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This spell is deigned to help you get motivated, organized, inspired, and level up on a personal level. If you've been lacking motivation, feeling apathetic, lazy, uninspired, exhausted, depressed, stressed and just plain “blah” this is what you're looking for. This spell is a metaphysical kick in the ass to get you out of the doldrums and reaching your highest potential.


If you have a list of goals, let us know because we want to help you crush them!! Are you making vision boards, journaling, and doing everything under the sun to help motivate you but it's not working? This is what you need to help align your energy correctly so you can meet those goals and become the best version of yourself.


After we cast this spell for you, you will be amazed how much better you feel, how well you can concentrate and focus on your goals, the massive boost of motivation you'll receive and how fast everything starts moving in the right direction for you. This is the metaphysical version of adderall without all the horrible side effects!


Please fill out this questionnaire and send to Robin at or put the answers in the box provided. If available, please send a picture of yourself.


Your Full Name:

Your Date of Birth:

What Are Your Goals (please number and list each one separately:

Have You Had Any Problems With These Things:

  • Concentration (Yes/No)

  • Motivation (Yes/No)

  • Depression (Yes/No)

  • Stress/Anxiety (Yes/No)

  • Exhaustion (Yes/No)

  • Laziness (Yes/No)

  • Apathy (Yes/No)

What are you hoping to achieve from this spell:

Do you currently have a game plan in place to help you achieve your goals and if so, please describe:

Are You Willing To Be Patient, Positive, And Give Your Spell Time To Work:

Any Other Information You Feel We Need:


Get Your Shit Together Spell

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