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Aphrodite – Goddess of love, beauty, & pleasure.


Aphrodite was one of the most important and complex ancient Greek goddesses and was often depicted as a beautiful and voluptuous woman. According to Greek mythology, she was born from the foam of the sea, near the island of Cythera. Some versions of the myth say that she was born when the Titan, Cronus, castrated his father, Uranus, and threw his genitals into the sea.


Her mesmerizing beauty was said to have captivated not only the other gods but also humans. She had many lovers throughout her life, most notably Adonis and Ares, and was the mother of several demigods. Thus, she was also known as the goddess of love and procreation. Her name, Aphrodite, translates to "risen from the foam" in ancient Greek, reflecting her origin story.


Apart from her breathtaking beauty, Aphrodite is also known for her powers in enchantment and love magic. Her power was so potent that it could make even the most strong-willed beings fall in love with her. She was often associated with roses, doves, and myrtle trees, all symbols of love and fertility. Her followers often invoked her for beauty, love, protection, and fertility.


In ancient Greece, Aphrodite was widely worshiped and had several temples dedicated to her. One of the most famous ones was in Paphos, Cyprus, where she was known as the "Paphian Goddess." Her worshipers would offer her gifts and sacrifices to appease her and seek her blessings. She was also a popular figure in art, with many artists portraying her in their works.


This potion is appropriate for you if you:


  • Want to bewitch and seduce a specific person
  • Want the ability to be the most gorgeous person in the room
  • Want to crush any competition in matters of love and romance
  • Want to be able to seduce completely with just a glance
  • Want peace and beauty in your relationships
  • Would like to spark passion between you and your target
  • Want your target to fall madly and undeniably in love with you
  • Want to renew a relationship that had gone sour
  • Would like the ability to have intense and passionate sex
  • Want to get revenge against a rival for your significant other
  • Want a commitment from a specific person
  • Want to ensure your partner is completely faithful and loyal to you
  • Want to increase your ability and strength of orgasms
  • Would like a marriage proposal
  • Want to have a healthy and youthful appearance to you
  • Want your skin to glow with vitality and youth
  • Would like to spark desire and influence over people
  • Want someone to express their true feelings for you
  • Want a specific person to open their heart and mind to you
  • Want to get back with an ex
  • Would like to steal away someone from your rival
  • Need to feel worshiped by your significant other
  • Would like your significant other to proudly talk about you to other people
  • Want your beauty to be legendary
  • Would like to have a more curvaceous figure
  • Would like to mold yourself into your perfect body shape
  • Want all your ex's to feel horrible and regret ever letting you go
  • Would like to use sex magick to manifest or increase pleasure and loyalty
  • Would like to be your lovers best friend
  • Would like your significant other to be very affectionate with you

  • You would like to directly worship and work with the Goddess Aphrodite


The process of making our potion elixirs:


Each bottle comes from a large master potion elixir oil jar that it infused with magickal herbs, crystals, and additional talisman's and charms James has made specifically for their intention. Some of these (especially the curse, wealth and protection oils) might have snake skins or other animal parts in little mesh bags inside the oils, so I would not assume these oils are vegan. Some are, but some wont be. We cannot make a non vegan oil vegan unfortunately.


Each intention has it's own large master potion elixir oil jar. James and Audra have been casting on these potion elixir oils for over a year now and during very special events including new and full moons, eclipses, lions gate, 11/11 etc. This means they've been infused with an incredible abundance of magick.


When you order a potion elixir, Audra will siphon a small amount out of master jar and will place it in a little cup with your name and date of birth written on a paper in it. She will then do a spell to bind that oil specifically to you, ask for it to listen to your commands and to manifest the wishes you ask from it. She then bottles it for you, places a label and sends it your way.


Aphrodite Potion Elixir Oil – Goddess of love, beauty, & pleasure.

    • Love

    • Beauty

    • Passion

    • Fidelity

    • Seduction

    • Youth

    • Deep Affection

    • Loyalty

    • Devotion

    • Endearment

    • Infatuation

    • Intimacy

    • Sex Magick

    • Tenderness

    • Marriage

    • Peace in Relationships

    • Worship

    • Desire

    • Body Sculpting

    • Age Reversal

    • Shapeliness

    • Alluring

    • Radiance

    • Sex Appeal

    • Each bottle of potion elixir should last over 90 days (or at least 3 moon cycles) if you use one drop per day, but most people will want to use more than this, especially since it strengthens the spell. Try to aim to use at least 3 drops a day. You will need to focus on your intention (you can even say it out-loud) right after applying your elixir oil.


    • You’ll want to make sure you are consistent with applying and focusing on your intention since magick is a buildup of energies. The more repetitive you are, the stronger your spell and better your results will be. If you are more consistent with not using your elixir, your results will match your effort. So, please keep that in mind.


    • The places to apply your elixir on your body will vary per potion elixir. On wealth potion elixirs, you’ll want them on your hand (to receive), for love potion elixirs, you’ll want them on your chest (over your heart), and for banishing/break up potions, you’ll want them on your feet (to kick and stomp them out!) Please pay attention to the instructions per potion exlixir as each elixir oil has its own instructions.


    • You’ll want to make sure you find a designated time for each potion’s application. For example, if you have 5 different potions elixirs you are working with, you'll need make sure you space out the rituals throughout the day so you can dedicate your energy to each one independently. However if you are using potion elixirs with the same intention (for example, you have 2 or more for bringing you wealth) you can use those together. Just don't use a wealth and love potion together. Space them several hours or more apart so you have time to focus on your intentions for each elixir.


    • You don’t want to start or end your day with a negative potion (like a break up potion) so try to keep those to do mid-day so you can quickly move on from them to keep your own energy positive. You don't want to give too much attention to a negative situation. If this isn’t possible or you want to make sure the negative energy does not affect you, consider buying a positive energy boost elixir to keep your energy positive after using a negative potion. Keep track of your schedule and try to stick with it as much as possible. The alarm on your phone is a great tool to keep you on your toes and consistent.


    • Your potion elixirs should be stored in a cool dark place. They are made of pure high quality coconut oil and top quality fragrance oils (unless you requested fragrance free oils) which thankfully have a long shelf life, but you still need to protect them from the sun and heat as this can turn any oil no matter it’s quality, rancid. I do not want you using rancid oils as it is not healthy and it’s quite frankly, it is disgusting. I am a stickler for high quality oils and herbs, especially if they are going to be put on my body, so you get the benefit of getting the very best as I use my own products offered here to you, which match my own very high standards. Please make sure you are taking care of your potion elixirs to keep them usable and to respect their energy. These potion elixirs are sacred tools, and should be treated as such.


    • Once full results are achieved, you can continue to use your potion elixirs just when and if you feel you need a booster. If it's been years and you've had consistent results, you are welcome to dispose of your potion elixirs, but do so in a way that is respectful to your potion elixir. You can pour the remaining amount into the earth and thank it for it's help and success and wrap the bottle with tissue and dispose of in a way you feel is best. You can also bury the whole bottle with potion and everything in a place where it will not be disturbed and where broken glass is unlikely to hurt anyone. I also don't mind taking care of the disposal myself for an extra fee. What ever you do, it is important that you respect the magick and the universe for this sacred magick tool.

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