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  • Nine Types of Negativity that will Stop Manifestation in it's Tracks!

    Through habit, many of us are guilty of several if not all of these nine types of negativity. Unfortunately, if we do not recognize, stop, and reverse these negative habits, we will halt our progress and delay or even stop our goals and dreams from manifesting entirely. Go through this list, print it, and make a commitment to yourself to make new and healthier habits. Jealousy It is amazing how many people get inebriated with the green eyed monster. What you may not realize is that the more attention you give to people you are jealous of, even if that attention is negative, the more they will continue to have what you want and the more you will block that exact person, thing, or desire from coming your way. Your energy stops going to you, and so manifestation naturally can't come your way. You will miss opportunities and will stall progress entirely if you look at other people and feel jealously. If you can't be happy that someone has or is something that you want, you need to completely put them out of your mind. Judging Others Jealousy and judgment definitely are two covers of the same book! One habit is usually followed closely by the other. Judgment is something I see a lot on social media which is why I'm not a fan and try to stay off facebook and instagram for the most part. A lot of people take it upon themselves these days to be a critic. Many enjoy fighting and arguing with other people online because their own insecurities and doing what I like to call “righteous bullying” which is bullying someone else and talking down to them about something socially or politically correct to make yourself feel morally superior. If you are feeling secure in yourself, you will not need to participate in drama or cast judgment on other people. Even if you are not one to judge people outright, your circle of friends and family if judgmental, can cast their negativity onto you if you read or hear judgmental comments. This will change your vibration, change your energy, and slow down your manifestation. You need to make it a mission to look at other people (friends and strangers) on a daily basis with kindness, compassion, and happiness. Stay away from saying (and thinking) things that are judgmental of other people and try instead to lift other people up. You might need to clean house a bit on your social media accounts to ensure you don't get swept up in online drama. This can be as simple as unfollowing people, news organizations, and groups who are out of harmony with your goals. Perfectionism You will never be satisfied with your results if you are not satisfied until perfection is achieved. The Universe needs positive feedback over little signs of manifestation to continue to grant you bigger and better manifestation. Gratitude is also required for manifestation, and not being satisfied until everything is perfect is the opposite of gratitude. You still of course should allow yourself to keep your eyes on the end goal and have standards, but also make sure you are feeling satisfaction and gratitude for any little sign that you are getting closer to your ultimate wish. Be kind to yourself, those helping you, and the Universe by enjoying the journey along the way. Complaining If you are complaining about anything, no matter how small, you are out of alignment with your goals. For you to notice anything to complain about, it means you are not practicing gratitude and are not regulating your vibration. So the moment you find yourself noticing something to complain about, you need to shift your energy and pivot your thoughts in the right direction. Doubt Doubt and worry go hand in hand. If you are doubting weather your crush could actually fall for you, its because you're actually worried you'll get your hopes up and have your heart crushed. If you doubt that you'll someday get into that dream house your heart is set on, so you avoid thinking about it when doing your visualizing exercises, you're actually worried that your manifesting exercises aren't going to work. This doubt your feeling is actually going to ensure that you are totally correct in your worries. The law of attraction is law. No exceptions. So when you doubt and worry about something, the Universe will actually carry those worries and doubts into fruition. This is why faith is so important. Anything you can do to help replace doubt with faith will help you manifest your dreams much faster. Looking for little signs of manifestation and make sure you notice how well the law of attraction actually works on small things. This will help give you that faith you need so that you can start noticing the law of attraction working on the bigger things. Assuming the Worst Some of us are under the assumption that if we always assume the worse, we will be mentally prepared, just in case. This is basically setting us up to use the law of attraction to do exactly the opposite of what we really want. Ironically, if that worst case scenario doesn't actually come true, we will have already gone through the trauma and emotions of it as if it did happen when it was really quite unnecessary and harmful to our overall goals and manifestation. If you are someone who has a habit of thinking about everything that could go wrong... get into a habit of instead asking yourself “What could go right?” and focus on feeling as if everything has gone right already and allowing yourself to enjoy and embrace the feelings as if everything has worked out in your favor. Lack of Faith One of the problems with the law of attraction is that it requires faith and that is something that YOU have to supply. You can't let anyone do that for you. Thankfully though, you can look to other people's experiences and success with the law of attraction and magick to help give you that faith. There are tons of other tricks you can keep up your sleeve to help supply you that faith. Start a evidence journal where you list evidence that the law of attraction and magick is real by your experiences (no matter how small, it is all valid) and other people's experiences. Find a couple youtube videos, websites, podcasts, and books to go back to when your faith is lacking and you need a quick pick me up. All of us go through times when our faith is tested, but that is a sign our vibration is not in sync with our dreams and we need to regroup. So if you are getting that doubt, worry, and lack of faith creeping in... it means you need to get back to the program ASAP! Impatience When we live in a world where we get annoyed that our amazon order isn't eligible for one day shipping, or get stressed out because our netflix video isn't buffering fast enough and we might need to try again in a few minutes, it is not hard to imagine that we have a expectation of instant gratification. Instant gratification in our modern world is awesome and something we are very lucky for, but it also sets us up for thinking that everything we want should come to use within a certain time period, and if it doesn't than it means the Universe, magick, and/or the law of attraction has failed us. What we might not understand is that “time” is man made, so to hold the Universe, magick, and the law of attraction which is ancient elemental wisdom up to modern man made standards, is so unfair to the process and especially unfair to us. We might think that certain goals are unattainable or certain spells have failed us because we were not able to get it working in the time period we gave it, but in actuality, we failed ourselves. If that dream or goal is still important to you, don't let it go and don't give it an ultimatum! Let it manifest for you! Not Controlling Your Thoughts One of the most important aspects to getting manifestation is to control your vibration. The best way of doing this is to control your thoughts and use your imagination to create you optimal life. In your mind, you can already feel the feelings that come with living the life you really want. Use all your senses when you are imaging and thinking about those scenarios. Use mantras, vision boards, meditation, and journaling to help you get into the habit of being mindful and using your thoughts to create the life you want. If you are not actively controlling your mind, outside sources will be using your subconscious to use your thoughts to benefit them. So, it is very important you take control of your thoughts and thus take control of your energy. This is a habit you will always need to work on because your subconscious mind is so susceptible to outside voices. You'll be amazed how fast your goals, law of attraction exercises and spells start producing results once you recognize yourself in these patterns of negativity and start to reverse old patterns. Use this list to help keep you accountable and to help you create new habits that will lead you down the road of happiness and success. You've got this!

  • Love spell done by Our High Priestess

    These are pictures of a customized love spell our Voodoo High Priestess did for one of our customers. She took plenty of pictures to show the energy of the spell as well as her love alter.

  • Ostara: A Celebration Of The Spring Equinox

    Our Ostara Alter What is Ostara Ostara (pronounced Oh-STAR-uh) is one of our eight sabbats (holidays) on the wheel of the year. It is celebrated on the Spring Equinox when the season changes and we now have the same amount of day light as we do night darkness. We focus on fertility, new growth, and balance during this time. Fertility: Ostara is when the Goddess is at the peak of fertility and is ready to conceive with the Sun God. Nine months from now, she will move into her next life cycle and become a mother. Ostara is believed to get it's name from the Saxon Lunar Goddess of Fertility, Eostre (this is where we get the word estrogen from) whose symbols are eggs, flowers, and rabbits because they are linked to fertility. This is a day that is sacred to her. New Growth: Snow should have now melted away leaving bulbs blooming, baby animals frolicking, trees starting to get new leaves and fresh ground ready for seeds to be planted. Many people celebrate this holiday by planting a new garden, spending time eating a Ostara feast with friends and family, and focusing on embracing nature by spending time outside and witnessing new growth. Balance: Since this is a time when we have equality and balance with our day/night, this is a time when we get to focus on balancing and refreshing ourselves and where we live. We can focus on doing health cleanses internally and externally. Opening up our windows to let in fresh air and do some spring cleaning. We want to focus right now on getting ourselves renewed both mentally and physically so that we have enough energy to work and play during the long upcoming summer days. Making A Ostara Alter: There are a few things that you can do to celebrate and get the most out of Ostara. First, I'd consider setting up a little Ostara alter for yourself. You don't have to go all out, it can even be some flowers and a candle. The best flowers to pick would be spring flowers, but especially daffodils and tulips. Your candles should be pastel in color. If you have any figurines of chicks, rabbits, eggs, you can put them on your alter. Pastel crystals are also a great benefit to your alter. Just let your heart guide you on what you want your alter to look like to celebrate Ostara. Here is a close up of what ours currently looks like: Wishing Egg Spell One of my favorite things to make for Ostara is a wishing egg. It's incredibly simple but an awesome spell that gets results! Even children can participate and enjoy making these, so it might be a fun project for the family if you want to introduce your children to magick. You will put corresponding herbs, crystals, trinkets, and a paper with all your wishes for that specific spell into the egg, you then will close it up and decoupage it to seal it shut (and plant your spell to grow) and decorate it with ribbons, stickers, beads or anything else you can think of. You hang it up or keep it close to you and focus nightly on your wish till it comes true. Once your wish comes true, you can keep the egg somewhere safe. What you'll need: Plastic eggs Tissue paper, old book pages, or newspaper Elmers glue Ribbon Tape Pen or marker Craft gemstones, glitter, paint, stickers, and anything else to decorate your egg. Herbs, trinkets, crystals, and anything else you want to put into your egg. 1. Gather all your materials. 2. Put your herbs, crystals, trinkets, pictures, and anything else you feel drawn to, into your egg. 3. Write two lists of your wishes that correspond to your type of egg. Fold one and put it in your egg, put the other list aside right now. 3. Close your egg up and tape a looped ribbon to your egg. 4. Decoupage your egg with white glue mixed with a little water. You can use old book pages, tissue paper, or news paper. Let it dry completely. I find hanging them up in front of a fan really helps dry them faster. 5. Decorate your egg(s) with glitter, mini gems, feathers, paint, glitter, anything that you want. Make it look pretty and like something you are ok being hung up around your home or in your car. 6. After you are done decorating your egg and everything is dry, you can do a simple spell while holding your egg: Light a candle (green for wealth, orange or blue for health, and pink for love) Start your spell by saying "Goddess Eostre, hear my plea please grant me these wishes I ask of thee... (say your wishes) I promise to be patient so that my wishes will grow But please make them happen before the next snow The seed has now been planted with love, faith and hope" You can say this spell with your wishes each night while you hold your egg till they come true. Here is some decorating ideas and ideas on what to fill your eggs with: Wealth Wish Egg Fill with any of these: Coins, paper money, shredded money and trinkets that symbolize wealth, your picture, a clip of your hair. Herbs: Basil, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Clove, Comfrey, Dill, Ginger, Honeysuckle, Iris, Jasmine, Marigold, Nutmeg, Patchouli, Periwinkle, Poppy, Sage. Crystals: Aventurine, Bloodstone, Citrine, Copper, Emerald, Green Jasper, Malachite, Moss Agate, Peridot, Pyrite, Tigers Eye. Try to use a green pen/marker to write your wishes with and use a green egg. Here is our finished wealth wish egg: Love Wish Egg Fill with any of these: Trinkets that represent love, a piece of a love letter or something personal from your lover, a picture of them, a clip of their hair or anything else you might have from them if possible. Herbs: Anise, Basil (for reconciliation), Cardamom, Carnation (for deep love), Clove, Cinnamon, Catnip (for attraction), Cumin, Daffodil (for unrequited love), Daisy, Dill, Ginger, Fern, Hibiscus (for attraction), Honeysuckle (for devotion), Jasmine (for attraction), Lavander, Lilac, Marigold, Marjoram, Mugwort, Poppy, Rose, Sage, Spearmint, Thyme, Violet. Crystals: Amazonite, Amethyst (for manifestation), Aventurine (for influence), Desert Rose, Emerald (to secure love), Garnet, Labradorite, Lepidolite, Malachite, Moonstone, Opal, Rhodochrosite, Rhodonite, Rose Quartz. Try to use a pink or red pen to write your wishes with and use a pink egg. Here is our finished love wish egg: Health Wish Egg Fill with any of these: Pictures of you as well as trinkets or words and pictures from magazines that make you think of health. Herbs: Allspice, Cardamom, Cedar, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Clove, Clover, Comfrey, Coriander, Daisy, Dandelion, Fennel, Flax, Garlic, Ginger, Holly, Jasmine, Juniper, Lavender, Lemon Balm, Marigold, Marjoram, Mugwort, Mustard, Olive, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sage, Spearmint, Thyme, Valerian. Crystals: Agate, Amber, Amethyst, Apatite, Aquamarine, Aventurine, Bloodstone, Blue Lace Agate, Carnelian, Celestite, Citrine, Emerald, Hematite, Malachite, Moonstone, Moss Agate, Petrified Wood, Quartz (clear and rose), Sodalite, Sunstone, Tiger's Eye, Tourmaline Try to use a orange, blue, or lavender pen and egg. Here is our finished health wish egg: Audra used tissue paper on it to give it a really neat tie dye look: Please let me know how your wish eggs turn out. I'd love to see pictures of them. Now go out, play in the sun, pick some daffodils, make some deviled eggs, and enjoy Ostara! :-)

  • How To Survive A Mercury Retrograde

    So, here we go again... we are now in another Mercury Retrograde. If you are interested, even slightly, in astrology you've probably heard this term before, but do you know what it means? There are times when certain planets appear to actually move backwards in motion, this is not actually what is happening, but this is our perception of what is going on and we call this phenomenon a Retrograde. If you happen to own a witches or astrology calender you'll notice that it will sometimes have a little RX symbol next to certain planets marked in your calender. RX is the symbol to let you know that planet is in Retrograde. This is what is happening right now with the planet Mercury and hence the term “Mercury Retrograde.” When a planet goes into retrograde, the things ruled by that planet, are affected for better or for worse. Since Mercury rules communication, travel, electronics, and contracts, these areas in your life might go a bit crazy at this time. It's not something you should be worried about, it's just something you should be aware of. Right now is the time for you to take a laid back approach towards life and relationships. I'm going to go over the common problems that occur in each area during a Mercury Retrograde and how it can affect your spellwork: Communication and Relationships: One of the most common things I get emails over during a Mercury Retrograde are people upset because they just had an argument with their significant other or just had a break up due to a misunderstanding. These are things that are very common during this time. It's so common that I am  always waiting for that influx of people getting discouraged by a bad conversation they just had with their target. Since communication is effected, naturally you'll be more likely to say the wrong thing to your loved one or take something he or she said more harshly than you should have. So now more than ever, it is essential to make sure that you refrain from conversations about your relationship or anything that has a chance to get heated. Actually, some of the most mundane things have a chance to end up getting heated right now, so anything big should definitely not be brought up right now.  If there is something important that needs to be addressed, stick a pin in it, save it for another time. If that person is really worth it to you, the conversation can wait, otherwise you might start something you really will wish you could take back later.  If you find that someone you care for getting upset with you and bringing up the past or other things that are bothering them, this again is a time for you to try and get away from the conversation till a later date if that person really means something to you. Neither of you will get a positive resolution at this moment so it's best to be smart about the situation and dodge the conversation until Mercury goes direct again. Since break ups are common right now, if you happen to be on the receiving end of a break up, try not to let it get you down too much since these things can be fixed, but just be aware they are not going to get fixed right now so trying to talk him or her out of a break up will just dig you deeper into a hole. The deeper you get into that hole the harder it will be for us to try and get you out of it. So respect their wishes at this moment and give them some time to themselves. Giving people you're having conflicts with plenty of space at this moment is one of the best things you can do during a Mercury Retrograde. So even if you miss them and are worried they will forget you or move on from you, keep strong in your resolve to give them time away from you because you are focused on the end result which will make the space you give them worth it. Too many people cause problems for themselves by not taking this advice and if we have to clean up misunderstandings and problems that were caused from you getting into conflicts at this time, it just adds more time and heartache that we will have to deal with later. Travel: Usually they (whoever they are?! lol) advise people to try not to travel during a Mercury Retrograde, but unless you work from home and have hoarded enough groceries to last for about a month, you're going to need to leave the house. Plus, since Mercury Retrogrades come about three to four times a year, it's not realistic nor necessary to hide away from the world. So some things to be aware of when you leave the house is to make sure your car is in good working order, you have enough gas in your car, leave more than enough time to get to your destination since traffic jams seemingly pop out of no where during this time, and pay plenty of attention to what is going on around you while you are driving. Make sure you are not speeding since you're more likely to end up getting a ticket, and keep a eye out for red lights. Basically, do everything you should be doing anyway! ;-) If you are traveling on a plane, make sure you double check the times in which you depart and arrive and make sure you double check your gate numbers. Electronics: This is probably the thing that I always get hit with each Mercury Retrograde. To be fair though, I've never had good luck with electronics anyway. Even right now they've decided to start laying down google fiber in my neighborhood and we've had problems all week with our electricity and internet as a result. I luckily have two phones and two computers so if something goes wrong with one, I've got a backup. Plus there is always a Starbucks I can run to if my internet or electricity has problems. So I've had to come up with back up plans to make sure my emails and updates get done and it has helped reduce stress since I know I'm prepared. So my advice is to just be aware that things can happen to your electronics during this time so make sure you have backups of everything that are important to you. Make sure you've charged your phone just in case you need it if you are out and about and need help from your car breaking down and ensure you double check your alarm clock, and for the love of God (or Goddess!) stay away from social media! You've got communication and electronics tied into one area that is just tempting you to get into trouble! Social media is a cesspool of negative energy when Mercury is in direct motion, so you're just betting against yourself to get on Facebook or any other social media site at this moment. So stay away from these sites or at least give yourself a time limit each day if you HAVE to get on it. Contracts: Just don't sign anything important or life changing if you can get out of it. Don't schedule houses to close during this time, don't sign up for a new phone plan (got burned on that one a couple years back myself), don't plan a marriage to take place during a Mercury Retrograde. Just try to keep important contracts on the back burner till Mercury goes direct again. If you have no choice but to sign a contact, make sure you double and triple read it so that you don't miss anything. If something doesn't feel right, make sure you bring it up before you sign. You'll save yourself a lot of misery if you are proactive in making sure you cover your butt. So these are things you need to watch out for right now. It doesn't mean that it's a bad thing for Mercury to go into retrograde. There are plenty of benefits to a Mercury Retrograde and actually, it gives us some pretty good opportunities when it comes to magick. Here are some good things that will benefit us at this time: The past will pop up and we will have a chance to remember the good times and replay them in our head. This is especially beneficial if you have a love spell being done on someone you had a very good past with. It will be a good time to help remind them of the love you two did share and give them those feelings of joy you once had together. For some people, nostalgia is a huge benefit for relighting the spark that had gone out. So this is a good time to use spellwork to focus on past love and past happiness. Moving on... this is a good time to make the choice to move on from someone who is toxic to you. I've recently used this opportunity to say things that needed to be said to someone who I felt was harmful to me. I was able to remember everything that had been building up and write them down in such a way to make sure she knew how hurtful she had been to me and how upset I was that she decided to take my caring nature and use it against me. I got to say the words that I've needed to say for many years and end the relationship with her on my terms which gave me an amazing sense of relief. So if there is a person or people who are toxic to you, this is a good time to end the relationship with them. Just make sure you are 100% sure you are ready to move on. If so, this is your opportunity to get those psychic vampires out of your life. Since we went over break ups and how they can happen frequently right now, the other side to this coin is actually using a Mercury Retrograde to help break up a couple. If you are waiting out a relationship or have a loved one cheating on you, this is the time to break up that situation or that couple. Misunderstandings are very, very common so we get to use this to our advantage when doing break up spells during this time. Mercury Retrogrades also give us a chance to recover. This is the time to recover from past hurts and to take it easy. Aura cleanses and anything that focus on healing is important right now. Take the time to remember your happy moments in life, give thanks for them, and let go of the things that have caused you pain in your life. Accept apologies you've never been given. Forgive yourself for past mistakes and spend time focusing on you. If you are having a particularly difficult time right now, here are a few things you can do: Mercury Retrograde Survival Spell: You'll need: A blue candle (the color ruled by Mercury in Retrograde)   A pin or another sharp object to carve a symbol into the candle Oil (lemon grass or a oil specifically blended for the Mercury Retrograde)  Yellow Ribbon (the color of Mercury while it's direct) Gather all your materials and find a nice spot where you are able to do your spell with out distraction from noises or people. This is a good one to do in the morning to help set your day on the right path, but if you are unable to do that, it's ok to do it when it is dark as well. It is ok for you to have pets in the room as long as they are quiet and let you work peacefully. Carve the Mercury symbol into your candle and anoint it with your oil. Take the ribbon and tie it around the candle. This symbolizes you setting Mercury's energy forward into direct motion since you are wrapping a blue candle (color of Mercury being in retrograde) with a yellow (color of Mercury being direct) ribbon. So this step is important. Pictured below is an example of what your candle should look like at this point. If you are using a pilar candle, carve your symbol into the side. Light your candle and say your spell: “Mercury, please hear my plea set things forward in motion the way they ought to be. I need relief, right away Please help me make it though the day. With these words, it's up to you. Go on and show me what you can do.” After you are done saying your spell at least once (you can also say it several times as a chant if you want to since it does help build energy to chant it, but that is again personal preference), you can keep the candle burning while you focus on the flame and your intention till the candle burns out completely (in this case, use a chime candle or tea light, otherwise you'll be at this for hours! Lol) or you can snuff out your candle and save it to re-do the spell each morning or night till you are done with the candle. To keep the spell going, just light it each morning or night, re-anoint with oil, and say your spell. Mercury Retrograde Survival Talisman: Another thing that you can do is carry a Mercury Retrograde Talisman with you. Gather your supplies: Find a rock that is flat and small enough to fit into your pocket or use one of the glass pebbles I like to use as rune stones. Yellow and silver paint Paintbrushes Clear spray paint Lemon grass or Mercury Retrograde Oil Paint your rock or pebble fully with yellow paint (the color of Mercury going direct) and use silver paint to paint the Mercury symbol on it. Seal it with a clear coat of spray paint to ensure it doesn't rub off, once fully dry, you will anoint it with lemongrass oil, or Mercury Retrograde oil while setting your intention for this talisman (which is to help you get through the Mercury Retrograde) and focusing on moving a little yellow ball of energy from your body into the talisman. Keep your talisman with you where ever you go to help offer protection from the ill effects of Mercury in Retrograde. These are the supplies needed for your talisman: Life Spirits Mercury Retrograde Survival Spell: If you don't feel up to casting your own spell, or want us to add additional energy to help you out, I always have the Mercury Retrograde Survival Spell listed in our Limited Special Spells category. We have a lot more options available to us since we have a pretty extensive witches cupboard so have a pretty awesome spell we can do for you if you feel you need one done up. So that is another option you have at your disposal during this time. I also offer free positive energy boosts and sometimes will offer a group Aura Cleanse for free if I feel it's been a particularly difficult Mercury Retrograde for people. So those are always things to keep a eye out for since I want to make sure I have you guys covered during what can be a very frustrating time for all of us. I hope I gave you guys a pretty good synopsis on what a Mercury Retrograde is and how it can affect you and your spellwork plus a few options to help you all get through it without too much damage. I'm sure I'll have some editing (please let me know if you see something I need to fix) that I'll need to do and things to add to this later on, but I've gotten so many emails already this week and will be giving everyone a link to this since their issues are directly related to the Mercury Retrograde. I knew putting this up right now would help some of you who are struggling.  Please make sure that if you still have any questions for me about the Mercury Retrograde, to email me at and I will get to you as soon as I can to help out.

  • Beginning Crystal Use For Magick

    How to cleanse and charge your crystals: When you find the crystal or crystals that call to you, you will want to cleanse your crystals of any past vibrations and charge it with your own intentions. You have several options available to you when it comes to cleansing your crystal... 1. Smudge  with smoke from white sage, santo palo sticks, or sweet grass. 2. Run your crystal under cool clean water. Make sure you allow it to fully dry as some crystals don't appreciate too much water. 3. Place in a bowl of sea salt over night. This can damage some crystals so look up to see if this is recommended. If not, you can place a smaller empty bowl into a larger bowl that has the sea salt and place your crystals in the smaller bowl so that it gets the benefit of the salt without the physically damaging effects. 4. Place in the sun or in the moon light. Some crystals prefer moon and some crystals prefer sun. You can look up which is best for your particular crystal online. You can do one or a combination of these to cleanse your crystal. I personally like to clear mine with water and once try smudge them with smoke. After your crystal is cleared of any negative or stagnant energy, it is time to charge it with your intentions. 5. Place in a bowl of sea salt over night. This can damage some crystals so look up to see if this is recommended. If not, you can place a smaller empty bowl into a larger bowl that has the sea salt and place your crystals in the smaller bowl so that it gets the benefit of the salt without the physically damaging effects. 6. Place in the sun or in the moon light. Some crystals prefer moon and some crystals prefer sun. You can look up which is best for your particular crystal online. You can do one or a combination of these to cleanse your crystal. I personally like to clear mine with water and once try smudge them with smoke. After your crystal is cleared of any negative or stagnant energy, it is time to charge it with your intentions. To do this, you simply hold it and  verbally or telepathically tell it what you want it to do for you. Imagine a white source of energy coming from you and into your crystal charging it full of the vibrations that you are sending it. Focus like this on your crystal till you feel it is charged appropriately with your intentions. You will get the best results if you charge the types crystals that best correspond with your wishes. If at any time you feel your crystal needs a boost of energy, you can cleanse it using the above methods and re-charge it, or you can put it in the light of the Full Moon over night. Sometimes I do both on crystals I tend to favor since I use them quite often. Just do what you feel is best for you. The more you get used to working with crystals, the more in tune you will be with their vibration and the more you will be able to figure out how to get them to work best for you. :-) Here is a small list of easy to get crystals and their correspondences to help you start to build your collection: Crystals for LOVE: Rose Quartz Rhodocrosite Malachite Emerald Amethyst Garnet Ruby Jade Kunzite Angelite Selenite Pink Opal Crystals for WEALTH: Green Aventurine Tiger's Eye Citrine Peridot Green Calcite Pyrite Copper Amber Cinnabar Jade Crystals for attracting ANGELS: Angelite Selenite Amethyst Petalite Celestite Angel Aura Quartz Danburite Rose Quartz Crystals for ANIMALS: Amethyst Black Tourmaline Rose Quartz Tiger's Eye Amber Obsidian Bloodstone Fluorite Clear Quartz Dalmatian Jasper Crystals for PROTECTION: Black Kyanite Red Jasper Smoky Quartz Celestite Apache Tears Obsidian Hematite Black Tourmaline Crystals to help with ANXIETY: Astrophyllite Rose Quartz Celestite Labradorite Lepidolite Agate Blood Stone Crystals for WEIGHT LOSS: Blue Apatite Carnelian Tigers Eye Sodalite Rose Quartz Amethyst Sunstone Blue Kyanite Clear Quartz Additional Tips: 1. Only charge your crystal with one intention at a time. For example, rose quartz can be used for several different intentions, but make sure you only charge it with only one. You can always cleanse it and recharge it with a different intention down the line. 2. Create a Pinterest board with tons of idea and info on crystals that relate directly to you and your goals. 3. Put up a meditation corner that is filled with charged crystals for you to use to unwind and get motivated. 4. Keep a protection crystal in your car to make sure your trip is safe. 5. You can anoint your crystals with oils that correspond to your intentions for an extra kick. 6. Experiment with different crystals till you find what fits you best. 7. Any crystals you no longer want to use, you can, give away, re-sell or give back to Mother Earth. Only keep crystals you feel are supposed to be with you. 8. Visit Audra's crystal shop on Etsy which you can find here:

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