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April 2023 Astrological Calendar ~It's An Intense Month For Manifestation!

Are you ready for some April magick? April showers bring May flowers, right? Well in this case, the universe is raining down immense amounts of energy for us in April to manifest anything we want to in the upcoming months.

It is time to future plan and make the most out of all the cosmic energy we will get to experience (and for some, endure) this month.

Here is a quick guide with some advice on what you should do with the energy during these light, breezy, Springtime days ahead.

April 3rd:

Mercury is in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius.

Today is the day for in-depth future planning. You deciding where to put your time and efforts will determine where you reap the biggest benefits afterwards.

April 4th:

4/4 Portal.

The portal of 4/4 cosmic energy is open.

Enter the doorway to higher consciousness to discover deeper love, wealth, and unending blessings. In numerology, the number 4/4 stands for stability, establishing new foundations, and achieving your dreams. You have access to powerful miracles and instantaneous manifestation today!

April 5th:

Full Moon in Libra.

Today's full moon is considered a Pink Moon. Love is in the air. This is the time to focus on finding balance, and resolution in your love situations. Today is a great day to begin achieving better balance in all aspects of our lives. From better boundaries between the “me” and “us” time to a better work/life balance.

April 7th:

Mercury in Taurus sextile Mars in Cancer.

This aspect motivates us to put forth extra effort to achieve our goals. Put in effort and you'll succeed, whether you're working long hours to purchase a new home or devoting time to your significant relationships.

Venus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces.

It's a wonderful day for love because of the romantic quality of this aspect. If in a relationship, you might have a perfect date night. Get yourself out there if you're single.

April 10th:

Venus enters Gemini.

Throughout the next three and a half weeks, use your words to strengthen bonds with others as charming Venus enters humorous Gemini. The correct words can make all the difference when you're flirting with a special fling or telling a crush how you feel.

April 11th:

Venus in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius.

Today is a fantastic day for networking because we have a strong energy, charm, and mental acuity that will inspire us to form meaningful relationships.

Sun in Aries conjunct Jupiter in Aries.

We have a zest for life as a result of this lucky aspect, and we obstinately pursue our goals. Today, fortune is on our side, so take a chance and roll the dice.

April 14th:

Mercury goes direct in Taurus.

After three arduous weeks, the confusion is now dissipating as Mercury moves forward into Taurus, allowing us to think properly once more. It's a fantastic moment to start laying the foundation for something solid.

Venus in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces.

It's challenging to complete any type of work during this sluggish phase because you may not be sufficiently motivated to get out of bed.

April 15th:

Vesta enters Taurus.

Vesta stands for commitment, loyalty, spiritually, and strength. It is very comfortable in the sign of Taurus. This transit is ideal for starting new projects, getting grounded, and laying a strong foundation for future growth.

Start of the Lyrid meteor shower.

We will see the Lyrid meteor shower from now till the 29th. The brightest star in the constellation, Alpha Lyrae, also known as Vega, is the source of the meteor shower known as the Lyrids, which takes its name from the constellation Lyra. This is a good time to focus on love and romance as you'll be especially lucky in anything you do romantically during this time.

April 18th:

Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces.

This component makes us feel a little more intensely than usual, which is a fantastic way to connect to our sensitive side. The atmosphere is ideal for curling up with a soft blanket and reading your Tarot cards.

April 19th:

New moon solar eclipse in Aries.

Today we have what is considered a very rare hybrid solar eclipse. We are all incensed at existing standards at work as a result of this rebellious new moon eclipse. The movement has come to leave unproductive alliances behind and build our own paths. Fight your way to the top without fear.

April 20th:

Sun enters Taurus.

As the sun moves into stable Taurus, we are prepared to return to earth in order to get ready for the impending retrograde. We will be slowing down and developing an appreciation for life's little joys over the course of the next four weeks.

Sun in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius.

A significant ego clash is likely to occur during this destructive phase. Today is the day to question authority figures, even if it means getting yourself into trouble.

April 21st:

Mercury goes retrograde in Taurus.

During this year's second Mercury retrograde and the first complete Mercury retrograde welcoming us to the retrograde season of 2023, we'll be doing a lot of spring cleaning. We are letting go of everything that is no longer serving us as a society, including outdated items and mentalities.

April 23rd:

Mercury in Taurus sextile Mars in Cancer.

Consider having a heartfelt, meaningful, conversation with a loved one tonight. You'll have a good night spent with those you care about and this will do your heart good.

April 25th:

Sun in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces.

This aspect grants us a positive burst of energy that enables us to accomplish our goals, even those we've only dared to dream about. Today is the perfect day to complete any unfinished business.

April 29th:

Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus.

During this lucky aspect, good things come readily. As long as we maintain our motivation and humility, life can change for the better in a span of a single instant.

The energy of April will be one of predestined occurrences and new adventures. To maximize the benefits of these cosmically charged events, be sure to plan your month in advance using this guide. This will be a very strong and productive month for us. Use this energy to your advantage (even the Mercury retrograde) and you'll see yourself making significant gains forward.

If you have any questions, please send me a email at

Love & Light,


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