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Writer's pictureAudra English

Celestial Crystal Whispers Oracle Tablet Guide

Owned, copyrighted, and created by Audra English.

To get your own copy of these Oracle Tablets, just visit our Etsy store HERE and you can download, print, and start using your tablets immediately.

Please do not copy or publish without Audra's permission. Feel free to share by link to this page only.

These go with the Celestial Crystal Whispers Oracle Tablets which can be purchased directly as a digital download which includes the full booklet, information guide and printable tablets.

This key was created to help those who got a free tablet in their order or those who got a free oracle tablet reading from Audra in our Facebook group or social media pages.

Please refer to the alphabetically ordered symbol key below to assist you in understanding your reading. However, feel free to trust your instincts and intuition in interpreting what your tabs reveal about your specific situation.


Abundance is a fortunate tab when it appears in your reading. It signifies a period of great blessing and wealth, and the potential for making money from unexpected sources. This could be in the form of business investments, windfall of cash or simply being given something valuable by another person.

Abundance also suggests that you are surrounded by many blessings - even if they are not financial - and that it is time to be thankful for what you have. Furthermore, this tab could signify that you are ready to take the next step in achieving greater wealth and success in your life. You may need to make some changes, such as setting higher goals or taking more risks, but the potential reward will certainly be worth it in the end.

On an even deeper level, this tab could signify a call to look within. Abundance is not just about having money; it is also about having a feeling of satisfaction and contentment with what you have. Being aware of the abundance that already exists within your life can bring about the wealth you are searching for. Knowing that you already have all that you need to be happy and secure can help guide you towards achieving greater financial success. Allow yourself to receive this blessing, and take steps to create a sense of abundance in your life.


If you've drawn the tab of Ambition, it's time to take a step back and truly assess your goals. What is it that you want to achieve? How do these ambitions align with your values and contribute to building a better world? It's important to remember that ambition means more than just receiving recognition or achieving success. It also means setting goals that are meaningful and have a lasting impact.

It's time to take some action. Believe in yourself and trust your own judgment; you already possess all of the resources needed to make your ambitions a reality. Allow yourself to dream big but also be practical about achieving these goals with realistic steps and planning. Remember, anything is possible if you set your mind on it and take the right action. So, start taking the first steps in your journey towards success!

Don't be afraid to ask for help. Whether it's setting up a mentor, joining a support group or seeking advice from someone more experienced, surrounding yourself with wise people can be all you need to reach new heights of achievement and accomplishment.

The tab of Ambition is here to remind you that hard work and dedication are essential for reaching your goals. As long as you stay focused, anything is achievable! Now go forth and make your ambitions come true.


Attraction in an oracle tab reading might signify a new opportunity, whether for romance, professional success, or both. This could be the start of something magical, as if fate is guiding you towards a wonderful destiny.

It may also mean that beauty can be found when least expected. You are encouraged to look beyond the mundane and accept whatever joy that comes your way. Take it as a sign that something special is headed your way and open yourself up to the possibility of love, friendship, or success.

Sometimes attraction can also represent a renewed sense of passion in an existing relationship. If you have felt like things have become stale or dull between you and someone else, this could be a sign that things might turn around for the better. You may be surprised to find that sparks can fly again if you take the time to connect and invest in your relationship.

Whatever this tab means for you, it is an invitation to step out of your comfort zone and seize whatever comes your way. Consider how you can best get from point A to point B and embrace any opportunities that come along the way. You deserve to have a rewarding life, and this tab could just be the start of it!

Take time for yourself and acknowledge the beauty in front of you. Appreciate what is around you and open yourself up to potential new beginnings that could help enrich your life. Trust that you will make the right decision when faced with any obstacles or challenges that come your way. Enjoy the journey and allow yourself to be surprised by what the universe has in store for you.

Aura Cleanse-

Do you feel like you’re carrying heavy emotional and mental baggage? It might be time for an aura cleanse. When it comes to your energy, a little bit of maintenance can go a long way in helping you create balance and harmony within yourself. Start by imagining a bright white light surrounding your body. This light will protect and purify your aura, helping to rid it of any negative energy that might have built up over time. Allow this powerful light to cleanse you from the inside out and restore a sense of peace to your soul. In no time at all, let the cleansing power of this white light fill you with renewed joy and vibrancy!

As the aura cleanse draws to a close, you may feel lighter and more energized. Be sure to take some time for yourself afterwards so that you can give your body and mind the rest it needs in order to fully absorb this new sense of balance and harmony. Now is the time to let go of any emotional baggage that has been weighing you down and confidently move forward with a beautiful, pure aura.

Allow yourself to shine brightly and blossom in an energized and invigorated state. It’s time for an aura cleanse!

Business Success-

If you have drawn the Business Success tab in your Oracle Tablet reading, this is a sign that success in business endeavors will come your way soon. You may find yourself with lots of clients and positive reviews, leading to increased money flow. With hard work and commitment, there’s no limit to how much you can achieve. This tab also signals a period of self-enrichment and growth, as you learn more about yourself and your capabilities. Believe in what you’re doing and stay the course; success is yours for the taking!

If it feels like luck or fate has been on your side lately, it may be because of this tab. You are likely to experience serendipity and have chance meetings and conversations. Be open to these opportunities, as they may lead to business success. Take a risk and make the most of what life is offering you right now!

Finally, this tab could also be an indication that your current circumstances are exactly where you should be. You have achieved much already and should take a moment to appreciate yourself for it; sometimes we forget to take the time to celebrate all we have achieved. With that, be sure to stay humble and mindful as you move forward in your journey towards ultimate business success.

Remember that things don’t happen overnight; it takes time and dedication to build lasting success. Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed or discouraged when the going gets tough - use this tab as a reminder of the promise of success that awaits you. The universe is on your side, and with patience and focus, you’ll find the right path to achieving your goals!


Clairvoyance is one of the most powerful gifts we are all born with. It represents our natural ability to trust and follow our intuition. As you draw this tab, remember that your inner voice already knows what's best for you; you just need to follow it. By tuning into this innate power, you can receive messages from higher realms and connect with your inner wisdom.

Clairvoyance is an invitation to take life less seriously and find trust in the unknown. As you do this, you will open yourself up more to receiving psychic information from beyond the physical realm. This could come in a variety of forms - from an intuition that arises within you, or messages that appear externally through signs, symbols and visions. See each one as a sign from the divine and let it guide you in your journey.

Let this tab be a reminder to trust your intuition when making decisions. As you take new steps of faith, know that you have access to an infinite realm of wisdom beyond what meets the eye. When life gets too busy or too complicated, turn inward and find the answers that are within you. We all have a clairvoyant power waiting to be tapped into - trust it and watch the magic unfold.

Trust your intuition and tap into your inner wisdom - these are the keys to unlocking your true potential! Let your journey be guided by clairvoyance, and never forget how powerful each of us truly is.


Clarity is a tab that offers guidance when you feel like your path has become clouded or confused. It helps create clarity and understanding in situations where answers are needed, granting insight into matters of the heart and mind. When this tab appears it can mean that answers will come to you if you trust your instincts and pay attention to the subtle messages around you. Clarity encourages following the truth of your heart, and trusting that even when things appear uncertain, everything will come together in the end.

The energy of Clarity calls for presence in the moment, embracing what is true and letting go of all else. It can also be an invitation to practice discernment, learning to recognize true wisdom from baseless information or misguided interpretation. This tab is a reminder to look beyond the surface of things and to stay open to all possibilities, trusting your intuition as you discover what lies beneath. Clarity will help you gain insight into your current reality, allowing you to see what needs attention and how best to move forward in faith.

This oracle tab reading brings forth an invitation for clarity and understanding, helping you focus on the truth and trust that answers will come in due time. It reminds you to stay open, connected to your inner wisdom and trusting of what lies in your heart. Let go of any fear or doubt, allowing yourself the space to move through this moment with clarity and purpose. You are surrounded by divine guidance, so listen closely for it's whisperings!


Cleansing is a powerful way to promote the flow of positive energy and remove stagnant energies. This oracle tab denotes a need for an energetic cleanse - whether it's within your personal space, home, aura, or even your spiritual journey.

Cleansing can be done in many ways: through visualization techniques, smudging with herbs such as sage or palo santo, or through meditation. Regardless of the method you choose, cleansing can help to create a sense of peace and clarity within your life. Allow yourself to take some time for self-reflection and be open to the potential for spiritual growth that comes with this cleansing.

Once you have gone through this process, take notice of how it makes you feel - lighter, brighter, and more energetic. You may find that this cleansing process has helped you to open up to new ideas and opportunities in your life. There is always a chance for transformation when it comes to cleansing; use this oracle tab as an opportunity to take stock of the energies around you and discover how they can be used positively for growth.

Cleansing is a powerful tool that can help to restore balance in all aspects of your life. Take this oracle tab as an invitation to embark on the journey of spiritual cleansing and discover what possibilities await you.


The Comfort tab symbolizes the divine assurances that you are safe and taken care of. It reminds you to embrace the small moments of joy and contentment which life brings us, and to be grateful for them. This tablet encourages you to find a special place where you feel secure, cozy, and relaxed; to enjoy its comforts and make it a comforting sanctuary away from the chaos of life.

It is time to recognize that you are provided for, and your needs will be taken care of. Now is the time to remember how happy you can be with simple pleasures, such as cuddling up with a warm blanket or sipping on a cup of tea. Comforting yourself in this way enables you to experience peace and joy in all aspects of life. This tab reminds you to take pleasure in the fact that your needs are met and that comfort is within reach.

This gentle reminder calls upon us to create a cocoon of safety, love, and compassion for ourselves to nurture our soul; as we do so, we will be able to find comfort even in the most difficult times. Let this tab guide you to find ways to bring yourself comfort, and strive for inner peace. Embrace all the happy moments that life brings, and give thanks for them.

Remember that your needs will be taken care of, and it is time to experience joy through small pleasures in life. Comfort is within reach!


This tab is a reminder that communication is an important part of life. It can be difficult to share your truth, and it's even harder when we don't practice good communication skills. This tablet encourages you to take the time to talk about your feelings with others - whether through conversations or writing.

When you make the effort to communicate effectively, you can open pathways of understanding that were not there before. You can build trust, foster connection, and find healing through improved communication. Listen to your inner voice and reach out to trusted people when you need help navigating difficult conversations.

This tablet implores you to remember the power of words - use them wisely! Speak from a place of love and compassion and you will feel the rewards.

Take this tab as a sign that you need to communicate more and be courageous in expressing yourself authentically. Having conversations can help us all become better versions of ourselves, so don't be afraid to speak up! Pay attention to how your words are received and learn from any miscommunications or misunderstandings. This is an important part of learning how to communicate effectively.

Communication is key to living a healthy and fulfilling life - make sure you are making time for it. Put forth the effort to open up and speak your truth, even if it's uncomfortable at first. You will be glad you did!


The Oracle Tab for Concentration speaks to the power of focus and dedication to getting the job done. This tab is here to remind you that when you concentrate your energy, it can help you achieve results with greater precision and clarity. It’s time for you to take a step back and hone in on what needs to be done.

With focused concentration, even the most daunting tasks can be completed much quicker. Use this power of concentration to your advantage and let it help you make the most out of each moment. Tap into your inner focus and get ready to get things done!

Concentration brings with it an unparalleled level of success, so don’t be afraid to dive in head first. It may take some practice and dedication, but the rewards are more than worth it. With the power of concentration, you can truly unlock your potential and reach heights you never thought possible before. What are you waiting for? Start focusing now!

Concentration is key to success in all areas of life – relationships, work, hobbies, etc. When we focus our energy on a single task or goal, it increases our chances of success exponentially.

No matter what you’re trying to achieve, take a moment and focus on how to get there. If you stay consistent and give your full attention to the task at hand, you can unlock new levels of achievement that will leave you feeling proud and fulfilled.


The Oracle tablet for the word "Creation" speaks of taking a creative approach to life and building something new. It describes an attitude of openness to ideas and flexibility in thought.

This tab encourages us to look at what is possible, rather than what already exists, and use our talents and abilities to make some magic with it. We can explore different options, experiment with different solutions, and come up with something that is truly unique. We can create the world we want to live in, one step at a time. Creation is about having faith in ourselves and our ideas, believing that anything is possible if we just put our minds to it. It’s about taking risks and embracing change.

The Oracle tab for the word "Creation" can also signify our ability to manifest what we desire. With focus and intention, we can bring about the outcomes that will take us closer to our goals and dreams. We have the power to create the life of our choosing, so embrace this energy and make it work for you! Let's be daring and innovative, striving to bring our visions to life. Creation is a powerful tool that we can use to shape our futures. So let's be brave and take those first steps towards manifesting the life of our dreams!

This Oracle tab encourages us to tap into our inner creative energies and use them to make something special. Whether it’s coming up with a new business idea or making art, let’s use our talents to create something wonderful! Now is the perfect time to get creative and make something beautiful. So let's embrace this energy of creation and start building something amazing!


The tablet of creativity challenges you to look at the world with a newfound enthusiasm and explore the possibilities of creating something entirely new. It is an invitation to let go of inhibitions and push through fear or self-doubt to follow your creative pursuits.

Whether it's writing, art, music or any other means of expression, this tab symbolizes the power of your imagination. You can use it to create something beautiful, unique and powerful that will bring joy and fulfillment into your life. Let go of any limiting beliefs that might be holding you back, and make space for new ideas to flourish. Your creativity is your greatest resource, so unleash its potential!

Find inspiration in nature or other art forms, and see what you can create out of it. Let your creativity be your guide and trust that whatever you make will bring about positive change. 

Creativity is also an important tool for problem-solving, as it enables us to come up with unique solutions to difficult issues. So when faced with a challenge, take the time to consider all the creative ways in which you could address it. By tapping into your creative resources, you may just find yourself coming up with a solution that works wonders! So don't be afraid to explore the boundaries of creativity and see what new possibilities you can discover.

The tablet of creativity is a reminder to embrace your inner artist and trust in the power of your imagination. Make something beautiful, make something meaningful, and see what it can bring into your life. Express yourself freely without any hesitation or doubt, and you will be sure to create something extraordinary! With creativity comes the potential for a world of possibilities - go forth and explore them!

Critical Thinking-

When this tablet appears in your reading, it serves as a reminder to take pause and apply logic before taking action. Consider carefully the causes and effects of any decision you make. It is important that you think through every consequence before proceeding. Remember that every choice can have far-reaching implications, so take time to consider them all. Use critical thinking to make wise decisions that will serve you best in the long run.

Look beyond the surface and ask questions that encourage a deeper exploration of the facts. Increasing your awareness around any situation can open up new possibilities and perspectives. Tap into your intuition as you build upon logical reasoning, allowing it to guide you along this journey. Remember that true wisdom comes from striking the perfect balance between logic and intuition.

This tab is a reminder to pause, reflect, and use your critical thinking skills to make decisions that will serve you best in the long run. Instinctively trust yourself as you evaluate each situation with a balanced mix of emotion and objectivity. Take this time to gain valuable insights that can help manifest meaningful growth over time. With a keen eye for detail and an open mind, you can unlock the keys to understanding yourself at a much deeper level.

Likewise, don’t forget to consider the feelings of others as you make your decisions. Learning how to think critically does not mean disregarding other people’s perspectives—instead take the time to truly understand theirs as well. This tab encourages you to listen carefully and think thoughtfully before taking action in any situation. With the right approach, you can make informed decisions that promote harmony and understanding among all parties involved. Trust your judgment—you have the tools for success at your fingertips!


When this tab appears in your Oracle Tablet Reading, it's a sign that you have the strength and willpower to stay determined on your path. Nothing can get in your way of achieving what you want if you remain focused and committed. This tablet is an indication that you need to set clear goals for yourself and not let any obstacle stand between you and success. With your determination, you will find the courage to take on any challenge and win! Your strength and perseverance will be a great asset as you work towards achieving your goals. So keep your focus and don't stop until you reach them!

Remember that determination is key to living life with purpose. It's about having faith in yourself and believing that anything is possible. So take a deep breath and keep pushing forward, even when the going gets tough. With enough determination, you can do anything!

No matter what obstacles come your way, remain focused and never give up on your dreams. The strength of your determination will be the key to unlocking success. So trust in yourself and stay determined – nothing can stand in the way of your success!


The oracle tablet reading for the word "Empowerment" is one that speaks of strength and courage. It reminds you to never doubt your abilities because you have all the power within yourself to take on whatever lies ahead. The message is simple yet powerful: You can do this!

Trust in yourself and use your inner guidance to make decisions that will bring about positive change. Empowerment means believing in yourself and knowing that you have the capacity to rise above any challenge or obstacle that may come your way. This tab encourages you to uncover your inner power and use it for the betterment of yourself and those around you. With this message, embrace your strength and never forget how capable you truly are!

Empowerment is the key to achieving success and unlocking all of life’s possibilities. It is within you, now and always. Step out in faith and trust that your journey will be filled with abundance, joy, and prosperity. You are powerful - never forget it!

Remember that you have the courage to take control of your destiny. Do not let fear or doubt hold you back. Believe in yourself and what is possible. The path forward will be revealed if you take the time to listen to your intuition. Believe in yourself, embrace your power, and trust that you have all the strength necessary to make it happen. Empowerment starts with believing in yourself - so trust and surround yourself with positive energy. You have the power within to create the life of your dreams.


Friendship can mean so many things to us. It may bring joy, warmth, and support or it can be a reminder of how much we have been hurt in the past. Whatever our relationship with friendship is, this tab serves as a reminder that we are never alone.

This tab represents friendships of all kinds. If you are looking for a new friend, the tab suggests that it is never too late to start anew and that the universe is open to letting in new relationships.

If you feel like your current friendship needs strengthening, this tab encourages you to focus on fostering mutual understanding and unconditional love. It could be beneficial to take some time together doing something fun or meaningful, or just talking and listening to each other.

If you have recently experienced a loss of friendship, the tab suggests that it may be time to let go of what was and move on. You also have the option of facing this heartache with patience and determination in hopes that you may regain the same bond as before. However, it is important to remain open-minded and to be willing to embrace the changes that life brings.

Friendship is a beautiful gift, something that can lift us up in times of need and bring us closer together. It may come in different forms, but no matter what it looks like, it is always worth celebrating.

No matter what you are going through, this tablet serves as a reminder that all forms of friendship should be cherished and embraced with love, grace, and respect.

Goal Completion-

The Goal Completion tab signifies that you are about to start a journey towards achieving your goals and will soon have the chance to experience success. This is a time of making progress, moving forward, and seeing results. Visualize yourself accomplishing something great, as this indicates that in the near future it will become reality.

This tab is a sign of support from the universe and encourages you to stay focused on your goals. With dedication and commitment, you will be able to persevere and reach the finish line. By taking small steps in the right direction, things are moving forward in meaningful ways that bring tangible rewards and greater satisfaction.

Remember, it's important to take things one step at a time and not to give up. You may feel overwhelmed by the journey, but if you stay focused and set manageable goals, eventually you will reach the destination. There is nothing that can stop you from achieving your ambitions with hard work and dedication.

The Goal Completion tablet reminds us to trust in our inner power and courage - success is just around the corner! Let your determination and enthusiasm be your driving force as you take action towards achieving your goals - great things await you!

Good Luck-

When the Good Luck tablet appears in an oracle reading, it is a sign that you are due for some positive changes of fate. It's indicating that good things are on their way and luck is on your side.

This tab signifies a need to remain open and pay attention to all signs around you as your wish is about to come true. Have faith in the universe and trust that it will guide you on your journey. Let go of any doubts or worries, spiritual growth is within reach if you focus your energy on manifesting abundance.

The Good Luck tablet encourages you to keep striving for greatness and be confident in all your decisions. Anything is possible when you have a positive attitude and surround yourself with optimistic vibes.

Acknowledge the energy of good luck and give thanks for all the blessings coming your way. Trust in yourself and the universe, be open to new possibilities and have faith that everything will work out in your favor. Believe it or not, you deserve every bit of this good fortune!

Good luck is on its way – get ready to receive its blessings and know that everything will work out in the end.

Grief Relief-

Grief Relief is an oracle tablet that holds the promise of true healing for those who have experienced great loss. It reminds us that while grief may bring pain, it also brings about growth and transformation. The angels are here to surround you in love and peace as you go through this journey.

This tab signals a time where the heart can heal and be renewed, allowing you to open up to the love that is all around you. Through this process of healing, you will discover that sorrow is not your destiny but rather an opportunity for growth. Let yourself be embraced by the winged ones and know that you are loved beyond measure.

Grief Relief encourages us to recognize that while sadness may linger, it will eventually be replaced by joy. As we let go of the pain and open our hearts to love again, we can gain a renewed sense of hope and strength. So don't be afraid to take this journey and trust that you are surrounded by those who want only the best for your life's path.

You are loveable, capable, and worthy of a life filled with abundant joy. So take this time to honor your feelings, accept the pain and grief you are feeling, and allow them to be released in their own way. As you journey through the depths of sorrow, may you also feel the hope and strength that come from knowing that true healing is possible.


Grounding is finding your center, a place of stability and balance. When you are centered, you can access inner wisdom and strength that will guide you in difficult times. Grounding encourages emotional connection with the Earth and allows us to stay on solid ground. It helps keep us connected to our true selves as we move through life's challenges.

Grounding also opens up the energy of our root chakra, the first chakra that focuses on safety and survival. If this chakra is balanced, we can move through life with an enhanced sense of self-confidence and security. We can see the beauty in every moment and recognize what really matters most to us.

When we feel the grounding energy of the Earth, we can find our inner strength and trust in ourselves. We can make decisions that feel right for us, instead of trying to please others. And it helps us stay grounded even when life gets hectic and overwhelming.

Grounding gives us a sense of peace and contentment in any moment so that we can go through life with joy and courage. It helps us live our life in alignment with our true self and keep connected to the beauty of nature.

Take a few moments each day to connect with the grounding energy of the Earth and allow it to restore your balance, so you can bring more peace into your life.


Happiness is all around us, even when we can't see it. This tablet suggests that you take the time to find what makes you happy and fill your life with sunshine and joy. You don't have to do anything drastic; simply become mindful of the activities and moments that make your heart full. Happiness awaits you!

This could mean making a slight adjustment to your routine to incorporate more relaxing activities or taking the time to appreciate the small things. Connect with friends, go for a walk outdoors and just take a moment to breathe in some fresh air. Happiness is within reach if you look for it!

Happiness can also come from expressing gratitude for the people and things you have in life. Gratitude is one of the best ways to find joy and contentment, so make sure you start your day with a grateful heart. Count your blessings and give thanks for everything that brings you joy.

No matter where you are on your journey, this tab reminds you that happiness can always be found when we look for it. Life will have its ups and downs, but it's up to you to seek out what brings you joy. Make happiness a priority and fill your life with sunshine and joy!


Healing denotes a process of physical, emotional, or spiritual recovery. It can refer to coming back from an illness or psychological trauma and emerging strengthened as a result. When healing appears in your Oracle Tablet reading, it suggests that you are ready to take the necessary steps for cultivating self-care practices and making yourself whole again.

Now is the time to nurture yourself with restful sleep, healthy meals, and positive affirmations. It is also beneficial to take breaks from your daily demands and find ways to bring joy into each moment. You can start by drinking more water throughout the day and taking time to slow down or meditate. By allowing yourself the space to heal, you will be able to reach new levels of emotional balance and feel inner peace.

As your healing journey progresses, it is important to remember that transformation is often uncomfortable and difficult. You may experience feelings of sadness or fear during the process, but these emotions are signals that you are moving into higher consciousness. It is essential to listen to what your body is telling you and give yourself the compassion that you deserve.

The ultimate goal of healing is to reach a place of feeling healthy, happy, and content with life. This experience can be achieved through deep self-introspection; honoring your present emotions and taking ownership over your circumstances. By committing to this journey of inner growth, your spirit will be renewed and you will feel liberated.

Heart Healing-

The oracle tablet associated with Heart Healing is an invitation to open your heart and be ready for love. No matter what has happened in the past, now is the time to release any pain that you have been holding onto and trust in the knowledge that everything will be ok if you are willing to take a chance.

Heart Healing is a reminder that it's ok to trust in yourself and your ability to choose love over fear. It invites you to take a deep breath and give yourself permission to let go of the walls that have been built around your heart due to past hurts or experiences. Open up to the possibility of true connection with yourself, with others, and with the universe.

Allow your heart to be healed and filled with love, allowing yourself a chance at true peace and joy. Trust in the power of love - it will heal all wounds, no matter how deep they may be. Today is an opportunity for you to open your heart and start anew - ready for love! Everything is ok, and it's time for you to experience it.


The tablet for “Hope” in an oracle tablet reading represents the possibility of a brighter future. It is a reminder that no matter how dark it may seem, there is light on the other side. Take heart and believe that everything will be ok-- have faith that you can make your dreams come true and remain hopeful during challenging times. The energy of “Hope” will guide you to the answers and solutions that you seek.

It is important to remember that hope can be found in the most unlikely of places-- sometimes we just need to look a little harder or take a different perspective in order to see it. Difficult situations may lead us into unfamiliar waters, but with faith and an open heart, we can find our way back to the shore. When facing obstacles, take comfort in knowing that hope is never far away.

Life’s journey will never be easy, but with hope it can be beautiful and fulfilling. No matter what challenges you may face, remember that a brighter tomorrow is possible. Have faith that everything will work out for the best and stay hopeful that your dreams will come true. Trust that the universe has something wonderful in store for you!

Remember to keep hope alive-- it is an essential part of life and it can serve as a light in the darkness. Focus on what lies ahead and be open to new possibilities, for hope is the key to unlocking our highest potential. Keep your eyes fixed on the horizon and trust that you can make your dreams come true.


When the Intelligence tab appears in an oracle tablet reading, it is a sign to start using logic and reason in your decision making. It may also be a sign to go back to school and expand your knowledge. You should start reading more books and articles, broaden your perspectives by researching new topics, and engaging with conversations that challenge you intellectually. This tab suggests that you should strive to become more educated.

True intelligence comes from being open-minded and willing to explore a variety of topics. Don't limit yourself to what you already know - take the time to learn something new, and you may find yourself pleasantly surprised by the outcome. It's never too late to expand your knowledge! Take this tab as a sign to explore something unfamiliar and you may just unlock the key to greater understanding.

Overall, this tab is an indication that you should put on your thinking cap and start using your mental powers more wisely. Learning new things about yourself and the world around you can be an incredibly powerful experience - take advantage of it! With increased intelligence comes greater wisdom and insight, so don't be afraid to take the journey.

Make sure to keep an open mind - while logic and reason are important, it is equally as important to have faith in yourself and trust your own intuition. Your intelligence will help you to make better decisions and get closer to true understanding. Allow this tab to guide you on your journey towards greater knowledge!


When the Manifestation tablet appears during your Oracle tablet reading, it indicates that you have all the power to achieve your goals. This is a time of manifesting your ambitions and desires into reality by connecting with the energy and vibration of the universe. Now is an especially potent moment for turning your thoughts into tangible results and making them happen!

The message here is to focus your energy on what you want to create and bring into fruition. Visualize your goals, ambitions and desires in vivid detail and connect with the universe’s energy to make them come true. If your doubts arise, be sure to recognize them but then let go of them and stay focused on manifesting your dreams. Believe that it can happen - because it can!

Allow your imagination to explore and create as you meditate on what is important to you in life. Connect with the universe’s energy and fill yourself with a sense of joy and excitement. Know that the universe will provide you with all the necessary resources for manifesting success!

Take some time to reflect on your intentions and be certain about what you want to create.

Focus on the positive and be mindful of your thoughts, words, and actions as they will manifest in time. Feel connected to the universe’s energy and believe that your dreams can come true. The Manifestation tab signals a powerful moment for making it happen!


Motivation is the energy that fuels your passion and actions towards reaching your goals. It gives you the focus to stay on track and confidently crush what you set out to do. The power of motivation comes from within, so use it wisely and make sure that your ambitions align with your values.

When you are motivated by something bigger than yourself, you can't help but be successful. Let your motivation guide you on the path to self-fulfillment and fulfillment of your dreams! Keep focused, keep motivated, and keep moving forward one step at a time. You'll find that motivation is the driving force that leads to success.

Let yourself be driven by what inspires you and never forget why you started in the first place. When you are feeling low, take a moment to reflect and find your motivation again. Then, use that energy to propel yourself in the direction of success!

Motivation is the fuel of progress and growth, so use it wisely and make sure it doesn't burn out too quickly. With enough focus and dedication, anything is possible - go get motivated and start crushing your goals!

New Beginnings-

The Oracle Tablet for New Beginnings is a reminder to let go of the past and open your heart to new possibilities. It's time to embark on an exciting journey full of joy and self-discovery. Life is offering you a chance to start again with a clean slate, so take advantage of this opportunity!

Allow yourself to be open and vulnerable to the new beginnings that await you. It can be scary at first, but pushing through the fear will bring immense rewards. Embrace change with optimism and courage, knowing that you are strong enough to take on any challenge that may arise.

Listen to your intuition as it guides you on your journey. Be patient and trust that life is always working for you, even when the circumstances may not appear to be in your favor. Acknowledge the deepest desires of your heart and take small steps towards achieving them.

New beginnings are a chance to experience growth and expansion. Celebrate any successes that come your way and don't dwell on the past or worry too much about the future. Enjoy each moment as it comes and trust that your journey will lead you exactly where you need to be. Let go and embrace the new beginnings!

Be brave, be bold, and never give up on yourself - you are capable of so much more than you think. With the right mindset and a whole lot of determination, anything is possible! So spread your wings and let the winds of change carry you to a brighter future.


Passion is a strong emotion that can refer to both love and sex. It usually involves intense feelings of deep connection, desire, and longing. When it comes to relationships, passion is the spark that ignites the flame of love. In any form, passion can be an incredibly powerful force in our lives – whether it’s for another person or our own unique journey.

When this tab appears in a reading, it can be an indication that you are feeling a strong emotion or desire to pursue something important to you. It is also an invitation to understand and embrace your passions and desires, and the power of following your heart. This tablet encourages us to identify what truly matters and act on our deepest needs without fear or hesitation.

Passion can be a beautiful thing, but it can also lead us down dangerous paths if we’re not careful. This tab serves as a reminder to acknowledge our feelings and stay mindful of the consequences of our actions. Ultimately, passion is something to be explored and embraced – with caution and an open heart.

To get the most out of this tab, take a moment to reflect on what you are feeling passionate about in your life right now. Take some time to acknowledge and honor these feelings – even if it’s something that scares you. When we open ourselves up to our passions, we can discover an incredible source of strength and purpose.

Allow yourself to explore your passions and follow your heart. You never know what kind of journey they may lead you on.

Remember that passion is a powerful emotion – use it wisely! Allow yourself to be guided by love, not fear, and find the courage to go after your dreams. In the end, you’ll be glad that you did.


Peace is a state of inner serenity. It comes from within and radiates outward, bringing the harmony that leads to true contentment. To find peace, one must take time for contemplation and meditation. Only through this practice can you truly understand what it means to be at peace with yourself and your environment.

Allow yourself to breathe deeply and surrender to the stillness within. Let go of all worries and allow yourself to feel the peace that comes from being in the present moment. Re-center your energy and rediscover a sense of calm. Allow yourself to be filled with peaceful thoughts and feelings as you meditate, so that you may discover an inner harmony that leads to true happiness.

Peace is also found by connecting with nature. Take a walk in the park and observe the beauty of life that surrounds you. Close your eyes, take deep breaths and feel the energy of the natural world surrounding you. Listen to the chirps of birds, rustling leaves and other sounds that bring peace and tranquility to your soul. Feel grounded in this moment by connecting with Mother Nature’s energy.

Peace is within you, if you allow yourself to find it. By taking time for stillness and connecting with nature’s energy, you can unlock your inner peace and harmony that will bring contentment in all aspects of life. Embrace peace and align yourself to its serenity so that you can live a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Positive Energy-

The tablet associated with Positive Energy carries with it a sense of joy and potential. It encourages you to look on the bright side of things and seek out optimism in times of uncertainty. This tab wants you to be open to the blessings that come your way, even in difficult moments. Keep your focus on what brings you happiness - both material comforts and spiritual fulfillment. Welcome the positivity into your life with open arms, because it will keep you afloat in times of need.

This tab also serves as a reminder that you should be mindful of how others feel as well. Even if it is not always easy to do, try to bring happiness to those around you. Spread good vibes and be a source of optimism for those who need it. The world can always use more positive energy and you are the perfect person to help provide that. So, take a moment to be grateful for all that you have and all the wonderful things in life. It will bring joy and contentment far beyond what you could imagine.

Be sure to appreciate the small things - like a beautiful sunset, a kind smile from a stranger, or just the simple pleasure of taking in a deep breath. By doing this, you will be able to better receive and recognize the powerful energies that come with Positive Energy. Connect with it and manifest your own sense of joy. You may even find great strength beneath all this positivity!


Potential indicates that you have the ability and resources necessary to make something happen. It reveals an abundance of possibilities for a successful outcome. Don't be afraid to take a risk - you can do it! Be brave and venture outside of your comfort zone; doors are open for you to explore new opportunities. Don’t be discouraged by the unknown - go for it!

You have the power to manifest your intentions, so believe in yourself and all that you can do. It is time for you to unlock your potential and discover what lies ahead. With courage, ambition, and commitment, you will achieve great things!

This tab encourages you to trust in your inner strength and know that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. Believe in yourself and the possibilities that await you. Take a leap of faith and make your dreams a reality! Nothing is out of reach, so have faith that you possess the power to create whatever you desire. Step forward with confidence - potential awaits!

The potential tab brings clarity to situations where you may be feeling uncertain or overwhelmed. It helps guide you on the path to success and encourages you to pursue your goals without fear or hesitation. You have what it takes to create something amazing, so use your unique talents and skill sets to make magic happen! Embrace your inner power and have faith in yourself - potential is here waiting for you.


Prosperity is an abundance of riches and wealth, a state of having more than enough. In this reading, the tab associated with prosperity will illuminate what it is that you need to do in order to manifest your ultimate goals. It may bring insight about how you can best tap into the energies around you, so that you can achieve financial success and abundance. Remember, prosperity often starts with an inner shift in attitude and mindset.

Make sure to focus on the positive aspects of your life and open yourself up to new opportunities for growth. With this guidance in mind, take a moment to reflect on what it is you truly seek from the universe, and be open to receiving wisdom as promised by your oracle tab. May your prosperity increase and may you never want for anything!

This tab reading will also focus on cultivating an attitude of gratitude, as it is this mindset that can often pave the way to success. Be thankful for all that you have, both big and small, and know that it’s only a matter of time before even more abundance flows into your life. With this state of appreciation and openness, you can begin to trust in the guidance of the universe and know that nothing is beyond your reach.

So take a moment to really connect with these energies and let yourself be filled with an attitude of wealth and abundance. You have within you all the power needed to manifest your greatest dreams, so trust in yourself and the universe, and know that true prosperity is only a thought away.

Be open to receiving the gifts of riches and success with grace and humility, for they are yours if you choose to accept them. May your oracle tab reading be filled with insight and clear guidance so that you may find financial freedom and joy on your journey.



If you have drawn this tab, it is a reminder that you are protected. You may feel the need for extra support or protection in your life right now and the universe responds to your needs in mysterious ways.

The protection associated with this tab is not just physical but also psychological and spiritual. It can bring feelings of safety, stability, and defense against all forms of negativity. You may feel an extra layer of assurance that you are being looked after and that your needs are taken care of.

The tablet offers a reminder to stay connected to your intuition, trusting it to guide you in the right direction by showing signs along the way. Pay attention and remember that protection comes from within - by aligning with your spirit, you can channel the energy required to protect yourself in any situation.

You are safe and secure in this moment and for that, be grateful. Let go of any fears or worries you may have been holding onto and trust that the universe has your back. Protection is all around you - allow yourself to bask in its embrace.


Romance is in the air! When this tab appears, it’s a sign that there’s potential for lasting love and affection. Whether you’re single or already with your soulmate, now is the time to embrace deeper connections with those you care about. No matter what happens, don't be afraid to explore this path of potential romance. Where there’s love, miracles can happen. Open your heart to possibilities and let the journey unfold.

The Romance tablet in your reading is often a reminder that you deserve to be loved. Don't shy away from the opportunity for deeper connection with someone special or allow yourself to be held back by fear and loneliness. Be willing to take a chance on a blossoming relationship and find the love your heart desires.

Let this tab be a reminder to show more affection to those you feel connected with, and don’t be afraid to explore new relationships. Enjoy the journey and all of the potential it holds for growing together in a beautiful way. Have faith that true love exists and is on its way!

Whatever your current relationship status, the Romance tab is a reminder that we can always make space for love in our lives. Have courage and be open to creating meaningful bonds with those who bring joy and happiness into your life.


When the tab of seduction appears in your oracle tab reading, it indicates that you are being called to use your charm and wit to draw someone closer. It is a tablet about attraction and sensuality, encouraging you to be brave and pursue whatever relationship it is that's piquing your interest.

Seduction isn't just about sex though. It is also a reminder to express your affection and admiration openly, whether it be with someone you are romantically interested in or with a partner who needs to feel appreciated.

Be mindful of the power of your words and actions when you use your skills of seduction, as it can be an easy way to make someone feel special. With a little effort, you can be sure that whatever connection you are forming will be built on mutual admiration and respect.

In summary, the tab of seduction is a reminder to express your affections openly and be brave when pursuing relationships. Use your charm and wit to make someone feel special, but always remember to do so with respect and kindness. If you can do this, then you are sure to experience the magic of seduction in all its fullest potential!

Self Love-

Self Love is an essential part of our life journey. It's important to take the time each day to think and feel into how we are honoring ourselves, be it through self compassion or intentional self-care practices. When we cultivate a deep sense of love within ourselves, we open up the possibility for greater connection with others.

By opening up to loving yourself first, you can attract in more love from the Universe, bring in more harmony and joy into your life. Practice showing yourself kindness, caring for your needs, and embracing all that makes you unique! Self Love is a powerful tool to draw positive energy into our lives.

Take some time to reflect on what it means to have compassion for yourself. How can you be kinder to yourself? What small acts of love and kindness can you do each day? Make a commitment to practice self love on a daily basis and watch how your life begins to transform!

When we show ourselves the same amount of compassion, respect and love that we would show others, amazing things begin to happen. We start to accept our flaws, see our strengths, and appreciate ourselves for the unique beautiful beings that we are.

Self Love is an act of self-respect that sends powerful vibrational energy out into the world - may we all enjoy its rewards in our lives!


The Sensuality tablet can be indicative of strong physical and emotional attraction, or a passionate encounter. It represents the raw expression of sexual energy and desire between two people. This tab is all about the magnetic pull we feel when connecting with someone on a deeper level, whether it's in romance or friendship.

When you receive this tab, it can signify that you are longing for a connection with someone, or that there is an intimate relationship in your future. It may also signify the need to be mindful of your boundaries and to take time to consider what kind of relationships you want to form. Sensuality reminds us that physical intimacy and love can be powerful forces that bring joy and fulfillment.

This tablet also brings up the idea of taking pleasure in the beauty of the physical world. This can mean anything from taking time to appreciate a sunset or savoring a delicious meal, to enjoying the feel of a gentle breeze against your skin or basking in the warmth of sunshine on your face. When this tab appears, it is an invitation to be mindful and aware of how our senses interact with our environment. As you connect with the physical realm, you can open yourself up to higher levels of creativity and inspiration.

This tab also speaks to our creative abilities and encourages us to explore our own sensuality through art or other forms of expression. By connecting with the beauty within, we can awaken a sense of passion that will help us manifest more of what we desire in life.

Sensuality is a reminder to infuse pleasure and passion into all aspects of our lives. Take time to appreciate and explore the gifts that life has to offer, and you will find yourself living in alignment with your truth.


Serenity is a peaceful energy that comes to us when we take the time to meditate and feel the calming vibrations of the Universe. The tablet representing Serenity encourages us to focus on our breath, find stillness in our hearts, and listen for an inner knowing or wisdom within ourselves. When we come into balance and harmony with this force of peace and tranquility, we are able to accept our circumstances with grace and have faith that all is well.

Allow yourself to find a place of serenity and feel the comfort of its calming energy. Take this time for yourself in order to gain clarity, peace, and understanding. Serenity will bring you back into equilibrium so that you can move forward from your current situation with ease. Surrender to the divine flow of life and be at peace.

This tab also reminds us to stay open-minded and flexible, allowing ourselves to go with the flow instead of trying to control or manipulate outcomes. As we surrender our will to the Universe, we trust in its ability to bring forth what is best for our highest good. Take some time to relax and let go of any expectations or attachments that may be holding you back. Find balance in the stillness of Serenity and feel the peace coursing through your veins. You are supported in this journey, allowing yourself to receive divine guidance from within. Trust your intuition and direct your focus towards the energy of Serenity for a renewed sense of clarity and insight.

You can also use this tab to find peace in any chaotic or overwhelming situations. When we take a step back and focus on the stillness of Serenity, we are able to see things for what they really are; and make better decisions from a place of calmness instead of fear or anxiety. We can access deep knowing within ourselves and gain insights that help us to find clarity and acceptance.

Sexual Power-

Sexual Power is a reminder that we have control over our own sexual energy and sexuality. It's about embracing our sexuality and understanding the power that it has to bring us pleasure, joy, passion, and strength.

We are all sexual creatures, capable of enjoying sex without shame or guilt. Sexual Power encourages us to use our erotic desires as a force for good, to appreciate our own sexuality and the pleasure it can bring. We are also reminded of the importance of approaching sex responsibly. It is a potent form of energy that must be respected and directed correctly for positive outcomes.

Sexual Power encourages us to enjoy sex as part of our human experience while honoring any boundaries that we feel comfortable with. When we accept and appreciate our sexuality, we can use it as a tool to access our power and manifest our desires. Let us remember that sex can be an empowering experience that brings joy and strength.

We are encouraged to explore our own sexual energy with curiosity and respect for ourselves and others. Let us also remember the importance of consent, mutual pleasure, and safety within any sexual encounter. When we do so, we can reap the rewards of an empowered sexuality that brings us closer to our true selves.


Sobriety is a state of being fully and completely aware of your life without clouding it by outside substances. It means you're in full control of the decisions you make, free from external influences.

Being sober allows for clear-mindedness that can result in greater insight into yourself and life around you. Practicing sobriety means making choices with confidence and wisdom, and being comfortable in your decisions. It also allows you to take ownership of the life you are creating for yourself in every moment. With sobriety comes a profound appreciation for the beauty of living life with intention and clarity.

By remaining sober, one is able to access deeper levels of consciousness that may be undiscovered or unexplored. Through sobriety, we are able to tap into a greater understanding of ourselves and our own potential.

Sobriety can also refer to letting go of any negative habits or thought patterns that may be weighing you down. Learning how to be comfortable with yourself in any given moment will provide a sense of clarity and peace. Through sobriety, you can learn to trust yourself and follow the messages that come from within.

Tap into the power of sobriety to clear your mind, feel liberated from outside influences, and gain greater insight into your life journey. Being sober is a conscious choice that will bring balance and peace to your life.


Stability is a tablet of assurance and trust. It shows that you are on solid ground and have the support of your inner wisdom to guide you through any situation. The message this tab carries brings with it an immense sense of security, both mentally and emotionally. You can be sure all aspects of your life are taken care of in full.

Drawing this tab may signify that you are feeling stable and secure in life, or could be a reminder to trust yourself and your inner wisdom to create stability. When this tab appears, take some time to ground yourself and focus on the support systems around you. You have all the mental strength and resources needed to stay on track during this period of change. Let go of any anxiety and feel fully taken care of.

This tablet is also a reminder of the importance of both physical and emotional balance in life. When you feel an abundance of stability, it's time to take stock and plan for the future. The stability tablet encourages you to think ahead while remaining rooted in the present moment.

Take your time to explore what would make you feel completely comfortable and safe in every aspect of your life. When you are feeling balanced, you can confidently move forward with trust and assurance.

Take a moment to appreciate the stability in your life and all the support that surrounds you. Relax into it, tune into its vibration and enjoy the peace that comes from trusting in yourself. This tab brings with it an immense sense of security that allows you to blossom into your full potential.

Trust in the process and take action with joy, knowing you are on firm ground. Allow yourself to experience true stability and trust that all will be taken care of. You can always rely on your inner wisdom to lead you home.


This tablet symbolizes the power to get through anything and reminds you that you possess an inner strength and energy that will carry you through even the most difficult of times. Don’t be afraid to draw upon it when circumstances demand! With the right attitude and a bit of determination, anything is possible. You have everything you need to overcome the most challenging of obstacles - you just need to tap into your inner strength and draw upon it in order to succeed! Don’t let anything stand in your way - summon up all the strength and courage you have to achieve your goals!

Let this tab be a reminder that no matter what life throws at you, you have within yourself the power to persevere. Take a deep breath and stay focused on what needs to be done - nothing can keep you from achieving success if you muster up the stamina to see it through! With each step forward, you will be one step closer to your goal. Don’t give up - no matter how tough things seem, remember that you have the strength and energy to get through anything!

Have faith in yourself and never forget that you are capable of so much more than you think.

The stamina tablet is here to tell you that you can achieve your dreams - no matter how hard things seem, have faith in yourself and never give up on what you believe. The strength and energy to get through any obstacle lies within! Activate your inner power and never forget that anything is possible with just a bit of effort. Focus on the goal ahead and don't let anything stop you! Summon all your inner strength and never give up.

The power of stamina will be there for you to carry you through whatever comes your way. Believe in yourself – the world is yours!

Stress Relief-

The Stress Relief tablet is a reminder to take time for yourself and focus on your inner peace. The tab indicates that the best way to relieve stress is to go within and tap into the stillness of your soul. It also suggests that all will be well, and whatever you're dealing with can be worked out in time. This tab reminds you to take a few deep breaths and try to relax, while maintaining an attitude of acceptance.

It is important to remember that you are safe - everything will be ok in the end. You can trust that this moment will pass, and a new, more peaceful perspective is waiting for you on the other side. Take some time for self-care and practice mindfulness, allowing yourself to be supported and comforted by the moment.

The Stress Relief tab encourages you to release all anxieties and worries, allowing your heart to open up to a greater sense of inner peace. Know that you have the power to create calm within yourself, even when it feels like everything is spinning out of control. With each breath you take, feel the stress melt away and the lightness of being drift in.

Remember that you are strong and capable, with all of the resources you need to handle whatever life throws your way. Let this oracle tablet be a reminder that peace is always available to you - simply choose it.


The Transformation tab in your oracle reading indicates that now is the time for dramatic and positive change. You may feel like you are standing at a crossroads, unsure of which direction to go, but this tab is a sign of hope - it encourages you to take risks and embrace the unknown. It also symbolizes metamorphosis; transformation is often a difficult yet essential part of growth.

This tab suggests that you are being presented with an opportunity for spiritual, mental and emotional evolution. Don't be afraid to take the plunge and step into a new way of thinking and living - it could open up a world of possibilities. Allow yourself to experience the beauty of transformation and the positive results it can bring. Understand that change may be scary, but it can also lead to great rewards.

By taking this leap of faith, you will be one step closer to fulfilling your potential and unlocking the power of transformation. You have the strength to make a change - now is the time to take action!


When the Truth tab appears during an oracle tablet reading, it is often a reminder to be honest with yourself and others. This could mean seeing through lies, big or small, and being truthful in all aspects of life.

Truth is related to integrity; by aligning ourselves with truth, we are able to maintain our highest potential and reach our goals. It is important to remember that being truthful with ourselves and others goes beyond the spoken word. Our intentions, actions, and energy should all be in alignment with truth.

Truth can also signify a need for clarity or understanding. This could mean taking time to look deeply into an issue or situation to discover what lies beneath the surface. When we are honest about our thoughts and feelings, we can put ourselves on the path to truth.

Being honest with yourself and others is essential for living a life of authenticity. The Truth tab encourages us to be truthful in our interactions and stay consistent in our commitments. By embracing honesty, we create more meaningful relationships, open up new possibilities, and find inner peace.


Wisdom is an essential part of unlocking your true potential and manifesting your desired reality. When you call upon wisdom, you open yourself up to greater insight and clarity. This tablet symbolizes the need for sound judgment and decision-making, allowing you to make wise choices and use logic when navigating life’s decisions.

The wisdom tab encourages you to trust your intuition and develop your mental intelligence. It allows you to see the different scenarios that await you, so that you can make informed decisions that benefit both yourself and others. This tab is a reminder to be open-minded and seek guidance from trusted sources when making big life choices.

When this tab appears in your reading, it is time to step back and take inventory of your life choices. Ask yourself, “Am I making wise decisions that will benefit me in the long run?” It is also a reminder to trust your intuition and develop your mental intelligence so that you can make more informed decisions.

Trust in yourself and listen to the wisdom within. Your own wisdom and intuition can be a great source of guidance when making life decisions. The wisdom tab encourages you to look within, explore all the possibilities in front of you, and make wise choices that will bring you closer towards your goals.

© Audra English 2024

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