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This is a complicated spell since we have to figure out what spells have been done on you and how to get them removed from you. It can be time consuming and take several castings.


This price covers all possible work and castings. Some people will have harder cases than others of course but I felt this price was fair for all possible work to be done.


We will work with a psychic who is good at pin pointing past spells or energy from them and will help us figure out where we should work and how.


This will work if you have curses or hexes on you that you wish to break. It will also help if you've been sent negative energy from another person and it has caused you problems in your life, success, and happiness.


This spell is appropriate for people in these situations:


  • You can tell there is something wrong with the way your life has been going

  • You feel you have bad luck and don't know why

  • It seems as if everything you do goes wrong

  • You are constantly rejected

  • You feel you have a target on your back

  • Your whole family seems to have bad luck

  • You have constant bad dreams

  • You feel as if you are walking around with a black cloud over your head

  • No matter how hard you work or try, you never can seem to get ahead

  • You've seen or felt negative energy or spirits in your home or around you

  • You've noticed that since being around another person, your life has just gone downhill

  • You are always getting sick or feeling weak/low energy

  • You can't seem to get happy, even when good things happen to you

  • People don't like you or want to be around you

  • It's been mentioned before that you might be cursed

  • You feel you've been cursed

  • You've dabbled in the occult and things took a turn for the worst since then

  • You got into a disagreement with another person and since they've been upset at you, it is as if the whole world has just fallen apart around you

After placing your order, please read and reference the FAQ page to help you understand your part in your magick for best results.


Please send the answers to these questions to if you don't answer them here along with any pictures after placing your order.


Your questionnaire:


1. Your full name?

2. Birth date?

3. What has happened to make you believe you have a curse, negative energy, or a dark spirit around you?

4. Was there a time in which everything was going much better or has it always been this way?

5. Please describe what you're looking to achieve with this spellwork?

6. Are you willing to let the spellwork get attached to your aura and use the law of attraction to ensure best results?

7. Any other info you think we might need to know to help us with your spell? Anything that lets us get to know you better helps!


*Please note, nothing tangible comes in the mail with this spell. It is cast directly on you or your target!*

Remove A Curse Spell

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