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This spell is perfect for you if:


  • You want your target to dump or divorce their husband or boyfriend
  • You want to make sure it is your target's choice to leave to ensure they aren't pining or on the rebound after the break up
  • You want to make sure any residual “feelings” good memories or desire goes along with the other man
  • You want to ensure your target moves on from their current or past relationship completely
  • You want the universe to bury all possibilities of your target and this other man being together ever again
  • You want to make sure there is a clean slate and open door for you to walk through and pick up the pieces
  • You want to make sure the other man knows there is no possibility of reconciliation and abandons any hope or desire to try and win your target back


After placing your order, please read and reference the FAQ page to help you understand your part in your magick for best results.


Please send the answers to these questions to if you don't answer them here along with any pictures after placing your order.


Your questionnaire:


1. Name of your target?

2. Your target's birth date (if known?)

3. Name of the man you want them to leave?

4. That man's date of birth (if known?)

5. Explain the nature and history of their relationship?

6. What is the reason you are wanting them to break up and why do you want your target to be the one to cut it off?

7. What is the best case scenario in your mind on how they break up?

8. Are you willing to be patient and positive so that this spell has time to ultimately work?

9. Any other info you think we might need to know to help us with your spell? Anything that lets us get to know you better helps!


*Please note, nothing tangible comes in the mail with this spell. It is cast directly on you and/or your target!*

Leave Him Now Spell!

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