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Triskelion Goal Achievement Manifestation Spell


The Celtic Triskelion is an extremely ancient symbol which is also known as the Triskele or the Celtic Spiral.


In fact, it predates the arrival of the Celts in Ireland by some 2,500 years.


There is a lot of discussion over the Triskelion's meaning online.

Some assert that it stands for the physical world, the spirit world, and the celestial world of the sun, moon, stars, and planets. Some claim that it symbolizes strength, progress, and the capacity to move forward.


For this spell, we use all of that symbolism together to call on the physical, spiritual, and celestial worlds to help you have the strength and ability to achieve and manifest your goals.


This spell can be used to help with any goals you have, romantic, business, financial, physical, etc. just let me know what goals you want to use this for if there is something specific so we can customize this spell for you.


This spell also comes with a custom Potion Elixir for use to use on goal achievement! Full instructions are included with your potion.



After placing your order, please read and reference the FAQ page to help you understand your part in your magick for best results.


Please send the answers to these questions to if you don't answer them here along with any pictures after placing your order.


Your questionnaire:


1. Your full name?

2. Birth date?

3. Are there any specific goals you want to use this spell for?

4. Are you willing to be patient, remain hopeful, and have positive energy so that this spell has time to attach to your aura and manifest for you?

5. Any other information you feel will help us cast your spell for you?


Triskelion Goal Achievement Manifestation Spell

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