferably black or white) in your right hand and recite, "I release what no longer serves me," three times. When you feel ready, burn the paper. 2. Blue Super Moon Abundance Spell: Get a bowl of water and drop a few coins in it. Set your intention for abundance. Light a green candle and recite, "As the moon draws the tides, so too does the moon draw abundance to me." While staring at the flame, let the energy of the Blue Super Moon guide you and feel yourself drawing abundance into your life. 3. Blue Super Moon Water Ritual: Get a bowl or jar of water and place it outside under the Blue Super Moon. Set your intentions as you stare at the bowl or jar of water. When you're done, use the water to cleanse your face and hands. You can also use any extra water to add to your perfume or body washes to harness the energy of the Blue Super Moon longer. 4. Blue Super Moon Gratitude Prayer: Take a few minutes to list all the things you're grateful for in your life. Speak your blessings aloud or write them down in your journal. Express appreciation to the universe. What is a Blue Super Moon ritual? A Blue Super Moon ritual is a spiritual practice that utilizes the energy of the Blue Super Moon to manifest change and growth in one's life. It is a time of introspection, letting go of old habits, and setting intentions for the future. A Blue Super Moon ritual can include meditation, journaling, and spellwork. The goal of the ritual is to channel the energy of the Blue Super Moon to achieve one's objectives. We just added up the Blue Super Moon Boost & Spell Bundle. You get to choose 7 wishes for us to manifest for you. This one will also come with a blue candle you can use at home whenever you want to add instant Super Blue Moon Manifestation energy to your intentions! You can find it here:

  • Get in Control of Your Ego and Gain Self Esteem to Manifest Your Dreams

    By Audra English Defining the Ego - Why it's Crucial to Know and Accept it! Have you ever heard someone say that "he has a big ego?" or that "she just can't let go of her ego?" People often talk about the ego as though it's something negative or even dangerous. And that's truly a shame because the ego is nothing but a part of who we are - a part that's crucial to know and accept. The ego is the mental construct of ourselves. It's a collection of beliefs, self-images, and inner narratives that make up our sense of self. The ego is not inherently good or bad - it just is. However, its power can create a sense of separation between ourselves and others. The ego is often oriented towards external validation and the pursuit of pleasure, which can lead to neglecting the needs of others and fostering a sense of superiority or inferiority over others. It's important to recognize the ego because it's something we carry with us every day, and it shapes the way we perceive and interact with the world. Understanding our ego allows us to become more self-aware and to make conscious decisions about how to use its power. We can learn to recognize when we're making ego-driven decisions and work on making more balanced choices. Accepting the ego means embracing who we are entirely, both our strengths and weaknesses. Instead of trying to suppress or deny it, we can recognize and accept our egos, finding balance between our inner-self with our behaviors, emotions, and communication with others. The process of accepting the ego can lead to greater self-acceptance and self-love, helping us to navigate life with more intention and authenticity. Being ego-aware means that we can learn to discern the difference between our inner-selves and the projections that the ego is constantly pushing forward. The ego is not just our self-image but the image we create for others to receive as well, therefore, impact our relationships. By understanding the ego, we can be more empathetic and better communicators. However, being ego-aware does not mean that we should choke the ego to death. Our ego is essential to getting through life and having a healthy dose of self-confidence. But when the ego verges into a territory of arrogance and entitlement, that is when the ego needs to be reigned back and kept under control. The ego is a part of our mental construct that's essential to know and accept. By understanding and embracing our ego, we become empowered with self-awareness and self-acceptance, as well as more empathetic in our relationships with others. At the same time, we need to acknowledge when our ego takes over and learn how to keep it in check, so it doesn't go overboard. By practicing ego-awareness, we become more intentional about the choices we make and how we interact with the world. So, don't reprimand your ego, but be aware of it to lead a more balanced life. 50 Signs Your Ego is in Control of you: You are constantly feeling you're a victim of your circumstances. You live in a scarcity mindset. You feel you are in competition with the world. You don't feel empowered. You feel people are either good or bad... it's only black and white to you. You lack validation and strive to have people “see” or validate you. You can't handle any criticism, even if it is constructive. You feel you are right. You don't feel you are good enough. You are afraid if people knew the “true” you, they'd reject you. You feel you are defined by your past. You don't believe people can grow or change. You believe who they are is who they'll always be, yourself included. You don't feel you are complete unless you have love, money, or validation from an outside source. You don't know how to find happiness in the current moment you're living in. You don't live in the current moment, you're either stuck in the past or worried about the future. You hold other people accountable for your happiness or lack thereof. You cover up your feelings by numbing them. You only seek wisdom to validate yourself and your belief system. You need others to be impressed by you. You aren't fulfilled. You get offended by other people's opinions. You need to win. Your reputation is important to you and you'll do anything to make sure you are in charge of how other people perceive you. You don't put yourself out there because you're too afraid of getting hurt. You believe hurting someone else will relieve your own pain. Don't feel you have much to be thankful for. Will only find peace once everything falls in place. You are impatient. You don't like how you look in the mirror. You compare yourself to others. You are bothered by others getting attention. You have problems with people taking selfies or tend to body shame strangers online. You get into debates with strangers online and need to be the winner of the argument. You tend to think someone thinks badly of you after they meet you or talk with you. You are constantly in a state of anxiety. You let people violate your boundaries or you violate theirs. You need to have a relationship “validated” in order to feel secure in it. You are obsessed about the title of the relationship more than just spending time with that person. You have extremely high expectations of yourself and/or other people. You are very reactive and upset if someone believes something about you that is untrue. You fear being a burden. You don't have a strong sense of self. You fear being abandoned or rejected. You're a perfectionist. You love giving bad or negative feedback. You complain or whine a lot. You don't stand up for yourself or other people. You're not able to tell someone they hurt you for fear they'd leave if you stood up for yourself. You don't start new projects or hobbies for fear you'd fail or do poorly. You are pessimistic. Counter the Ego With Emotional Intelligence We've all heard of intelligence quotient (IQ) as a measure of intelligence, but have you ever heard about emotional intelligence? Emotional intelligence or EQ is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage your own emotions while also recognizing the emotions of others. Think of EQ as the intelligence you use to navigate your interpersonal relationships. We're here to tell you all about what emotional intelligence is, and why it's important. At the core of emotional intelligence is self-awareness. Knowing why you feel a certain way and what situations trigger emotions is crucial to understanding and managing them. Self-awareness helps you recognize the feelings that drive your behaviors, which in turn increase your ability to manage them effectively. When you're self-aware, you'll have better chances of responding positively to a situation rather than reacting defensively, impulsively, or emotionally. Self-management is another important aspect of emotional intelligence. This is when you understand how to manage and regulate your emotional responses. It includes being in control of your emotions, rather than having them control you, and is an important part of developing healthy coping mechanisms. Self-management is all about understanding when to express and when to control emotions, particularly during challenging situations. Social awareness is the third component of emotional intelligence, which involves understanding and empathizing with others. To be socially aware, you need to be skilled in deciphering others’ moods and emotions, even non-verbally, and also understand the impact of emotions on others. Strong social awareness can also help you steer conversations by being more responsive and engaging with people. Lastly, relationship management is an important part of emotional intelligence. When you have good relationship management skills, you can deal with conflict, build lasting relationships, and inspire positive change in others. Strong relationship management skills can help you navigate different personalities, collaborate with other people, and even lead teams. Emotional intelligence is an essential skill in our personal and professional lives. Once you start understanding your own emotions, you can better understand the emotions of others and navigate relationships in a more compassionate and effective way. All the components of emotional intelligence- self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management- build upon each other to create a complete toolbox to help navigate our emotional lives. Developing EQ requires time and effort, but the payoff is worth it. The Ego vs Emotional Intelligence When you can recognize and control your feelings, while also being considerate of others' emotions, your ego will stay in line. Plus, your energy and vibe will soar! But here's the twist: forget about ego and focus on emotional intelligence. It's the secret sauce for leveraging the law of attraction in your favor. Boosting your emotional intelligence is like reclaiming the reins on your ego. You'll finally become the genuine, fabulous person you've always wanted to be. Embrace Your Emotional Intelligence with these Practical Exercises and Tips 1. Identify your emotions: Sometimes, we're so caught up in our thoughts that we forget to recognize what we're feeling. The first step towards emotional intelligence is to identify your emotions. Start by paying attention to your thoughts and how they make you feel. Ask yourself, "What am I feeling right now?" or "Why do I feel this way?" By becoming aware of your emotions, you can learn to regulate them better. 2. Practice empathy: Put yourself in other people's shoes. Empathy is about understanding and feeling what others feel. To develop empathy, try actively listening to others and understanding their perspective and experiences. When talking to someone, pay attention to their tone of voice, body language, and facial expressions to get a better sense of their emotions. 3. Communicate effectively: Communication is key to building strong relationships. To communicate better, start by being present in the conversation. Put your phone away, make eye contact, and actively listen to what the other person is saying. Instead of reacting impulsively, take a deep breath, and respond with kindness and empathy. Remember, effective communication isn't just about speaking; it's also about listening. 4. Practice self-awareness: Self-awareness is the foundation of emotional intelligence. It involves understanding your values, beliefs, strengths, and weaknesses. Take time to reflect on your thoughts and actions. Ask yourself, "Why did I react that way?" or "What can I do differently next time?". By being self-aware, you can recognize your triggers and learn to manage your emotions better. 5. Be open-minded: Embrace diversity and be open to new ways of thinking and doing things. Our differences make us unique, and by embracing them, we can learn a lot from each other. Be curious about other people's cultures, beliefs, and experiences. By embracing diversity, you'll develop a better understanding of others' emotions and perspectives. Tips on Improving Your Self-Esteem: Don't let your ego hold you back from accepting yourself and becoming self-aware. When you embrace self-awareness, you're taking control away from that pesky ego and leveling up your emotional intelligence. Boost your self-esteem and find true happiness by prioritizing self-acceptance. It's a key ingredient for success! Journal or script. The more you allow your true self to speak, the more you'll start learning and accepting who you truly are. Complement others. When you take time to look at people and consider what you like about them, you'll be much less concerned about what they think about you and will make a friend in the long run. Accept that YOU are in control of your happiness. You are only as happy as you make your mind up to be. So focus on learning to be happy in the current moment. Stop dwelling on the past and stop obsessing about the future. Savor every moment you have in your life and that starts with appreciating the little things that happened to you today. Set strong boundaries with other people. If someone is treating you badly, stand up for yourself or at the very least, walk away. Life is too short to put up with people who make you feel like crap. Surround yourself with positive people. The people we spend time with can have a significant impact on our self-esteem. Surround yourself with supportive and positive people who encourage and inspire you. Limit time with people who bring you down or are negative about your goals and aspirations. Seek out friends and mentors who uplift you and believe in your potential. Find things you love about yourself, no matter how small. Write down what makes you happy, what makes you proud, what makes you beautiful, worthy, and unique. Write down positive affirmations and quotes and put them everywhere!! On your mirror, in your phone, on your computer, at work, on the fridge. Surround yourself with positive energy. Stop watching and looking at things that carry negative energy. The more you find beauty around you, the more you'll find beauty within you. Take selfies!! Post pictures of yourself. Talk about your passions and your dreams. Talk about the things you're currently interested in. Be goofy! Share your TRUE self and don't allow yourself to worry about what other people think about you when you post. The more you get used to being yourself and loving who you are, the more magnetic you become. Give other people a platform. Get excited about other people's selfies, self reflections and interests. Engage and encourage! Allow them to shine without it saying something about you or making you feel jealous. The less you need other people to see you, the more you'll start seeing yourself. It will give you a huge sense of freedom. Whenever you find yourself thinking a negative thought about yourself or another person, stop and reflect. Where did that thought come from? How can you change that narrative? The more mindful you are towards your thoughts and feelings, the more you'll be in control of what your subconscious is thinking. Realize that your past does not define you. You are growing and evolving every single day. If you are around people (including yourself!) that will not let you grow or evolve, you need a change of scenery. Move on. Move on from your past and that mindset. Meditate. The best way to get in control of your mind and ego is to silence it. Spend time daily meditating. Live with gratitude. Be thankful for even the things that you've had to suffer through by finding out what they've taught you. Turn your pain into purpose by learning those lessons and growing from them. Search out knowledge and information that challenges your perspective on things. Don't be afraid to learn something new. The more open minded you are and accepting of other ideas and people, the more your own self esteem and self-acceptance will rise. Challenge and change your inner dialog if you find that you're bullying yourself. Be your own life coach. Watch videos and search for books that are encouraging. The more you coach and work on your inner dialog, the more likely you'll find people who will cherish you and support you. Your self worth is essential and a non negotiable when it comes to attracting the right people and circumstances into your life. Take a break when you need it. Have a moment when you need one. Take a day off. Cry. Allow yourself to feel your emotions. All of them! Don't label them as bad or good. They are valid. You are valid. Instead, try to figure out why you feel that way and what is the best course of action to take once you get those emotions out. Denying our emotions is exactly how the ego kicks in and takes over. Take care of your body. The more you love and care for your body, the better you'll feel about yourself. Don't work out to lose weight... work out to get healthy. You're not trying to fix a deficit, you're trying to cherish yourself because you're worthy of good health. People who focus on losing weight have poor success because their mindset and vibration is in a negative. They only see a fat person in the mirror and that is who they continue to be. Those that start focusing on getting healthy and loving their bodies start losing weight and getting healthier as a result. Learn to enjoy moving your body. Eat healthy food, drink plenty of water, get sunshine. Do this because you deserve to be healthy and happy. Create rituals for yourself that make you feel pampered. Accept your flaws and eccentricities. In fact, love them! That is what makes you, you! Unless you're hurting someone, you should embrace the little bits about yourself that “society” might frown on. Who is society anyway? Truth is, we need more real in this world. We crave it! The more real you are, the more you show your flaws and those parts of you that you've been hiding or covering up, the more people are going to be drawn to you. Stop complaining and whining. Don't like something? Fix it!! Don't let other people be in charge of your destiny by giving them the keys to fixing things going wrong in your life. Make sure you start focusing on what is going right and taking charge and fixing what is going wrong. Set mini (and easily achievable) goals and get to work. As humans, we are goal-oriented and success driven. When we are able to see we can accomplish the goals we set, it improves our self worth and allows us to strive to set and achieve things we once only dreamed was possible. Setting achievable goals for yourself can help boost your confidence and sense of accomplishment. Start by breaking down big goals into smaller, more manageable ones. Celebrate your victories along the way and remember that progress takes time. Be kind and patient with yourself, and know that setbacks are normal and can be opportunities to learn and grow. Boost your self-esteem and watch your luck skyrocket! Say goodbye to the ego and hello to attracting everything you've ever wished for. It may take some time and effort, but trust me, the results are totally worth it. Supercharge your success by boosting your emotional intelligence! Master the art of handling your emotions and uncovering and loving your true self.

  • Unleashing the Power of Mudras and Their Meanings to Improve Your Energy & Attract Manifestations

    By Audra English Our busy and hectic lifestyle often drains us of our vital energy, leaving us stressed and exhausted. But did you know that you have the power to enhance your energy levels and experience greater peace and harmony within your being? Enter mudras – hand gestures that have been used for centuries in the ancient practice of yoga and Ayurveda. These powerful tools can help to harmonize and balance your energy centers, or chakras, and improve your overall well-being. Here, we’ll explore what mudras are, how they work, and why you should be using them in your daily life. Mudras are a subtle yet powerful way to connect with your inner self and improve your energy levels. They involve touching specific points on your fingers with your thumb, and each mudra is said to have its unique healing properties. Essentially, mudras help to balance the flow of energy through your body and awaken your natural healing abilities. For example, the Gyan mudra, where you bring your index finger and thumb together, is said to improve concentration and memory. The Prana mudra, which involves touching your ring finger and little finger to your thumb, is said to enhance vitality and relieve fatigue. The benefits of mudras extend beyond just physical health. They have been credited with reducing stress and anxiety, improving mood and emotional stability, and even enhancing spiritual growth. Practicing mudras along with meditation can offer a deep sense of peace and tranquility. They can also help to cultivate mindfulness and a deeper connection with yourself. If you’re new to mudras, it’s best to start with a few simple ones that are easy to remember. One such mudra is the Chin Mudra, where you touch your thumb and index finger together while letting your other fingers relax. This mudra is said to improve concentration and enhance wisdom. Another easy-to-do mudra is the Anjali mudra, where you bring your palms together in a prayer position. This is a common mudra used in yoga and is said to create a sense of grounding and balance. To get the most benefits out of mudras, it’s recommended to practice them regularly and with intention. As you settle into your mudra pose, focus on your breath and the intention behind the mudra. You can also combine mudras with affirmations and visualizations to enhance their power. For example, while practicing the Ganesha mudra (where you hold your right hand out with your palm facing up and your left hand over your heart), you can repeat the affirmation, “I am open to receive abundance and success.” Mudras are a simple yet effective way to enhance your energy levels and promote holistic wellness. They offer a tangible way to connect with the subtle energy within your body and awaken your natural healing abilities. It’s never too late to start incorporating mudras into your daily routine. Just a few minutes a day can make a significant difference in your overall health and well-being. So why not give it a try and see how these mystical hand gestures can improve your life today? Here is a list of Mudras and their meanings. Try to do each Mudra for 15-30 minutes with both hands while relaxing or meditating for best results. Yoni Mudra Grounds you to your feminine power Helps get rid of anxiety and overthinking Takes care of feminine issues like PMS, PMSD, and Menopause Awakens the Kundalini Cools anger associated with unbalanced hormones Shakti Sacral Mudra Gives you body strength Calms the muscles Gets rid of tension and anxiety Gets rid of insomnia Relaxes the pelvis Can help with PMS and uterine cramps Only use for 10-15 mins unless you want to use it to help sleep Surya Mudra Helps with weight-loss Helps speed up a sluggish thyroid Improves eyesight Keeps your mind focused and on point Helps with inflammation and swelling Helps with diabetes and high blood sugar Helps reduce bad cholesterol Kalesvara Mudra Helps with concentration Calms agitation and anxiety Helps fight addictions Improves memory Awakens intuition Lotus Mudra Helps with digestion Taps into abundance Brings compassion Relaxes the mind Helps bring affection Enhances physical beauty Gets rid of misunderstandings Helps with feelings of loneliness Can help heal heartbreak Ksepana Mudra Helps you move on from what no longer serves you Helps with a positive mindset Flushes away toxins Removes negative thoughts and energy Brings fresh new energy Dharmachakra Mudra Creates everlasting changes Brings you a positive and lucky life Quiets the mind with peace and serenity Gives you spiritual wisdom Deepens your meditation for profound conclusions Improves focus and concentration Aakash Mudra Helps you connect with the higher consciousness Helps you become enlightened Gets rid of fear and anxiety Gets rid of anger and rage Can help with depression Helps detoxify the body Activates the throat chakra Helps you speak your truth Anjali Mudra Helps to balance both hemispheres of the brain Allows union between the physical and spiritual body Enhances focus Increases balance Helps with anxiety and depression Brings stability Pushpaputa Mudra Offer and receive blessings Brings abundance Give thanks and gratitude Promotes compassion Helps you overcome fear Brings forth positive energy Prithvi Mudra Helps stop hair loss Helps improve blood sugar Clears the skin and makes it have a healthy glow Boosts metabolism Helps provide stability Helps body tissues grow Improves stamina Helps you stay grounded Helps with the bones and teeth Prana Mudra Helps increase energy Improves eyesight Builds confidence Increases immunity Heals heart problems Cleanses the aura Reduces stress and anxiety Clears the skin Ganesha Mudra Helps remove any obstacles in your path Keeps you going so you can persevere Lifts your spirits and brings positive energy Can bring you abundance and luck Can help you lose weight by increasing the metabolism Helps with the heart, lungs, and surrounding muscles Bhairava Mudra Helps calm the mind Balances both hemispheres of the brain Enhances concentration Helps you maintain your equilibrium Keeps away negative energy that would oppose you Heals the entire digestive system Gyan Mudra Improves sleep Gets rid of depression and apathy Purify the mind Increase wisdom and intelligence Helps fight addictions Helps with mental illness Brings happiness and joy Creates positive energy Brings peace and serenity Calms the soul and mind

  • Harness the Power of the August 2023 New Moon with These Tips

    The August 2023 New Moon is a powerful time to set intentions, manifest your desires, and make positive changes in your life. As a witch, I believe the energy of the New Moon can enhance the potency of your spells and rituals. That’s why I’m sharing some tips that can help you harness the power of the New Moon and make this celestial event work for you. If you’re looking to boost your spellwork, attract abundance, or improve your relationships, keep reading and get ready to tap into the energy of the cosmos. 1. Start with a ritual. The New Moon is a perfect time to create a ritual that aligns with your intentions. Whether you want to manifest love, prosperity, or healing, you can create a sacred space where you can call in the energy that supports your goals. You can light candles, burn incense, meditate, or perform any other activity that evokes the spirit of the New Moon. Remember to focus on your intentions, visualize your desired outcome, and feel the energy flowing through you. 2. Use crystals for amplification. Crystals are a powerful tool to enhance the energy of your intentions and magnify the effects of your spells. During the New Moon, you can choose crystals that resonate with your goals and keep them close to you. For example, if you want to attract abundance, you can use citrine, pyrite, or green aventurine. If you want to enhance your intuition, you can use amethyst, labradorite, or moonstone. Make sure to cleanse and charge your crystals before using them. 3. Write down your intentions. The act of writing down your intentions can help you clarify your desires, focus your mind, and solidify your commitment to making positive changes. During the New Moon, take some time to write down your goals, dreams, and wishes. You can use a journal, a piece of paper, or any other medium that feels right to you. Be specific, positive, and heartfelt. Avoid negative language or doubts. Read your intentions out loud and visualize them as already accomplished. 4. Practice gratitude. Gratitude is a powerful way to attract abundance, happiness, and blessings into your life. During the New Moon, you can take a moment to focus on the things that you’re grateful for. You can express your gratitude through prayer, meditation, visualization, or any other means that resonate with you. Remember that gratitude is a state of mind, not a result of external circumstances. The more you cultivate gratitude, the more you’ll attract positive energy. 5. Trust the process. The New Moon is a time of beginnings, growth, and potential. When you cast a spell or perform a ritual during this time, you’re planting a seed that has the power to grow and manifest. However, the results may not always be immediate or obvious. Trust that the Universe is working on your behalf, and that your intentions will bear fruit in due time. Be patient, stay positive, and keep believing in your magic. The New Moon on August 16th is a chance to tap into the cosmic energy and make positive changes in your life. By following these tips, you can enhance the potency of your spells, manifest your desires, and attract abundance and blessings. Remember to create a ritual, use crystals, write down your intentions, practice gratitude, and trust the process. With the power of the New Moon on your side, anything is possible. May your wishes come true and your spirit soar!

  • Why You Should Be Excited About The Lion's Gate Portal

    We've been getting nervous because of all the retrogrades occurring (and about to occur), but now the Lions Gate Portal 2023 is almost here to provide us some much-needed good vibes and chance to change the direction of where our lives have been heading. When the sun, Sirius, Orion's Belt, and Earth are in alignment, it is called the Lion's Gate Portal which is the strongest period in the cosmic year. Every year, between July 26 and August 12, this takes place. On August 8 (when the gateway is most potent), it reaches its pinnacle. There is significant spiritual meaning in the number 8. Its form is similar to that of the infinity sign, and the number itself radiates happiness and prosperity. It's a symbol of our future wealth, good fortune, and success. The eight day of August is a date associated with enlightenment, advancement, and accomplishment. The Lion's Gate Portal gives us a chance to make our hopes and dreams manifest at the highest point of the alignment. This gateway enables us the chance to focus our energies on the kind of world we want to live in and the kind of future we want to establish for ourselves and those we love. Sirius, a fixed star, is the brightest object in the sky. The ancient Greeks gave Sirius the name "Glowing" to describe its brilliance. As one among the most spiritual stars, it is believed to carry a heavenly light everywhere it goes. This month, in the sector of our charts ruled by Leo, we have a once-in-a-lifetime chance to manifest on a very grand scale, especially with the other cosmic energy happening this month (ahem, the Double Supermoon!) The ancient Egyptians revered Sirius as a significant star. The annual reappearance of this phenomenon coincided with the Nile's annual flooding. This was a pivotal moment for the locals, since spring meant the start of farming season and the return of good soil. In the current day, we may use this time to supercharge our manifestations and establish our goals. Amplify the Lion's Gate Portal's Manifestation Potential with these rituals: Write down your goals, then come up with a game plan for manifesting them. Use spellwork, the law of attraction, meditation, visualization, anything that helps you with your manifestations Focus on your energy! Change your vibration by getting rid of what no longer serves you (perfect to put all these retrogrades to good use!) and clear out the mental, physical, social, and environmental clutter. Come up with a new health and fitness routine. Focus on your body and health. Give yourself some self love. Get those endorphin going! Get into some water. Swim, take ritual baths, cold showers, anything to clam your energy and cool you down in the heart of summer. Find out what you were meant to do with your life. Let the star of Sirus guide you and help you realize your path. Spend time with those you love. Snuggle, kiss, cuddle, and get your oxytocin fix! Focus on what you're thankful for! Gratitude will move mountains for you, so make sure you are raising your vibration by sending thank you notes to the universe by practicing gratitude. Use your creative energy where Leo dominates your horoscope to manifest everything you desire during this Lion's Gate Portal. By determining in which sector of your horoscope Leo resides, you may direct your energy there. Even while this gateway amplifies your manifestations in every area of your life, it shines brightest in the realm over which Leo reigns. Since Leo is ruled by the Sun, this is a very potent area of your life. Check your rising sign below to find out what areas of your life Leo controls. This place is our kingdom. It's the point on the horoscope where we have the most power and authority, and the most potential for success. It's an area in which we excel. It also reveals the domain in which we may best display our strength and elegance... It's where our lion's heart may shine and make a difference. If you do not know what your Ascendant or Rising Sign is, you can figure it out here: With your Rising Sign in hand, find out what you should focus your energy on during this upcoming Lion's Gate Portal: ARIES – Leo is your 5th House. Focus on manifesting love, romance, marriage, and even starting a family. The Lion's Gate will give you the boost you need to finally get things done. You'll feel ready to take on any obstacle in your path. Get going on the thing you've been putting off right now. Alternatively, you may work up the courage to finally ask for that raise. Now is the moment to try something new. TAURUS – Leo is your 4th House. Focus on manifesting anything to do with your home and heart. You are a tenacious individual who refuses to back down. During The Lion's Gate Portal, your perseverance will undoubtedly bear fruit. This is a moment of great prosperity for you. Make the most of this opportunity to create the life you've always imagined for yourself. GEMINI – Leo is your 3rd House. Write your manifestations and goals down. Use the power of writing and words to manifest your dreams! The dynamic force of the universe will motivate you to delve deeply into your chosen fields of interest. Make the most of your time by pursuing your passions. Now is an excellent moment to put your talents in language and other forms of expression to use. Describe your recent experiences in a journal. CANCER – Leo is your 2nd House. Focus on you and your needs right now! If you would like to live a life of comfort and luxury, manifest wealth and happiness. Cancer, take a moment to focus on what you really want and need. You tend to put other people's needs before your own, but now is a great moment to focus on your own. Allow yourself to be moved by your emotions, and allow your imagination run wild. As a result of this cosmic occurrence, you will have a deeper appreciation for self-care. LEO – Leo is your 1st House. Focus on manifesting your wildest dreams, you are center stage right now! You will feel especially potent because the Lion's Gate occurs during your season. You are free to pursue whatever it is you want. You'll feel a burst of inspiration and the impulse to create something magnificent for the enjoyment of others. Your loved ones will be in amazement, and you'll have a great sense of accomplishment for being so open and genuine with them and the world. VIRGO – Leo is your 12th House. Focus on manifesting what makes your soul happy. You've worked very hard and very carefully, and this is a wonderful opportunity to take stock of your efforts and revel in your success. Focus on the good things happening in your life and take in the cosmic energy. Think about the positive aspects of your life and the areas you'd like to improve upon. LIBRA – Leo is your 11th House. Focus on manifesting love and friendships. You may find that you're more chatty and happy-go-lucky than usual during Lion's Gate season. You'll feel compelled to let your artistic side shine and your heart out to the world. You'll feel inspired to go headfirst into a meaningful conversation, take a chance on a love relationship, or launch a new creative endeavor. If you've been putting off making a decision that will make you happy, now is the moment to do it. SCORPIO – Leo is your 10th House. Focus right now on manifesting wealth, career and business. The intensity of the atmosphere might inspire you to be completely honest with the people you care about. You'll have the fortitude to face any challenges life throws at you. The Lion's Gate Portal is a great moment for intuitive people to take stock of their inner lives, celebrate their progress thus far, and contemplate the changes they'd want to see in the future. What does your future career and business goals look like? Lion's Gate is opening the door to those possibilities for you right now! SAGITTARIUS – Leo is your 9th House. Focus on manifesting miracles, blessings, and anything that you've been dreaming to bring into your life. This is the time to boldly ask for what you might thought was impossible. This might be a period when you feel especially daring. Now is a great moment to unleash your boundless passion and enthusiasm for life. Take part in the pursuits you've long desired but been unable to fit into your hectic schedule. Don't squander your energy now that the portal has been opened for you! CAPRICORN – Leo is your 8th House. Manifest your passions... especially when it comes to sex and romance. As a goal-oriented worker, you probably won't mind putting in extra hours now to achieve your objectives. Potentially novel insights into previously intractable issues may flood your consciousness. You should also take stock of your progress toward your objectives and choose what comes next. If you've been focused on romantically or sexually conquering your target, now is the time to manifest your dreams into reality. AQUARIUS – Leo is your 7th House. Manifest partnerships. Love, business, friendships... the community you are seeking is also seeking you! Even if you're not usually one for contemplation of the spiritual or emotional, Aquarius, you'll feel a change in the air. Think deeply about who you are and where the world now stands. Think about how you can effect more good change, then get to work. Others will be motivated to contribute because of your want to see change happen, this is the time to bring them on board! PISCES – Leo is your 6th House. Focus on how you manifest and what you need to change in your daily routine so that you're able to manifest your dreams more effectively for yourself. If you're a Pisces, this is a fantastic moment to explore your spirituality. You may use crystals to absorb the sun's rays. Think about what you want to bring into your life and meditate on it. Dreaming about your future at the Lion's Gate Portal can help make it a reality. Written By: Audra English High Priestess of Life Spirits Society of Magick

  • August 2023 Astrological Events. The Month of Transformation & Miracles.

    August features two Full Super Moons, one at the beginning and another at the end, both gracing the humanitarian signs of Aquarius and Pisces. This creates an ideal cosmic opportunity to connect, belong, and even embark on an inner journey of self-discovery. The first Super Moon on the 1st has its origins in the initial New Moon of 2023, which also occurred in Aquarius on January 21st. The seeds sown during that time are now bearing fruit. What were your aspirations and visions for the year? How did you envision your journey unfolding? Reflect on the limitless possibilities that await you. Aquarius embodies the true essence of a Utopian, embracing a future-oriented mindset filled with hope and faith. The Star card in the Tarot serves as a powerful conduit to tap into the captivating energy of this magical Full Moon. On August 16th, a heart-centered New Moon blossoms in the passionate and expressive sign of Leo, igniting a sense of excitement. Aligned with Venus, who, while still retrograde, has risen as the Morning Star, this jubilant lunation signifies triumph over transformative experiences. Although Venus has yet to regain direct motion, the cosmic energy begins to uplift, beckoning us to embrace what brings joy to our souls. Remember, Leo embodies the inner child within us all, a playful and blissful spirit that persists despite life's challenges. Thus, the intentions we set during this magnificent lunation should be to ignite something that allows us to express the Inner Child, unleash our sacred and precious creativity, and embody our most Authentic Self. The Sun shines particularly strong in the sign of Leo, where he holds rulership, empowering La Luna to radiate brightly as a compelling reflection of this brilliant Luminary. Throughout Virgo season starting from August 23rd, prepare to be exhilarated by people exhibiting an eagle eye for detail and possessing a strong sense of discrimination. Intellectual capabilities will be heightened, and many will find themselves naturally drawn to analytical thinking and problem-solving. Loyalty, honesty, and unwavering dedication to their chosen professions will serve as defining characteristics for those captivated by this Virgo energy. Virgo Season fosters the pursuit of harmony through meaningful and purposeful endeavors, especially when it comes to helping others. Engaging in tasks that serve a greater purpose brings a profound sense of fulfillment. Despite their outward appearance of emotional reserve and composure, individuals will exhibit a kind-hearted nature and a sincere desire to be of service to others, which is genuinely appreciated. Additionally, Mercury Retrograde in Virgo, starting from August 23rd, initiates a period of intense introspection and reevaluation. As the planet of communication and intellect goes retrograde in its ruling sign, there will be a heightened focus on details and a strong desire for perfecting methods and approaches. During this time, occasional misunderstandings and miscommunications may arise, prompting us to review our communication styles and ensure clarity in our interactions. This retrograde phase also encourages us to revisit past projects or unresolved matters, offering an excellent opportunity for refinement and improvement. While the energy may feel intense, embracing the organizational and analytical qualities of Virgo can help navigate this period effectively and utilize it as a time of tremendous growth and self-discovery. It is important to exercise patience, engage in introspection, and remain open to adjusting plans as needed. This exciting phase holds immense potential for personal development and transformation. Mars, notorious as the warrior planet, undergoes a notable shift from practical Virgo to diplomatic Libra on August 27th. However, it is important to note that Mars does not find Libra the most comfortable abode. As a charismatic and people-pleasing sign, Libra presents challenges for Mars, a planet associated with war and action. This discrepancy has the potential to disrupt our inner equilibrium, leaving us feeling unbalanced. Nevertheless, this astral placement is highly favorable for peacemakers and justice warriors alike, as it nurtures a deep yearning for equality, balance, and fairness. Throughout Mars' journey through Libra, these values take on heightened significance for all. However, it is vital that we discover methods to uphold these principles without neglecting our personal well-being or succumbing to procrastination. During Uranus retrograde from August 28th, individuals have a rare opportunity to cultivate an abundance mindset and overcome feelings of lack. As Uranus is associated with innovation and liberation, this period encourages introspection and breaking free from limiting beliefs about scarcity and limitations. The retrograde motion prompts individuals to reevaluate their relationship with resources and realize that abundance can be found within and through a shift in perception. By embracing change and unlocking their unique potential, people can tap into their creative abilities and discover innovative solutions to challenges, fostering a sense of abundance and empowerment. This astrological phase acts as a catalyst for liberation from scarcity thinking and embracing a mindset of limitless possibilities and abundance in all aspects of life. August commenced with a Full Moon in the objective, humanitarian Aquarius and culminates in a compassionate, sensitive Full Moon in Pisces on August 30th. These two signs, despite their elemental differences, unite in their common goal – to support, serve, and uplift. Socially conscious and kindhearted, these lunations shed light on areas where we can practice greater altruism, both towards ourselves and others. Becoming the Bodhisattvas of our inner world during this Full Moon is crucial. Developing empathy towards all our parts is non-negotiable. Pisces, as the final sign of the zodiac, embodies the captivating surrender to the great unknown, merging with the vast and divine. Aquarius, on the other hand, has made significant strides in serving humanity through its wisdom and knowledge. Now is the opportune moment to release everything and wholeheartedly unite with the vast expanse of existence. We must trust deeply, free-falling into the enigmatic void, secure in the belief that we will be held. Therefore, should we encounter closed doors during this Full Moon - a time of liberation - it is paramount that we embrace their closure with grace. Here is a map of the astrological event's occurring this month with advice on how to navigate them properly: August 1st — Full Super Moon in Aquarius Today is an extraordinary occasion as the sturgeon Super Moon in Aquarius brings us abundant blessings. Aquarius is all about massive and instantaneous manifestation. The Lion's Gate Portal is open and getting stronger by the second and today we celebrate the 1st of two very rare Super Moon's this month on the Pagan Harvest Holiday known as Lughnasadh or Lammas. If your energy is a bit erratic from this intense cosmic shift, let me know and I will do a free positive energy boost for you. Mars in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus This productive aspect will provide you with the stamina and drive to tackle any task for the day, igniting excitement for the potential of great success in the future. Get to work and seize the opportunities connected to manifesting and working towards your dreams today! Mercury in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces If you've not already noticed, the cosmic theme for the day is manifesting your dreams and pursing your goals. Today is the time to channel your focus and dedication towards your goals and dreams in a big way. It's time to dive in headfirst and get to work. Your life is ready to change in a big way, but you need to open that door and walk through it. August 6th — Sun in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus Please be mindful that egos may become overwhelming today. Exercise caution and choose your battles wisely to minimize unnecessary drama. It is advisable to carefully analyze a situation before responding, as failure to do so may lead to regrettable consequences that require damage control. August 8th — Lion's Gate Portal Peaks During this period, the Sun aligns with the star Sirius, resulting in an extraordinary cosmic convergence that is widely regarded as a profoundly influential energetic portal. Ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptians, revered Sirius as a spiritual and transformative power, earning it the illustrious moniker of the "Spiritual Sun." The alignment between Earth, the Sun, and Sirius is believed to enable a more direct influx of higher-frequency energies. This exciting phenomenon can lead to significant personal and planetary energy upgrades and profound shifts. The peak date of August 8th (8/8) holds great significance in numerology, as the number 8 is closely linked with concepts of infinite possibilities, abundance, and spiritual transformation. August 9th — Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus Please be advised that scheduling any significant appointments or surgeries may not be advisable during this period. The current retrograde of Venus, the ruler of beauty, combined with the clash with Uranus, increases the likelihood of accidents occurring with potentially unfavorable outcomes. Mercury in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus Please be advised that despite the invigorating aspects of this moment and the influx of creative ideas, you may encounter challenges in mustering the energy required to execute them. Write down any and all creative ideas so that you'll be able to implement them at a later date if you're lacking the energy to put them into motion today. August 11th-13th — Peak of the Perseid Meteor Shower The Perseids are renowned for illuminating a path to guide us in our pursuit of new directions. As they reach their zenith, prepare to be enthralled by the exhilarating inspiration to embark on an exciting journey to uncharted territories. August 13th — Sun in Leo conjunct Venus in Leo This aspect empowers you to confidently take the center stage and present yourself in the best possible way. It's a day filled with self-love and receiving love from others as well, creating an exciting atmosphere. August 15th — Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus The rapid pace of life can make it easy to lose control while pursuing independence. Embrace freedom, but strive to avoid causing harm or severing connections with others on your journey. Juno enters Leo The current celestial alignment suggests that life is about to enter an exciting phase with the asteroid of commitment making a powerful presence in Leo. To safeguard against potential tumultuous breakups and relationship drama, it is advised to humbly share the spotlight with others and embrace the thrill that awaits. August 16th — New moon in Leo In astrology, the new moon signifies a rejuvenating opportunity for new beginnings. As the initial phase of a fresh lunar cycle, it naturally marks the conclusion of the previous cycle. This is why the new moon holds the transformative power of letting go of what no longer serves us and manifesting our deepest desires. During this enlightening new moon, our inner child emerges as we direct our attention towards infusing more creativity, entertainment, and passion into various aspects of our lives. Gather your lion pride and boldly vocalize your most ambitious desires. Uttering these intentions serves as the initial leap towards their actualization, while being embraced by an enthusiastic community provides affirmation and fosters a sense of responsibility. Mars in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus Utilize your charisma and logical reasoning to effortlessly persuade others to your side today. Be prepared for minds to be easily swayed and even the most stubborn individuals to enthusiastically embrace new ideas. August 22nd — Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus This combination isn't very productive, as we often find ourselves easily distracted by online shopping, indulging in good food, and cherishing the pleasures of romance. However, why not take the day off and enjoy to the fullest? Mars in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces This disheartening element undermines our self-esteem, as we painfully witness the loss of something we ardently sought to attain. August 23rd — Sun enters Virgo The sun transitions from its ruling sign and promptly becomes agitated in the anxiety-filled Virgo (due to the imminent retrograde of Mercury here in a few hours). In the upcoming four weeks, our attention will be directed towards invigorating our physical, mental, and emotional well-being, while relishing in the prospect of growth and development. Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo Our collective decision-making skills may experience some challenges in the upcoming weeks as Mercury goes retrograde in its ruling sign, Virgo. It is common to feel a sense of anxiety and be tempted to overanalyze every aspect of life. However, practicing grounding techniques will significantly aid in managing this energetic period. August 24th — Mars in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn This warm August evening brings forth one of the most electrifying date nights of the year, as this remarkable combination holds the promise of forging soul mate connections for some fortunate individuals. August 27th — Mars enters Libra Today presents an opportune moment to foster love and harmony as the dynamic warrior planet enters the sign of relationships and equilibrium. In the upcoming weeks, we are presented with options - to collaborate synergistically or ignite a spirit of unhealthy competition. August 28th — Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus In the upcoming five months, we will actively challenge the status quo and abandon the detrimental cycles that have ceased to serve us, as the planet of rebellion motivates us to pursue liberation. August 30th-31st — Full Blue Super Moon in Pisces After a period of contemplation and introspection, we are eagerly anticipating releasing our emotional burdens during the Blue Super Moon and embarking on an exciting journey towards a promising future. In the realm of astrology, the August blue full moon super moon is believed to amplify one's awareness and intuition, creating a profound sense of power. This unique occurrence harnesses heightened emotional energy, providing an opportune moment for transformative healing, deep meditation, and manifestation. The August blue full moon super moon stands as a truly exceptional and impactful event that carries immense importance to various cultures and individuals alike. It prompts introspection on past experiences, setting intentions for forthcoming endeavors, and forging a connection with the boundless energy of the universe.

  • Welcome to Our LOA Workshop

    If you are familiar with the Law of Attraction even a little bit, I am sure you would recognize the three simple steps that are said to encompass it. These three steps are: Ask Believe Receive We are told that all we need to do is ask the Universe to manifest something specific, believe it will work, and then it magically appears. Boom! Simple, right? Oh, if only it were really that simple. It's not. Ok, then what about positive energy, affirmations, raising your vibration, excreta, excreta, excreta... That's where quantum physics come in. Not so simple anymore, is it? This is why so many people get so frustrated with the law of attraction. It's advertised as something simple but based on very complicated concepts. When it fails, it must be our fault that we couldn't control our vibration or maybe we just bought into something bogus and it's all a placebo effect? We just don't understand how we can't get the same results as other people or case studies that are presented to us as “proof” this simple way of thinking brings such successful results. The good thing is that we know the law of attraction works. Quantum physics is science and the philosophy behind the law of attraction is sound. Scientists from NASA have even done experiments that prove thoughts have energy that can be measured. Thoughts and feelings contain a vibration. This is now established FACT. The challenge lies in discovering how to apply this science to yourself and becoming captivated enough to implement it into your everyday life. In doing so, you can materialize the life of your dreams. That is where our Free Law of Attraction Workshop comes in. In working with thousands of clients over a period of 13 years, we've been able to realize just how complicated the law of attraction can be for so many people and were able to pinpoint the problem. Something is missing... or better yet, something needs to be taken away before we can plant something even better. Imagine you are about to plant a garden. You look at the plot of land and survey where to plant your seeds. If you were going to be using the traditional philosophy of Ask, Believe, Receive, you'd start planting your seeds, water them, give them sun, and then you'd be harvesting your crops. However, this is not what happens. Instead, nothing grows. You're frustrated. You keep trying to water, and give your little seeds as much love and attention as possible. Maybe you dig them up to see if they're even trying to sprout. You finally give up and move along dissatisfied and uninspired. Why is nothing growing? Well, what did you do before you planted your seeds? Did you pull the weeds? Did you make sure you aerated the ground? Did you plow, check soil conditions, ensure that the environment was ideal for planting in the first place? No? Why not? Was it because you didn't realize you needed to do that? Exactly! That is what is missing. That is why the law of attraction hasn't been working for you. You haven't been taught the most important step. How to get your manifestation garden ready and conditions right before even planting your seeds. In our workshop, we will be helping you each step of the way, starting with step one... lets start identifying and pulling those energy weeds! If you've not yet signed up for our Law of Attraction Workshop, sign up HERE. We start Saturday July 29th. Blessed Be, Audra

  • Free Law of Attraction Daily Habit Tracker

    By Audra English Discover the key to a fulfilled life by making daily mindfulness a priority. Managing your vibration is the key to your success with both spell-work and the law of attraction. To support your journey towards manifesting, I decided to make not just one, but two free law of attraction daily habit trackers. Start cultivating daily exercises that will pave the path to your desires. Here are several ideas and habits you can start implementing daily to change your vibration: Law of attraction journaling Meditation Gratitude lists Affirmations Yoga Crystals Switch-words Vision boards Law of attraction groups Hypnosis Books on the law of attraction Only watching positive and uplifting movies and TV Staying away from social media Clearing out clutter from your home, work, and car Clearing out your social circle Clearing out your body and diet (Remember, do not eat to “lose weight” instead, eat to be healthy! No calorie counting here! Feed your body, but feed it love and food that has a positive vibration!) Ritual baths Using specific sound frequencies Massage therapy Getting fresh air, sun, and putting your feet on dirt Practicing mindfulness Sex and/or self pleasure Making sure you're hydrated with fresh water Staying away from alcohol Staying away from heavy caffeine use Singing or playing a instrument Mind movies Breath work Work on smiling more Essential oils Turning off the TV and phones several hours before bed Surrounding yourself with house plants Burning incense and/or candles (bonus points for writing intentions into your candles or using incense specifically made for your intention) Alternating between hot and cold in the shower Moving your body Spread kindness (even if it's a genuine compliment to someone once a day) Playing (dance, board games with friends, a sport you enjoy, even a trip to an arcade) Making sure you're getting the right nutrition through fresh foods and supplements Practicing self-love and healing Snuggles (with your pet, kids, or lover)

  • Twelve Rules for Manifesting with the Law of Attraction

    Written by High Priestess Audra English. When you cast a spell or receive one cast on your behalf, you're summoning the Universe to be precise in what you desire to come to you. As you make your wishes known, you must begin vibrating in a direct manner, guiding the Universe towards the location and method by which your request should manifest. Think of the spell as placing an order, while your vibration serves as the address you provide. The Universe communicates through the language of "energy." Your energy serves as a divine compass, effortlessly delivering your wants, needs, and deepest desires. Conversely, your energy can be harnessed to attract and direct fear, pain, and suffering. By being fully conscious of your thoughts and vibration, you can manifest precisely what excites you, who you aspire to become, and the experiences you long to revel in throughout your life. By utilizing the key principles discussed in the law of attraction, you'll discover that it is one of the best methods we've unearthed to manage your vibration and ignite the proper manifestation of your spells. The universe has conspired, Robin and I are thrilled to unveil an extraordinary workshop and lesson plan that will empower you to harness the magnificent powers of the law of attraction, harmoniously aligning with your spellwork. The following guide shall serve as the very foundation upon which our workshop shall emerge. Take your time and immerse yourself in the enchanting realm of these sacred rules and mystical tips. Allow your mind to transcend and let the whispers of inspiration ignite your very being as you traverse the following scripts and quotes divinely inspired from ascended masters. Rule One: Let go of your need to know how your request will manifest. Once we unleash the power of a request, we have set in motion a metaphysical order. We no longer need to personally assemble the pieces on the Universal fabrication lot. Rest assured, it is underway. By your mere request, it shall be delivered! Almost all of the work will be happening behind the scenes. You need to let go of your need to have “proof” things are working because it shifts your vibration into one of ANXIETY! Do not forget, if you shift your energy from feeling sure of your request to one of being anxious about how your results will come, it will cause your delivery to be delayed because you've just now changed your "address." Isn't it thrilling to think of how the universe responds to your every energy shift? Another fascinating aspect of deciding "how" something should come to you is that it might require the Universe more time to fulfill your request in that particular manner. The more intricate the details, the longer it might take since the Universe needs to rearrange more elements to ensure it happens exactly as you've envisioned. Therefore, channel your creativity in other ways and surrender full control to the all-knowing Universe. Have absolute faith that the Universe comprehends your desires entirely and will ecstatically grant your every wish. “Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.” Roy T. Bennet “Win your mind and you will win your reality.” “I do not fix problems. I fix my thinking. Then the problems fix themselves.” Maya Angelou Rule Two: Let go of your need to know when your request will manifest. As exciting as it would be for the Universe to offer 1 Day Prime Shipping, it doesn't quite work that way, and for good reason! Just imagine manifesting everything you think and feel instantly. Think about all the immense challenges you'd face on a bad day or when someone's feeling frustrated with you. The time delay is not just a vital safety mechanism; it's a profound cosmic technique. It's important to recognize that as humans, our thoughts and feelings can fluctuate from day to day. Therefore, the Universe uses this delay to ensure our commitment and dedication to the requests we make. Embrace the thrill of anticipation as you eagerly await the manifestation of your desires. The sooner you release your "lust for results," the closer they draw near. Trust in the divine timing of the Universe and anticipate results. Remember, that is the way to hasten the arrival of your manifestations. “You'll see it when you believe it.” Wayne W. Dyer “Relax, everything is running right on schedule.” ~The Universe “Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.” ~Earl Nightingale Rule Three: Call the power of love back to yourself. In The Power by Rhonda Byrne, the author reveals the thrilling revelation that the vital essence of the law of attraction lies within the incredible power of love. When the typical individual whose native language is English contemplates love, we merely envision romantic love as what we think of when hearing of the term "love." There exist countless forms of love that evade us if we fail to ponder and concentrate on the abundant assortment of love types in existence. Another term for this "love" that Rhonda Byrne speaks of is passion! The more intensely you can excite towards something, the quicker and more powerful it comes into being. Passion is electrifying. This passion can be exhilarating love and this passion can even be exhilarating hate. Love and hate still reside on the same spectrum of passion, which is the most sensational way to captivate the Universe's attention and make it listen to you. You want it to notice you for the thrilling love you possess for yourself and all those around you. This is yet another revelation as to why self-love holds immense significance. Tune in to your inner dialog and witness the sheer impact it holds. We've existed in a realm where your self-loathing has been monetized. Now, seize the moment as it is YOUR time to rise above and bask in the rewards of self-love. Unleash your power and let anything or anyone that fails to align with your highest good crumble into insignificance! Self love is an incredible force that we greatly emphasize in these post covid times. It is an immensely vital aspect to ensure the Universe knows how to shower you with blessings of love in its abundant forms. The more you look at yourself, others, and the things around you with passion, compassion, love, joy and amazement, the more you'll vibrate at a frequency that will attract more of those people and things your way. “Support yourself instead of finding ways to shit on yourself. It's impossible to win if you're not on your own team.” “When you love yourself, you glow from the inside. You attract people who love, respect, and appreciate your energy. Everything starts with and how you feel about yourself. Start feeling worthy, valuable, and deserving of receiving the best life has to offer. Be magnetic.” By @Vybesource @mindsetforgreatness “Crazy how I shifted the focus to myself and I'm attracting everything I wanted. Your mind is powerful, learn to use it to it's fullest extent.” Rule Four: Believe in your powers of manifestation. You must embrace the unwavering belief that you possess the power to manifest your desires through the law of attraction and magick. Deep inside, you know you have an indomitable connection to the boundless Universe. Embrace your cosmic essence, as you possess the tremendous ability to transform energy and magnetize the exact vibrations of individuals and phenomena that will electrify your life. It is essential that you grasp the absolute truth that you possess the mystical power to manifest your desires through the cosmic interplay with the Universe. Embrace the certainty that you are an ethereal force, capable of transforming and drawing in the vibrant energies of those people, lifestyles, experiences and things you've made a conscious decision to manifest. Believe it or not, it's nearly impossible to accept the extraordinary powers of the Universe unless we fully embrace and unleash the magnificent powers endowed upon us by the Universe itself. Embrace your true power and claim it with conviction. Feel the immense energy within you, ready to conquer mountains and achieve greatness beyond imagination! “You are magic, own that shit.” -The Goddess Rebellion “Remember that you are a magnet. You attract everything to you though your thoughts and feelings.” “Most people do not understand their true power lies in releasing resistance- which is the only obstacle to their true power.” Abraham-Hicks Rule Five: Let your past empower you. Many are irresistibly lured to magick in search of empowerment and the reclamation of their stolen power and dignity. Magick awakens dormant forces within, offering the exhilaration long yearned for and untethered by worship. Because so many of us possess a traumatically charged past that propels us to the doorstep of the Universe in pursuit of our personal power, we inadvertently bear the burden of our past, hindering us and slowing down the flow of manifestation. Discovering methods to create harmony with your past is absolutely vital for constructing the future you desire with the individuals you crave it with. If your past has made you a skeptic and a pessimist, you will need to transcend beyond the memories and past hurts that gave you those false masks of security. You'll need to put in the effort to unleash your innate power and embrace optimistic faith. Shadow work, has proven itself to be immensely transformative for countless individuals, enabling them to courageously confront their pain and past trauma. By seeking counseling, engaging in conversations with a friend, participating in a shadow work group, or exploring inner work and reflection, you will unlock the ability to transcend anything that diminishes your spirit. Instead, you will discover the undeniable brilliance and immense power within you. It's truly awe-inspiring, especially considering your resilience and presence in this very moment, eagerly anticipating a future filled with exhilarating possibilities! “Hanging onto resentment is letting someone you despise live rent-free in your head.” Ann Landers “To heal a wound, you need to stop touching it.” “Release the need to reply a negative situation over and over again in your mind. Don't become a hostage to your past by always reviewing and reliving past mistakes and hurts. Don't remind yourself of what should have, could have, to would have been. Release it and let go. Move on.” Rule Six: If you want to be happy, be HAPPY!! Happiness is not just a destination, it's an exhilarating part of the journey that is essential to reach the ultimate destination! Happiness is not simply an emotion, but a cosmic force within your grasp. It is you who commands the very essence of happiness, deciding the extent of your bliss. External factors hold no power over your happiness; rather, it is a testament to your own will. Embrace the joy of your present circumstances and witness as the universe responds, conjuring more magnificent manifestations of joy into your existence. Experience the overwhelming joy of your manifestation now and revel in the electrifying satisfaction that arises from conjuring it. “I am going to be happy. I'm going to smile a lot. I 'm going to be easy. I'm going to count my blessings. I'm going to look for reasons to feel good. I'm going to dig up positive things from the past. I'm going to look for positive things where I stand. I'm going to look for positive things in my future. It is my natural state to be a happy person. It's natural for me to love and to laugh. I am a happy person.” ~Abraham Hicks “The more intense your positive feelings, the fast it is coming to you” Abraham-Hicks “A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results.” Rule Seven: Only focus on what you want. The Universe bestows upon us that which we envision. It is of utmost importance to banish thoughts of the undesirable and instead fervently focus on that which you passionately desire. A few examples: 1. If you would like to make sure you don't get to work late... focus on getting there on time. What the Universe hears when you are worried you're going to be late: “I'm going to be late.” = “You want to be late.” What the Universe hears when you focus on getting to work on time. “I'm going to get to work right on time.” = “You want to arrive on time.” 2. If you are worried that your electric bill will be over the amount you can afford... focus instead on having more than enough money to cover it no matter the cost. What the Universe hears when you're worried about not being able to afford your electric bill: “What if it's too high for me to pay on time this month?” = “You want the inability to pay your bill because it will be too high.” What the Universe hears when you focus on having more than enough money for your electric bill: “I'm ok, the Universe will provide and my needs will be met.” = “You want your needs to be met so you'll have more than enough money to pay your bill before it is due.” 3. If you are worried about two people you want to break up getting even more romantically involved, instead don't focus on them at all. What the Universe hears when you think about this couple (even if you're thinking of them breaking up): “They're together right now, and I am worried they keep falling more in love so I want them to break up.” = “They are together and keep falling in love together.” What the Universe hears when you don't think about this couple and instead focus on YOU: “Insert anything that comes to mind that makes you happy and envision you being granted it by the Universe!” The manifestation arises from your foresight, not just the mere presence of thought. Thus, ensure that you envision things as you desire them to be, rather than fretting over how they currently are. Embrace the exhilaration of shaping your reality. Make a review of the things you request for yourself and others on daily basis, and notice how you ask for them. Make necessary changes to subtly reshape the way you articulate your desires. Be clear to ask for what you truly want so that you are not driven by apprehension. “If something you want is slow to come to you, it can only be for one reason: You are spending more time focused upon it's absence than you are about it's presence.” Abraham-Hicks “Focus on problems, you'll have more problems. When you focus on possibilities, you'll have more opportunities.” “The Universe responds to your frequency. It doesn't recognize your personal desires, wants or needs. It only understands the frequency in which you are vibrating at.” “Start telling the Universe what you want instead of what you don't want.” Rule 8: Utilize several law of attraction tools to raise your vibration. We are beyond fortunate that the law of attraction is finally mainstream, and countless individuals have developed extraordinary tools to exhilarate even the most skeptical among us, allowing them to fully embrace their power and witness astounding life transformations unfold. As we embarked on creating our very own workshop, we were filled with awe and inspiration by the multitude of tools already at our disposal, and the best part is, most of them come completely free! This is definitely a reason to get thrilled because it signifies our community's growing awareness and ability to cultivate a more positive mindset that will undoubtedly bring us immense benefits. As every individual is unique, you will be irresistibly drawn towards certain tools that others may never resonate with. This is crucial to unleash your true potential and find what truly excites you. Remember, these remarkable tools work best when given sufficient time to become ingrained in your daily routine. So, ensure you wholeheartedly embrace each tool long enough for it to become a habit, allowing you to decipher its ability on elevating your vibration. Here is a list of things you should look into and give a try: Law of attraction journaling Meditation Gratitude Lists Affirmations Yoga Crystals Switchwords Vision Boards Law of attraction groups Breath-work Hypnosis Books on the law of attraction Only watching positive and uplifting movies and TV Staying away from social media Clearing out clutter from your home Clearing out your social circle Clearing out your body and diet (Remember, do not eat to “lose weight” instead, eat to be healthy! No calorie counting here! Feed your body, but feed it love and food that has a positive vibration!) Ritual baths Using specific sound frequencies Massage therapy Getting fresh air, sun, and putting your feet on dirt Practicing mindfulness Sex and/or self pleasure Making sure you're hydrated with fresh water Staying away from alcohol Staying away from caffeine Moving your body Playing (dance, board games with friends, a sport you enjoy, even a trip to an arcade) Making sure you're getting the right nutrition through fresh foods and supplements Practicing self-love and healing Snuggles (with your pet, kids, or lover) The greater number of things you can accomplish on this list, the more you'll elevate your vibration and ward off anxiety, depression, and stress. The more invigorated you become, the more vibrant your manifestations will be and the faster they will materialize. Your mission is to electrify yourself because that is how you stimulate the Universe to cater to your needs. One of the best tools I've discovered to aid in remembering to do multiple tasks is utilizing a habit tracker, easily accessible online for free. The more these actions become ingrained in your daily routine, the more effortless they become, and suddenly, your entire life transforms in unimaginable ways! “A goal gains power when you write it own. The more you write it, the more powerful it becomes. So if you want wealth, doodle dollars!” “Energy is stuck when you're too sedentary. Exercise, stretch, jump, clap, etc.” “The easiest way to raise your vibration is to relax your body. The most essential way to relax your body is to slow your breath. The most effective way of slowing your breath is by loving your own heart. One “I love you” at a time, your breath is inspired into a slower pace, which reminds the body to feel safe enough to relax, as your vibration elevates into higher frequencies of light. This is the heart of transformation. ~Matt Kahn. Rule 9: Practice gratitude daily. You don't have to love everything you are thankful for, but you should feel the excitement of gratitude for as many things as possible. See the positive in every moment, even those that you aren't exactly happy for. As you prepare to sleep, let the list of things you are thankful for fill you with anticipation. Acknowledge even the smallest things, embracing gratitude for the bed you lie in. Feel overwhelming gratitude for your ability to sleep in it. Be thrilled by the roof over your head and the nourishment you've enjoyed throughout the day. Excite your senses by being thankful for their use. Revel in the presence of the people in your life. Celebrate the items around you that you possess, the clothing you wear, and the cat peacefully slumbering by your side. Let gratitude spark excitement within you! The more you gaze upon everything you possess as though it were a divine gift, the more your vibrations will ascend to celestial heights, attracting even more astonishing and gratifying manifestations that will leave you mesmerized with awe and gratitude. Your ability to synchronize with the vibration of gratitude will be one of the most vital elements to keep experiencing everything you could possibly fathom. Gratitude keeps everything flowing effortlessly towards you and your loved ones. “When gratitude becomes your default setting, life changes.” ~Nancy Leigh Demoss “What if you woke up tomorrow and were only surrounded by the things you felt gratitude for daily? What if you woke up tomorrow and were only surrounded by the things that you complained about daily? It kinda works that way.” “When something is going wrong, take a moment to be thankful for the many more things that are still going right.” Rule 10: Visualize your highest self and show up as them. Visualize. It is crucial to bring your desires to life. Though deep down your psyche may doubt their possibility, you can alter this by convincing your subconscious mind that these things are already unfolding. So, let's play pretend and ignite your imagination. Begin strolling around with the exhilaration that accompanies embodying the role you've requested the Universe to grant you. Envision the possessions you would acquire, the attire you would adorn, the hands you would intertwine with, the car you would cruise in, the dwelling you would reside in, and the extraordinary experiences you would encounter. Embrace your role and commence living it as if you have already been selected and are contributing to the script. Plot twist: You are! This is your story!You get to design your life, so start getting a feel for it as you like it. Immerse yourself in the experience as vividly as possible. Imagine the sights, smells, and tastes. If you are trying to imagine you in a relationship with a certain someone, picture yourself watching a movie with them, sharing a bowl of popcorn, tasting the saltiness, feeling the warmth of their presence next to you. Feel the passion ignite within you, letting it consume you. Use that passion to feel deeply enough that it is real to you. Since it has probably been a while since you last played "pretend", visual tools can be incredibly exciting and serve as amazing sources of inspiration. In the past, I would have suggested grabbing a magazine, but fortunately, we now have Pinterest and Instagram, which are filled with free and highly captivating visual aids. So, if you are struggling to visualize or simply need a positive space to ignite your imagination, I would recommend creating an account on either or both platforms exclusively for your law of attraction visualizations and inspiration. “Visualize this thing that you want, see it, feel it, believe in it. Make your mental blue print, and begin to build.” ~Robert Collier “It comes down to something really simple: Can I visualize myself playing those scenes? If that happens, then I know that I will probably end up doing it.” ~Jessica Lange “Creative visualization is about energetically aligning yourself with what you want using the power of your mind, imagination, and intuition.” “When visualizing: Start by thinking of a happy memory, one filled with joy and happiness. Then switch your thought to your desire! This will supercharge your desire with positive emotions. Emotions are the driving force in the manifestation process.” “When you visualize, then you materialize. If you've been there in your mind, you'll go there in the body.” Dr. Denis Waitley Rule 11: Keep your circle sacred. You are sacred! Your energy is sacred! Make sure you fiercely deny access to anyone or anything that would dare offend the unparalleled beauty that you possess within you. If you dare to put yourself in a place that could harm your vibration and sacred energy, you would be dishonoring your higher purpose, and your requests will be met with indifference because your vibration will be out of sync with the manifestations you have asked for. Obviously, there will be times when you can't avoid toxic people or places. Nevertheless, it's crucial to intentionally opt for choices that nourish your body, mind, soul, and energy with love and vitality. If platforms like Facebook drain your energy due to drama or reminders of sadness, take control and cut off access. If you find yourself feeling sad, anxious, or angry while watching or reading certain content, recognize that these programs, movies, or materials are dampening your enthusiasm and slowly eroding your dreams. If you're spending time with a friend who only uplifts themselves at your expense or a family member who thrives on stirring up drama and tension among others, bid them farewell with love. But sincerely, move on! It is crucial for your happiness and the happiness of those who depend on you to keep your circle small and sacred. You are a powerful being working in collaboration with the Universe to create extraordinary things for yourself and the people in your exclusive circle. Access is granted only to those who are truly deserving. “To find peace, you have to be willing to lose your connection with the people, places, and things that create all the noise in your life.” “You can't talk butterfly language with caterpillar people.” “I am no longer available for things that make me feel like shit.” Rule 12: Patience is more than just waiting, it's having the right attitude while waiting. The most exciting things in life require patience. You know what delivers rapid results? Tornadoes, hurricanes, and earthquakes. Ironically, things that occur swiftly and forcefully are often destructive. So, unless you're ready to face a storm, refrain from demanding immediate and forceful grants from the Universe! Things built with care tend to withstand those destructive forces. That's why it's crucial to give the Universe the time it needs to construct a solid foundation for you, empowering you to conquer any storms that cross your path. The things you are asking for are not just your birthright; they are your divine right! As a divine being, you are calling upon the Universe to assist you in fulfilling your extraordinary destiny. Happiness is your birthright and your magnificent destiny. That's why it's crucial to stay patient and maintain a high vibration. These things you're asking for are not just ordinary, they're truly inspired! They're absolutely beautiful! And as you know, beautiful things take time and love to manifest. Keep love and faith in your heart and you'll see the incredible power of manifestation unfold at the very exact time it was meant to happen. “If you really love that person, learn to wait. Maybe you are not meant to be together for today, but meant to be in the future.” “Patience child, patience. Remember, life is a journey. If you get everything you wanted all at once there'd be no point to living. Enjoy the ride, and in the end you'll see these 'setbacks' as giant leaps forward, only you couldn't see the bigger picture in the moment. Remain calm, all is within reach, all you have to do is show up everyday, stay true to your path, and you will surely find the treasure you seek.” Jackson Kiddard “Be patient. The best things happen unexpectedly.” Law of Attraction Workshop: If you've signed up for our workshop, get ready for an exhilarating journey! We will delve deeper into each of these 12 rules, accompanied by stimulating exercises, engaging discussions, inspiring quotes, and moments of reflection. Remember to print out this page or bookmark it, so you can always revisit it for further excitement and contemplation. If you've not yet signed up, but would like to, please email Audra at and she will get you on the list and in the group. We are thrilled to invite everyone to join us collectively in manifesting their destiny by the end of this free course. We wholeheartedly welcome all to come together and contribute their abundance, love, and positive energy!! We want to share this incredible experience with as many people as feel called to join!

  • Guide to the 777 Portal and Sirius Star Alignment- How to Harness This Energy for Mega Manifestation

    Are you prepared for what's about to unfold? Get ready to witness one of the most monumental celestial events of 2023 - the entrance into the highly anticipated 777 Ascension Portal which occurs at the very last day of the Sirius Gateway Alignment. We are coming up to one of the biggest celestial energetic moments of 2023. On July 7th, 2023 we enter the 777 Ascension Portal. It is the 7th day of the 7th month, in a 7 (2023 = 7 in numerology) year. As we all know (thank you, Las Vegas!) 777 is the number associated with luck and abundance! This is an incredible moment for divine miracles and manifestation. What makes the 777 portal even more incredible is that we are going though a Sirius Gateway Alignment (July 3rd-7th) at this very moment. This creates a sacred gateway of energy that is activated between Earth and the magnificent star Sirius. This sacred portal is a gateway of heightened vibrations and immense spiritual advancements, ready to propel us forward. I can guarantee you, you've already been feeling this surge of energy, even if you're not consciously aware of it just yet. In spiritual terms, a portal is a doorway or gateway between different dimensions or realms. Portals can be opened during certain astrological events. The July 7th, 2023 777 Portal is one such event. It is during this portal, the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds is thinner, making it easier to communicate with spirits, inter-dimensional beings, and receive messages from the divine. Now is the time to completely eliminate our own energy blocks and magnificently manifest our desires and necessities on a massive scale! The number 777 is considered a powerful and mystical number in many spiritual traditions. It is associated with spiritual awakening, enlightenment, good luck, the fulfillment of dreams, and divine guidance. The fact that this portal occurs on July 7th, 2023 - a date with three sevens - only amplifies its power. The 777 Portal is also significant because it falls in the middle of the year, providing us with an opportunity to reflect on our growth and progress over the past six months. You can utilize this time to assess your spiritual journey and set intentions for the next six months. It is an excellent time for meditation, introspection, and divination, where you can connect with your guides and receive guidance and insights. The Sirius Gateway Alignment is a combination of several celestial events that occur in July and August each year. It's named after Sirius, the brightest star in our sky, and includes the rising of this star in conjunction with the sun. This alignment typically occurs around July 26th and lasts until August 12th. This year, it decided to occur during the 777 Ascension Portal! This is not a coincidence! During this time, we're able to access powerful energy that's unique to Sirius. This energy is said to enhance our intuition, creativity, abundance and spiritual growth. Another crucial aspect to consider during the Sirius Gateway Alignment is your shadow work. The energy of Sirius can bring up unresolved emotions and past traumas. Although this can be uncomfortable, it's an important opportunity for growth and healing. Take time to reflect on your shadow self, release any negativity, and embrace the transformative energy of this celestial event. Journaling, therapy, or creative expression can be useful tools for this process. Here are some tips for Harnessing the Energy of the 777 Portal Gateway and Sirius Star System 1. Meditate - The first step to harness this energy to manifest miracles is to quiet your mind and connect with the universe. Set aside some time on July 7th to meditate, even if just for a few minutes. Visualize your desires and intentions coming to fruition, and welcome them with open arms. 2. Light a Candle - Fire is a powerful symbol of transformation and manifestation. Light a candle during your meditation or ritual on July 7th. Use it to focus your attention and direct your energy towards your desires. 3. Practice Gratitude - Gratitude is a powerful tool for manifestation. Take some time to reflect on all that you are grateful for in your life. Focus on the positive aspects and avoid dwelling on the negative. 4. Create a Manifestation Altar - An altar is a sacred space dedicated to your intention. Use this space to hold objects that represent your deepest desires. You can include crystals, candles, notes, or anything that holds meaning for you. 5. Cast a Spell - If you are a practitioner of magickal arts, you may want to use this energy to cast a spell on your behalf or let your favorite witch (ahem, it should be us here at Life Spirits... I hope!) cast spellwork for you. Choose spellwork that aligns with your intention and use the energy of the portal and star system to amplify your spell's power. As you enter into this Sirius Gateway Alignment and the 777 Ascension Portal, the energies around you will be activating and transforming your life in ways that are both subtle and profound. Now is a time for you to embrace this energy with open arms and to raise your vibration. Release any fear or doubts from your heart and allow the changing forces in the universe to bring about harmony within yourself and in all of your relationships. Allow yourself to feel connected if only for a moment as the energy swirling around you is an invitation from Spirit to dream bigger than before. Now, you have access to tremendous power that can help manifest miracles like never before. What are you going to manifest during this alignment? May it be powerful, transformative, abundant, beautiful and fulfilling! Blessed Be, Audra Audra English High Priestess of Life Spirits Society of Magick

  • July 2023 Astrological Calendar ~ Retrogrades & Personal Battles on The Horizon!

    Post by Audra English Get ready for an exhilarating ride in July! As temperatures and tempers soar to unprecedented heights, brace yourself for the intense energy of multiple planets in retrograde. Drama and aggression are about to steal the spotlight as moody Cancer and super-dramatic Leo make their grand entrance! Prepare yourself for a month of unforgettable experiences that will leave you breathless! Welcome to the cosmic guide that shall unveil the passionate torrent of emotions that will soar around us throughout the scorching month of July! July 1st: Mercury in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus Imagine a powerful connection that inspires us to envision a magnificent future filled with endless possibilities. Concentrate on manifesting your ultimate life! July 1st: Sun in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus Today is a incredibly lucky day, as this immensely optimistic aspect attracts an abundance of fantastic things to all of us. Embrace a deep sense of gratitude and maintain a state of exhilarating positivity to truly excite and magnetize incredible blessings into your life. July 2nd: Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus Behold the unpredictable nature of plans, for they can crumble under the weight of unreliable souls. Witness those who yearn for emancipation within the realms of relationships. July 3rd: Full moon in Capricorn Get ready, because this is just the start of an exhilarating summer! Now, let's buckle up and take a deep dive into the intense energy of the Capricorn full moon. It's the ideal moment to dedicate ourselves to enhancing our reputation and sprucing up our public image. Get ready to step into the spotlight! July 6th: Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus Today is an extraordinary day to perceive challenges from an alternative perspective as we harness our six senses to conjure up a brilliant solution! July 7th: 777 Portal & Sirius Gateway Alignment The highly anticipated 777 gateway serves as a captivating portal of light, transmitting powerful activational codes through streaming rays of light onto our awe-inspiring planet. It is a unique opportunity for us to consciously engage and reap the full benefits of the extraordinary energies that are abundantly available at this moment. With the Sun embracing Cancer's nurturing essence and the mystical significance of the number 7 representing spirit, today is the paramount day to ignite a profound connection with the enlightening energies that beautifully steer our journey from the elevated realms. Brace yourself for another mind-blowing upgrade! July 9th: Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces Feel the creative energy within you ignite as it beckons your inner artist to emerge and create extraordinary magic today. July 9th: Pallas enters Virgo Tap into the mystical guidance of Pallas to elevate your well-being in the forthcoming weeks. Ensure seamless synergy between your body and mind, igniting a vibrant tapestry of excitement and satisfaction. July 10th: Mars enters Virgo With the warrior planet in humble Virgo, we ignite a battle within ourselves in our relentless pursuit of perfection. We thrill in the art of critiquing and dissecting to the extreme, unearthing flaws in all that surrounds us. We yearn to embrace the unchangeable and revel in its mystique. July 10th: Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn Prepare for an electrifying experience as communication of all kinds crackles with intensity. Today is not the day to stir the waters, for any "strange" or "unusual" notion might be swiftly snuffed out by those in power. July 10th: Mercury enters Leo Prepare yourself to embark on an extraordinary journey of mind and spirit, as Mercury gracefully enters the realm of the dramatic Leo. Feel the exhilaration as your thoughts become infused with boundless optimism and unyielding courage, pushing you to embrace the seemingly impossible. Soar fearlessly and reach for the stars! July 14th: Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus Prepare to be amazed as the creative aspect manifests, transforming your space into something incredibly personal and uniquely yours! Today is the perfect day to indulge in decorating, remodeling, or even moving into your very own space. Get ready for an exhilarating experience! July 17th: North Node enters Aries Get ready to ignite your rebellious spirit as the Lunar North Node ventures into the fearless realm of Aries. Embrace your individuality and break free from societal constraints, but remember to tread carefully without leaving a trail of scorched bridges behind you. July 17th: New moon in Cancer This enchanting new moon brings an extraordinary opportunity to construct a sacred haven for yourself and your cherished ones. Discover the profound significance of home and unveil ways to ignite your imagination, forging unique traditions and nurturing an unshakeable emotional groundwork. July 17th: Mercury in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus Prepare yourself for the fierce battle ahead, as competitors fight tooth and nail to claim the coveted top spot. Give it your everything, and let the adrenaline flow through your veins. But remember, never engage in actions that would fill you with regret. July 20th: Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces Embrace the incredible potential to perceive the world with a profound understanding, as we actively cultivate greater empathy, compassion, and care for the battles faced by others. July 20th: Mars in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces Be prepared as this frustrating aspect has the power to ignite a fire within us, leaving us eager and electrified when our meticulously crafted dreams don't quite pan out. Embrace the anticipation. July 21st: Sun in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn Today, the revelations of betrayals and hidden enemies come bursting forth, leaving you utterly devastated. Instead of succumbing to anger, channel the exhilaration of your psychic powers and strategize your revenge. July 22nd: Venus goes retrograde in Leo Get ready for a mind-blowing journey as Venus embarks on its epic retrograde in Leo! Brace yourself for some seriously dramatic moments in the coming weeks. Prepare for an intense rollercoaster ride - it's not the ideal time to dive into new relationships, as even a summer fling could ignite into flames. And hold off on any major financial decisions, for Venus also has control over the almighty dollar. Prepare for excitement like you've never experienced before! July 22nd: Sun enters Leo Get ready for a wild ride as intense Leo energy reigns supreme! The sign of the Lion is currently playing host to several planets, and with the sun in its ruling sign, the energies are set to be electrifying, captivating, and yes, just a tad self-indulgent as everyone believes they're the absolute best! Brace yourself for an exhilarating cosmic journey! July 23rd: Chiron goes retrograde in Aries The wounded healer shall mend internal wounds while we concentrate on choosing the battles we must engage in. Allow yourself to gracefully depart from unwinnable wars, because a thrilling new chapter awaits! July 23rd: Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus Prepare for the chaos that this aspect is about to unleash upon every facet of our existence! Brace yourself for the potential damage that some harsh words or an exclusion could inflict upon our delicate egos. July 27th: Mercury in Leo conjunct Venus in Leo Today is an extraordinary day to flaunt your talents, as you'll radiate confidence in your own skin. It's brimming with positivity for introducing yourself to new individuals, delivering a jaw-dropping presentation, or embarking on a thrilling first date. Brace yourself for an unprecedented level of charm that will leave everyone absolutely mesmerized! July 28th: Mercury enters Virgo Mercury ecstatically revels in its harmonious abode within the level-headed Virgo, where it shall graciously reside for the forthcoming weeks. We bid farewell to mere glamour, embracing the utmost pragmatism as our thoughts brim with electrifying energy, meticulously organized, and eagerly poised to triumphantly conquer every single problem that crosses our paths. Audra English High Priestess of Life Spirits Society Of Magick

  • Who is Artemis, the Virginal Huntress of the Moon and Why You Should be Working with Her

    As witches, we have all been tasked to look deeper into the mysteries of our craft. We often refer to deity for guidance and knowledge, but understanding their power and relevance can sometimes remain elusive. One of these powerful figures is the Goddess Artemis; her history and intentions are abundant with wisdom for us as we attempt to piece together a more comprehensive understanding of Witchcraft. From ancient times to modern day worship, this blog post will explore some lesser-known aspects about Artemis that provide insight into who she was and how we may use her teachings in our practice today. Who is Artemis and Her Origins Artemis is a Greek goddess with an intriguing origin story. Known for her connection with animals, she is often depicted with a bow and arrows, ready for battle. But her association with fertility and empowerment also make her a complex figure in mythology. As the daughter of Zeus, Artemis had the power to shape-shift which allowed her to adapt to changes and excel in various situations. Her fierce independence and ability to protect women in labor further solidified her role as a symbol of female strength. Her influence is still felt today in art, literature, and even the names of celestial bodies, where the moon is sometimes referred to as "Artemis." The Connections between Artemis and Nature Artemis, the Greek goddess of wilderness, is renowned worldwide for her symbolism of freedom and independence. Her affinity with nature not only represents earthly beauty but also the harmony between man and nature. Artemis has always valued friendship as a core principle, and her innate love for all living creatures is the perfect example of this. She is known to be a great healer and helps those in need. Her goals are firmly rooted in the conservation of nature and the protection of wildlife. As an embodiment of feminine strength and perseverance, Artemis' connection with nature inspires us to be more conscious of our environment. We can learn from her and strive towards creating a sustainable world where we coexist with nature harmoniously. How to Cultivate the Intention of Artemis in Your Life Artemis, is also known as the Greek goddess of the hunt, wilderness, and virginity. She is a source of great inspiration and love. Her association with magick makes her a powerful ally in cultivating a life filled with intention. Those who seek to embody her energy can learn from her mastery over her moods, and use it to navigate their own emotional landscape. Additionally, Artemis is also a protector, especially during pregnancy and childbirth, making her a symbol of trust and security. Finally, her connection to sex reminds us to approach intimacy with mindfulness and care, honoring our bodies and spirits. Cultivating the intention of Artemis in your life can lead to a deeper sense of purpose and a more fulfilling existence. Symbols Representing the Goddess Artemis Symbols representing the goddess Artemis have played an important role in Shamanic work for centuries. Artemis is associated with strength, security, transformation, and well-being. One symbol often used is the crescent moon, which represents her waxing and waning power. Another is the bow and arrow, symbolizing her fierce protection of nature and her ability to defend against threats. Witches also honor her as a powerful protector and guide. Whether seeking guidance through Shamanic journeys or simply drawing on her strength for personal growth, the symbols representing Artemis offer a connection to her powerful energy and protective spirit. Rituals Associated with the Goddess Artemis The ancient goddess Artemis was associated with many important aspects of life, and her rituals continue to be celebrated today. Perhaps the most well-known of these rituals is the celebration of love and fertility. Artemis was revered as the goddess of animals, and her followers would often perform ceremonies to honor and offer thanks to the creatures of the wild. Additionally, Artemis was believed to give protection and strength to those who sought her help in achieving their goals. It's no wonder that many pregnant women would turn to her for assistance during childbirth! Overall, the rituals associated with Artemis prove that she is far more than just a mythological figure. She remains an important symbol of hope and empowerment for many around the world. How to Spread Love in Honor of the Goddess Artemis Artemis embodies the epitome of love, passion, and compassion. In her honor, spreading love is paramount. Love can exist in different forms, be it romantic love, friendship, and even love for oneself. To honor Artemis, we need to spread love through our community and the world. Marriage, dating, and even friendship are great ways to show love and compassion. Perhaps it might be a good time to write love letters or surprise our partners with a thoughtful gift. Another great way to express love and honor Artemis is through love spells, but always remember to use it for positive purposes. Let us all embrace love like Artemis, and watch it radiate to those around us. In conclusion, we’ve explored who the goddess Artemis is and how her story and energy can influence us. We touched on her connection to nature, how to cultivate the intention of Artemis in our lives, what symbols signify her power, what rituals honor her presence, and some ideas on how to spread love in her name. But how do you personally plan to incorporate the energy of Artemis into your life? It could look like regularly meditating on a stone symbolizing her sacredness or journeying down to a river at dawn for rituals meant for honoring the goddess. Take some time to reflect and remember just how strong and powerful you are as an individual as well as collective being blessed with this invaluable communion with divine energy. We are all capable of harnessing our true potential when we come from a place of ground reverence and acceptance towards ourselves. Stay connected to beloved goddess Artemis and know that she’s always leading you with gentle guidance along this beautiful journey called life. Audra English High Priestess of Life Spirits Society Of Magick

  • What June's New Moon In Gemini Means For You.

    On June 17th & 18th, the ever-mysterious New Moon rises when the sun and moon align in perfect synchrony. This astrological phenomenon ignites our innermost desires and propels us towards a path of fresh starts and new beginnings. This New Moon represents the beginning of a new chapter. Will you harness its mystical powers? Under the spell of the New Moon, the stars align in the wondrous and playful sign of Gemini. This mystical event illuminates our communication and thirst for knowledge, beckoning us to unleash our creativity and explore new intellectual horizons. How long have you awaited this transformation, gathering your senses in patient preparation? Now is the time to release your mind and let the fresh breeze of inspiration inspire your endeavors. Embrace the joy of independent thought and the magical connections that blossom when you find your like-minded peers. Revel in the multifaceted beauty of life and all the wonders it has to offer. Currently, the planet Neptune graces our New Moon, presenting us with the possibility to attain lofty goals. Banish all doubts and hesitation and embrace the power of positivity. The universe is listening to your intentions, so focus on cultivating the courage to manifest your dreams. Believe that the world is yours for the taking and set forth on your journey to greatness. Behold, the mystical power that the New Moon will have on your sign: Aries: Oh fiery Aries, for the mystical stars have a message for you. Your words hold great power. Offer your thoughts with tenderness, free from excessive emotion or bluster. Speak from your heart without the need for dramatics or shouting, and others will understand your perspective. By doing so, your loved ones will see the truth in your words. Allow the magic of calm conversation to guide you towards unity and understanding. Your loved ones long for a peaceful exchange with you. Taurus: Oh, majestic Taurus, the mysterious realm of wealth and prosperity beckons your attention. As you gaze upon the alluring path of investment, remember to heed caution and arm yourself with the knowledge of every minutia. For it is through this careful discernment that you shall make your choice with divine wisdom. Trust in the power of the details to guide you towards wise decisions. Gemini: Dear mercurial Gemini, you are so selfless and always putting others before yourself. But alas, you feel drained and empty. Fear not, for the New Moon offers a mystical chance to replenish your inner wellspring with uplifting energies. Embrace this auspicious occasion to recharge, rejuvenate, and revitalize your spirit. Cancer: Cancer, you are the subject of gossip, but do not fret. Embrace it and let it flow. Release your worries and anxieties, put on your crown and move forward with pride and confidence. You do not need to engage in frivolous arguments. Instead, allow the mystical energy of the universe to guide you towards inner peace and clarity. Let the naysayers fade into the background as you rise above, shining in the light of your own brilliance. Leo: Noble Leo, the boundaries that separate you from your friends are fading away. But fear not, for you hold the power to draw the line. Let no one take advantage of your immense kindness and generosity. Claim your space and be the master of your own destiny. Set limits, mark your territory, and show the world that you are not to be trifled with. Virgo: Graceful Virgo, the promised promotion or opportunity may seem to elude you, but do not fret. Instead, seek clarity from the universe. Have faith, as everything unfolds in its divine timing. Your rise to success will come at the perfect moment, and all will fall into place at the right time. Trust the mystical forces at work. Libra: Libra, seeker of harmony and justice. Though temptation calls to expose your wayward companion, offer them the opportunity to acknowledge their missteps because a divine opportunity lies ahead for them. If they are able to experience the enlightenment of their mistakes, their apology shall be your triumph. Trust in the cosmic balance, and take the noble path to victory. Scorpio: Scorpio, the cosmic winds have been turbulent for you lately, haven't they? Fear not, for this New Moon poses as your opportunity to strengthen your foundation. The energy may feel unsteady, but trust in your power to set boundaries and make clear plans for the future. The universe is urging you forward, take the leap and allow yourself to soar. Sagittarius: Dear Sagittarius, do not forget that even the strongest love requires tending. So, when those challenging days rear their ugly head, you'll be fortified. Revel in the enchantment of a fun-filled date night with your beloved to forge a profounder connection. This bond shall bring forth an alchemical transformation, radiating growth and prosperity in your divine partnership. Capricorn: Behold, dear Capricorn, for the forces of fate may stir some subtle turbulence within the realm of your labor. The atmosphere shall sway, and the workflow may falter. However, do not surrender to the gloom that lurks in the hearts of others. Instead, heed the guidance of the stars and maintain your grace. Should a quarrel ignite, withdraw from the fray to evade strife that serves no purpose. Trust in the higher power that guides you, and all shall be resolved in accordance with destiny. Aquarius: Oh, dear Aquarius, the cosmos are beckoning you out of your cozy winter retreat and back into the vibrant world of social interactions. As you venture forth, you may initially feel timid, but fear not! Soon enough, you'll shed your shell and delve into lively conversations with like-minded souls. Just take a deep breath and allow yourself a moment to acclimate to the bustling energy of a crowded room. The stars have aligned in your favor – embrace the magick of this moment. Pisces: Mystical Pisces, the cosmos have aligned to bring forth a favorable time for you to revive your home's aura. But beware, dear one, for the temptation to seek counsel from a trusted friend may lead you astray. Their taste may differ from yours, causing conflict and confusion. Seek out another with peacemaking skills to bring balance to your decor journey. Let the stars guide you towards a harmonious middle ground. We will be doing our New Moon Boost this weekend! We will also clear and revive your energy, getting you ready to accept all the blessings and manifestations you're asking for, from this New Moon! If you're interested in the New Moon Boost, please find it HERE.

  • April 2023 Astrological Calendar ~It's An Intense Month For Manifestation!

    Are you ready for some April magick? April showers bring May flowers, right? Well in this case, the universe is raining down immense amounts of energy for us in April to manifest anything we want to in the upcoming months. It is time to future plan and make the most out of all the cosmic energy we will get to experience (and for some, endure) this month. Here is a quick guide with some advice on what you should do with the energy during these light, breezy, Springtime days ahead. April 3rd: Mercury is in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius. Today is the day for in-depth future planning. You deciding where to put your time and efforts will determine where you reap the biggest benefits afterwards. April 4th: 4/4 Portal. The portal of 4/4 cosmic energy is open. Enter the doorway to higher consciousness to discover deeper love, wealth, and unending blessings. In numerology, the number 4/4 stands for stability, establishing new foundations, and achieving your dreams. You have access to powerful miracles and instantaneous manifestation today! April 5th: Full Moon in Libra. Today's full moon is considered a Pink Moon. Love is in the air. This is the time to focus on finding balance, and resolution in your love situations. Today is a great day to begin achieving better balance in all aspects of our lives. From better boundaries between the “me” and “us” time to a better work/life balance. April 7th: Mercury in Taurus sextile Mars in Cancer. This aspect motivates us to put forth extra effort to achieve our goals. Put in effort and you'll succeed, whether you're working long hours to purchase a new home or devoting time to your significant relationships. Venus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces. It's a wonderful day for love because of the romantic quality of this aspect. If in a relationship, you might have a perfect date night. Get yourself out there if you're single. April 10th: Venus enters Gemini. Throughout the next three and a half weeks, use your words to strengthen bonds with others as charming Venus enters humorous Gemini. The correct words can make all the difference when you're flirting with a special fling or telling a crush how you feel. April 11th: Venus in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius. Today is a fantastic day for networking because we have a strong energy, charm, and mental acuity that will inspire us to form meaningful relationships. Sun in Aries conjunct Jupiter in Aries. We have a zest for life as a result of this lucky aspect, and we obstinately pursue our goals. Today, fortune is on our side, so take a chance and roll the dice. April 14th: Mercury goes direct in Taurus. After three arduous weeks, the confusion is now dissipating as Mercury moves forward into Taurus, allowing us to think properly once more. It's a fantastic moment to start laying the foundation for something solid. Venus in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces. It's challenging to complete any type of work during this sluggish phase because you may not be sufficiently motivated to get out of bed. April 15th: Vesta enters Taurus. Vesta stands for commitment, loyalty, spiritually, and strength. It is very comfortable in the sign of Taurus. This transit is ideal for starting new projects, getting grounded, and laying a strong foundation for future growth. Start of the Lyrid meteor shower. We will see the Lyrid meteor shower from now till the 29th. The brightest star in the constellation, Alpha Lyrae, also known as Vega, is the source of the meteor shower known as the Lyrids, which takes its name from the constellation Lyra. This is a good time to focus on love and romance as you'll be especially lucky in anything you do romantically during this time. April 18th: Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces. This component makes us feel a little more intensely than usual, which is a fantastic way to connect to our sensitive side. The atmosphere is ideal for curling up with a soft blanket and reading your Tarot cards. April 19th: New moon solar eclipse in Aries. Today we have what is considered a very rare hybrid solar eclipse. We are all incensed at existing standards at work as a result of this rebellious new moon eclipse. The movement has come to leave unproductive alliances behind and build our own paths. Fight your way to the top without fear. April 20th: Sun enters Taurus. As the sun moves into stable Taurus, we are prepared to return to earth in order to get ready for the impending retrograde. We will be slowing down and developing an appreciation for life's little joys over the course of the next four weeks. Sun in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius. A significant ego clash is likely to occur during this destructive phase. Today is the day to question authority figures, even if it means getting yourself into trouble. April 21st: Mercury goes retrograde in Taurus. During this year's second Mercury retrograde and the first complete Mercury retrograde welcoming us to the retrograde season of 2023, we'll be doing a lot of spring cleaning. We are letting go of everything that is no longer serving us as a society, including outdated items and mentalities. April 23rd: Mercury in Taurus sextile Mars in Cancer. Consider having a heartfelt, meaningful, conversation with a loved one tonight. You'll have a good night spent with those you care about and this will do your heart good. April 25th: Sun in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces. This aspect grants us a positive burst of energy that enables us to accomplish our goals, even those we've only dared to dream about. Today is the perfect day to complete any unfinished business. April 29th: Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus. During this lucky aspect, good things come readily. As long as we maintain our motivation and humility, life can change for the better in a span of a single instant. The energy of April will be one of predestined occurrences and new adventures. To maximize the benefits of these cosmically charged events, be sure to plan your month in advance using this guide. This will be a very strong and productive month for us. Use this energy to your advantage (even the Mercury retrograde) and you'll see yourself making significant gains forward. If you have any questions, please send me a email at Love & Light, Audra

  • How To Use The Law Of Attraction With Love Spells

    Written by Audra but inspired by Robin's previous blog on the subject. The majority of the problems we handle at Life Spirits are romantic in nature. I can honestly say that we've seen every romantic situation in the book. When we receive requests from people asking for assistance on a love situation, we begin to notice certain patterns that indicate what kind of an outcome we can expect. These patterns either match those who are able to successfully manifest their ultimate true love scenario or match the patterns of those who weren't successful. Right away, we can predict who will receive near instant results and who will be challenging to deal with. It all depends on that person's mindset, how they view the relationship with their target, how receptive they are to suggestions and directions, and how patient they are with the process. In my spell-casting profession, I have assisted tens of thousands of people with relationship issues alone, so I am aware that I have a unique perspective on what those who found success all had in common with each other. The majority of the people who received success with love spells took our work seriously and sincerely followed our directions. They took notes and used The Law of Attraction to raise their vibration and prepare their energy to attract the people and relationships they desired from the Universe. This allowed their energy to accumulate so they could ultimately succeed with their spell work. In essence, they managed to align their energy with the intentions they had us conjure on their behalf. You utilize the law of attraction every single day whether you recognize it or not. Every single thing you do—including your thoughts, words, and deeds—contains energy that you project into the universe in an effort to draw specific outcomes your way. To ensure that we are living the life we want to live and with the people we want to share it with, it is crucial that we are aware of the energy we are sending out to the Universe. We constantly advise folks to employ the law of attraction when casting spells on their behalf. All successful spell casters use this technique regardless of whether they are aware of its term or not. A specific vibrational frequency is necessary for spells to manifest. This is an absolute necessity and we cannot choose to forgo it! It is crucial for a spell caster (and their clients) to understand how to modify their own energy in conjunction with the energy they have just released through casting. This is a key step in learning how to manifest spells. Those who are most effective in successful spells are masters of their own thoughts and energies. The more adept we grow in casting spells, the more adept we become at directing our thoughts and energies. As witches, we acquire it as a second nature. People who do not cast their own spells might be unaware of this important detail when it comes to spell manifestation. Because of this, it's crucial that folks who request spell-work learn how to regulate their energy and vibration in order to align it with the outcome they've requested from the Universe. Sadly, misunderstandings arise when spell casters forget or neglect to explain how to manage ones personal vibration to those who are unfamiliar with energy manipulation. The majority of spell-casting practitioners will advise you to simply "think positively" and "have faith" or something of the like. There is much more to it than that. Many spell casters find explaining the law of attraction challenging, especially as they've only been hired to simply cast a spell. Witches know how spells work because we've experienced it, felt it, and are comfortable with magick. This is an advantage real witches have when casting spells on our own behalf. We know how to adjust our energy because faith and good feelings are present with something we're familiar with. We feel good with magick and we know our spells will manifest for us. That is the advantage of the spell caster. For those of you who are not familiar with this energy and with this process, it can be a whole different story and you wont get the full benefit of the spell because you are missing one of the key components for success. Robin and I were extremely excited when several authors started taking the law of attraction mainstream and having a common name for how to control and manipulate our personal energy and vibration. However, we've found that the majority of books and blogs on the law of attraction center around achieving financial success, physical wellness, or meeting your soul mate. The real “secret” is using the law of attraction to actually attract a specific person. Maybe it's because most people who are proficient in using the law of attraction, don't consider using spell-work in conjunction with law of attraction. They are missing out because with using the law of attraction and magick combined, you are able to be incredibly precise and accurate in your requests. Using both together, you can target a specific person and move your relationship to a new level to create an incredibly affectionate, loyal, and loving partnership. In order to assist you in the ability to properly implement the law of attraction in conjunction with your spell-work, Robin and I decided to come up with a simple guide. We are hoping that some of you will read this and experience an "Ah-ha!" moment, but if you still don't completely understand this concept, please get in touch with Robin and I for further help. The more you study and learn about the law of attraction, the more you'll be able to apply it to benefit yourself greatly. If you use it correctly, you'll be truly astounded by how quickly your spell-work starts to manifest for you. Managing your energy is key to the success of your spells. This is the universal rule, and even if you don't comprehend it, it still applies whether you use it to your advantage or not. 1. Pay attention to YOUR energy. You need to make this process all about you and your energy rather than that other person and their energy. You are the one driving this relationship and have the power to make it work or fail. The easiest approach to doing this is to make sure you are the one guiding the energy in the direction you want it to travel to. Never, ever, ever, ever allow another person determine your happiness. They don't deserve it, and the outcome won't be what you want in the long run. Take control of your energy. Stop letting other people and things influence your energy. Allow, no, demand yourself to feel happiness, gratitude, and peace in this current moment. You must get into a habit of putting on blinders when it comes to your target, especially if things are really bad right now. If your target blocks you and this makes you feel rejected and unloved, you're focusing on THEIR energy and not controlling how your energy responds to their actions. If you're focused on a relationship you want to break up and you keep noticing how happy they are together which is breaking your heart and making you feel absolute jealousy, you're concentrating on THEIR energy and not controlling how your energy responds to their actions. Anytime you're feeling bad, especially in relation to how another person's actions is making you feel, you are concentrating on the incorrect energy. Get in control of your energy and stop paying attention to what THEY are doing anyway. Focus on you! If you don't have control of your energy, you'll be traveling in circles and squandering your time while feeling lonely, sad, lost, and grief. Learning to control your own energy is the most important aspect of magick and the law of attraction. Rule number one is that from now on, your happiness is your responsibility and you have no choice but to get into a state of bliss, comfort, peace, and gratitude. Start working on this NOW! You must resolve to transform into the person who brings YOU joy. You must ensure that you give your daily attention to pursuits you find enjoyable and engage in activities that keep a grin on your face throughout the day. It is imperative that you allow yourself to always be joyful and as stress free as possible in order to improve your energy. 2. Let it go. It's critical to break any old habits that aren't serving you successfully in order to establish fresh ones. You'll need to let go of the past wounds, any resentment, any issues establishing trust, and any insecurities and doubts you may have about your relationship and the person you're trying to attract. You must approach this with an entirely new set of thoughts and emotions. Before you can genuinely begin to develop your connection and bond with that other person, you must first start enhancing your energy. Don't contaminate your goals with your rooted negative beliefs and anxieties. If you keep poking holes of doubt and pessimism into your metaphorical boat, it will eventually sink. Obviously, a few holes (negative thoughts) won't make you immediately drown, but over time you'll notice your boat is growing heavier and traveling more slowly than before. You'll slow down your progress dramatically if not stop your spell-work from manifesting completely. Letting go of any negative thoughts, doubts, anxiety, and past negative history is essential to the success of everything you've been asking and hoping for. Stop focusing on any negative thoughts and set beliefs you have about your present, past, or prospective relationship. Stop being your own worst enemy and biggest hindrance when it comes to being in a successful and loving partnership. To reiterate, you must be committed to letting go of a lot of past thought patterns, feelings, and convictions. This takes a committed effort. If you make the decision today to stop focusing and thinking about that negative thought but come back to it tomorrow because your anxiety keeps you focused on it, you'll go nowhere. This has to be a long term commitment as you're looking for long term results. If you find yourself starting to think or worry about your relationship (or lack thereof), you must make an effort to shift the topic in your mind. Your present relationship scenario or your previous thoughts and beliefs about that person may have contributed to your predicament, therefore it is clear that these feelings and beliefs are not beneficial to you. They are dangerous and will interfere with your intended result. So, release them! 3. Have complete faith that your spell-work will manifest for you. People having expectations about when or how their spells will manifest is one of the factors that delays and halts materialization completely. You must let go of your expectations and begin to trust that the Universe will grant your requests in the time and manner that is for your highest good. Anxiety may be greatly increased by concentrating on the duration of time it is taking and your current undesired circumstances. Depending on how much concern you feel over your circumstance, the anxiety you feel towards it will slow down your manifestation and may possibly make matters worse. In order for the Universe to know what it needs to do for you, you must concentrate on the desired result, not the problem. When you ask us to cast spells on your behalf, you have already made your intention known to the universe. As a result, fretting continually about how long it will take or whether it will even work, shows that you have no faith in magick and consequently no faith that the Universe will look after your needs. This sends two contradictory vibrations out into the Universe. One is the request that your dreams will manifest with the spell-work that we do on your behalf. The other which is a vibration sent out by your anxiety and doubt, is telling the Universe NOT to manifest your dreams. The Universe will believe that is your true desire since you're so passionate about that anxiety and doubt. Each negative thought can counter our spell-work for you. If you do this often, you are undoing our work entirely. This will ultimately push that person or desired connection further away from you. In having these doubts and anxiety, you are basically working against yourself. You must have unflinching confidence that you will be with that person NOW! They are already yours. You must know and believe that! If you want to visualize—which many people find incredibly helpful—you can do so, but only if it will benefit you. If you can't visualize without thinking about your negative past or present situation, you shouldn't use this technique. If you find it difficult to envision without experiencing anxiety or bringing up painful memories, don't. If you can, play pretend and envision your dream scenario as if it is happening in current tense, that will speed things up dramatically for you. We offer folks a time line (3 moon cycles) for when their updated positive energy and vibration should begin assisting them in manifesting their spells. This is our standard response that we give out when asked because it is how long it typically takes us spell casters to shift our own energy. This is not the rule and should not be viewed as such. The 3 moon cycles time line is dependent on how well our customers follow our instructions and how complicated their case is. Your time line will be just as unique to your situation and vibration as your spell-work is. So this is a general time line, but not obviously written in stone. You should not worry if you're not seeing too much (if any progress) by a certain time. Don't allow the obsession of the 3 moon cycle time line cause additional stress and anxiety as it's completely counter productive to your success. Since all situations are unique, the time line of manifestation will be unique to that person and their situation. The situation of someone wanting to establish a new relationship will be different from that of someone trying to win back their unfaithful spouse. There is a large amount of contrast between the two situations. A person who is suffering with an unfaithful spouse has a lot of negative energy to sort through and usually a lot of trust issues that need to get cleared away. Whereas the individual looking to establish a new relationship is a lot more excited and trusting of the process making that individual more likely to be able to raise their vibration quickly and have a much faster full manifestation of their spell-work. Thus it stands to reason that your outcomes will differ from those of others so don't get into a habit of comparing and expecting the same results in the same amount of time. Since your case is unique, we cater to you on an individual bases for better results. You won't go anywhere if you decide right away to give your case only three moon cycles and then move on if nothing happens by then. This is because you're indicating to the Universe that this is a gamble, not a commitment. You have to agree to wait as long as it takes and ironically, that usually is what helps it manifest incredibly fast. In having that outlook, you are removing all anxiety, fear, and expectations which shift your vibration to where it needs to be for manifestation. The Universe falls in love with a stubborn heart! Conviction and commitment will get you exactly what you're asking for! Those who have told me that they'll only commit to their spells for 3 months and move on if they didn't get manifestation by then, never were able to get their spells to manifest. They were able to predict their future lack of results by claiming them. They sent the universe two opposing wishes, but they chose to focus on not receiving their wish, and they received exactly what they had wished for... failure. Those people end the spell the moment they say “I'm moving on.” because that is exactly what the Universe hears. So, be very mindful about deciding to be done with your situation at a certain time if you don't see manifestation before then. You are assuring that your investment in this spell-work goes down the drain because I can almost guarantee, your spells wont manifest! Many of you tell me that this specific person you are trying to have in a healthy relationship with you is your soul mate, therefore I would anticipate that you would determine that they are worth all the time it takes to be with that one person your heart can't live without. You can not care if this takes weeks, months, or years to be with them because you know they are your destiny and you two will be together no matter what. S,o stop worrying about it. If you say and believe they are your soul mate, you'll have them! You just need to believe and trust this process! It will happen faster if you are less worried about the time line. When someone finally lets go of their expectations and surrenders to the Universe, things might move quite quickly. Don't make it take longer than it should by being worried about how long it is taking. Those who didn't care how long it took because they knew it would work when the conditions were right are the ones that see benefits more quickly. They knew their spells would manifest and they did! You must start thinking about the issues of “time line” in the correct manner and it will no longer be an issue for you. 4. Don't expect perfection. We frequently receive emails from individuals who are overjoyed because they finally received the phone call they were looking for, had a terrific night with their intended partner, or saw two people finally end a relationship they had been waiting out. We would rejoice, and there would be a great deal of restored hope. Then, for some, it would occur—their target would disappear or seemingly “ghost” them. Or there would be a fight over something ridiculous between themselves and their target. Or that split-up we had set into motion would seem short lived and the pair would reconcile. This is normal; any relationship and situation will have both good and terrible days. This is also very common when waiting for spell manifestation. Us witches are used to it, so things like this wouldn't phase us. We are working with energies and so there will be some big steps in the right direction followed by what might appear like some steps backwards, however, it isn't a step backward. This is simply energy regulating and is not permanent. Progress is almost never linear. So, don't look at this as things backfiring or your spells not manifesting. Understand that the energy is still regulating and so we need to continue on the path we were going because we were getting positive signs and will continue to get those signs if we don't let something like this change our vibration. What you need to do in this circumstance is to feel absolute gratitude for those signs of manifestation you requested from the universe. If your target contacted you but then ghosted you, put ALL your passion into focusing on that initial contact and feel gratitude towards that little glimmer of progress. Ignore the ghosting completely. Don't focus on it. Don't allow it to affect your energy and don't allow it to make you doubt or feel rejected. Passion will propel your spell-work forward, so be passionate about the things you want (contact) and be completely apathetic towards the things you don't want (being ignored.) This will allow the energy to regulate in the direction we want for more of those good moments and less of those negative moments. We must quickly re-align ourselves when we realize that our concentration is off since we are not robots and will occasionally have emotionally exhausting moments. You will have moments even in a wonderful relationships that can cause you frustration. Therefore, it's natural for there to be some pretty heavy issues and feelings that pop up when trying to manifest a happy relationship from something that was previously pretty toxic. Thus, don't imagine and expect that you would be immune from minor issues here and there while the energy is trying to re-set. These moments might mistakenly feel like setbacks. However they're natural in the process of energy manipulation. Instead of being worried or upset when they do occur, you must alter your perspective so that you can quickly get your energy back on track for more signs of things manifesting in the right direction. The emphasis should be on letting go of negative emotions connected to lack of progress or things taking a negative turn and instead being grateful and excited for the manifestations that did occur and will occur. This line of thinking results in more and greater spell manifestations as well as fewer and smaller negative moments connected to your target. To illustrate, imagine someone rowing a boat. With each stroke, you can see them moving forward, but there is also a little push back from the waves that will force them to slide back a tiny bit. Yet the longer they row, the quicker they get to their destination. Hence, even if you encounter what might feel like resistance, as long as you keep rowing, you will ultimately reach your target. 5. When you get manifestation. When we eventually see the results of our spells, we must maintain our energy level where it was prior to those results in order to keep those things going. Too often when people receive signs of manifestation, they allow their joy to divert them from the advice I've previously outlined. This is because they believe they no longer need to do their part to produce results. As a result, they begin to fall back into old patterns and begin concentrating on the other person's energy, and little negatives that pop up once more. Even when you two are together and doing well, you should continue to follow these recommendations to keep things going smoothly between you two. So, this is a reminder to pay attention to your energies. As you experience victories and manifestations, give thanks to the universe and return to concentrating on YOUR energy. That is what first aided in bringing them your way to begin with. You will successfully manifest your love spells with the assistance of these recommendations and guidance. These instructions are essential for full manifestation and are not optional. If you are serious about your success, you'll implement these suggestions fully. Please develop a strategy for putting these suggestions in motion and customizing them to your circumstance. Please reach out to us if you need more help on how to apply these guidelines to your situation. We are here to help you get results and ensure you succeed in manifesting the type of relationship you desire with your true love. Love & Light, Audra Audra English High Priestess of Life Spirits Society Of Magick

  • The New Moon in Aries is Here, be Ready for a Cosmic Restart.

    Every month, the new moon gives us a fresh start and the opportunity to purge our lives of anything that is no longer serving us. New moons are the cosmic resets of the astrological universe. The new moon and the full moon are two of the most dramatic times in the lunar cycle. The former is a more subtle experience, while the later is strong and dramatic, but this doesn't make it any more compelling. The new moon, which symbolizes the start of a new chapter, really serves as the catalyst for everything we're hoping to achieve for ourselves, especially if we are using magick during this time. Themes and circumstances that often surface during a new moon point to goals and ambitions that are just waiting to be seized. And it will have *that* much more chance of success if you deliberately use magick to enhance the success of a project or encourage commitment in a relationship during a new moon! The first new moon of spring, which occurs on March 21, is in aggressive, passionate, and competitive Aries, underlining our urge to act on our impulses and follow our gut feelings. Embrace the unrestrained flames of Aries as it ignites your fire because you have been languishing in the lethargic and weepy energies of Pisces season for far too long. Aries is always confident in their ability to succeed, so now is the ideal moment to make a goal and put all of your heart into it. This new moon will propel you into greatness and promise for the future, we'll feel these vibrations. While most new moons tend to make us feel like we need more sleep, this one, in the fire sign of Aries, may give us the boost of vigor and inspiration we've been looking for. This new moon is particularly noteworthy since it occurs at precisely 0 degrees Aries. After all, degree 0 signifies the start of a new adventure and the purest manifestation of that zodiac sign. The first eclipse season of the year is quickly approaching, bringing with it a period of uncertainty. Eclipses are occasions for surrender rather than to be controlled or harnessed. Start your initiatives right away, achieve your biggest aspirations, and set your objectives in motion. Positive thinking and achievement are in season. There are a few planetary happenings to be aware of during this new moon. For starters, Mercury, the Planet of Communication, will be close to the sun and the moon, making our communication with others fast and harsh. There is impetuous energy under these moonbeams and we may feel called to act now, feeling more reactive and decisive. Do your best to temper your impatient nature. While Aries energy is exciting and motivating, its spark can burn out just as quickly as it started. Mars, the planet of desire, will also be a planet to watch out for because it will be in the closing degrees of Gemini and in a broad aspect to Neptune, prompting us to take it easy and define what we want to achieve. Push through your anxieties during this madness and embrace all of the closet demons you have. It's crucial to accept our dark side. Mars has been in Gemini for the last seven months, putting our capacity to concentrate, communicate, and deliberate digesting of information to the test. Because to the paranoia of the Pisces season, it has also been testing the limits of our aggressiveness. Mars is the God of War in astrology, thus we should be extremely cautious about how we connect with others at this time. This is particularly true when Mars is in Gemini, the sign of the zodiac that governs thought and communication. Those who detect the powerful energy from Mars flowing in to counteract it by doing vigorous exercising. Yes, you heard me correctly! That energy is begging to be released. Release it in a positive and efficient way. Try a new exercise class (boxing, anyone?) or simply going for a walk in the park. You may need to release some pent up energy and this is the ideal opportunity to get your body moving. It is important to keep our long-term vision in mind while we strive toward our objectives in order to make the most of these vibrations. Focus on yourself and what you hope to manifest under this new moon. Do you have a specific objective in mind? Do you desire a more genuine presence in the world? Have you ever felt prompted to take a risk but your rational mind keeps telling you not to? How can you better care for your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs? Pluto, the Planet of Death and Rebirth, enters Aquarius shortly after this new moon. This is a incredible event which carries intense energy because it is the first in more than 200 years. Pluto adds even more new energy that embraces transformations and beginnings. Anything we start during this window will have a lasting impact. It would be best to channel this vigor and use it to your ultimate advantage at this current moment. This new moon may seem like lighting a match to the rough surface of your rage since it aligns with Mars in Gemini. Use your passion to achieve greatness. What will you set blaze to next? Love & Light, Audra

  • 55 Amazing Crystals & Their Magickal Correspondences

    Please visit and bookmark my Etsy shop RubywitchDesigns. You'll discover a plethora of amazing crystals (some with spells attached), crystal jewelry, potions, mojo bags, intention sprays, spell soap, and all things witchy, so please save me for later. Light & Love, Audra Agate: Agate is associated with: ~Provides Stability ~Grounding ~Allows Forgiveness ~Alleviates Bitterness ~Improves Concentration and Focus ~Gives Self Confidence ~Improves Relationships ~Protective ~Brings Peace & Calming Energy ~Re-balances the Body & Mind ~ Creates a Sense of Security ~Known as a Power Stone ~Perfect for Meditation ~Relieves Anxiety & Stress Amazonite: Amazonite is associated with: ~Opens The Heart Chakra ~Heals Emotional Trauma ~Alleviates Anxiety ~Stone of Harmony ~Boosts Communication ~Allows You to Speak Your Truth ~Supports Your Destiny ~Brings About Luck ~Connected to Abundance and Prosperity ~Gives You Hope ~Soothes Away Depression ~Incredibly Balancing ~Offers Protection ~Reconnects You to Your True Self ~Tempers Aggression and Anger ~Helps Establish Healthy Relationships ~Enhances Self Discipline ~Awakens Compassion ~Brings You Grace ~A Stone of Success and Manifestation ~Helps You Overcome Negative Obsessions Amethyst: Amethyst is associated with: ~Provides Mental Clarity ~Protects Against Addictions ~Encourages Positivity ~Perfect For Meditation ~Master Healing Stone ~Provides Peace ~Encourages Love ~Instills Courage ~Combats Insomnia ~Purifies The Body, Mind, and Environment ~Use For Prophetic Dreams ~Purifies The Aura ~Amplifies Business Success ~Increases Intelligence ~Prevents Nightmares ~Expands Your Mind ~Encourages Faithfulness and Fidelity ~Soothes Irritability and Anger ~Alleviates Sadness and Depression ~Cures Grief ~Inspires Hope Balances Mood-Swings ~Raises Your Vibration ~Removes Negative Energy Angelite: Angelite is associated with: ~Promotes Clear Communication ~Encourages Truth ~Connects You To Your Angels ~Encourages Faith ~Provides Spiritual Protection ~Increase Inner Guidance ~Connects You To Your Spirit Animal ~Opens You To Divine Realms ~Provides Peaceful Serenity ~Calms Anxiety & Stress ~Perfect Stone For Meditation ~Balances & Stabilizes Emotions ~Gives You Hope ~Instills Courage ~Encourages Empathy And Compassion ~Clears Negative Energy ~Boosts Emotional Endurance Black Kyanite: Black Kyanite is associated with: ~Excellent For Meditation ~Removes Energy Blocks ~Stone Of Self Discovery ~Increases The Chances Of Manifestation ~Cleanses The Aura ~Provides Massive Amounts Of Energy ~Immensely Grounding ~Creates A Protective Shield ~Transmutes Negative Energy Into Positive Energy ~Facilitates Cord Cutting ~Increases Intuition ~A Stone For Empaths ~Great For Dream Work ~Aligns All Chakras ~Opens Up The Subconscious ~Shaman Stone ~Connects You To Your Spirit Guides ~Get Rid Of Conflict Black Obsidian: Black Obsidian is associated with: ~Psychic Protection ~Negative Energy Shield ~Removes and Absorbs Toxic Energy ~Protects From Abuse and Bullying ~Removes Toxic People ~Connected to the Root Chakra ~Incredibly Grounding ~Dispels Anxiety ~Relieves Tension ~Soul Healing ~Increases Your Personal Power ~Encourages Growth ~Purifying ~Manifestation Stone ~Brings Forth Transformation ~Cleanses the Aura ~Restores Stability ~Clears Confusion & Fogginess ~Protects Against Hostility ~Helps You Move Forward ~Absorbs Pain ~Lets the Truth Come Out ~Encourages Self Control ~Enhances Psychic Abilities ~Promotes Compassion & Empathy Bloodstone: Bloodstone is associated with: ~Attracting Luck & Good Fortune ~Increases Success ~Wealth, Prosperity, and Abundance ~Encourages Strength ~Boosts Manifestation ~Deeply Grounding ~Provides Protection ~Helps With Alignment ~Encourages Organization ~Heightened Intuition ~Reduces Anger and Aggression ~Helps Balance Our Energy ~Connects You to Your Ancestors ~Increases Resilience ~Helps With Anxiety Blue Apatite: Blue Apatite is associated with: ~Increases Changes Of Manifestation ~Expands Intellect ~Increases Psychic Gifts ~Helps One Achieve Healthy Body Weight ~Balances Thyroid ~Increases Motivation ~Grants One The Ability To Better Achieve Their Goals ~Apatite Suppressant ~Boosts Creativity ~Clears Confusion ~Enhances Communication ~Rids Negative Emotions ~Balances Hormones ~Helps Heal Past Life Issues ~Allows For Channeling & Increased Mental Telepathy ~Inspires Ambition ~Increases Wisdom ~Cleanses Aura ~Brings Inspiration Blue Aventurine: Blue Aventurine is associated with: ~Increases Prosperity ~Stress Relief ~Assists in Sobriety ~Good Decision Making ~Encourages Compassion ~Provides Patience ~Encourages Perseverance ~Enhances Communication ~Connection to Your Spirit Guides ~Clears Old Energy & Habits ~Increases Self Discipline ~Inner Strength ~Enhances Intuition ~Encourages Self Growth ~Promotes Maturity ~Fighting Addictions ~Helps You Take Responsibility For Actions Encourages Psychic Abilities ~Rids You of Bad Habits ~Healers Stone ~Enhances Logic and Rational Thinking ~Encourages Leadership ~Helps You Focus Blue Kyanite: Blue Kyanite is associated with: ~Incredible Stress Reliever ~Clears And Balances All Chakras ~Stimulates Intuition ~Promotes Justice ~Alleviates Anger And Rage ~Provides Vivid Dreams ~Inspires Loyalty ~Boosts Communication ~Encourages Truth ~Linked To Spiritual Expansion ~Helps One Strengthen Your Psychic Gifts ~One Of The Few Crystals That Doesn't Need Cleansed ~Doesn't Hold Any Negative Energy ~Opens Communication Between Other Realms ~Provides Serenity & Harmonious Energy ~Gets Rid Of Energy Blocks ~Increases Manifestation Blue Lace Agate: Blue Lace Agate is associated with: ~Increases Communication ~Incredibly Calming ~Perfect For Meditation ~Provides Peace & Harmony ~Soothes Anxiety ~Increases Positive Energy ~Encourages Confidence ~Opens And Expands The Consciousness ~Increases Wisdom ~Attracts Business Partners ~Helps One Communicate With Spirit Guides ~Stimulates Intuition ~Inspires Unity ~Encourages Self-Expression ~Provides Emotional Support ~Increases Patience ~Improves Public Speaking ~Calms Tempers ~Enhances Critical Thinking Blue Goldstone: Blue Goldstone is associated with: ~Stone of Ambition ~Enhances Communication ~Encourages Confidence ~Facilitates Success ~Stimulates Motivation ~Increases Vitality ~Incredibly Uplifting ~Promotes Positive Energy ~Personal Growth & Transformation ~Gives Courage ~Increases Abundance ~Enhances Wisdom ~Connects You With The Divine ~Encourages and Facilitates Learning Great For Empaths ~New Beginnings ~Increased Manifestation ~Provides Balance ~Increases Peace and Serenity ~Encourages Business Success Bumblebee Jasper: Bumblebee Jasper is associated with: ~Provides Self Confidence ~Increases Happiness, Joy, & Optimism ~Inspires Creativity ~Increases Motivation ~Allows You To Focus On Your Goals ~Encourages Sunny Attitude ~Helps You Maintain Momentum ~Increases Chances For Manifestation ~Keeps You Energized ~Wakes You Up ~Increases Ambitions ~Opens Doors ~Allows You To Follow And Trust Your Instincts ~Attracts New Opportunities ~Increases Endurance ~Helps Aid In Concentration ~Helps One Persevere Carnelian: Carnelian is associated with: ~Increased Energy ~Brings Vitality ~Provides Confidence ~Balances The Libido ~Enhances Sexuality ~Increases Creativity ~Provides Motivation ~Eliminates Procrastination ~Increases Self-Esteem ~Very Stabilizing and Grounding ~Improves Concentration ~Helps You Overcome Abuse ~Protects Against Anger & Rage ~Provides Motivation ~Increases Manifestation ~Increases The Metabolism ~Brings Joy & Happiness ~Boosts Fertility ~Encourages Empowerment Chariot: Chariot is associated with: ~Helps You Overcome Fear ~Stimulates Psychic Visions ~Beneficial To Healers ~Stone Of Transformation ~Provides Serenity ~Light Workers & Empaths Need This Stone ~Connects You To Higher Spirits & Realms ~Grants Access To The Akashic Records ~Allows You To Put Things Into Perspective ~Increases Insight ~Connects You To Your Spiritual Intelligence ~Increases Inner Strength ~Helps You Persevere ~Instills Optimism ~Provides Positive Energy ~Protective Cherry Blossom Agate: Cherry Blossom Agate is associated with: ~Known As The Crystal of Dreamers ~Encourages Goal-Setting and Goal Completion ~Increases Motivation ~Encourages You to “Reach For The Stars” ~Great For Entrepreneurs ~Nurtures Dreams ~Fires Up Passions ~Instills Maternal Feminine Energy ~Brings Balance & Serenity ~Is Comforting ~Increases Drive & Determination ~Brings Forward Growth ~Protects Against Self-Doubt ~Helps You Achieve Your Full Potential Cherry Quartz: Cherry Quartz is associated with: ~Enhances Peace and Serenity ~Encourages Hope ~Promotes Healing ~Provides Stress Relief ~Effective Anti-depressant ~Heals Emotional Wounds ~Brings About Optimism and Joy ~Positive Energy ~Helps With Concentration ~Increased Memory ~Attracts Love and Passion ~Provide Transformation Energy ~Encourages Good Decision Making ~Give an Energy Boost ~Helps With Grief ~Encourages Self Reflection Chrysocolla: Chrysocolla is associated with: ~Inspires You To Tell Your Truth ~Encourages Self Awareness ~Soothes Grief ~Gets Rid Of Depression & Sadness ~Helps One Succeed In Negotiations ~Calms The Mind ~Can Offer Peace During Trauma ~Brings Luck ~Attracts Prosperity And Wealth ~Improves Communication ~Inspires Harmony ~Increases Intuition ~Attracts Love ~Inspires Hope ~Gives Peaceful Energy ~Relieves Feelings Of Guilt ~Helps One Move On After Loss Chrysoprase: Chrysoprase is associated with: ~Provides Hope ~Inspires Love ~Encourages Compassion and Empathy ~Attracts Prosperity & Wealth ~Promotes Joy ~Inspires Divine Truth ~Helps With Fertility ~Heals Heartache ~Releases Grief ~Stimulates Creativity ~Chases Away Nightmares ~Balances Emotions ~Calms The Mind ~Facilitates Self Expression ~Strengthens Friendships ~Known As The Stone Of Courage ~Gets Rid Of Narcissism ~Dispels Irritability ~Gets Rid Of Negative Thoughts ~Inspires Positivity ~Allows For A Strong Flow Of Heart Healing Energy Citrine: Citrine is associated with: ~Increases Abundance & Prosperity ~Provides Strength ~Encourages Joy & Happiness ~Attracts Good Luck ~Boosts Self Esteem ~Increases Motivation ~Drives Personal Growth ~Encourages Creativity ~Increases Memory ~Ideal For Manifestation ~Called The Success Stone ~Helps Attract Customers & Increase Business ~Promotes Personal Power ~Removes Negative Energy ~Helps You Achieve Your Goals ~Strengthens Your Willpower Clear Quartz: Clear Quartz is associated with: ~Known As A Power Crystal ~Enhances Clarity ~Perfect Stone For Meditation ~Increases Energy ~Promotes Emotional Stability ~Brings Forth Manifestation ~Increased Self-Worth ~Draws In Love ~Encourages Psychic Abilities ~Helps Bring Positive Changes ~Instills Hope ~Encourages Better Communication ~Master Healer ~Heals all Chakras ~Assists In Dream Work ~Aura Cleanser Dalmatian Jasper: Dalmatian Jasper is associated with: ~Happiness & Joy ~Exhaustion Related to Trauma and High Stress Environments ~Breaks Down Barriers ~Relieves Depression ~Provides Psychic & Spiritual Protection ~Strong Grounding Energy ~Boosts Good Luck & Fortune ~Provides Strength ~Brings Harmony & Serenity ~Connects With and Protects Dogs ~Keeps us Playful ~Helps You Discover Your Purpose ~Gives Motivation ~Stabilizing ~Provides Positive Energy ~Known as the Stone of Playfulness ~Increases Loyalty in Relationships Fluorite: Fluorite is associated with: ~Cleansing The Aura ~Stabilizing Your Energy Field ~Reducing Stress and Anxiety ~Heightened Psychic Awareness ~Promotes Quick Thinking ~Helps Us Tap Into Our Subconscious Mind ~Increasing Creativity ~Encourages Better Concentration ~Enhances Manifestation ~Increases Self-Assurance ~Clears Mind of Distractions ~Provides Protection ~Help Connect to The Spirit ~Is Incredibly Balancing ~Inspires Serenity & Peace ~Assists in Organization ~Absorbs Negative Energy ~Stone of Growth ~Harmonizes All Chakras ~Encourages Learning and Education ~Opens Roads & Removes Road-Blocks ~Encourages Independence ~Promotes Clarity Garnet: Garnet is associated with: ~Brings Forth Romantic Love ~Increases Passion ~Enhances Sex ~Inspires Self Confidence ~Increases Intimacy ~Inspires Positive Thinking ~Increases Success ~Promotes Devotion ~Provides Hope ~Balances Emotions ~A Stone Of Manifestation ~Cleanses Chakras ~Increases Success In Business ~Very Protective ~Discourages Nightmares ~Increases Vitality ~Guards Against Depression ~Attracts Wealth & Prosperity ~Said To Bring Good Luck ~Promotes Physical Beauty ~Alleviates Anxiety ~Revels And Attracts New Sources Of Income Green Aventurine: Green Aventurine is associated with: ~Stone of Opportunity ~Brings Forth Wealth, Abundance, and Prosperity ~Blesses With Luck and Good Fortune ~Attracts Abundance in All Areas ~Increases The Chance of Success ~Soothes Anxiety ~Provides Optimism ~Increases Confidence ~Promotes Growth ~Connected to the Heart Chakra ~Provides Healing Energy ~Brings Forth Vitality ~Encourages Confidence ~Increases Happiness and Joy ~Release Bad Habits ~Very Grounding ~Enhances Creativity ~Calms Anger ~Career Stone ~Brings Forth Balance ~Provides Motivation ~Incredibly Stabilizing ~Increases Manifestation ~Promotes Love ~Opens Doors Green Calcite: Green Calcite is associated with: ~Money, Wealth, Prosperity, & Abundance ~Good Luck & Fortune ~Restores Balance ~Regulates Emotions ~Stress Relief ~Mental Healer ~Success in All Areas ~Cleans Negativity From People, Places, and Things ~Raises Your Vibration ~Provides Motivation ~Clears Negative Emotions & Stagnation ~Stone of Protection ~Brings Love Into Your Life ~Promotes Forgiveness ~Enhances Empathy and Compassion ~Brings About Positive Transformation ~Connects You To Your Heart's Desire ~Brings in New Opportunities Green Moss Agate: Green Moss Agate is associated with: ~Is Abundant in Earth energy ~Incredibly Grounding ~Balancing to The Entire Energy System ~Provides Stability ~Increases Wealth and Abundance ~Inspires Luck and Good Fortune ~Increased Success ~Provides Peace ~Calms Mood Swings ~Promotes Forgiveness ~Brings Happiness ~Stone of New Beginnings ~Promotes Business Success ~Expands Consciousness ~Connects You to Nature ~Known as The Gardeners Atone (Add Green Moss Agate to Your Garden) ~Reduces Drama ~Attracts New Friends ~Attracts Love ~Taps Into Healing Energy ~Increases Self-Expression ~Provides Clarity Hematite: Hematite is associated with: ~Very Protective ~Incredibly Grounding ~Provides A Major Energy Shield ~Calms Negative Energy And Vibrations ~Enhances Courage ~Relieves Chronic Pain ~Encourages One To Be Bold & Ambitious ~Reduces Confusion ~Provides Mental Clarity ~Boosts Self-Esteem ~Balances Emotions ~Aligns All Chakras ~Enhances Will Power ~Detoxifying ~Rids One Of Insomnia ~Protects From Nightmares ~Encourages Perseverance ~Increases The Logical Mind ~Increases Vitality ~Brings You Back Down To Earth Howlite: Howlite is associated with: ~Encourages Communication ~Increases Awareness ~Enhances Creativity ~Calms Aggression & Rage ~Provides Restful Sleep ~Anti-Anxiety ~Releases Unhealthy Attachments And Habits ~Provides Peace ~Reduces Stress & Depression ~Increases Ambition ~Helps With Focus ~Decreases Insomnia ~Slows An Overactive Mind ~Increases Memory ~Teaches Patience ~Facilitates Self-Awareness ~Aids In Meditation ~Helps One Release Toxic Attachments ~Helps With Memory ~Helps One Access Past Lives ~Links You To Higher Realms Jade: Jade is associated with: ~Attracts Wealth & Prosperity ~Brings An Abundance Of Blessings Your Way ~Incredibly Healing ~Harmonizes The Energy Of Everyone In The Room ~Very Lucky Stone ~Increases Well-being ~Connects You To Grounding Earth Energy ~Helps You Overcome Fears ~Strengthens Relationships ~Guards Against Misfortune ~Provides Protection ~Calms The Mind & Nervous System ~Helps With Goal Achievement ~Encourages A Positive Attitude ~Helps One Accept Oneself ~Helps With Dream Interpretation Kunzite: Kunzite is associated with: ~Provides Excellent Emotional Healing ~Inspires Self Love ~Heals A Broken Heart ~Gets You Through Grief ~Allows You To Safety Process Trauma ~Inspires Unconditional Love ~Attracts Romance ~Heals Relationships ~Allows You To Open Up To Love Without Fear ~Incredibly Comforting ~Clears Away Depression & Sadness ~Encourages Loving Communication ~Inspires Romantic Feelings & Thoughts Labradorite: Labradorite is associated with: ~Offers Protection ~Deflects Toxic Energies and People ~Reduces Anxiety, Fear, and Stress ~Increases Intuition and Psychic Awareness ~Provides Serenity and Calming Energy ~Enhances Imagination ~Encourages Creativity ~Expands Your Awareness ~Facilitates Lucid Dreaming ~Encourages Increased Spiritual Growth ~Gives Inspiration ~Shields Your Aura ~Helps You Discover Your Destiny ~Known As The Witches Stone ~Use in Divination ~Awakens Your Magickal Abilities ~Stimulates Synchronicity ~Helps You Develop Ideas ~Encourages Spirit Work ~Stone of Transformation ~Increases Manifestation Lepidolite: Lepidolite is associated with: ~Anti-Anxiety ~Stress Relief ~Heals the Heart ~Neutralizes Emotional Pain ~Stone of Acceptance ~Stone of Transformation ~Helps Change Negative Psychological Patterns ~Deep Emotional Healing ~Dissipates Negativity ~Brings Forth Healing ~Positive Energy ~Encourages Hope ~Contains Lithium (Perfect For Those With Mood Swings and/or Bi-Polar) ~Brings About Optimism ~Increases Balance ~Incredibly Calming ~Increases Self Love ~Inner Peace ~Clears Depression ~Brings Awareness ~Connects to Divine Beings ~Boosts Trust ~Provides Tranquility Activates & Balances ALL Chakras ~Better Sleep ~Brings About A Positive Attitude Change Mahogany Obsidian: Mahogany Obsidian is associated with: ~Provides Protection ~Instills Confidence ~Gets Rid Of Energy Blocks ~Stabilizes And Strengthens The Aura ~Incredibly Grounding ~Clears Away Negative Energy ~Calms And Balances Emotions ~Harmonizes Your Vibrations ~Protects From Psychic Vampires ~Connects To The Root Chakra ~Enhances Creativity ~Helps One To Recognize Opportunities To Bring Wealth & Abundance ~Encourages Transformation ~Connects You With Your Higher Self ~Encourages Growth ~Releases Self Imposed Limitations Malachite: Malachite is associated with: ~Helps One Grow Emotionally, Spiritually & Mentally ~Helps One Gain Strength After An Illness ~Gives Motherly Love ~Attracts Wealth And Prosperity ~Boosts Confidence ~Inspires Compassion And Empathy ~Promotes Kindness ~Increases Self Love ~Provides Protection From Negativity ~Increases Senses Alerting One Of Danger ~Opens The Heart To Unconditional Love ~Provides Emotional Balance ~Stone Of Transformation ~Encourages Safe Risk Taking ~Increases Determination & Motivation Moldavite: Moldavite is associated with: ~Incredibly Powerful Vibration ~Can Shake Things Up To Benefit You In The Long Run ~Very Rare Cosmic Glass ~Forces You To Deal With Hidden Emotions & Trauma ~Connects You To Outside Realms ~Promotes Powerful Transformation ~Allows For Communication With Inter-dimensional Beings ~Highly Protective ~Encourages Personal, Spiritual, And Mental Growth ~Brings New Awareness To Oneself ~Incredibly Healing ~Accelerates Personal Evolution ~Helps You Fulfill Your Destiny Mookaite: Mookaite is associated with: ~Very Grounding ~Provides Protection ~Connects To Earth Energy ~Increased Intuition ~Increases Feelings Of Stability ~Helps Release Bad Habits & Patterns ~Promotes Healing ~Facilitates Long Term Health ~Aids In Decision Making ~Helps Break Generational Curses ~Slows Down Aging ~Crystal For Youthful Beauty ~Encourages Healthy Baby During Pregnancy ~Encourages Open mindedness ~Helps You Choose The Right Path ~Increases Self Esteem ~Motivating Moonstone: Moonstone is associated with: ~Enhances Patience ~Balances Reproductive System ~Balances Emotions ~Encourages New Beginnings ~Attracts Good Fortune ~Inspires Hope ~Increases Love ~Attracts Abundance ~Brings Forth Divine Inspiration ~Encourages Growth ~Increases Confidence ~Encourages You To See New Opportunities ~Stimulates Psychic Powers ~Increases Inspiration ~Sharpens Intuition ~Gets Rid Of Nightmares And Insomnia ~Clears Fog From The Mind ~Connects You To The Goddess Opal: Opal is associated with: ~Said To Gift You With Prophetic Abilities ~Protects Against The Evil Eye & Jealousy ~Increases Love ~Attracts Romance ~Encourages Hope ~Draws In Abundance & Wealth ~Increases Self Confidence ~Clears And Balances All Chakras ~Enhances Creativity ~Connects You To The Energy Of The Cosmos ~Encourages Freedom And Independence ~Encourages Loyalty ~Strengthens Memory ~Releases Inhibitions ~Increases Gratitude ~Inspires Passion and Sensuality ~Encourages Fidelity ~Improves Communication ~Reduces Insomnia and encourages sleep ~Encourages Happiness and Optimism Opalite: Opalite is associated with: ~Wealth, Prosperity, and Abundance ~Helps With Meditation ~Inspires Confidence ~Emotional Stability ~Business Success ~Increased Self-Worth ~Brings About Love ~Strengthens Psychic Abilities ~Inspires Positive Change ~Instills Hope ~Facilitates Better Communication ~Stone of Personal Power ~Helps With Dream Work ~Is an Aura Cleanser ~Encourages Courage ~Eases Transitions ~Provides Serenity and Peace ~Aids in Vision Work ~Manifestation Pietersite: Pietersite is associated with: ~Strengthens Your Personal Power ~Increases Clairvoyance ~Increases Intuition ~Rare Stone Only Found In One Location ~Assists In Transformation ~Incredibly High Vibrations ~Helps With Past Life Healing ~Enhances Creativity ~Increases Victory ~Helps You Persevere ~Very Empowering ~Increases Manifestation ~Known As The Tempest Stone ~Purifies The Aura ~Enhances Motivation ~Helps One Reach Goals ~Helps You Achieve Your Destiny ~Very High Energy Stone ~Connects You To Divine Guides ~Opens You To Other Realms ~Brings Deep Spiritual Awareness Prehnite: Prehnite is associated with: ~Stone of Prophecy ~Provides Inner Peace ~Encourages Lucid Dreaming ~Gets Rid Of Narcissism ~Provides Unconditional Love ~Inspires Wisdom ~Increases Energy ~Quite Protective ~Enhances Visualization & Psychic Gifts ~Induces Deep Meditation ~Provides Positive Confidence ~Calms The Mind And Anxiety ~Increases Spiritual Connections ~Simulates Prophetic Abilities ~Heals The Healer ~Helps Empaths Recharge ~Sharpens Instincts ~Raises Vibrations ~Increases Joy & Happiness Red Jasper: Red Jasper is associated with: ~Incredibly Grounding ~Provides Protection ~Helps You Feel Secure ~Brings Serenity and Balance ~Helps You Receive Justice ~Stabilizes Moods ~Encourages Confidence ~Increased Energy ~Encourages Goal Completion ~Provides an Emotional Release ~Encourages Quick Thinking ~Releases Shame Tied With Sex ~Stimulates The Imagination ~Stone of Endurance ~Balances The Libido ~Known as The Supreme Nurturer Rhodonite: Rhodonite is associated with: ~Encourages Self Love ~Promotes Romantic Love ~Confidence ~Controls Temper and Calms Anger ~Balances Emotions ~Encourages Forgiveness and Empathy ~Heals a Broken Heart ~Allows us to Approach the Situation With Compassion ~Clears Away Emotional Trauma ~Very Emotionally Grounding ~Encourages Healthy Attachments and Relationships ~Alleviates Confusion ~Assists in Discovering Your Purpose ~Brings Light & Joyful Energy ~Dissolves Resentment & Bitterness ~Takes Away Feelings of Isolation and Loneliness ~Promotes Friendship ~Clears Muddy Emotions ~Know as the Singer's Stone ~Relaxes a Panic Attack Rose Quartz: Rose Quartz is associated with: ~Brings an Abundance of Love ~Increases Compassion and Empathy ~Heals Heartbreak ~Instills Trust and Fidelity ~Encourages Friendship ~Dissolves Past Trauma (Especially Related to Love) ~Increases Self-Worth ~Brings About Forgiveness and Understanding ~Helps You Find Your True Love ~Encourages Self-Love ~Restores Harmony ~Helps Alleviate Depression and Anxiety ~Promotes Unconditional Love ~Facilitates Romance ~Releases Anger, Resentment, and Jealousy ~Enhances Inner Peace and Serenity ~Brings a Gentle Energy Into The Room ~Helps You Overcome Doubts ~Dissolves Isolation ~Prevents Nightmares ~Enhances Creativity ~Brings in Feminine Energy ~Increases Fertility Sapphire: Sapphire is associated with: ~Increases Fidelity ~Encourages Leadership ~Connects One To Angels ~Incredibly Calming ~Increases Mental Clarity ~Provides Psychic Protection ~Brings Prosperity & Abundance ~Increases Intuition ~Provides Joy & Happiness ~Balances Emotions ~Increases Focus ~Supports Mental Acuity ~Stone Of Nobility ~Believed To Heal All Parts Of The Body ~Decreases Psychosis ~Allows One To Detach From Toxic People, Places, & Things ~Increases Good Judgment ~Enhances Concentration ~Helps One Find Love ~Enhances Creativity Serpentine: Serpentine is associated with ~Encourages Forgiveness ~Provides Compassion & Empathy ~Supports Personal Transformation ~Kundalini Activation ~Increases Abundance In All Areas ~Incredible Stone Of Manifestation ~Increases Sexual Energy ~Balances Hormones ~Inspires Love ~Clears All Chakras ~Known To Bring Prosperity ~Is A Deep Emotional Healer ~Encourages Intimacy ~Calms Nerves~Increases Psychic Abilities Smoky Quartz: Smoky Quartz is associated with: ~Clears Negative Energy ~Incredibly Grounding ~Stone Of Transformation ~Increases Relaxation ~Reduces Stress And Anxiety ~Relieves Exhaustion ~Alleviates Fears And Worries ~Encourages Emotionally Healthy Behaviors ~Gets Rid Of Depression ~Shields Aura In Protective Energy ~Encourages Growth ~Provides Pain Relief ~Encourages A Kundalini Shift ~Use To Cleanse Energy In The Room Before Energy Or Spell Work Sodalite: Sodalite is associated with: ~Connects You to Your Angels ~Influences Logic and Rational Thinking ~Provides Willpower ~Enhances Motivation ~Encourages You to be True to Yourself ~Increases Intuition ~Provides Calm During Times of Stress or Chaos ~Boosts Communication ~Alleviates Anxiety & Depression ~Encourages Trust ~Balances Out Energy ~Increases Metabolism ~Helps to Cure Insomnia ~Enhances Creativity ~Boosts Intelligence ~Releases Anger and Frustration ~Stone of Self Expression Tigers Eye: Tigers Eye is associated with: ~Stone of Luck & Good Fortune ~Wealth, Prosperity, and Abundance ~Very Grounding ~Provides Excellent Protection Power ~Increases Strength ~Improves Your Ability to Assert Yourself ~Strengthens Willpower ~Provides Balance ~Encourages Confidence ~Known to Help With Self-Discipline ~Helps With Goal Achievement ~Provides Vitality ~Endurance ~Increases Focus ~Lifts Mood ~Brings Joy & Happiness ~Helps You See Things Clearly ~Releases Pent Up Tension ~Helps With Mental Clarity Turquoise: Turquoise is associated with: ~Offers A Path To Enlightenment ~Encourages Self Acceptance ~Considered A Master Healer ~Known To Be The Bridge Between Heaven & Earth ~A Good Luck Charm ~Very Protective ~Blocks Against Negative Outside Influences ~Helps One Realize Their Destiny ~Encourages You To Follow Your Path ~Brings Empathy And Compassion ~Increases Sensitivity ~Enhances Communication ~Boosts Psychic Powers ~Balances Emotions ~Opens The Heart For Love ~Provides Mental Clarity ~Inspires Wisdom Unakite: Unakite is associated with: ~Useful For Scrying ~Incredibly Grounding ~Facilitates Rebirth ~Increases Fertility ~Provides Stress Relief ~Deepens Psychic Powers ~Discourages Negative Behaviors ~Releases Harmful Emotions ~Increases Mindfulness ~Provides Compassion & Empathy ~Encourages Healthy Habits ~Decreases Addictive Behaviors ~Increases Peaceful Sleep ~Encourages Perseverance ~For Love & Friendship ~Encourages Gratitude ~Increases Patience ~Removes Toxic Emotional Attachments Yellow Calcite: Yellow Calcite is associated with: ~Cannot Hold Negativity, Transmutes Only Positive Energy ~Happiness and Pure Joy ~Acts as a Guide ~Encourages Responsibility ~Grounding ~Inspires Motivation & Determination ~Releases Bad Habits ~Reduces Anxiety ~Reduces Depression ~Mental Clarity ~Eliminates Procrastination ~Brings an Abundance of Energy ~Facilitates Good Luck ~Inspires Confidence ~Brings Hope ~Connects You to Divine Realms ~Amplifying Stone ~Great Stone to Eliminate Anger and Rage ~Fosters Personal Growth Yellow Jasper: Yellow Jasper is associated with: ~Provides Protection ~Encourages Discernment ~Increases Motivation ~ Amplifies Self-Confidence ~Deflects Jealousy ~Builds Enthusiasm ~Increases Happiness ~Channels Positive Energy ~Increases Popularity ~Perfect To Use While Networking ~A Stone Of Intellect ~Encourages Higher Learning ~Enhances Self Discipline ~Boosts Energy ~Provides Emotional Support ~Anti-Anxiety~Encourages Perseverance ~A Great Stone To Use While Fasting ~Incredibly Grounding ~Provides Emotional Clarity ~Encourages Tenacity and Perseverance

  • Positive Quote Dump To Speed Up Manifestations!

    Here is a collection of quotes, feel good messages, and law of attraction tips that will help you speed up manifestation. Screen shot them, attach the to vision boards, or write them down in your manifestation journals and read them daily to help get your vibration set for manifestation. Enjoy!

  • Virgo Full Moon Spell.

    Virgo Full Moon Spell. To be done on the night of March 7th 2023. Gather: White Candle Paper Pen/Pencil Charm or Crystal (Optional) Spell Below In a quiet space, write down what goals you'd like to achieve over the next season. Write anything and everything out, all your dreams and wishes are valid. Put your candle in front of your list and light it. Take a moment to really feel your list coming to life for you. Envision yourself achieving your goals and feel the feelings of accomplishment now. After you're done reflecting on your list, read this spell out loud while holding your charm or crystal in your hand and allowing the spell to energetically penetrate the object: “I call on the energy of Virgo. Help me to focus on my dreams and goals with clarity and purpose. Let my motivation be strong, letting go of any fear or doubt that holds me back from achieving success. Let me have the courage to take action and trust in myself that I can accomplish what I set out to do. Give me strength and confidence as I put one foot in front of the other, making small steps towards great life changes. Guide me forward with determination and tenacity, allowing me to reach my highest potential. So mote it be!” Once you're done with your spell you can sit and meditate as long as you want to and then blow out your candle. Put your list somewhere where you'll see it and focus on it daily. Go over it as soon as you wake up and before bed each day. If you created a talisman with a charm or crystal, keep it on or around you and spend time working with it (meditate with it and envision your goals manifesting for you) daily or at least several times a week. You can recite the spell above as any times as you'd like or daily if you feel comfortable doing so. Enjoy the power of manifestation and crush those goals! Light & Love, Audra

  • This full Moon in Virgo - A Cosmic Invitation

    This Full Moon in Virgo is a divine time to reflect on the power you have to shape your destiny. As the full Moon glows in Virgo, an invitation is offered to us: journey within and explore what untapped wisdom lies hidden beneath our striving for perfection. Shed light on these shadows of self-doubt and uncertainty - may we embrace ourselves with love just as we are. March 7, 2023 presents a transformative night of celestial insight. As Virgo and the full Moon meet in an auspicious union, we are presented with a potent moment to open our hearts and accept that mistakes are part of life! We can unlock ourselves from paralyzing anxieties caused by false beliefs about worthiness or unreadiness. It's time for us to take one giant leap beyond fear into radiant faithfulness! Let the ethereal light of this Virgo full Moon awaken your potential for greatness--unlocking dreams, sharing gifts and igniting brilliance! The Secret of Our Shadow Self is Illuminated by the Full Moon As the full Moon illuminates our inner realms, we seek to understand and own our shadows - a mysterious and powerful trove of hidden emotion just waiting for us to unlock its secrets. In our formative childhood, powerful emotions pooled in the depths of our being; unacknowledged and untouched by supportive hands. As we denied ourselves a safe space to express these feelings authentically, they became part of an unconscious realm - forever influencing us from beneath the surface. During this Virgo full Moon, we are granted a chance to reflect on our inner-most blocks and recognize what has been holding us back from living out our ambitions. This sacred lunar event serves as an opportunity for unveiling - allowing us to peek into the depths of ourselves that remain unexposed in everyday life. It is then up to each of us how we choose use this wisdom bestowed upon us. Our shadow is a vessel, full of feelings we often neglect to confront. We stow away difficult emotions such as pain or shame in an effort to fit into society's expectations and our ignored sentiments take form during the darkest hours - forever dancing in the shadows with us. Our shadow exists like a mysterious force, weaving through our subconscious to eventually shape the person we become. We may overlook or even deny its influence but it forever lingers - seeking recognition as it works tirelessy towards actively blocking us from attaining greatness until acknowledging and embracing this part of ourselves allows for inevitable transformation. The mysterious darkness that lies within us is part of the human journey, and we should not be ashamed to embrace it. With understanding comes acceptance - a key tool in getting comfortable with our shadows especially under the light of a full Moon which brings out unknown aspects that are integral components of who we are. Our shadows have the power to tug on our heartstrings making us vulnerable. They influence who we are as individuals. They prod us into corners of insecurity, encourage us say things or do things that hurt others, and act out in ways we did not know possible. These hidden pockets of ourselves can be difficult to understand yet remain vital pieces for truly knowing oneself. Our shadows often create barriers between us and our true potential. While these restrictions may appear reassuring, they can also be a gateway to greater self-discovery if we observe how negative responses manifest in ourselves - allowing our shadow to become an invaluable teacher of the soul. Shadow work grants us the power to mend our wounds, and through it we access an inner strength that allows for full acceptance of all things. By diving deep within ourselves, we embark on a journey of healing from which there is no return - one in which both emotion and energy are used as tools to create unity with every part of who we are. As we traverse through all twelve signs of the zodiac and their Moons, it unlocks hidden mysteries from deep within us; eventually embracing them with open arms. Bit by bit, we can slowly unravel the mysteries of existence and cultivate a greater understanding. Each full Moon offers the chance to explore our subconscious, where past traumas and life experiences have been hidden away. By connecting with this dark side of ourselves we can learn valuable lessons that allow us to ascend and reach a higher state through understanding, acceptance, release - ultimately leading towards self-forgiveness. Use the Full Moon in Virgo to let go of Perfectionism The graceful power of the Goddess is embodied in Virgo, leading us to discover a hidden talent within ourselves. We must find an inner confidence and strength so we can share our gifts with the world fearlessly — anyone who takes this bold step will be embraced by its loving embrace. Virgo is a reminder that we have the innate power to heal and elevate both ourselves and the world around us. Through its energy, it gives us self-confidence in our abilities; showing us that no matter what situation or level of knowledge you find yourself at - you are always worthy and capable of making an impactful contribution to this collective journey towards growth. As this full Moon illuminates the night sky, contemplate what you have to offer the world. Delve deep into yourself and explore how we are all interconnected - allow that knowledge to shape your definition of service. Perhaps something has been tugging at your heartstrings but hesitation is blocking it? Let courage drive away any obstruction, revealing a higher offering within. This full Moon in Virgo invites us to explore our inner being and discover the vast potential we have stored within. Dive deep into your soul, past any feelings of unworthiness that may arise--for it is only there you will find out what gifts await the world from your heart. Release yourself from whatever holds you back. Our potential is often kept under lock and key, sealed away from the public eye by misguided perfectionism or apprehension. We are all powerful beings capable of great strength but too easily constrained by our own doubts; it’s time to unlock greatness hidden within so that we may share with others what only we can offer – a gift made possible through overcoming self-doubt. This full Moon unlocks a gateway of powerful potential - it is your invitation to step beyond the confines of lack and discover an unimaginable abundance. Release yourself from any constraining sense of scarcity that has held you back. When we tap into the power of abundance, instead of limitation, our potential to give is revealed. By removing feelings that tell us 'we are not enough', and replacing them with positive affirmation about who we truly are - a wellspring of value - suddenly more opportunities for growth become accessible. During this full moon, take a moment to reflect on how you can use mistakes as pathways of growth. Mistakes are just reminders that we're all human, so celebrate each lesson they bring. Mistakes provide eye-opening insight into undiscovered territories — like a celestial light guiding you down uncharted paths and unveiling untapped facets within ourselves. They remind us that slip-ups are simply part of what makes life so precious and worth living. Our missteps can be a pathway to each other, allowing us the opportunity to share our turbulent roads and recognize commonalities in one another. They become more than just flaws; rather they gift us with strength that we pass onto others as guidance for their own journey ahead. This full Moon in Virgo invites us to shed our striving for perfection and embrace mistakes as opportunities. It is a primordial chance to learn from our experiences and transform them into wisdom that will guide us along this journey of growth. The Interplay Between the Full Moon in Virgo and the Sun in Pisces Mystical energies align in the night sky as Virgo and Pisces shine through the symbolic power of the Moon and Sun. With this celestial duo creating an energy spectrum, all manner of wonders may be revealed beneath its mystical light. At both points of the spectrum, there stand their extremities; the lights and shadows. Yet at its center lies a brilliant union between them - where all energies intertwine to emit their highest harmonies. Through mindful dedication we can realize our shift from lower vibrations into higher ones - allowing us to embrace this divine equilibrium within ourselves. Between Pisces and Virgo lies a great divide of contrasts: one, fluid and mystical; the other, organized and practical. Representing two different planes of existence - with worldy ties to nature on one side, and cosmic interconnections beyond it on the other - this dichotomy is an eternal reminder that balance can be found in duality. Pisces pushes us to recall that we are all integral pieces of the Universe, and Virgo encourages us to use our God-given power through intention and order. As sisters from two different zodiacs, they join forces in teaching a powerful lesson: honoring both your spiritual unity with the infinite world around you as well as deliberate choices within mundane constraints can bring one closer to their true self. Pisces reminds us of the power in relinquishing control and embracing each moment. By tuning into our interior world, we can learn to trust what lies ahead; even on a path unknown. This sign beckons us to accept uncertainty with grace, allowing life to journey as it should - without resistance or judgement. Virgo gifts us with the wisdom to create boundaries between ourselves and others, while also guiding us to trust in the Universe's timing. They remind us that we are capable of making demands when necessary - after all, reasonable expectations can spur positive action without being too overbearing on fate. With this delicate balance comes an understanding: if our dreams don't manifest within a certain timeline or as expected, it may be nature's way of presenting opportunities for redirection. Under the guidance of this full Moon, Pisces and Virgo's celestial energies come together to reveal our innermost shadows. The power of astrology unveils how suppressed emotions can lead to a lack of boundaries between us and others - untethered from reality we become consumed with emotive chaos that blurs the lines between ourselves and everyone else. The murky depths of Piscean escapism, addiction, and codependency come to light; a result from several emotional cords that bind us with those around us. We are left struggling in an overwhelmed state; unable decipher which feelings truly belong to us. Seeking solace in behaviors that numb us from the pain, we can easily escape into activities such as unconscious eating, binging TV shows and drug/alcohol use. As our emotions continue to be ignored they grow more powerful - until soon enough reality has become an unescapable fog of anguish. On the other side of numbing yourself to the pain is getting trapped in empathy. Empathy can be a beautiful yet dangerous thing - an ocean of feelings that Pisces know intimately. To get lost in it means to lose one's self, their identity engulfed by the tumultuous emotions of another. Shining light upon our innermost shadows will enable us to create healthy boundaries between our emotions and those of other people. If you are noticing any of these behaviors or patterns in yourself, take this time to explore the depths of yourself and discover what needs transformation. Ask how setting healthy boundaries can help guide you towards manifesting hidden aspirations. In order to have emotionally healthy responses, be mindful in distinguishing between feelings that are yours and those which belong to others – implementing boundaries where necessary will help you realize your dreams. Virgo’s shadow side can be a cage, limiting our ability to grow and explore. Perfectionism may pretend to protect us from failure but really holds us back in fear of the unknown – stopping us from asking for help or trying something new. It encourages over-attachment and inflexibility, trapping us within its rigid walls instead of allowing ourselves space for experimentation and learning without judgement. When we break through this false security barrier it is only then that real progress begins - don't let your fears decide what's meant for you. Amidst this frenetic energy, we often forget to take time for ourselves and can become overwhelmed by the needlessly anxious fretting of our daily 'shoulds.' We remain locked in a cycle where our worries about not having enough time block us from experiencing it fully. The low side of Virgo makes us doubt and question the legitimacy of our successes. We may feel as though we don't deserve recognition for what we've accomplished, or brush off compliments that come too easily. This can create a wall between ourselves and others who would like nothing more than to celebrate with us - leaving our wins unrecognized both by ourselves and those around us. But this is an opportunity for growth; it's time shake free from feelings of unworthiness so our true selves have space enough in which they are celebrated. The Virgo Full Moon illuminates the darkest corners of our psyche with its shimmering light, urging us to embrace and accept ourselves for who we are. This is not a time for comparison or self-doubt—it's an opportunity to reclaim your innate gifts and recognize their worth. Take this lunar cycle as your chance to receive compliments from others without feeling undeserving; remember that you have been granted all that it takes in order fulfill your life’s purpose at every step along the way. By allowing the energy of Pisces and Virgo to flow into your consciousness, you invite a higher level of awareness within yourself. This opens up infinite possibilities for inner growth in regards to acceptance and love; so much more than what lies on the surface. We are all gifts from this vast Universe- integral pieces meant solely for our unique contributions. Align yourself with Pisces and Virgo to discover your special gifts, the inner light that is meant for this world. When you choose not to share it, we all suffer from its absence - so don't let doubts hinder what could be a beacon of hope in our collective journey. On this Virgo full Moon, we are invited to tap into an energetic merger of the higher vibrations brought together in Pisces and Virgo. A union that is so much more than its individual parts yet still embraces our imperfections. Embrace your unique gifts; they were chosen specifically for you before birth as part of a larger masterpiece - one that may remain distant but never forgotten by those who feel it's magic in their very being every day. When embraced with courage, your contribution will be seen as nothing less than magical - no matter how small or seemingly flawed it appears at first glance. The Virgo Full Moon Provokes Answers to Past Lessons As this full Moon in Virgo gifts you a moment of introspective reflection, delve deep into yourself to explore the lessons your mistakes have taught. Consider how they’ve nurtured and refined you as an individual. Beyond that, discover what hidden blessings may be hidden within them too. Is fear or recent stagnation preventing progress? Pause and consider if it's time to re-embrace life’s natural flow again with open arms - allowing the energy around us help guide our way forward. As you open your heart to the idea of self-worth, your fear dissipates and a world full of knowledge is released. Your wisdom has been waiting in the dark corners of hesitation for far too long - it's time now to share! You become an inspiration that sparks connection through collaboration; everyone begins sharing their unique perspectives with one another as if each was gifted from all angles on this journey called life. Our collective consciousness rises higher than ever before when we come together and give our gifts away--reminding us just how much brighter things can be when love flows freely between us all. The key to success lies in recognizing the value of your own unique gifts and allowing yourself to share them generously. Take courage, for you possess a strength that will not only benefit others but also transform your life! The full Moon in Virgo has the power to stir up old anxieties and jittery feelings. But that doesn't mean we must surrender to these familiar, yet uncomfortable sensations - meditation or breathwork can be our ally throughout this powerful cosmic event. Nurture yourself before and during this Full Moon by taking mindful moments of peace, allowing you to stay open-hearted as life’s surprises come your way. As you gaze upon the luminous Full Moon, surrender to its mystical powers and allow yourself to be guided by the Universe. Let go of your need for control and invite in new possibilities that will manifest when you trust life's flow. Recognize where flexibility can help create a better reality than if everything is tightly held - as only then may unimaginable wonders come forth! Embrace this time with open arms; accept what must stay unaltered yet welcome all else which is within reach of transformation through pure faith. With the ethereal light of Virgo's full Moon, we are beckoned to take a voyage within. What secrets await us? We may encounter doubts and insecurities along our journey; yet if we can embrace these shadows with tenderness and understanding, they just might unlock profound wisdom that resides within us all. Enjoy and embrace the wisdom you'll gain on this next full moon. Use your newfound wisdom to craft the future of your choosing. Step boldly into what lies ahead and make miracles happen! Light & Love, Audra

  • Audra's and James' New Potion Elixirs

    Our new potion elixirs are incredibly powerful as James who is a Bokor helps in the initial mixture and master spell that goes on them. We will feature over 50 new potion elixir's for you to get your hands on. The Process of making our potion elixirs: Each bottle comes from a large master potion elixir oil jar that it infused with magickal herbs, crystals, and additional talisman's and charms James has made specifically for their intention. Some of these (especially the curse, wealth and protection oils) might have snake skins or other animal parts in little mesh bags inside the oils, so I would not assume these oils are vegan. Some are, but some wont be. We cannot make a non vegan oil vegan unfortunately. Each intention has it's own large master potion elixir oil jar. James and Audra have been casting on these potion elixir oils for over a year now and during very special events including new and full moons, eclipses, lions gate, 11/11 etc. This means they've been infused with an incredible abundance of magick. When you order a potion elixir, Audra will siphon a small amount out of master jar, will add high quality fragrance oil to the mix (if you are concerned about the fragrance oil, you can ask to have your potion elixir fragrance free), and will place it in a little cup with your name and date of birth written on a paper in it. She will then do a spell to bind that oil specifically to you, ask for it to listen to your commands and to manifest the wishes you ask from it. She then bottles it for you, places a label and sends it your way. Some important rules for using your potion elixirs: Each bottle of potion elixir should last over 90 days (or at least 3 moon cycles) if you use one drop per day, but most people will want to use more than this, especially since it strengthens the spell. Try to aim to use at least 3 drops a day. You will need to focus on your intention (you can even say it out-loud) right after applying your elixir oil. You’ll want to make sure you are consistent with applying and focusing on your intention since magick is a buildup of energies. The more repetitive you are, the stronger your spell and better your results will be. If you are more consistent with not using your elixir, your results will match your effort. So, please keep that in mind. The places to apply your elixir on your body will vary per potion elixir. On wealth potion elixirs, you’ll want them on your hand (to receive), for love potion elixirs, you’ll want them on your chest (over your heart), and for banishing/break up potions, you’ll want them on your feet (to kick and stomp them out!) Please pay attention to the instructions per potion elixir as each elixir oil has its own instructions. You’ll want to make sure you find a designated time for each potion’s application. For example, if you have 5 different potions elixirs you are working with, you'll need make sure you space out the rituals throughout the day so you can dedicate your energy to each one independently. However if you are using potion elixirs with the same intention (for example, you have 2 or more for bringing you wealth) you can use those together. Just don't use a wealth and love potion together. Space them several hours or more apart so you have time to focus on your intentions for each elixir. You don’t want to start or end your day with a negative potion (like a break up potion) so try to keep those to do mid-day so you can quickly move on from them to keep your own energy positive. You don't want to give too much attention to a negative situation. If this isn’t possible or you want to make sure the negative energy does not affect you, consider buying a positive energy boost elixir to keep your energy positive after using a negative potion. Keep track of your schedule and try to stick with it as much as possible. The alarm on your phone is a great tool to keep you on your toes and consistent. Your potion elixirs should be stored in a cool dark place. They are made of pure high quality coconut oil and top quality fragrance oils (unless you requested fragrance free oils) which thankfully have a long shelf life, but you still need to protect them from the sun and heat as this can turn any oil no matter it’s quality, rancid. I do not want you using rancid oils as it is not healthy and it’s quite frankly, it is disgusting. I am a stickler for high quality oils and herbs, especially if they are going to be put on my body, so you get the benefit of getting the very best as I use my own products offered here to you, which match my own very high standards. Please make sure you are taking care of your potion elixirs to keep them usable and to respect their energy. These potion elixirs are sacred tools, and should be treated as such. Once full results are achieved, you can continue to use your potion elixirs just when and if you feel you need a booster. If it's been years and you've had consistent results, you are welcome to dispose of your potion elixirs, but do so in a way that is respectful to your potion elixir. You can pour the remaining amount into the earth and thank it for it's help and success and wrap the bottle with tissue and dispose of in a way you feel is best. You can also bury the whole bottle with potion and everything in a place where it will not be disturbed and where broken glass is unlikely to hurt anyone. I also don't mind taking care of the disposal myself for an extra fee. What ever you do, it is important that you respect the magick and the universe for this sacred magick tool.

  • Intention Soap Instructions

    You can find Audra's intention soap at her Etsy shop here: I am so excited you decided to buy one or more of my Intention Soap Bars. Here is a little info and instruction sheet I've written to make sure you get the most out of your experience with me. Each soap bar has been made with spell powders, reiki energy from specific crystals embedded in them, moon energy, and of course a spell cast on it directly from a spellcaster who's cast tens of thousands of spells in her lifetime (me, I'm that caster.) lol So these little soap bars are packed with magick for you. Directions: You will want to look up the bar you are using from the list below and wash your body with it on the day that corresponds to the soap (certain days are tied to certain intentions.) Only wash with it once a week. Each wash is equal to one cast, so you don't want to over do it. You also want to say your specific switch words (find the ones that match your intention most... stick to only one group a switch words per bar) while washing and use them as much as you can during the week to strengthen your vibration and intention. This is magick and just like any magick, results take time and will require you to keep an eye out on your energy for the best results. Please, please, please utilize our experience as witches to help you with this if you are having problems. Results will usually occur within 3 moon cycles if you are keeping your vibration matching your intention (the law of attraction will be your best friend as that philosophy is excellent for raising your vibration) but it's not uncommon for results to come a bit later if you are struggling with your energy. If you are having problems, let me know and I will help you. Please also feel free to read our blogs and FAQ page on our website as these were written to help our clients get the best results from the spells we cast. So, these pages were written for you. Our site is What are switchwords: Switchwords are the WORDS that can quickly switch your energy from one dimension to the other dimension. It means that words have the power to change your energy. Switchwords are powerful, uniquely chosen words that switch on your subconscious. They flip a switch in your beliefs and behaviour at a deep level so you connect with your goals and attract what you want in life. Switchwords can be traced back to psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, who said in 1905 that they were the bridge between the conscious and unconscious dream state. The words aren’t literal, they are counter-intuitive. They work by tricking the left, logical side of your brain and get under the radar of your conscious to get into your subconscious. These power words speak directly to our subconscious mind, helping clear blocks to success and activating our ability to manifest money, creativity, self-healing and success. Switchwords work because the subconscious mind actually directs up to 95 per cent of our actions and decisions. When you have switchwords, spellwork, and the law of attraction working together for you, you have the recipe to help you manifest anything! Filthy Rich Abundance Attracting Soap: Color: Gold with gold mica and gold flakes Gemstone: Citrine Day of the week to use this soap: Thursday Switch Word Combos along with descriptions of what to use those switch words for (remember, only use one switch word combo per bar): Add Count Together- Increases inner power to attract money, wealth and abundance. Helps increase financial condition. Can attract clients. Bonus Clouds Count- Helps attract money needed from new avenues, especially money that is needed for something important. Increases financial miracles. Can help bring forth a promotion at work, or a raise. Bring money from unexpected sources. Golden Sunrise Count Together- This switchword phrase has a great power to improve money. It also helps to open new doors to prosperity, increase money, wealth, finance, abundance, new opportunities and cash flow. Helps to improve financial condition quickly. Also helps to open new sources of money. Thanks Give Count Divine- This switch word phrase helps to increase income and to pay off debts and loans. Helps to speed up stuck life. It takes a person to a debt free life. Used to receive abundance, money, cash and joyful life. Together Swarm Scheme- Helps to increase clients, business, money, wealth, success, and wealth. Used to achieve business goals with divine support and team spirit. Head Over Heels In Love With Me Soap: Color: Pink with pink mica Gemstone: Rose Quartz Day of the week to use this soap: Friday Switch Word Combos along with descriptions of what to use those switch words for (remember, only use one switch word combo per bar): Archangel Chamuel- Helps in any relationship issues. Increase bond of love. Helps to reunite, forgiveness & to reconnect with the source. Heals broken relationship. Clove Chicory Chamomile- Increase your physical attraction, attract love and positivity, attract and magnetize someone who is of the opposite sex of you. Deep Embrace Love- Increase attachment, allows you to be open to receive love and unblock any areas that is restricting you from receiving love, helps you manifest your heart's desire with a master switch word. Reach Holly Love Swarm Bee- This switch word phrase used to attract a happy married life. Helps to increase the love bond between two people. Used to attract the spouse’s love. Helps to resolve conflict in a relationship. Also restore marital love from an angry partner. Rose Quartz Restore- It is a healing crystal. Stone of universal love. Helps to restores trust and harmony in relationships and encouraging unconditional love. Purifies and opens Heart chakra to attract love, self-love, romance, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace. Used to change an unwanted situation to previous balanced situation. Get back things to a normal functioning and condition. Used to remove unwanted feelings between people caused by mistake or with forgiveness to regain trust. Skinny B*tch Soap: Color: Blue with blue mica Gemstone: Clear Quartz Day of the week to use this soap: Sunday Switch Word Combos along with descriptions of what to use those switch words for (remember, only use one switch word combo per bar): Suddenly Tiny Sweet Curve- Used for a slim figure or desired shape of a body. This switch word phrase works as a weight loss affirmation. Helps to lose excess fat or bulge. Work great for a woman to look gorgeous and feel beautiful. Suddenly Tiny Diminish- Helps to reduce & decrease anything e.g. body weight, body fat, size of tummy, breast, buttocks etc. Helps to reduce and release what is in excess. Help to reduce the size of body and excess fat and excess weight. I've Got All The Luck Soap: Color: Green with green mica Gemstone: Green Aventurine Day of the week to use this soap: Thursday Switch Word Combos along with descriptions of what to use those switch words for (remember, only use one switch word combo per bar): Cheers Divine Buckthorn- Brings you luck in legal matters, helps you in court and gives you an edge in court cases. Cheers Bingo Count Chamomile- Helps you win and have luck with games of chance, lotto, bingo, the casino or even sweepstakes. Brings prosperity and wealth. Cheers Divine Alfalfa- Luck with it comes to health matters Cheers, Divine, Count, Jade- Overall good luck switch word to bring luck in love, wealth, home life, and health. Curse Reversal Protection Soap: Color: Gray with black mica Gemstone: Black Obsidian Day of the week to use this soap: Saturday Switch Word Combos along with descriptions of what to use those switch words for (remember, only use one switch word combo per bar): Archangel Michael Shield On-Give excellent protection. Increase courage. Protection from fear, depression & negative energies, Helps to cut from unwanted peoples. Helps to increase strong protection & security. Attract Divine help in any situation. Remove evil eye too. Maa Durga Shield On- This switchword phrase is infused with the power of Goddess Durga for a strong protection, security from enemies, divine guidance and to open new ways. It helps to protect you, your family and your belongings from evil eyes, from enemies, from any mishappening and court cases. Cover Wall Watchmen- Helps to build a shield for protection. Used to release nervousness. Helps to ease society & family pressure. Helps to secure and protect from something evil or undesired forces. Helps to prevent from falling. It helps to raise the security and protection in bad situations.

  • June 2021 Cosmic Energy Report

    We have so much going on in the month of June. I thought it would be appropriate to give everyone the cosmic low down. Especially as it would not be unusual for some of you to feel as if you got caught up in a bi-polar episode with every emotion you can think of sprinkled in between. This will help you understand these intense emotions and help you use these cosmic events to your benefit. Retrograde Season We have a plethora of planetary retrogrades going on. Lets go through them and break everything down, so that you will understand what this means for you. Mercury Retrograde: Started May 29th and goes direct on June 22nd Jupiter Retrograde: Starts June 20th and goes direct on October 18th Saturn Retrograde: Started May 23rd and goes direct on October 11th Neptune Retrograde: Starts June 25th and goes direct on December 1st Pluto Retrograde: Started April 27th and goes direct on October 6th Here is what these retrograde planets are associated with: Mercury: Communication, Logic, Electronics, & Travel Jupiter: Luck, Prosperity, Career, Growth, & Philosophy Saturn: Karma, Limitations, Law, Rules, Boundaries, & Practicality Neptune: Idealism, Compassion, Dreams, Imagination, & Creativity Pluto: Our shadow self (our dark side), Transformation, Death, Unpredictability, & Power So, when a planet is going Rx (the abbreviation for being retrograde in case you ever wondered about that in any of your calendars) everything that planet is associated with, will be effected. It's not necessarily a bad thing though. There are benefits to retrogrades IF we know how to use them appropriately. Here are some things to avoid and work on while we are going through each retrograde: Mercury Retrograde: It is very common for communication to go haywire, small mistakes to occur, and most definitely misunderstandings between people. Anything connected to travel and electronics is also more likely to have issues during this time. A lot of us will notice people from our past that will pop up out of the blue since this is also a time to put things to rest that are still energetically affecting us. It is important to avoid conflict as much as possible during this time, especially between you and the people you care about since the chances for miscommunication and misunderstandings are incredibly high. It is much easier to wait for a better time to discuss something important and emotionally charged than to have to repair the damage that can occur if you have that conversation at this time. So if you can, wait. If you have to sign contracts or start new projects, go over everything with a fine tooth comb or try to put it off till after Mercury goes direct. This is a good time to do research, plan and set new goals for later on. It is also a good time to find spiritual and emotional resolution by accepting apologies you never received and clearing out all the emotional smog connected to those people that are no longer in your life. Jupiter Retrograde: Your intuition will be on point at this time so LISTEN to it! You will get into trouble if you ignore what your gut is telling you during a Jupiter retrograde. This is a good time to stop and listen to what you are feeling about a person or a situation. Our instincts are ignored constantly and we are not taught how to listen to our inner voice. This gives you the opportunity to slow down and use another one of your very necessary senses to guide you. Jupiter is also connected to luck. When you are given an opportunity, make sure you take that leap! Do not settle for less than you deserve, especially when it comes to your career or relationships. Luck is on your side so make sure you are using your gut instincts and only accept what you know you deserve. You will notice more abundance and financial windfalls during a Jupiter retrograde BUT don't let that make you careless with money or overindulge. Make sure you are putting some of that aside for a rainy day while still appreciating and enjoying the extra luck that comes from a Jupiter retrograde. It is also important not to start any new projects since this is a period of re-evaluation. We are told to look at what we are currently doing and take inventory of ourselves. This is a magical time of growth, renewal, and luck so use this time to thrive and enjoy what you have in your life right now since it will help propel you forward once it is time to start those new projects. This is a very lucky retrograde (thank goodness!) so use it as your consolation prize to having to put up with the others. Saturn Retrograde: It is time for a major re-evaluation of your priorities, relationships, and commitments. You are who you spend your time around. It is time to make sure you clear out anyone who is a waste of your time and energy. Friend lists online should be evaluated and cleared out. Anyone who is sucking your energy away from you needs to be let go of, or at the very least, put on a shelf with healthy boundaries you've set. This is not a time for conflict, but a time for you to redesign who YOU want to be. It is a time to really focus on not taking the relationships you appreciate for granted and instead strengthening those bonds with your loved ones. You may also find people need to take some space away from you. Obey and respect those boundaries while you take that time apart to work on yourself without resentment or grief. Those who are meant to be with you, will be. So keep up that faith while being productive. Since Saturn rules karma, make sure you are on your best behavior and follow the golden rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This is a good philosophy for how you conduct your life in general, but right now it is especially important. We can all work on ourselves to be better people, so this is a great moment to really spend time on focusing on what we need to do to fix our own moral defects. Neptune Retrograde: Just like with the Jupiter retrograde, a Neptune retrograde enhances your intuition. So you will be getting a double dose of your instincts being on point, which is awesome. Use this time wisely and listen to what your gut instinct tells you. Neptune also rules your dreams. You are more likely to get inspiration and messages from the outer world while day dreaming or sleeping. Keep a notebook on you to write down any thoughts of inspiration you get and keep a dream journal by your bed to write down what your dreams are telling you. The messages you will receive at this time will be very important to your goals, dreams and success later on. You'll regret not writing them down to interpret later on. Your emotions will be heightened at this time, so make sure you embrace them. For some of us (most of us!) it is common to use substance to numb high emotions since society hasn't taught or allowed us to embrace them. When you have these intense emotions, use this time to learn to embrace them and instead of numbing them. I recommend using the help of a friend or therapist to inspire an emotional breakthrough. It is the time to talk about your feelings and to get used to embracing them. Pluto Retrograde: Pluto is the planet that deals with subjects that are a little “taboo” in our current culture. We are called to take a deep look at our subconscious, our psyche, and transformation. Shadow work is very important and necessary at this time. Pluto likes to destroy anything that is not authentic. Right now, we will be dealing with some very important and possibly difficult truths about ourselves. We have a lot of energy work we will be called to do. Own up to the deepest and darkest parts of yourself and own the bits of you that you tend to hide. This is a moment to be empowered and to accept your truths. You are looking for a spiritual evolution and until you see and accept the parts of yourself you're not proud of, you wont be able to change and grow from them. Make sure you are patient with yourself because real change takes time. This is the moment to evaluate and get to know yourself before you can implement those changes. First Eclipses of 2021 We already saw a lunar eclipse take place last month during the super moon, but this month we actually get a solar eclipse on the new moon. Anytime we get a lunar eclipse on the full moon, we will get a solar eclipse on following new moon. We will get 4 eclipses this year, with the other two happening in November and December. June 10th we will have the first solar eclipse of the year and this one happens to be an annulus eclipse. It is also known as “the ring of fire” since the outer rim of the sun is not fully obstructed from view. So it is technically a partial eclipse, but a lot more dramatic than your typical partial eclipse. This solar eclipse and new moon is happening in Gemini (which of course is going on during the Mercury retrograde... Mercury is also the ruling planet of Gemini) so be prepared for even more emotions and anxiety coming your way! This opens up a new eclipse portal that will be open to us through 2022. Our creative energy will be on FIRE (kind of mimicking the energy from the ring of fire) so we will be able to use our heightened creativity and emotions to create the most amazing works of art, books, poetry, songs and anything else that requires this special energy and talent. This whole year will allow those creative juices to flow, so please use it to channel your feelings into new projects. The biggest shifts might come in our relationships, for better or for worse. So again, keep a close eye on conversations and misunderstandings between you and people you truly care about and allow yourself to be open minded to new friendships and partnerships that pop up. There might be a new person coming into your life you might have not expected and this partnership could be very rewarding. Look forward to the possibilities and new beginnings a new moon brings into our lives. This is a time to really focus on being grounded. With so many emotionally charged feelings popping up, it is a good idea to have a game plan to help with that anxiety and unfocused thoughts that can occur at this time. Meditation, soaking in the tub with some bath salts, sage smoking, walking outside barefoot, and using brown, black, and gray crystals can help ground us. So take some time to build a little grounding kit to use when you are feeling you need to come down to Earth and focus your energy on the here and now once again. A solar eclipse symbolizes exponential growth and rapid change. A new moon symbolizes new beginnings, realignment, and rebirth. You are being given an opportunity to manifest goals that hit right to the heart of what you want to manifest for your happiness and soul purpose. Take some time before the actual eclipse and try to figure out what these things are for you. What would make your soul satisfied in this life? What would make you happy or happier? What is your purpose for being put on this planet at this time? It is the perfect time to re-evaluate all of these questions and then to use the solar eclipse and new moon to speak to the universe for help and guidance to achieve these dreams. Since the Moon will conjunct (combines energy with) Mercury, this also tells us we are a lot more likely to emotionally feel bonded to the relationships and people important to us at this time. You'll also be able to start a good emotional foundation with any new people coming into your life right now as well. Feelings can be more easily shared, but still make sure you keep in mind we are going through the heart of a Mercury retrograde, so we still want to make sure we are open with our feelings yet mindful of possible misunderstandings. Portals Opening in June We already talked about the eclipse portal that will open up on the 10th, but we have several new energy portals that will usher in new energy and change for us. Here are those important dates and what they mean: June 10th - Solar Eclipse Portal: This new creative energy will be with us through 2022 and will give us the ability to channel all these emotions and energy into new businesses, new projects, new art, and new ideas. For as much stress and energy we've all collectively gone through over the last year and a half, this is the perfect portal to open up to us because we are all hoarding all these emotions and this creative energy gives us something productive and beautiful to use them on. June 11th- Heart Chakra Portal: The chakra connected to love opens, bringing healing and peace to us in our relationships (romantic, family, and friendships). It will also help those of us still looking for our soul mate or twin flame, be a lot more likely to connect with them at this time. This also gives us an open mind and empathy to allow new people to come into our lives and healing to take place over the heartbreak and losses we've experienced over the past year. Our soul is being renewed and cleared of emotional smog. June 16th – Ascension Completion Portal: At the beginning of the Scorpio super full moon (April's full moon) a lot of us started to go through a huge energy shift. This caused us to go through high emotions, anxiety and an overall feeling we needed to make changes in our life, because we were uncomfortable with the status-quo. If you were one of these people, this energy shift occurring at the end of April will sound familiar to you. This energy portal will be affecting you the most. You will finally start to feel more grounded with more clarification surrounding your feelings as new doors open for you. This completes the ascension cycle that was also started in 2012. This is a very important portal to many of us that have had a hard decade. This is a time to reflect back on and to appreciate the lessons we've learned over the last 10 years or so. June 20th- Soul Blue Print Portal: New blue prints will be downloaded cosmically to activate many new soul missions. If you have been feeling like you've lost direction with what you want in your life and are not satisfied with your current line of work or soul mission, you are one of those souls that has been called from the universe to be designated with a new soul mission for healing and protecting this world and all the inhabitants in it. So this is a beautiful calling. Listen closely to what you're being inspired to do and make sure you draw up a plan to implement it so that you can take action when you're called to do this amazing soul work. June 26th- Eclipse Alignment Portal: This is when the eclipse energy finally settles down so that the changes they inspired can start to affect us on a huge level. We are being realigned at a pace that we are not used to so it can cause some high emotions (especially since the June full moon is a couple days prior to this portal opening.) Allow yourself to surrender into it. Just like when you go to a chiropractor to be re-aligned, you have to relax and melt into the adjustments because being tense and fighting it can actually cause more damage and prevent you from healing. So look at this adjustment in the same type of light. It might be uncomfortable, but it is for your healing and for the healing of the entire collective consciousness of our society. June 28th- Abundance Portal: It is like with the Jupiter retrograde. We are getting a consolation prize for going through so many emotions and soul changes with a grand prize of luck and abundance. This is one of those very exciting portals that open us up to intense manifestation when it comes to abundance in all forms, but especially financial windfalls. So use this moment to ask the universe for everything you feel you need in order to feel totally and completely abundant in your life. Think of the universe as a catalog operator and call in your order. In conclusion June is a month that carries incredible energy with it and with that incredible energy comes incredible opportunities. This is a good time to get familiar with all retrogrades (not just the dreaded Mercury retrograde) and energy portals. Many of us are influenced by this energy on a daily basis. The more you learn what is going on, the more you can use it to your advantage and design the life you want instead of just being a victim to circumstances. As you can see, not all retrogrades are a bad thing, and you actually benefit quite a bit from the changes they bring with them. So, take this time to really focus on giving yourself a little extra TLC. Stay grounded when you need it. Focus on what your gut instincts are telling you. Have an open mind when dealing new people and ideas. And of course, use that excess creative energy to make something beautiful that really speaks to who you are, because the world needs more of you and the beauty you can give us. You were put here at this time for a reason, so you are meant to use your energy to shine! Please feel free to get in touch with me at anytime if you have any questions about what is going on and how it affects you, especially if you're confused on what to do with all of this information but want to use this time wisely. I do coaching consultations which will help you go over your life path and spiritual goals. If you really want to get into this in depth, we can set something up so we can use this information to benefit you immensely. Light & Love, Audra

  • Nine Types of Negativity that will Stop Manifestation in it's Tracks!

    Through habit, many of us are guilty of several if not all of these nine types of negativity. Unfortunately, if we do not recognize, stop, and reverse these negative habits, we will halt our progress and delay or even stop our goals and dreams from manifesting entirely. Go through this list, print it, and make a commitment to yourself to make new and healthier habits. Jealousy It is amazing how many people get inebriated with the green eyed monster. What you may not realize is that the more attention you give to people you are jealous of, even if that attention is negative, the more they will continue to have what you want and the more you will block that exact person, thing, or desire from coming your way. Your energy stops going to you, and so manifestation naturally can't come your way. You will miss opportunities and will stall progress entirely if you look at other people and feel jealously. If you can't be happy that someone has or is something that you want, you need to completely put them out of your mind. Judging Others Jealousy and judgment definitely are two covers of the same book! One habit is usually followed closely by the other. Judgment is something I see a lot on social media which is why I'm not a fan and try to stay off facebook and instagram for the most part. A lot of people take it upon themselves these days to be a critic. Many enjoy fighting and arguing with other people online because their own insecurities and doing what I like to call “righteous bullying” which is bullying someone else and talking down to them about something socially or politically correct to make yourself feel morally superior. If you are feeling secure in yourself, you will not need to participate in drama or cast judgment on other people. Even if you are not one to judge people outright, your circle of friends and family if judgmental, can cast their negativity onto you if you read or hear judgmental comments. This will change your vibration, change your energy, and slow down your manifestation. You need to make it a mission to look at other people (friends and strangers) on a daily basis with kindness, compassion, and happiness. Stay away from saying (and thinking) things that are judgmental of other people and try instead to lift other people up. You might need to clean house a bit on your social media accounts to ensure you don't get swept up in online drama. This can be as simple as unfollowing people, news organizations, and groups who are out of harmony with your goals. Perfectionism You will never be satisfied with your results if you are not satisfied until perfection is achieved. The Universe needs positive feedback over little signs of manifestation to continue to grant you bigger and better manifestation. Gratitude is also required for manifestation, and not being satisfied until everything is perfect is the opposite of gratitude. You still of course should allow yourself to keep your eyes on the end goal and have standards, but also make sure you are feeling satisfaction and gratitude for any little sign that you are getting closer to your ultimate wish. Be kind to yourself, those helping you, and the Universe by enjoying the journey along the way. Complaining If you are complaining about anything, no matter how small, you are out of alignment with your goals. For you to notice anything to complain about, it means you are not practicing gratitude and are not regulating your vibration. So the moment you find yourself noticing something to complain about, you need to shift your energy and pivot your thoughts in the right direction. Doubt Doubt and worry go hand in hand. If you are doubting weather your crush could actually fall for you, its because you're actually worried you'll get your hopes up and have your heart crushed. If you doubt that you'll someday get into that dream house your heart is set on, so you avoid thinking about it when doing your visualizing exercises, you're actually worried that your manifesting exercises aren't going to work. This doubt your feeling is actually going to ensure that you are totally correct in your worries. The law of attraction is law. No exceptions. So when you doubt and worry about something, the Universe will actually carry those worries and doubts into fruition. This is why faith is so important. Anything you can do to help replace doubt with faith will help you manifest your dreams much faster. Looking for little signs of manifestation and make sure you notice how well the law of attraction actually works on small things. This will help give you that faith you need so that you can start noticing the law of attraction working on the bigger things. Assuming the Worst Some of us are under the assumption that if we always assume the worse, we will be mentally prepared, just in case. This is basically setting us up to use the law of attraction to do exactly the opposite of what we really want. Ironically, if that worst case scenario doesn't actually come true, we will have already gone through the trauma and emotions of it as if it did happen when it was really quite unnecessary and harmful to our overall goals and manifestation. If you are someone who has a habit of thinking about everything that could go wrong... get into a habit of instead asking yourself “What could go right?” and focus on feeling as if everything has gone right already and allowing yourself to enjoy and embrace the feelings as if everything has worked out in your favor. Lack of Faith One of the problems with the law of attraction is that it requires faith and that is something that YOU have to supply. You can't let anyone do that for you. Thankfully though, you can look to other people's experiences and success with the law of attraction and magick to help give you that faith. There are tons of other tricks you can keep up your sleeve to help supply you that faith. Start a evidence journal where you list evidence that the law of attraction and magick is real by your experiences (no matter how small, it is all valid) and other people's experiences. Find a couple youtube videos, websites, podcasts, and books to go back to when your faith is lacking and you need a quick pick me up. All of us go through times when our faith is tested, but that is a sign our vibration is not in sync with our dreams and we need to regroup. So if you are getting that doubt, worry, and lack of faith creeping in... it means you need to get back to the program ASAP! Impatience When we live in a world where we get annoyed that our amazon order isn't eligible for one day shipping, or get stressed out because our netflix video isn't buffering fast enough and we might need to try again in a few minutes, it is not hard to imagine that we have a expectation of instant gratification. Instant gratification in our modern world is awesome and something we are very lucky for, but it also sets us up for thinking that everything we want should come to use within a certain time period, and if it doesn't than it means the Universe, magick, and/or the law of attraction has failed us. What we might not understand is that “time” is man made, so to hold the Universe, magick, and the law of attraction which is ancient elemental wisdom up to modern man made standards, is so unfair to the process and especially unfair to us. We might think that certain goals are unattainable or certain spells have failed us because we were not able to get it working in the time period we gave it, but in actuality, we failed ourselves. If that dream or goal is still important to you, don't let it go and don't give it an ultimatum! Let it manifest for you! Not Controlling Your Thoughts One of the most important aspects to getting manifestation is to control your vibration. The best way of doing this is to control your thoughts and use your imagination to create you optimal life. In your mind, you can already feel the feelings that come with living the life you really want. Use all your senses when you are imaging and thinking about those scenarios. Use mantras, vision boards, meditation, and journaling to help you get into the habit of being mindful and using your thoughts to create the life you want. If you are not actively controlling your mind, outside sources will be using your subconscious to use your thoughts to benefit them. So, it is very important you take control of your thoughts and thus take control of your energy. This is a habit you will always need to work on because your subconscious mind is so susceptible to outside voices. You'll be amazed how fast your goals, law of attraction exercises and spells start producing results once you recognize yourself in these patterns of negativity and start to reverse old patterns. Use this list to help keep you accountable and to help you create new habits that will lead you down the road of happiness and success. You've got this!

  • Love spell done by Our High Priestess

    These are pictures of a customized love spell our Voodoo High Priestess did for one of our customers. She took plenty of pictures to show the energy of the spell as well as her love alter.

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